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package org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.socket;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Zeppelin websocket massage template class.
public class Message {
* Representation of event type.
public static enum OP {
GET_HOME_NOTE, // [c-s] load note for home screen
GET_NOTE, // [c-s] client load note
// @param id note id
NOTE, // [s-c] note info
// @param note serialized Note object
PARAGRAPH, // [s-c] paragraph info
// @param paragraph serialized paragraph object
PROGRESS, // [s-c] progress update
// @param id paragraph id
// @param progress percentage progress
NEW_NOTE, // [c-s] create new notebook
DEL_NOTE, // [c-s] delete notebook
// @param id note id
CLONE_NOTE, // [c-s] clone new notebook
// @param id id of note to clone
// @param name name for the cloned note
IMPORT_NOTE, // [c-s] import notebook
// @param object notebook
UPDATE_PERSONALIZED_MODE, // [c-s] update personalized mode (boolean)
// @param note id and boolean personalized mode value
RUN_PARAGRAPH, // [c-s] run paragraph
// @param id paragraph id
// @param paragraph paragraph content.ie. script
// @param config paragraph config
// @param params paragraph params
COMMIT_PARAGRAPH, // [c-s] commit paragraph
// @param id paragraph id
// @param title paragraph title
// @param paragraph paragraph content.ie. script
// @param config paragraph config
// @param params paragraph params
CANCEL_PARAGRAPH, // [c-s] cancel paragraph run
// @param id paragraph id
MOVE_PARAGRAPH, // [c-s] move paragraph order
// @param id paragraph id
// @param index index the paragraph want to go
INSERT_PARAGRAPH, // [c-s] create new paragraph below current paragraph
// @param target index
COPY_PARAGRAPH, // [c-s] create new para below current para as a copy of current para
// @param target index
// @param title paragraph title
// @param paragraph paragraph content.ie. script
// @param config paragraph config
// @param params paragraph params
EDITOR_SETTING, // [c-s] ask paragraph editor setting
// @param magic magic keyword written in paragraph
// ex) spark.spark or spark
COMPLETION, // [c-s] ask completion candidates
// @param id
// @param buf current code
// @param cursor cursor position in code
COMPLETION_LIST, // [s-c] send back completion candidates list
// @param id
// @param completions list of string
LIST_NOTES, // [c-s] ask list of note
RELOAD_NOTES_FROM_REPO, // [c-s] reload notes from repo
NOTES_INFO, // [s-c] list of note infos
// @param notes serialized List<NoteInfo> object
PARAGRAPH_CLEAR_OUTPUT, // [c-s] clear output of paragraph
PARAGRAPH_CLEAR_ALL_OUTPUT, // [c-s] clear output of all paragraphs
PARAGRAPH_APPEND_OUTPUT, // [s-c] append output
PARAGRAPH_UPDATE_OUTPUT, // [s-c] update (replace) output
ANGULAR_OBJECT_UPDATE, // [s-c] add/update angular object
ANGULAR_OBJECT_REMOVE, // [s-c] add angular object del
ANGULAR_OBJECT_UPDATED, // [c-s] angular object value updated,
ANGULAR_OBJECT_CLIENT_BIND, // [c-s] angular object updated from AngularJS z object
ANGULAR_OBJECT_CLIENT_UNBIND, // [c-s] angular object unbind from AngularJS z object
LIST_CONFIGURATIONS, // [c-s] ask all key/value pairs of configurations
CONFIGURATIONS_INFO, // [s-c] all key/value pairs of configurations
// @param settings serialized Map<String, String> object
CHECKPOINT_NOTE, // [c-s] checkpoint note to storage repository
// @param noteId
// @param checkpointName
LIST_REVISION_HISTORY, // [c-s] list revision history of the notebook
// @param noteId
NOTE_REVISION, // [c-s] get certain revision of note
// @param noteId
// @param revisionId
SET_NOTE_REVISION, // [c-s] set current notebook head to this revision
// @param noteId
// @param revisionId
APP_APPEND_OUTPUT, // [s-c] append output
APP_UPDATE_OUTPUT, // [s-c] update (replace) output
APP_LOAD, // [s-c] on app load
APP_STATUS_CHANGE, // [s-c] on app status change
LIST_NOTE_JOBS, // [c-s] get note job management information
LIST_UPDATE_NOTE_JOBS, // [c-s] get job management information for until unixtime
UNSUBSCRIBE_UPDATE_NOTE_JOBS, // [c-s] unsubscribe job information for job management
// @param unixTime
GET_INTERPRETER_BINDINGS, // [c-s] get interpreter bindings
// @param noteId
SAVE_INTERPRETER_BINDINGS, // [c-s] save interpreter bindings
// @param noteId
// @param selectedSettingIds
INTERPRETER_BINDINGS, // [s-c] interpreter bindings
GET_INTERPRETER_SETTINGS, // [c-s] get interpreter settings
INTERPRETER_SETTINGS, // [s-c] interpreter settings
ERROR_INFO, // [s-c] error information to be sent
SESSION_LOGOUT, // [s-c] error information to be sent
WATCHER, // [s-c] Change websocket to watcher mode.
PARAGRAPH_ADDED, // [s-c] paragraph is added
PARAGRAPH_REMOVED, // [s-c] paragraph deleted
PARAGRAPH_MOVED, // [s-c] paragraph moved
NOTE_UPDATED, // [s-c] paragraph updated(name, config)
RUN_ALL_PARAGRAPHS, // [c-s] run all paragraphs
PARAGRAPH_EXECUTED_BY_SPELL, // [c-s] paragraph was executed by spell
RUN_PARAGRAPH_USING_SPELL, // [s-c] run paragraph using spell
PARAS_INFO // [s-c] paragraph runtime infos
public static final Message EMPTY = new Message(null);
public OP op;
public Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
public String ticket = "anonymous";
public String principal = "anonymous";
public String roles = "";
public Message(OP op) {
this.op = op;
public Message put(String k, Object v) {
data.put(k, v);
return this;
public Object get(String k) {
return data.get(k);
public <T> T getType(String key) {
return (T) data.get(key);
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Message{");
sb.append(", op=").append(op);
return sb.toString();