/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.waveprotocol.box.server.persistence.file; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.protobuf.ByteString; import com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException; import org.waveprotocol.box.common.Receiver; import org.waveprotocol.box.server.persistence.PersistenceException; import org.waveprotocol.box.server.persistence.protos.ProtoDeltaStoreDataSerializer; import org.waveprotocol.box.server.persistence.protos.ProtoDeltaStoreData.ProtoTransformedWaveletDelta; import org.waveprotocol.box.server.shutdown.LifeCycle; import org.waveprotocol.box.server.shutdown.ShutdownPriority; import org.waveprotocol.box.server.shutdown.Shutdownable; import org.waveprotocol.box.server.waveserver.AppliedDeltaUtil; import org.waveprotocol.box.server.waveserver.ByteStringMessage; import org.waveprotocol.box.server.waveserver.WaveletDeltaRecord; import org.waveprotocol.box.server.waveserver.DeltaStore.DeltasAccess; import org.waveprotocol.box.server.waveserver.DeltaStore.Snapshot; import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.Proto.ProtocolAppliedWaveletDelta; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.id.WaveletName; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.wave.TransformedWaveletDelta; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.Pair; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.version.HashedVersion; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.data.WaveletData; import org.waveprotocol.wave.util.logging.Log; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.nio.channels.Channels; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; /** * A flat file based implementation of DeltasAccess. This class provides a storage backend for the * deltas in a single wavelet. * * The file starts with a header. The header contains the version of the file protocol. After the * version, the file contains a sequence of delta records. Each record contains a header followed * by a WaveletDeltaRecord. * * A particular FileDeltaCollection instance assumes that it's <em>the only one</em> reading and * writing a particular wavelet. The methods are <em>not</em> multithread-safe. * * See this document for design specifics: * https://sites.google.com/a/waveprotocol.org/wave-protocol/protocol/design-proposals/wave-store-design-for-wave-in-a-box * * @author josephg@gmail.com (Joseph Gentle) */ public class FileDeltaCollection implements DeltasAccess { public static final String DELTAS_FILE_SUFFIX = ".deltas"; public static final String INDEX_FILE_SUFFIX = ".index"; private static final byte[] FILE_MAGIC_BYTES = new byte[]{'W', 'A', 'V', 'E'}; private static final int FILE_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1; private static final int FILE_HEADER_LENGTH = 8; private static final int DELTA_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1; private static final Log LOG = Log.get(FileDeltaCollection.class); private final WaveletName waveletName; private final RandomAccessFile file; private final DeltaIndex index; private HashedVersion endVersion; private boolean isOpen; final private LifeCycle lifeCycle = new LifeCycle(FileDeltaCollection.class.getSimpleName(), ShutdownPriority.Storage, new Shutdownable() { @Override public void shutdown() throws Exception { close(); } }); /** * A single record in the delta file. */ private class DeltaHeader { /** Length in bytes of the header */ public static final int HEADER_LENGTH = 12; /** The protocol version of the remaining fields. For now, must be 1. */ public final int protoVersion; /** The length of the applied delta segment, in bytes. */ public final int appliedDeltaLength; public final int transformedDeltaLength; public DeltaHeader(int protoVersion, int appliedDeltaLength, int transformedDeltaLength) { this.protoVersion = protoVersion; this.appliedDeltaLength = appliedDeltaLength; this.transformedDeltaLength = transformedDeltaLength; } public void checkVersion() throws IOException { if (protoVersion != DELTA_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { throw new IOException("Invalid delta header"); } } } /** * Opens a file delta collection. * * @param waveletName name of the wavelet to open * @param basePath base path of files * @return an open collection * @throws IOException */ public static FileDeltaCollection open(WaveletName waveletName, String basePath) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(waveletName, "null wavelet name"); RandomAccessFile deltaFile = FileUtils.getOrCreateFile(deltasFile(basePath, waveletName)); setOrCheckFileHeader(deltaFile); DeltaIndex index = new DeltaIndex(indexFile(basePath, waveletName)); FileDeltaCollection collection = new FileDeltaCollection(waveletName, deltaFile, index); index.openForCollection(collection); collection.initializeEndVersionAndTruncateTrailingJunk(); return collection; } /** * Delete