/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.bitcoin.core; import com.google.bitcoin.utils.ListenerRegistration; import com.google.bitcoin.utils.Threading; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.SettableFuture; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.io.Serializable; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; /** * <p>A TransactionConfidence object tracks data you can use to make a confidence decision about a transaction. * It also contains some pre-canned rules for common scenarios: if you aren't really sure what level of confidence * you need, these should prove useful. You can get a confidence object using {@link Transaction#getConfidence()}. * They cannot be constructed directly.</p> * * <p>Confidence in a transaction can come in multiple ways:</p> * * <ul> * <li>Because you created it yourself and only you have the necessary keys.</li> * <li>Receiving it from a fully validating peer you know is trustworthy, for instance, because it's run by yourself.</li> * <li>Receiving it from a peer on the network you randomly chose. If your network connection is not being * intercepted, you have a pretty good chance of connecting to a node that is following the rules.</li> * <li>Receiving it from multiple peers on the network. If your network connection is not being intercepted, * hearing about a transaction from multiple peers indicates the network has accepted the transaction and * thus miners likely have too (miners have the final say in whether a transaction becomes valid or not).</li> * <li>Seeing the transaction appear appear in a block on the main chain. Your confidence increases as the transaction * becomes further buried under work. Work can be measured either in blocks (roughly, units of time), or * amount of work done.</li> * </ul> * * <p>Alternatively, you may know that the transaction is "dead", that is, one or more of its inputs have * been double spent and will never confirm unless there is another re-org.</p> * * <p>TransactionConfidence is updated via the {@link com.google.bitcoin.core.TransactionConfidence#notifyWorkDone(Block)} * method to ensure the block depth and work done are up to date.</p> * To make a copy that won't be changed, use {@link com.google.bitcoin.core.TransactionConfidence#duplicate()}. */ public class TransactionConfidence implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4577920141400556444L; /** * The peers that have announced the transaction to us. Network nodes don't have stable identities, so we use * IP address as an approximation. It's obviously vulnerable to being gamed if we allow arbitrary people to connect * to us, so only peers we explicitly connected to should go here. */ private CopyOnWriteArrayList<PeerAddress> broadcastBy; /** The Transaction that this confidence object is associated with. */ private final Transaction transaction; // Lazily created listeners array. private transient CopyOnWriteArrayList<ListenerRegistration<Listener>> listeners; // The depth of the transaction on the best chain in blocks. An unconfirmed block has depth 0. private int depth; // The cumulative work done for the blocks that bury this transaction. private BigInteger workDone = BigInteger.ZERO; /** Describes the state of the transaction in general terms. Properties can be read to learn specifics. */ public enum ConfidenceType { /** If BUILDING, then the transaction is included in the best chain and your confidence in it is increasing. */ BUILDING(1), /** * If PENDING, then the transaction is unconfirmed and should be included shortly, as long as it is being * announced and is considered valid by the network. A pending transaction will be announced if the containing * wallet has been attached to a live {@link PeerGroup} using {@link PeerGroup#addWallet(Wallet)}. * You can estimate how likely the transaction is to be included by connecting to a bunch of nodes then measuring * how many announce it, using {@link com.google.bitcoin.core.TransactionConfidence#numBroadcastPeers()}. * Or if you saw it from a trusted peer, you can assume it's valid and will get mined sooner or later as well. */ PENDING(2), /** * If DEAD, then it means the transaction won't confirm unless there is another re-org, * because some other transaction is spending one of its inputs. Such transactions should be alerted to the user * so they can take action, eg, suspending shipment of goods if they are a merchant. * It can also mean that a coinbase transaction has been made dead from it being moved onto a side chain. */ DEAD(4), /** * If a transaction hasn't been broadcast yet, or there's no record of it, its confidence is UNKNOWN. */ UNKNOWN(0); private int value; ConfidenceType(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } } private