package com.sora.util.akatsuki; import static org.mockito.Matchers.any; import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq; import static org.mockito.Mockito.atLeastOnce; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.times; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Parameter; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import org.junit.Assert; import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor; import android.os.Bundle; import; public class RetainedStateTestEnvironment extends BaseTestEnvironment { public enum Accessor { PUT, GET } public interface FieldFilter { boolean test(TestField field, Class<?> type, Type[] arguments); } private BundleRetainer<Object> retainer; // no <?> because mokito blows up private BundleRetainerTester tester; public RetainedStateTestEnvironment(IntegrationTestBase base, List<TestSource> sources) { super(base, sources); } public RetainedStateTestEnvironment(IntegrationTestBase base, TestSource source, TestSource... required) { super(base, source, required); } @Override protected void setupTestEnvironment() throws Exception { final Class<?> testClass; // the first class is our test class final String fqcn = sources.get(0).fqcn(); System.out.println("Test environment contains:" + Arrays.toString( -> s.className()).toArray())); System.out.println("Loading " + fqcn + " as test class..."); testClass = classLoader().loadClass(fqcn); RetainerCache retainerCache = null; try { final Class<?> retainerCacheClass = classLoader().loadClass( Akatsuki.RETAINER_CACHE_PACKAGE + "." + Akatsuki.RETAINER_CACHE_NAME); retainerCache = (RetainerCache) retainerCacheClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception ignored) { // doesn't really matter // throw new AssertionError(ignored); } retainer = Internal.createRetainer(classLoader(), retainerCache, testClass, Retained.class); tester = new BundleRetainerTester(this, testClass.newInstance(), mock(Bundle.class), retainer); } public BundleRetainerTester tester() { return tester; } public static class BundleRetainerTester { private final TestEnvironment environment; private final Object mockedSource; private final Bundle mockedBundle; private final BundleRetainer<Object> retainer; BundleRetainerTester(TestEnvironment environment, Object mockedSource, Bundle mockedBundle, BundleRetainer<Object> retainer) { this.environment = environment; this.mockedSource = mockedSource; this.mockedBundle = mockedBundle; this.retainer = retainer; } public void invokeSave() { try {, mockedBundle); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("Unable to invoke save. " + environment.printReport(), e); } } public void invokeRestore() { try { retainer.restore(mockedSource, mockedBundle); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("Unable to invoke restore. " + environment.printReport(), e); } } public void invokeSaveAndRestore() { invokeSave(); invokeRestore(); } public void testSaveRestoreInvocation(Predicate<String> namePredicate, FieldFilter accessorTypeFilter, Set<RetainedTestField> fields, Function<TestField, Integer> times) { for (Accessor accessor : Accessor.values()) { executeTestCaseWithFields(fields, namePredicate, accessorTypeFilter, accessor, times); } } public void testSaveRestoreInvocation(Predicate<String> namePredicate, FieldFilter accessorTypeFilter, List<? extends RetainedTestField> fields, Function<TestField, Integer> times) { final HashSet<RetainedTestField> set = Sets.newHashSet(fields); if (set.size() != fields.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate fields are not allowed"); testSaveRestoreInvocation(namePredicate, accessorTypeFilter, set, times); } public static FieldFilter ALWAYS = (f, t, a) -> true; public static FieldFilter NEVER = (f, t, a) -> false; public static FieldFilter CLASS_EQ = (f, t, a) -> f.clazz.equals(t); public static FieldFilter ASSIGNABLE = (f, t, a) -> t.isAssignableFrom(f.clazz); public static class AccessorKeyPair { public final String putKey; public final String getKey; public AccessorKeyPair(String putKey, String getKey) { this.putKey = putKey; this.getKey = getKey; } public void assertSameKeyUsed() { Assert.assertEquals("Same key expected", putKey, getKey); } public void assertNotTheSame(AccessorKeyPair another) { Assert.assertNotEquals("Different keys expected", putKey, another.putKey); Assert.assertNotEquals("Different keys expected", getKey, another.getKey); } } public AccessorKeyPair