package com.yammer.telemetry.tracing; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class SpanHelper { private static final ThreadLocal<SpanContext> spanContext = new ThreadLocal<>(); static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(SpanHelper.class.getName()); static Sampling sampler = Sampling.ON; private static final IDGenerator idGenerator = new IDGenerator(); public static Sampling getSampler() { return sampler; } public static void setSampler(Sampling sampler) { SpanHelper.sampler = sampler; } /** * Starts a new trace. * * @param name Name to be given to the root span in the trace. * @return The root span of the newly created trace. */ public static Span startTrace(String name) { return start(name, Optional.<BigInteger>absent(), Optional.<BigInteger>absent(), Optional.<BigInteger>absent(), sampler.trace() ? TraceLevel.ON : TraceLevel.OFF); } /** * Starts a new span within a trace. Uses the current thread context to determine the * trace ID and parent span ID. * * @param name Name to be given to the span. * @return The newly started span. */ public static Span startSpan(String name) { return start(name, Optional.<BigInteger>absent(), Optional.<BigInteger>absent(), Optional.<BigInteger>absent(), TraceLevel.INHERIT); } /** * Attach to an existing span. This is useful when a span has been created elsewhere * and you'd like to log annotations against that span locally. For example across thread boundaries in the local * vm. * * @param traceId ID of the trace of the span being attached. * @param spanId ID of the span being attached. * @param name Name for the span - useful for debug * @return The attached span. */ public static Span attachSpan(BigInteger traceId, BigInteger spanId, String name) { return start(name, Optional.of(traceId), Optional.of(spanId), Optional.<BigInteger>absent(), TraceLevel.ON); } /** * Starts a new span under the specified trace and parent spanId. * * This is used for attaching to an external span for example with an incoming http request. * * @param traceId - the current traceId * @param parentSpanId - the parent span, if available * @param name - the name for this span * @return the newly created span */ public static Span startSpan(BigInteger traceId, BigInteger parentSpanId, String name) { return start(name, Optional.of(traceId), Optional.<BigInteger>absent(), Optional.of(parentSpanId), TraceLevel.ON); } public static Optional<Span> currentSpan() { SpanContext context = spanContext.get(); if (context == null) { return Optional.absent(); } else { return context.currentSpan(); } } private static Span start(String name, Optional<BigInteger> traceId, Optional<BigInteger> spanId, Optional<BigInteger> parentSpanId, TraceLevel traceLevel) { SpanContext context = spanContext.get(); if (context == null) { context = new SpanContext(); spanContext.set(context); } if (traceLevel == TraceLevel.INHERIT) { traceLevel = context.currentTraceLevel(); } if (!traceId.isPresent()) { traceId = context.currentTraceId(); if (!traceId.isPresent()) { traceId = Optional.of(idGenerator.generateTraceId()); } } if (!parentSpanId.isPresent()) { parentSpanId = context.currentSpanId(); } if (!spanId.isPresent()) { spanId = Optional.of(idGenerator.generateSpanId()); } final Span span = (traceLevel == TraceLevel.OFF) ? new DisabledSpan() : new EnabledSpan(traceId.get(), spanId.get(), parentSpanId, name, traceLevel); context.startSpan(span); return span; } static long nowInNanoseconds() { return System.currentTimeMillis() * 1000000; } static Optional<SpanContext> currentContext() { return Optional.fromNullable(spanContext.get()); } /** * This is available for testing to allow checking before and after states are as expected on the span context. * * @return an immutable list of the current state of spans in the thread local context. */ static ImmutableList<Span> captureSpans() { SpanContext context = spanContext.get(); if (context != null) { return context.captureSpans(); } return ImmutableList.of(); } }