ConfidenceType confidenceType = ConfidenceType.UNKNOWN; private int appearedAtChainHeight = -1; // The transaction that double spent this one, if any. private Transaction overridingTransaction; /** * Information about where the transaction was first seen (network, sent direct from peer, created by ourselves). * Useful for risk analyzing pending transactions. Probably not that useful after a tx is included in the chain, * unless re-org double spends start happening frequently. */ public enum Source { /** We don't know where the transaction came from. */ UNKNOWN, /** We got this transaction from a network peer. */ NETWORK, /** This transaction was created by our own wallet, so we know it's not a double spend. */ SELF } private Source source = Source.UNKNOWN; public TransactionConfidence(Transaction tx) { // Assume a default number of peers for our set. broadcastBy = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<PeerAddress>(); listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<ListenerRegistration<Listener>>(); transaction = tx; } /** * <p>A confidence listener is informed when the level of {@link TransactionConfidence} is updated by something, like * for example a {@link Wallet}. You can add listeners to update your user interface or manage your order tracking * system when confidence levels pass a certain threshold. <b>Note that confidence can go down as well as up.</b> * For example, this can happen if somebody is doing a double-spend attack against you. Whilst it's unlikely, your * code should be able to handle that in order to be correct.</p> * * <p>During listener execution, it's safe to remove the current listener but not others.</p> */ public interface Listener { /** An enum that describes why a transaction confidence listener is being invoked (i.e. the class of change). */ public enum ChangeReason { /** * Occurs when the type returned by {@link com.google.bitcoin.core.TransactionConfidence#getConfidenceType()} * has changed. For example, if a PENDING transaction changes to BUILDING or DEAD, then this reason will * be given. It's a high level summary. */ TYPE, /** * Occurs when a transaction that is in the best known block chain gets buried by another block. If you're * waiting for a certain number of confirmations, this is the reason to watch out for. */ DEPTH, /** * Occurs when a pending transaction (not in the chain) was announced by another connected peers. By * watching the number of peers that announced a transaction go up, you can see whether it's being * accepted by the network or not. If all your peers announce, it's a pretty good bet the transaction * is considered relayable and has thus reached the miners. */ SEEN_PEERS, } public void onConfidenceChanged(Transaction tx, ChangeReason reason); } /** * <p>Adds an event listener that will be run when this confidence object is updated. The listener will be locked and * is likely to be invoked on a peer thread.</p> * * <p>Note that this is NOT called when every block arrives. Instead it is called when the transaction * transitions between confidence states, ie, from not being seen in the chain to being seen (not necessarily in * the best chain). If you want to know when the transaction gets buried under another block, consider using * a future from {@link #getDepthFuture(int)}.</p> */ public void addEventListener(Listener listener, Executor executor) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(listener); listeners.addIfAbsent(new ListenerRegistration<Listener>(listener, executor)); } /** * <p>Adds an event listener that will be run when this confidence object is updated. The listener will be locked and * is likely to be invoked on a peer thread.</p> * * <p>Note that this is NOT called when every block arrives. Instead it is called when the transaction * transitions between confidence states, ie, from not being seen in the chain to being seen (not necessarily in * the best chain). If you want to know when the transaction gets buried under another block, implement a * {@link BlockChainListener}, attach it to a {@link BlockChain} and then use the getters on the * confidence object to determine the new depth.