captureTestCaseKeysWithField(RetainedTestField field, Predicate<String> methodNamePredicate, FieldFilter accessorTypeFilter) { return new AccessorKeyPair( captureTestCaseKeyWithField(field, methodNamePredicate, accessorTypeFilter, Accessor.PUT), captureTestCaseKeyWithField(field, methodNamePredicate, accessorTypeFilter, Accessor.GET)); } public String captureTestCaseKeyWithField(RetainedTestField field, Predicate<String> methodNamePredicate, FieldFilter accessorTypeFilter, Accessor accessor) { final ArgumentCaptor<String> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class); for (Method method : Bundle.class.getMethods()) { // check correct signature, name predicate and type if (!checkMethodIsAccessor(method, accessor) || !methodNamePredicate.test(method.getName()) || !filterTypes(method, accessor, accessorTypeFilter, field)) continue; try { if (accessor == Accessor.PUT) { method.invoke(verify(mockedBundle, atLeastOnce()), captor.capture(), any(field.clazz)); } else { method.invoke(verify(mockedBundle, atLeastOnce()), captor.capture()); } return captor.getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("Invocation of method " + method.getName() + " on mocked object " + "failed." + environment.printReport(), e); } } throw new RuntimeException("No invocation caught for field: " + field.toString() + environment.printReport()); } public void executeTestCaseWithFields(Set<? extends TestField> fieldList, Predicate<String> methodNamePredicate, FieldFilter accessorTypeFilter, Accessor accessor, Function<TestField, Integer> times) { Set<TestField> allFields = new HashSet<>(fieldList); for (Method method : Bundle.class.getMethods()) { // check correct signature and name predicate if (!checkMethodIsAccessor(method, accessor) || !methodNamePredicate.test(method.getName())) { continue; } // find methods who's accessor type matches the given fields List<TestField> matchingField = .filter(f -> filterTypes(method, accessor, accessorTypeFilter, f)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); // no signature match if (matchingField.isEmpty()) { continue; } // more than one match, we should have exactly one match if (matchingField.size() > 1) { throw new AssertionError(method.toString() + " matches multiple field " + fieldList + ", this is ambiguous and should not happen." + environment.printReport()); } final TestField field = matchingField.get(0); try { if (accessor == Accessor.PUT) { method.invoke(verify(mockedBundle, times(times.apply(field))), eq(, any(field.clazz)); } else { method.invoke(verify(mockedBundle, times(times.apply(field))), eq(; } allFields.remove(field); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("Invocation of method " + method.getName() + " on mocked object failed." + environment.printReport(), e); } } if (!allFields.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("While testing for accessor:" + accessor + " some fields are left untested because a suitable accessor cannot be found: " + allFields + environment.printReport()); } private boolean filterTypes(Method method, Accessor accessor, FieldFilter accessorTypeFilter, TestField field) { Parameter[] parameters = method.getParameters(); Class<?> type = accessor == Accessor.PUT ? parameters[1].getType() : method.getReturnType(); Type[] arguments = {}; final Type genericType = accessor == Accessor.PUT ? parameters[1].getParameterizedType() : method.getGenericReturnType(); if (genericType instanceof ParameterizedType) { // if field is not generic while accessor type is, bail if (!field.generic()) { return false; } // or else record the type argument for the filter arguments = ((ParameterizedType) genericType).getActualTypeArguments(); } return accessorTypeFilter.test(field, type, arguments); } private boolean checkMethodIsAccessor(Method method, Accessor accessor) { // Bundle accessor format: // put<Suffix>(String key, <Type>) : void // get<Suffix>(String key) : <Type> // the following are strictly obeyed // first parameter will always be a string // getter has 1 argument, setter has 2 // must start with "put" for getter ans "set" for setter // <Suffix> cannot be empty final String name = method.getName(); boolean correctSignature = name.startsWith( && name.length() > && method.getParameterCount() == (accessor == Accessor.PUT ? 2 : 1); if (!correctSignature) return false; final Parameter[] parameters = method.getParameters(); return parameters[0].getType().equals(String.class); } } }