package com.breakinblocks.bbtweaks; /* * Creation and usage of the config file. */ import com.breakinblocks.bbtweaks.util.EventHandler; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import; import com.breakinblocks.bbtweaks.command.CommandBB; public class ConfigHandler { public static Configuration config; // Sections to add to the config public static String exampleSection = "Main Section"; // public static String generation = "Generation"; // Options in the config public static boolean exampleOption; // public static boolean enableGeneration; public static void init(File file) { config = new Configuration(file); syncConfig(); } public static void syncConfig() { config.addCustomCategoryComment(exampleSection, "Reserved for Future use"); // config.addCustomCategoryComment(generation, "This section contains // all settings regarding ore generation."); CommandBB.cooldown = config.get(exampleSection, "BreakbitCooldown", 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24).getInt(); CommandBB.maxBreakbits = config .get(exampleSection, "BreakbitMaximum", 32, "[1,64] Threshold for breakbit reset.").getInt(); exampleOption = config.get(exampleSection, "notReallyAnOption", true, "if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.").getBoolean(exampleOption); EventHandler.fluidTemperatureTooltipEnabled = config.get(exampleSection, "FluidTemperatureTooltip", true, "Show fluid temperature on tooltips.").getBoolean();; } }