</p> */ public void addEventListener(Listener listener) { addEventListener(listener, Threading.USER_THREAD); } public boolean removeEventListener(Listener listener) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(listener); return ListenerRegistration.removeFromList(listener, listeners); } /** * Returns the chain height at which the transaction appeared if confidence type is BUILDING. * @throws IllegalStateException if the confidence type is not BUILDING. */ public synchronized int getAppearedAtChainHeight() { if (getConfidenceType() != ConfidenceType.BUILDING) throw new IllegalStateException("Confidence type is " + getConfidenceType() + ", not BUILDING"); return appearedAtChainHeight; } /** * The chain height at which the transaction appeared, if it has been seen in the best chain. Automatically sets * the current type to {@link ConfidenceType#BUILDING} and depth to one. */ public synchronized void setAppearedAtChainHeight(int appearedAtChainHeight) { if (appearedAtChainHeight < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("appearedAtChainHeight out of range"); this.appearedAtChainHeight = appearedAtChainHeight; this.depth = 1; setConfidenceType(ConfidenceType.BUILDING); } /** * Returns a general statement of the level of confidence you can have in this transaction. */ public synchronized ConfidenceType getConfidenceType() { return confidenceType; } /** * Called by other objects in the system, like a {@link Wallet}, when new information about the confidence of a * transaction becomes available. */ public synchronized void setConfidenceType(ConfidenceType confidenceType) { // Don't inform the event listeners if the confidence didn't really change. if (confidenceType == this.confidenceType) return; this.confidenceType = confidenceType; if (confidenceType == ConfidenceType.PENDING) { depth = 0; appearedAtChainHeight = -1; workDone = BigInteger.ZERO; } } /** * Called by a {@link Peer} when a transaction is pending and announced by a peer. The more peers announce the * transaction, the more peers have validated it (assuming your internet connection is not being intercepted). * If confidence is currently unknown, sets it to {@link ConfidenceType#PENDING}. Listeners will be * invoked in this case. * * @param address IP address of the peer, used as a proxy for identity. */ public synchronized boolean markBroadcastBy(PeerAddress address) { if (!broadcastBy.addIfAbsent(address)) return false; // Duplicate. if (getConfidenceType() == ConfidenceType.UNKNOWN) { this.confidenceType = ConfidenceType.PENDING; } return true; } /** * Returns how many peers have been passed to {@link TransactionConfidence#markBroadcastBy}. */ public int numBroadcastPeers() { return broadcastBy.size(); } /** * Returns a snapshot of {@link PeerAddress}es that announced the transaction. */ public ListIterator<PeerAddress> getBroadcastBy() { return broadcastBy.listIterator(); } /** Returns true if the given address has been seen via markBroadcastBy() */ public boolean wasBroadcastBy(PeerAddress address) { return broadcastBy.contains(address); } @Override public synchronized String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); int peers = numBroadcastPeers(); if (peers > 0) { builder.append("Seen by "); builder.append(peers); if (peers > 1) builder.append(" peers. "); else builder.append(" peer. "); } switch (getConfidenceType()) { case UNKNOWN: builder.append("Unknown confidence level."); break; case DEAD: builder.append("Dead: overridden by double spend and will not confirm."); break; case PENDING: builder.append("Pending/unconfirmed."); break; case BUILDING: builder.append(String.format("Appeared in best chain at height %d, depth %d, work done %s.", getAppearedAtChainHeight(), getDepthInBlocks(), getWorkDone())); break; } return builder.toString(); } /** * Called by the wallet when the tx appears on the best chain and a new block is added to the top. * Updates the internal counter that tracks how deeply buried the block is. * Work is the value of block.getWork(). */ public synchronized boolean notifyWorkDone(Block block) throws VerificationException { if (getConfidenceType() != ConfidenceType.BUILDING) return false; // Should this be an assert? this.depth++; this.workDone = this.workDone.add(block.getWork()); return true; } /** * <p>Depth in the chain is an approximation of how much time has elapsed since the transaction has been confirmed. * On average there is supposed to be a new block every 10 minutes, but the actual rate may vary. The reference * (Satoshi) implementation considers a transaction impractical to reverse after 6 blocks, but as of EOY 2011 network * security is high enough that often only one block is considered enough even for high value transactions. For low * value transactions like songs, or other cheap items, no blocks at all may be necessary.</p> * * <p>If the transaction appears in the top block, the depth is one. If it's anything else (pending, dead, unknown) * the depth is zero.