/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.bitcoin.protocols.channels; import com.google.bitcoin.core.*; import com.google.bitcoin.utils.Threading; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap; import com.google.protobuf.ByteString; import net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; /** * This class maintains a set of {@link StoredClientChannel}s, automatically (re)broadcasting the contract transaction * and broadcasting the refund transaction over the given {@link TransactionBroadcaster}. */ public class StoredPaymentChannelClientStates implements WalletExtension { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StoredPaymentChannelClientStates.class); static final String EXTENSION_ID = StoredPaymentChannelClientStates.class.getName(); @GuardedBy("lock") @VisibleForTesting final HashMultimap<Sha256Hash, StoredClientChannel> mapChannels = HashMultimap.create(); @VisibleForTesting final Timer channelTimeoutHandler = new Timer(true); private Wallet containingWallet; private final TransactionBroadcaster announcePeerGroup; protected final ReentrantLock lock = Threading.lock("StoredPaymentChannelClientStates"); /** * Creates a new StoredPaymentChannelClientStates and associates it with the given {@link Wallet} and * {@link TransactionBroadcaster} which are used to complete and announce contract and refund * transactions. */ public StoredPaymentChannelClientStates(Wallet containingWallet, TransactionBroadcaster announcePeerGroup) { this.announcePeerGroup = checkNotNull(announcePeerGroup); this.containingWallet = checkNotNull(containingWallet); } /** Returns this extension from the given wallet, or null if no such extension was added. */ @Nullable public static StoredPaymentChannelClientStates getFromWallet(Wallet wallet) { return (StoredPaymentChannelClientStates) wallet.getExtensions().get(EXTENSION_ID); } /** Returns the outstanding amount of money sent back to us for all channels to this server added together. */ public BigInteger getBalanceForServer(Sha256Hash id) { BigInteger balance = BigInteger.ZERO; lock.lock(); try { Set<StoredClientChannel> setChannels = mapChannels.get(id); for (StoredClientChannel channel : setChannels) { synchronized (channel) { if (channel.close != null) continue; balance = balance.add(channel.valueToMe); } } return balance; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns the number of seconds from now until this servers next channel will expire, or zero if no unexpired * channels found. */ public long getSecondsUntilExpiry(Sha256Hash id) { lock.lock(); try { final Set<StoredClientChannel> setChannels = mapChannels.get(id); final long nowSeconds = Utils.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; int earliestTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (StoredClientChannel channel : setChannels) { synchronized (channel) { if (channel.expiryTimeSeconds() > nowSeconds) earliestTime = Math.min(earliestTime, (int) channel.expiryTimeSeconds()); } } return earliestTime == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? 0 : earliestTime - nowSeconds; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Finds an inactive channel with the given id and returns it, or returns null. */ @Nullable StoredClientChannel getUsableChannelForServerID(Sha256Hash id) { lock.lock(); try { Set<StoredClientChannel> setChannels = mapChannels.get(id); for (StoredClientChannel channel : setChannels) { synchronized (channel) { // Check if the channel is usable (has money, inactive) and if so, activate it. log.info("Considering channel {} contract {}", channel.hashCode(), channel.contract.getHash()); if (channel.close != null || channel.valueToMe.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) { log.info(" ... but is closed or empty"); continue; } if (!channel.active) { log.info(" ... activating"); channel.active = true; return channel; } log.info(" ... but is already active"); } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return null; } /** * Finds a channel with the given id and contract hash and returns it, or returns null. */ @Nullable StoredClientChannel getChannel(Sha256Hash id, Sha256Hash contractHash) { lock.lock(); try { Set<StoredClientChannel> setChannels = mapChannels.get(id); for (StoredClientChannel channel : setChannels) { if (channel.contract.getHash().equals(contractHash)) return channel; } return null; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Adds the given channel to this set of stored states, broadcasting the contract and refund transactions when the * channel expires and notifies the wallet of an update to this wallet extension */ void putChannel(final StoredClientChannel channel) { putChannel(channel, true); } // Adds this channel and optionally notifies the wallet of an update to this extension (used during deserialize) private void putChannel(final StoredClientChannel channel, boolean updateWallet) { lock.lock(); try { mapChannels.put(channel.id, channel); channelTimeoutHandler.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { removeChannel(channel); announcePeerGroup.broadcastTransaction(channel.contract); announcePeerGroup.broadcastTransaction(channel.refund); } // Add the difference between real time and Utils.now() so that test-cases can use a mock clock. }, new Date(channel.expiryTimeSeconds() * 1000 + (System.currentTimeMillis() - Utils.currentTimeMillis()))); } finally { lock.unlock(); } if (updateWallet) containingWallet.addOrUpdateExtension(this); } /** * <p>Removes the channel with the given id from this set of stored states and notifies the wallet of an update to * this wallet extension.