package com.sora.util.akatsuki; public class AkatsukiProcessorIntegrationTest extends IntegrationTestBase { // TODO not ready for this yet // // TODO might not be the best way to test this.. // @Test(expected = AssertionError.class) // public void testSourceNotGeneratedWhenAllSkipped() throws IOException { // AnnotationSpec spec = AnnotationSpec.builder(Retained.class).addMember("skip", "$L", true) // .build(); // final JavaFileObject testClass = CodeGenUtils // .createTestClass(field(STRING_TYPE, "foo", spec), field(STRING_TYPE, "bar", spec)); // // // the assertion error is expected because no file should be generated // assertTestClass(testClass).compilesWithoutError().and().generatesFileNamed( // StandardLocation.SOURCE_OUTPUT, TEST_PACKAGE, // Internal.generateRetainerClassName(TEST_CLASS) + ".java"); // } }