package com.maxifier.guice.lifecycle; import*; import; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import static org.testng.Assert.*; /** * Project: Maxifier * Date: 17.09.2009 * Time: 15:23:47 * <p/> * Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Magenta Corporation Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * Magenta Technology proprietary and confidential. * Use is subject to license terms. * * @author Aleksey Didik */ public class LifecycleTest { @Test public void testLifecycle() { final Instance instance = new Instance(); Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new LifecycleModule(), new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { bind(Foo1.class).to(Annotated.class); bind(Foo2.class).to(NotAnnotated.class).in(Scopes.SINGLETON); bind(Foo3.class).to(Eager.class).asEagerSingleton(); bind(Alone.class).asEagerSingleton(); bind(WithErrors.class); bind(ToInstance.class).toInstance(instance); bind(Foo1.class).annotatedWith(Names.named("foo")).toProvider(FooProvider.class); bind(Foo1.class).annotatedWith(Names.named("foo-instance")).toProvider(new FooProviderInstance()); } }); Annotated annotated = (Annotated) injector.getInstance(Foo1.class); NotAnnotated notAnnotated = (NotAnnotated) injector.getInstance(Foo2.class); Eager eager = (Eager) injector.getInstance(Foo3.class); Alone alone = injector.getInstance(Alone.class); injector.getInstance(Key.get(Foo1.class, Names.named("foo"))); WithErrors withErrors = injector.getInstance(WithErrors.class); assertTrue(annotated.started); assertTrue(notAnnotated.started); assertTrue(eager.started); assertTrue(alone.started); assertTrue(FooProvider.started); assertTrue(FooProviderInstance.started); assertFalse(instance.finished); assertFalse(annotated.finished); assertFalse(notAnnotated.finished); assertFalse(eager.finished); assertFalse(alone.finished); assertFalse(FooProvider.finished); assertFalse(FooProviderInstance.finished); Lifecycle.Errors errors = Lifecycle.destroy(injector); assertTrue(annotated.finished); assertTrue(notAnnotated.finished); assertTrue(eager.finished); assertTrue(alone.finished); assertTrue(FooProviderInstance.finished); assertTrue(FooProvider.finished); assertTrue(annotated.started); assertTrue(notAnnotated.started); assertTrue(FooProvider.started); assertTrue(FooProviderInstance.started); assertTrue(eager.started); assertTrue(alone.started); assertTrue(instance.finished); assertEquals(errors.getErrorsMap().size(), 1); Throwable cause = errors.getErrorsMap().get(withErrors); assertNotNull(cause); errors.print(); } static interface Foo1 { } static interface Foo2 { } static interface Foo3 { } static interface ToInstance { } @Singleton static class Annotated implements Foo1 { boolean started = false; boolean finished = false; @PostConstruct void start() { started = true; } @PreDestroy void finish() { finished = true; } } static class NotAnnotated implements Foo2 { boolean started = false; boolean finished = false; @PostConstruct void start() { started = true; } @PreDestroy void finish() { finished = true; } } static class Alone { boolean started = false; boolean finished = false; @PostConstruct void start() { started = true; } @PreDestroy void finish() { finished = true; } } static class Eager implements Foo3 { boolean started = false; boolean finished = false; @PostConstruct void start() { started = true; } @PreDestroy void finish() { finished = true; } } @Singleton static class WithErrors { @PreDestroy void finish(Object a) { } } static class FooProvider implements Provider<Foo1> { static boolean started = false; static boolean finished = false; @PostConstruct void create() { started = true; } @Override public Foo1 get() { return null; } @PreDestroy void destroy() { finished = true; } } static class FooProviderInstance implements Provider<Foo1> { static boolean started = false; static boolean finished = false; @PostConstruct void create() { started = true; } @Override public Foo1 get() { return null; } @PreDestroy void destroy() { finished = true; } } static class Instance implements ToInstance { boolean finished = false; @PreDestroy void finish() { finished = true; } } }