package org.testcontainers; import com.github.dockerjava.api.DockerClient; import com.github.dockerjava.api.command.CreateContainerCmd; import com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.InternalServerErrorException; import com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.NotFoundException; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Image; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Info; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Version; import com.github.dockerjava.core.command.PullImageResultCallback; import lombok.Synchronized; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.testcontainers.dockerclient.*; import org.testcontainers.utility.TestcontainersConfiguration; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Consumer; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; /** * Singleton class that provides initialized Docker clients. * <p> * The correct client configuration to use will be determined on first use, and cached thereafter. */ @Slf4j public class DockerClientFactory { private static final String TINY_IMAGE = TestcontainersConfiguration.getInstance().getTinyImage(); private static DockerClientFactory instance; // Cached client configuration private DockerClientProviderStrategy strategy; private boolean preconditionsChecked = false; private static final List<DockerClientProviderStrategy> CONFIGURATION_STRATEGIES = asList(new EnvironmentAndSystemPropertyClientProviderStrategy(), new UnixSocketClientProviderStrategy(), new ProxiedUnixSocketClientProviderStrategy(), new DockerMachineClientProviderStrategy(), new WindowsClientProviderStrategy()); private String activeApiVersion; private String activeExecutionDriver; static { System.setProperty("", "org.testcontainers.shaded."); } /** * Private constructor */ private DockerClientFactory() { } /** * Obtain an instance of the DockerClientFactory. * * @return the singleton instance of DockerClientFactory */ public synchronized static DockerClientFactory instance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new DockerClientFactory(); } return instance; } /** * * @return a new initialized Docker client */ @Synchronized public DockerClient client() { if (strategy != null) { return strategy.getClient(); } strategy = DockerClientProviderStrategy.getFirstValidStrategy(CONFIGURATION_STRATEGIES);"Docker host IP address is {}", strategy.getDockerHostIpAddress()); DockerClient client = strategy.getClient(); if (!preconditionsChecked) { Info dockerInfo = client.infoCmd().exec(); Version version = client.versionCmd().exec(); activeApiVersion = version.getApiVersion(); activeExecutionDriver = dockerInfo.getExecutionDriver();"Connected to docker: \n" + " Server Version: " + dockerInfo.getServerVersion() + "\n" + " API Version: " + activeApiVersion + "\n" + " Operating System: " + dockerInfo.getOperatingSystem() + "\n" + " Total Memory: " + dockerInfo.getMemTotal() / (1024 * 1024) + " MB"); checkVersion(version.getVersion()); checkDiskSpaceAndHandleExceptions(client); preconditionsChecked = true; } return client; } /** * Check whether the image is available locally and pull it otherwise */ private void checkAndPullImage(DockerClient client, String image) { List<Image> images = client.listImagesCmd().withImageNameFilter(image).exec(); if (images.isEmpty()) { client.pullImageCmd(image).exec(new PullImageResultCallback()).awaitSuccess(); } } /** * @return the IP address of the host running Docker */ public String dockerHostIpAddress() { return strategy.getDockerHostIpAddress(); } private void checkVersion(String version) { String[] splitVersion = version.split("\\."); if (Integer.valueOf(splitVersion[0]) <= 1 && Integer.valueOf(splitVersion[1]) < 6) { throw new IllegalStateException("Docker version 1.6.0+ is required, but version " + version + " was found"); } } private void checkDiskSpaceAndHandleExceptions(DockerClient client) { try { checkDiskSpace(client); } catch (NotEnoughDiskSpaceException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Encountered and ignored error while checking disk space", e); } } /** * Check whether this docker installation is likely to have disk space problems * @param client an active Docker client */ private void checkDiskSpace(DockerClient client) { DiskSpaceUsage df = runInsideDocker(client, cmd -> cmd.withCmd("df", "-P"), (dockerClient, id) -> { String logResults = dockerClient.logContainerCmd(id) .withStdOut(true) .exec(new LogToStringContainerCallback()) .toString(); return parseAvailableDiskSpace(logResults); });"Disk utilization in Docker environment is {} ({} )", -> x + "%").orElse("unknown"), -> x + " MB available").orElse("unknown available")); if ( -> it < 2048).orElse(false)) { log.error("Docker environment has less than 2GB free - execution is unlikely to succeed so will be aborted."); throw new NotEnoughDiskSpaceException("Not enough disk space in Docker environment"); } } public <T> T runInsideDocker(Consumer<CreateContainerCmd> createContainerCmdConsumer, BiFunction<DockerClient, String, T> block) { if (strategy == null) { client(); } // We can't use client() here because it might create an infinite loop return runInsideDocker(strategy.getClient(), createContainerCmdConsumer, block); } private <T> T runInsideDocker(DockerClient client, Consumer<CreateContainerCmd> createContainerCmdConsumer, BiFunction<DockerClient, String, T> block) { checkAndPullImage(client, TINY_IMAGE); CreateContainerCmd createContainerCmd = client.createContainerCmd(TINY_IMAGE); createContainerCmdConsumer.accept(createContainerCmd); String id = createContainerCmd.exec().getId(); client.startContainerCmd(id).exec(); try { return block.apply(client, id); } finally { try { client.removeContainerCmd(id).withRemoveVolumes(true).withForce(true).exec(); } catch (NotFoundException | InternalServerErrorException ignored) { log.debug("", ignored); } } } private static class DiskSpaceUsage { Optional<Integer> availableMB = Optional.empty(); Optional<Integer> usedPercent = Optional.empty(); } private DiskSpaceUsage parseAvailableDiskSpace(String dfOutput) { DiskSpaceUsage df = new DiskSpaceUsage(); String[] lines = dfOutput.split("\n"); for (String line : lines) { String[] fields = line.split("\\s+"); if (fields[5].equals("/")) { int availableKB = Integer.valueOf(fields[3]); df.availableMB = Optional.of(availableKB / 1024); df.usedPercent = Optional.of(Integer.valueOf(fields[4].replace("%", ""))); } } return df; } /** * @return the docker API version of the daemon that we have connected to */ public String getActiveApiVersion() { if (!preconditionsChecked) { client(); } return activeApiVersion; } /** * @return the docker execution driver of the daemon that we have connected to */ public String getActiveExecutionDriver() { if (!preconditionsChecked) { client(); } return activeExecutionDriver; } /** * @param providerStrategyClass a class that extends {@link DockerMachineClientProviderStrategy} * @return whether or not the currently active strategy is of the provided type */ public boolean isUsing(Class<? extends DockerClientProviderStrategy> providerStrategyClass) { return providerStrategyClass.isAssignableFrom(this.strategy.getClass()); } private static class NotEnoughDiskSpaceException extends RuntimeException { NotEnoughDiskSpaceException(String message) { super(message); } } }