package org.codesharp.traffic; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; public abstract class Node { private MessageHandle handle; private NodeProxy next; private Map<Object, Connection> nodes = new HashMap<Object, Connection>(); private Map<Object, Connection[]> routes = new HashMap<Object, Connection[]>(); private Random random = new Random(); public Node(MessageHandle handle) { this.handle = handle; } public abstract Object flag(); protected abstract void process(Object msg); public void setNext(NodeProxy next) { = next; } public void accept(Connection conn) { this.nodes.put(, conn); // FIXME connection list this.routes.put(conn.flag(), new Connection[] { conn }); } public void onMessage(Object msg, Connection from) { byte cmd = this.handle.getCommand(msg); switch (cmd) { case Commands.MSG: this.internalOnMessage(this.handle.append(msg,, from); break; case Commands.ACK: this.internalOnAck(msg); break; default: Asserter.throwUnsupportedCommand(cmd); break; } } protected void internalOnMessage(Object msg, Connection from) { Object dst = this.handle.getDestination(msg); // FIXME dst match with flag, should be included in route() if (this.flag().equals(dst)) { this.process(msg); return; } Connection conn = this.route(dst, from); if (conn != null) { conn.send(msg); return; } if ( != null) {; return; } this.internalOnAck(this.handle.unknownDestination(msg)); System.out.println("[ERROR] drop msg as unknown destination: " + dst); } protected void internalOnAck(Object msg) { Object next = this.handle.getNext(msg); if (next == null) { this.process(msg); return; } Connection n = this.nodes.get(next); if (n != null) n.send(msg); else System.out.println("[ERROR] drop msg as next broken: " + next); } protected Connection route(Object dst, Connection from) { Connection[] nodes = this.routes.get(dst); return nodes != null && nodes.length > 0 ? nodes[this.random.nextInt(nodes.length)] : null; } }