package nl.lang2619.bagginses.config; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import; /** * Created by Tim on 8/24/2014. */ public class ModConfig { public static String black, red, green, brown, blue, purple, cyan, silver, gray, pink, lime, yellow, lightBlue, magenta, orange, white; public static boolean whitelist; public static boolean bagPickUp, hotbarBagPickUp, soulbound, analytics; public static final String CATEGORY_WHITELIST = "whitelist"; public static final String CATEGORY_MISC = "miscellaneous config options"; public static void init(File file) { Configuration config = new Configuration(file); config.load(); config.setCategoryComment(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, ""); whitelist = config.get("whitelist", CATEGORY_WHITELIST, true, "If you want to blacklist items instead of whitelist, change this config to false").getBoolean(); config.setCategoryComment(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Input here all your whitelists per bag. \nIf empty, bag won't be added to the world.\nUse modid:* to whitelist the whole mod.\nFor example:\nminecraft:wool/2 will add Magenta wool to the whitelist. \nminecraft:wool will add every wool type. \nminecraft:wool/0+1+2 will add damage value 0,1 and 2.\nAdd multiple items by using a comma between items."); black = config.get(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Whitelist Items/Blocks for black bag", "").getString(); red = config.get(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Whitelist Items/Blocks for red bag", "").getString(); green = config.get(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Whitelist Items/Blocks for green bag", "").getString(); brown = config.get(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Whitelist Items/Blocks for brown bag", "").getString(); blue = config.get(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Whitelist Items/Blocks for blue bag", "").getString(); purple = config.get(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Whitelist Items/Blocks for purple bag", "").getString(); cyan = config.get(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Whitelist Items/Blocks for cyan bag", "").getString(); silver = config.get(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Whitelist Items/Blocks for silver bag", "").getString(); gray = config.get(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Whitelist Items/Blocks for gray bag", "").getString(); pink = config.get(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Whitelist Items/Blocks for pink bag", "").getString(); lime = config.get(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Whitelist Items/Blocks for lime bag", "").getString(); yellow = config.get(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Whitelist Items/Blocks for yellow bag", "").getString(); lightBlue = config.get(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Whitelist Items/Blocks for lightBlue bag", "").getString(); magenta = config.get(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Whitelist Items/Blocks for magenta bag", "").getString(); orange = config.get(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Whitelist Items/Blocks for orange bag", "").getString(); white = config.get(CATEGORY_WHITELIST, "Whitelist Items/Blocks for white bag", "").getString(); config.setCategoryComment(CATEGORY_MISC, "Miscellaneous config options related to the mod"); bagPickUp = config.get(CATEGORY_MISC, "Should bags be able to pick up items when dropped", true).getBoolean(); hotbarBagPickUp = config.get(CATEGORY_MISC, "Should bag pickup be enabled for bags in your hotbar?", true).getBoolean(); soulbound = config.get(CATEGORY_MISC, "Should soulbound bags be enabled?", true).getBoolean(); analytics = config.get(CATEGORY_MISC, "Do you consent to anonymous usage tracking?", true, "Visit for more info").getBoolean(); if (config.hasChanged()); } }