/* Client.java
Mar 20, 2012 Created by pao
Copyright (C) 2011 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
package org.zkoss.zats.mimic;
import java.util.Map;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Execution;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Executions;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.LanguageDefinition;
* Represent a client that can connect to zul files. It plays a role like a browser but without rendering anything.
* @author Hawk
* @author Dennis
* @author Pao
* @author jumperchen
public interface Client {
* connect to a zul file, you have to provide the path that relative to the resource root folder
* @see ZatsEnvironment#init(String)
DesktopAgent connect(String zulPath);
* connect to a zul file, you have to provide the path that relative to the resource root folder.
* You can pass arguments through a map into the specific zul file as including.
* @param zulPath the path of zul file.
* @param args the arguments to pass.
* @return desktop agent.
* @see ZatsEnvironment#init(String)
DesktopAgent connectAsIncluded(String zulPath, Map<String, Object> args);
* Connect to a zul content or another language from a string.
* You can pass arguments through a map into the specific zul content or another
* language.
* @param content the raw content of the page. It must be a XML and
* compliant to the page format (such as ZUL).
* @param extension the default extension if the content doesn't specify
* an language. In other words, if
* the content doesn't specify an language, {@link LanguageDefinition#getByExtension}
* is called.
* If extension is null and the content doesn't specify a language,
* the language called "xul/html" is assumed.
* @param parent the parent component, or null if you want it to be
* a root component. If parent is null, the page is assumed to be
* the current page, which is determined by the execution context.
* In other words, the new component will be the root component
* of the current page if parent is null.
* @param arg a map of parameters that is accessible by the arg variable
* in EL, or by {@link Execution#getArg}.
* Ignored if null.
* @since 1.2.1
* @return desktop agent.
* @see Executions#createComponentsDirectly(String, String, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component, Map)
DesktopAgent connectWithContent(String content, String ext, ComponentAgent parent, Map<String, Object> args);
* destroy this client, it will also destory all un-destroyed desktops that is created by this client
void destroy();
* set cookie for the client, the cookie will be sent at every HTTP request.
* The cookie name can't start with '$'. Please refer to section 3.2.2 of RFC 2965.
* If the name existed, the origin value will be replaced.
* @param name The name of the cookie, it should not be null or empty string.
* @param value The value of the cookie. If the value is null, it will erase this cookie.
* @since 1.1.0
void setCookie(String name, String value);
* get value of cookie with specify name.
* @param name The name of the cookie, it should not be null or empty string.
* @return the cookie value if cookie is existed or null otherwise.
* @since 1.1.0
String getCookie(String name);
* get all cookies in an unmodifiable map.
* @return the map contained cookies.
* @since 1.1.0
Map<String, String> getCookies();
* change the echo event handling mode.
* the default mode is EchoEventMode.IMMEDIATE
* @see EchoEventMode
* @param mode Control echo event handling mode. If null, do nothing.
* @since 1.1.0
void setEchoEventMode(EchoEventMode mode);
* get the current echo event handling mode.
* the default mode is EchoEventMode.IMMEDIATE
* @see EchoEventMode
* @return current echo event handling mode.
* @since 1.1.0
EchoEventMode getEchoEventMode();