</p> */ public synchronized int getDepthInBlocks() { return depth; } /* * Set the depth in blocks. Having one block confirmation is a depth of one. */ public synchronized void setDepthInBlocks(int depth) { this.depth = depth; } /** * Returns the estimated amount of work (number of hashes performed) on this transaction. Work done is a measure of * security that is related to depth in blocks, but more predictable: the network will always attempt to produce six * blocks per hour by adjusting the difficulty target. So to know how much real computation effort is needed to * reverse a transaction, counting blocks is not enough. If a transaction has not confirmed, the result is zero. * @return estimated number of hashes needed to reverse the transaction. */ public synchronized BigInteger getWorkDone() { return workDone; } public synchronized void setWorkDone(BigInteger workDone) { this.workDone = workDone; } /** * If this transaction has been overridden by a double spend (is dead), this call returns the overriding transaction. * Note that this call <b>can return null</b> if you have migrated an old wallet, as pre-Jan 2012 wallets did not * store this information. * * @return the transaction that double spent this one * @throws IllegalStateException if confidence type is not OVERRIDDEN_BY_DOUBLE_SPEND. */ public synchronized Transaction getOverridingTransaction() { if (getConfidenceType() != ConfidenceType.DEAD) throw new IllegalStateException("Confidence type is " + getConfidenceType() + ", not OVERRIDDEN_BY_DOUBLE_SPEND"); return overridingTransaction; } /** * Called when the transaction becomes newly dead, that is, we learn that one of its inputs has already been spent * in such a way that the double-spending transaction takes precedence over this one. It will not become valid now * unless there is a re-org. Automatically sets the confidence type to DEAD. */ public synchronized void setOverridingTransaction(@Nullable Transaction overridingTransaction) { this.overridingTransaction = overridingTransaction; setConfidenceType(ConfidenceType.DEAD); } /** Returns a copy of this object. Event listeners are not duplicated. */ public synchronized TransactionConfidence duplicate() { TransactionConfidence c = new TransactionConfidence(transaction); // There is no point in this sync block, it's just to help FindBugs. synchronized (c) { c.broadcastBy.addAll(broadcastBy); c.confidenceType = confidenceType; c.overridingTransaction = overridingTransaction; c.appearedAtChainHeight = appearedAtChainHeight; return c; } } /** * Call this after adjusting the confidence, for cases where listeners should be notified. This has to be done * explicitly rather than being done automatically because sometimes complex changes to transaction states can * result in a series of confidence changes that are not really useful to see separately. By invoking listeners * explicitly, more precise control is available. Note that this will run the listeners on the user code thread. */ public void queueListeners(final Listener.ChangeReason reason) { for (final ListenerRegistration<Listener> registration : listeners) { registration.executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { registration.listener.onConfidenceChanged(transaction, reason); } }); } } /** * The source of a transaction tries to identify where it came from originally. For instance, did we download it * from the peer to peer network, or make it ourselves, or receive it via Bluetooth, or import it from another app, * and so on. This information is useful for {@link com.google.bitcoin.wallet.CoinSelector} implementations to risk analyze * transactions and decide when to spend them. */ public synchronized Source getSource() { return source; } /** * The source of a transaction tries to identify where it came from originally. For instance, did we download it * from the peer to peer network, or make it ourselves, or receive it via Bluetooth, or import it from another app, * and so on. This information is useful for {@link com.google.bitcoin.wallet.CoinSelector} implementations to risk analyze * transactions and decide when to spend them. */ public synchronized void setSource(Source source) { this.source = source; } /** * Returns a future that completes when the transaction has been confirmed by "depth" blocks. For instance setting * depth to one will wait until it appears in a block on the best chain, and zero will wait until it has been seen * on the network. */ public synchronized ListenableFuture<Transaction> getDepthFuture(final int depth, Executor executor) { final SettableFuture<Transaction> result = SettableFuture.create(); if (getDepthInBlocks() >= depth) { result.set(transaction); } addEventListener(new Listener() { @Override public void onConfidenceChanged(Transaction tx, ChangeReason reason) { if (getDepthInBlocks() >= depth) { removeEventListener(this); result.set(transaction); } } }, executor); return result; } public synchronized ListenableFuture<Transaction> getDepthFuture(final int depth) { return getDepthFuture(depth, Threading.USER_THREAD); } }