/* * KINGSTAR MEDIA SOLUTIONS Co.,LTD. Copyright c 2005-2013. All rights reserved. * * This source code is the property of KINGSTAR MEDIA SOLUTIONS LTD. It is intended * only for the use of KINGSTAR MEDIA application development. Reengineering, reproduction * arose from modification of the original source, or other redistribution of this source * is not permitted without written permission of the KINGSTAR MEDIA SOLUTIONS LTD. */ package me.chanjar.weixin.mp.util.json; import com.google.gson.*; import me.chanjar.weixin.common.util.json.GsonHelper; import me.chanjar.weixin.mp.bean.WxMpGroup; import java.lang.reflect.Type; public class WxMpGroupGsonAdapter implements JsonSerializer<WxMpGroup>, JsonDeserializer<WxMpGroup> { public JsonElement serialize(WxMpGroup group, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); JsonObject groupJson = new JsonObject(); groupJson.addProperty("name", group.getName()); groupJson.addProperty("id", group.getId()); groupJson.addProperty("count", group.getCount()); json.add("group", groupJson); return json; } public WxMpGroup deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { WxMpGroup group = new WxMpGroup(); JsonObject groupJson = json.getAsJsonObject(); if (json.getAsJsonObject().get("group") != null) { groupJson = json.getAsJsonObject().get("group").getAsJsonObject(); } if (groupJson.get("name") != null && !groupJson.get("name").isJsonNull()) { group.setName(GsonHelper.getAsString(groupJson.get("name"))); } if (groupJson.get("id") != null && !groupJson.get("id").isJsonNull()) { group.setId(GsonHelper.getAsPrimitiveLong(groupJson.get("id"))); } if (groupJson.get("count") != null && !groupJson.get("count").isJsonNull()) { group.setCount(GsonHelper.getAsPrimitiveLong(groupJson.get("count"))); } return group; } }