Copyright (C) 2001, 2006 United States Government
as represented by the Administrator of the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
All Rights Reserved.
package gov.nasa.worldwind.render;
import com.sun.opengl.util.texture.TextureCoords;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.TextureCache;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.LayerList;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.pick.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.PerformanceStatistic;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.View;
import javax.media.opengl.*;
import javax.media.opengl.glu.GLU;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
* @author Tom Gaskins
* @version $Id: DrawContext.java 5101 2008-04-21 05:39:29Z tgaskins $
public interface DrawContext extends WWObject, Disposable
* Assigns this <code>DrawContext</code> a new </code>javax.media.opengl.GLContext</code>. May throw a
* <code>NullPointerException</code> if <code>glContext</code> is null.
* @param glContext the new <code>javax.media.opengl.GLContext</code>
* @throws NullPointerException if glContext is null
* @since 1.5
void setGLContext(GLContext glContext);
* Retrieves this <code>DrawContext</code>s </code>javax.media.opengl.GLContext</code>. If this method returns null,
* then there are potentially no active <code>GLContext</code>s and rendering should be aborted.
* @return this <code>DrawContext</code>s </code>javax.media.opengl.GLContext</code>.
* @since 1.5
GLContext getGLContext();
* Retrieves the current <code>javax.media.opengl.GL</code>. A <code>GL</code> or <code>GLU</code> is required for
* all graphical rendering in World Wind Raptor.
* @return the current <code>GL</code> if available, null otherwise
* @since 1.5
GL getGL();
* Retrieves the current <code>javax.media.opengl.glu.GLU</code>. A <code>GLU</code> or <code>GL</code> is required
* for all graphical rendering in World Wind Raptor.
* @return the current <code>GLU</code> if available, null otherwise
* @since 1.5
GLU getGLU();
* Retrieves the current<code>javax.media.opengl.GLDrawable</code>. A <code>GLDrawable</code> can be used to create
* a <code>GLContext</code>, which can then be used for rendering.
* @return the current <code>GLDrawable</code>, null if none available
* @since 1.5
GLDrawable getGLDrawable();
* Retrieves the drawable width of this <code>DrawContext</code>.
* @return the drawable width of this <code>DrawCOntext</code>
* @since 1.5
int getDrawableWidth();
* Retrieves the drawable height of this <code>DrawContext</code>.
* @return the drawable height of this <code>DrawCOntext</code>
* @since 1.5
int getDrawableHeight();
* Initializes this <code>DrawContext</code>. This method should be called at the beginning of each frame to prepare
* the <code>DrawContext</code> for the coming render pass.
* @param glContext the <code>javax.media.opengl.GLContext</code> to use for this render pass
* @since 1.5
void initialize(GLContext glContext);
* Assigns a new <code>View</code>. Some layers cannot function properly with a null <code>View</code>. It is
* recommended that the <code>View</code> is never set to null during a normal render pass.
* @param view the enw <code>View</code>
* @since 1.5
void setView(View view);
* Retrieves the current <code>View</code>, which may be null.
* @return the current <code>View</code>, which may be null
* @since 1.5
View getView();
* Assign a new <code>Model</code>. Some layers cannot function properly with a null <code>Model</code>. It is
* recommended that the <code>Model</code> is never set to null during a normal render pass.
* @param model the new <code>Model</code>
* @since 1.5
void setModel(Model model);
* Retrieves the current <code>Model</code>, which may be null.
* @return the current <code>Model</code>, which may be null
* @since 1.5
Model getModel();
* Retrieves the current <code>Globe</code>, which may be null.
* @return the current <code>Globe</code>, which may be null
* @since 1.5
Globe getGlobe();
* Retrieves a list containing all the current layers. No guarantee is made about the order of the layers.
* @return a <code>LayerList</code> containing all the current layers
* @since 1.5
LayerList getLayers();
* Retrieves a <code>Sector</code> which is at least as large as the current visible sector. The value returned is
* the value passed to <code>SetVisibleSector</code>. This method may return null.
* @return a <code>Sector</code> at least the size of the curernt visible sector, null if unavailable
* @since 1.5
Sector getVisibleSector();
* Sets the visible <code>Sector</code>. The new visible sector must completely encompass the Sector which is
* visible on the display.