</p> * * <p>Note that the channel will still have its contract and refund transactions broadcast via the connected * {@link TransactionBroadcaster} as long as this {@link StoredPaymentChannelClientStates} continues to * exist in memory.</p> */ void removeChannel(StoredClientChannel channel) { lock.lock(); try { mapChannels.remove(channel.id, channel); } finally { lock.unlock(); } containingWallet.addOrUpdateExtension(this); } @Override public String getWalletExtensionID() { return EXTENSION_ID; } @Override public boolean isWalletExtensionMandatory() { return false; } @Override public byte[] serializeWalletExtension() { lock.lock(); try { ClientState.StoredClientPaymentChannels.Builder builder = ClientState.StoredClientPaymentChannels.newBuilder(); for (StoredClientChannel channel : mapChannels.values()) { // First a few asserts to make sure things won't break checkState(channel.valueToMe.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) >= 0 && channel.valueToMe.compareTo(NetworkParameters.MAX_MONEY) < 0); checkState(channel.refundFees.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) >= 0 && channel.refundFees.compareTo(NetworkParameters.MAX_MONEY) < 0); checkNotNull(channel.myKey.getPrivKeyBytes()); checkState(channel.refund.getConfidence().getSource() == TransactionConfidence.Source.SELF); final ClientState.StoredClientPaymentChannel.Builder value = ClientState.StoredClientPaymentChannel.newBuilder() .setId(ByteString.copyFrom(channel.id.getBytes())) .setContractTransaction(ByteString.copyFrom(channel.contract.bitcoinSerialize())) .setRefundTransaction(ByteString.copyFrom(channel.refund.bitcoinSerialize())) .setMyKey(ByteString.copyFrom(channel.myKey.getPrivKeyBytes())) .setValueToMe(channel.valueToMe.longValue()) .setRefundFees(channel.refundFees.longValue()); if (channel.close != null) value.setCloseTransactionHash(ByteString.copyFrom(channel.close.getHash().getBytes())); builder.addChannels(value); } return builder.build().toByteArray(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @Override public void deserializeWalletExtension(Wallet containingWallet, byte[] data) throws Exception { lock.lock(); try { checkState(this.containingWallet == null || this.containingWallet == containingWallet); this.containingWallet = containingWallet; NetworkParameters params = containingWallet.getParams(); ClientState.StoredClientPaymentChannels states = ClientState.StoredClientPaymentChannels.parseFrom(data); for (ClientState.StoredClientPaymentChannel storedState : states.getChannelsList()) { Transaction refundTransaction = new Transaction(params, storedState.getRefundTransaction().toByteArray()); refundTransaction.getConfidence().setSource(TransactionConfidence.Source.SELF); StoredClientChannel channel = new StoredClientChannel(new Sha256Hash(storedState.getId().toByteArray()), new Transaction(params, storedState.getContractTransaction().toByteArray()), refundTransaction, new ECKey(new BigInteger(1, storedState.getMyKey().toByteArray()), null, true), BigInteger.valueOf(storedState.getValueToMe()), BigInteger.valueOf(storedState.getRefundFees()), false); if (storedState.hasCloseTransactionHash()) channel.close = containingWallet.getTransaction(new Sha256Hash(storedState.toByteArray())); putChannel(channel, false); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @Override public String toString() { lock.lock(); try { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("Client payment channel states:\n"); for (StoredClientChannel channel : mapChannels.values()) buf.append(" ").append(channel).append("\n"); return buf.toString(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } } /** * Represents the state of a channel once it has been opened in such a way that it can be stored and used to resume a * channel which was interrupted (eg on connection failure) or keep track of refund transactions which need broadcast * when they expire. */ class StoredClientChannel { Sha256Hash id; Transaction contract, refund; // The transaction that closed the channel (generated by the server) Transaction close; ECKey myKey; BigInteger valueToMe, refundFees; // In-memory flag to indicate intent to resume this channel (or that the channel is already in use) boolean active = false; StoredClientChannel(Sha256Hash id, Transaction contract, Transaction refund, ECKey myKey, BigInteger valueToMe, BigInteger refundFees, boolean active) { this.id = id; this.contract = contract; this.refund = refund; this.myKey = myKey; this.valueToMe = valueToMe; this.refundFees = refundFees; this.active = active; } long expiryTimeSeconds() { return refund.getLockTime() + 60 * 5; } @Override public String toString() { final String newline = String.format("%n"); final String closeStr = close == null ? "still open" : close.toString().replaceAll(newline, newline + " "); return String.format("Stored client channel for server ID %s (%s)%n" + " Key: %s%n" + " Value left: %d%n" + " Refund fees: %d%n" + " Contract: %s" + "Refund: %s" + "Close: %s", id, active ? "active" : "inactive", myKey, valueToMe, refundFees, contract.toString().replaceAll(newline, newline + " "), refund.toString().replaceAll(newline, newline + " "), closeStr); } }