package org.sculptor.simplecqrs.command.domain; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.sculptor.framework.event.DynamicMethodDispatcher; /** * Entity representing InventoryItem. * <p> * This class is responsible for the domain object related business logic for * InventoryItem. Properties and associations are implemented in the generated * base class {@link org.sample.simplecqrs.command.domain.InventoryItemBase}. */ public class InventoryItem extends InventoryItemBase { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected InventoryItem() { } /** * Use {@link #createNew(String, String)} for constructing new InventoryItem * instances. This constructor is needed for persistence mapper. */ public InventoryItem(String itemId) { super(itemId); } public static InventoryItem createNew(String itemId, String name) { InventoryItem result = new InventoryItem(itemId); result.applyChange(new InventoryItemCreated(new Date(), itemId, name)); return result; } public void rename(String newName) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(newName)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("newName"); applyChange(new InventoryItemRenamed(new Date(), getItemId(), newName)); } public void deactivate() { if (!isActivated()) throw new IllegalStateException("already deactivated"); applyChange(new InventoryItemDeactivated(new Date(), getItemId())); } public void checkIn(int some) { if (some <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("must have a count greater than 0 to add to inventory"); applyChange(new ItemsCheckedInToInventory(new Date(), getItemId(), some)); } public void remove(int some) { if (some <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("cant remove negative count from inventory"); applyChange(new ItemsRemovedFromInventory(new Date(), getItemId(), some)); } public void apply(InventoryItemCreated event) { setName(event.getName()); setActivated(true); } public void apply(InventoryItemDeactivated event) { setActivated(false); } public void apply(InventoryItemRenamed event) { setName(event.getNewName()); } public void apply(ItemsCheckedInToInventory event) { changeCurrentCount(event.getCountChange()); } public void apply(ItemsRemovedFromInventory event) { changeCurrentCount(-event.getCountChange()); } private void changeCurrentCount(int change) { setCurrentCount(getCurrentCount() + change); } public void apply(Object other) { // ignore } private final List<InventoryItemEvent> changes = new ArrayList<InventoryItemEvent>(); public List<InventoryItemEvent> getUncommittedChanges() { return changes; } public void markChangesAsCommitted() { changes.clear(); } private void applyChange(InventoryItemEvent event, boolean isNew) { DynamicMethodDispatcher.dispatch(this, event, "apply"); if (isNew) { changes.add(event); } else { setVersion(event.getAggregateVersion()); } } private void applyChange(InventoryItemEvent event) { applyChange(event, true); } public void loadFromHistory(List<InventoryItemEvent> history) { for (InventoryItemEvent each : history) { applyChange(each, false); } } public void applySnapshot(InventoryItemSnapshot snapshot) { if (snapshot == null) { return; } // in real world you would use a better format than this String[] stateParts = snapshot.getState().split("\\|"); setActivated(Boolean.valueOf(stateParts[0])); setName(stateParts[1]); setCurrentCount(Integer.valueOf(stateParts[2])); setVersion(snapshot.getVersion()); } public InventoryItemSnapshot createSnapshot() { // in real world you would use a better format than this StringBuilder state = new StringBuilder(); state.append(isActivated()).append("|"); state.append(getName()).append("|"); state.append(getCurrentCount()).append("|"); return new InventoryItemSnapshot(getItemId(), state.toString(), getVersion()); } }