* @param s the new visible <code>Sector</code>
* @since 1.5
void setVisibleSector(Sector s);
* Sets the vertical exaggeration. Vertical exaggeration affects the appearance of areas with varied elevation. A
* vertical exaggeration of zero creates a surface which exactly fits the shape of the underlying
* <code>Globe</code>. A vertical exaggeration of 3 will create mountains and valleys which are three times as
* high/deep as they really are.
* @param verticalExaggeration the new vertical exaggeration.
* @since 1.5
void setVerticalExaggeration(double verticalExaggeration);
* Retrieves the current vertical exaggeration. Vertical exaggeration affects the appearance of areas with varied
* elevation. A vertical exaggeration of zero creates a surface which exactly fits the shape of the underlying
* <code>Globe</code>. A vertical exaggeration of 3 will create mountains and valleys which are three times as
* high/deep as they really are.
* @return the current vertical exaggeration
* @since 1.5
double getVerticalExaggeration();
// not used (12th January 2007)
final static String HIGH_PRIORITY = "gov.nasa.worldwind.DrawContext.HighPriority";
final static String LOW_PRIORITY = "gov.nasa.worldwind.DrawContext.LowPriority";
* Retrieves a list of all the sectors rendered so far this frame.
* @return a <code>SectorGeometryList</code> containing every <code>SectorGeometry</code> rendered so far this
* render pass.
* @since 1.5
SectorGeometryList getSurfaceGeometry();
// /**
// * Sets the average render time per frame in milliseconds.
// *
// * @param timeMillis the new average time in milliseconds
// * @since 1.5
// */
// void setAverageRenderTimeMillis(double timeMillis);
// /**
// * Retrieves the current average render time for a frame. The average render time can be used to calculate the
// * framerate.
// *
// * @return the current average render time for a frame
// * @since 1.5
// */
// double getAverageRenderTimeMillis();
* Returns the list of objects picked during the most recent pick traversal.
* @return the list of picked objects
PickedObjectList getPickedObjects();
* Adds a collection of picked objects to the current picked-object list
* @param pickedObjects the objects to add
void addPickedObjects(PickedObjectList pickedObjects);
* Adds a single insatnce of the picked object to the current picked-object list
* @param pickedObject the object to add
void addPickedObject(PickedObject pickedObject);
* Returns a unique color to serve as a pick identifier during picking.
* @return a unique pick color
java.awt.Color getUniquePickColor();
java.awt.Color getClearColor();
* Enables color picking mode
void enablePickingMode();
* Returns true if the Picking mode is active, otherwise return false
* @return true for Picking mode, otherwise false
boolean isPickingMode();
* Disables color picking mode
void disablePickingMode();
void addOrderedRenderable(OrderedRenderable orderedRenderable);
java.util.Queue<OrderedRenderable> getOrderedRenderables();
void drawUnitQuad();
void drawUnitQuad(TextureCoords texCoords);
int getNumTextureUnits();
void setNumTextureUnits(int numTextureUnits);
void setSurfaceGeometry(SectorGeometryList surfaceGeometry);
Vec4 getPointOnGlobe(Angle latitude, Angle longitude);
SurfaceTileRenderer getGeographicSurfaceTileRenderer();
Point getPickPoint();
void setPickPoint(Point pickPoint);
TextureCache getTextureCache();
void setTextureCache(TextureCache textureCache);
Collection<PerformanceStatistic> getPerFrameStatistics();
void setPerFrameStatisticsKeys(Set<String> statKeys, Collection<PerformanceStatistic> stats);
void setPerFrameStatistic(String key, String displayName, Object statistic);
void setPerFrameStatistics(Collection<PerformanceStatistic> stats);
Set<String> getPerFrameStatisticsKeys();
Point getViewportCenterScreenPoint();
void setViewportCenterScreenPoint(Point viewportCenterPoint);
Position getViewportCenterPosition();
void setViewportCenterPosition(Position viewportCenterPosition);
TextRendererCache getTextRendererCache();
void setTextRendererCache(TextRendererCache textRendererCache);
Vec4 getViewportCenterSurfacePoint();
Vec4 getViewportCenterGlobePoint();
AnnotationRenderer getAnnotationRenderer();
void setAnnotationRenderer(AnnotationRenderer annotationRenderer);