the delta files from disk. * * @throws PersistenceException */ public static void delete(WaveletName waveletName, String basePath) throws PersistenceException { String error = ""; File deltas = deltasFile(basePath, waveletName); if (deltas.exists()) { if (!deltas.delete()) { error += "Could not delete deltas file: " + deltas.getAbsolutePath() + ". "; } } File index = indexFile(basePath, waveletName); if (index.exists()) { if (!index.delete()) { error += "Could not delete index file: " + index.getAbsolutePath(); } } if (!error.isEmpty()) { throw new PersistenceException(error); } } /** * Create a new file delta collection for the given wavelet. * * @param waveletName name of the wavelet * @param deltaFile the file of deltas * @param index index into deltas */ public FileDeltaCollection(WaveletName waveletName, RandomAccessFile deltaFile, DeltaIndex index) { this.waveletName = waveletName; this.file = deltaFile; this.index = index; this.isOpen = true; lifeCycle.start(); } @Override public WaveletName getWaveletName() { return waveletName; } @Override public HashedVersion getEndVersion() { return endVersion; } @Override public WaveletDeltaRecord getDelta(long version) throws IOException { lifeCycle.enter(); try { checkIsOpen(); return seekToRecord(version) ? readRecord() : null; } finally { lifeCycle.leave(); } } @Override public WaveletDeltaRecord getDeltaByEndVersion(long version) throws IOException { lifeCycle.enter(); try { checkIsOpen(); return seekToEndRecord(version) ? readRecord() : null; } finally { lifeCycle.leave(); } } @Override public ByteStringMessage<ProtocolAppliedWaveletDelta> getAppliedDelta(long version) throws IOException { lifeCycle.enter(); try { checkIsOpen(); return seekToRecord(version) ? readAppliedDeltaFromRecord() : null; } finally { lifeCycle.leave(); } } @Override public TransformedWaveletDelta getTransformedDelta(long version) throws IOException { lifeCycle.enter(); try { checkIsOpen(); return seekToRecord(version) ? readTransformedDeltaFromRecord() : null; } finally { lifeCycle.leave(); } } @Override public HashedVersion getAppliedAtVersion(long version) throws IOException { lifeCycle.enter(); try { checkIsOpen(); ByteStringMessage<ProtocolAppliedWaveletDelta> applied = getAppliedDelta(version); return (applied != null) ? AppliedDeltaUtil.getHashedVersionAppliedAt(applied) : null; } finally { lifeCycle.leave(); } } @Override public long getDeltasInRange(long startVersion, long endVersion, Receiver<WaveletDeltaRecord> receiver) throws IOException { checkIsOpen(); if (this.endVersion == null) return 0; Preconditions.checkState(0 <= startVersion && startVersion < endVersion && endVersion <= this.endVersion.getVersion(), "Invalid delta range"); long version = startVersion; while (seekToRecord(version) && version <= endVersion) { if (!receiver.put(readRecord())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error processing deltas from file"); } version++; } return version--; } @Override public HashedVersion getResultingVersion(long version) throws IOException { lifeCycle.enter(); try { checkIsOpen(); TransformedWaveletDelta transformed = getTransformedDelta(version); return (transformed != null) ? transformed.getResultingVersion() : null; } finally { lifeCycle.leave(); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { file.close(); index.close(); endVersion = null; isOpen = false; } @Override public void append(Collection<WaveletDeltaRecord> deltas) throws PersistenceException { lifeCycle.enter(); checkIsOpen(); try { file.seek(file.length()); WaveletDeltaRecord lastDelta = null; for (WaveletDeltaRecord delta : deltas) { index.addDelta(delta.getTransformedDelta().getAppliedAtVersion(), delta.getTransformedDelta().size(), file.getFilePointer()); writeDelta(delta); lastDelta = delta; } // fsync() before returning. file.getChannel().force(true); endVersion = lastDelta.getTransformedDelta().getResultingVersion(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PersistenceException(e); } finally { lifeCycle.leave(); } } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { checkIsOpen(); return index.length() == 0; } /** * Creates a new iterator to move over the positions of the deltas in the file. * * Each pair returned is ((version, numOperations), offset). * @throws IOException */ Iterable<Pair<Pair<Long,Integer>, Long>> getOffsetsIterator() throws IOException { checkIsOpen(); return new Iterable<Pair<Pair<Long, Integer>, Long>>() { @Override public Iterator<Pair<Pair<Long, Integer>, Long>> iterator() { return new Iterator<Pair<Pair<Long, Integer>, Long>>() { Pair<Pair<Long, Integer>, Long> nextRecord; long nextPosition = FILE_HEADER_LENGTH; @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Pair<Pair<Long, Integer>, Long> next() { Pair<Pair<Long, Integer>, Long> record = nextRecord; nextRecord = null; return record; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { // We're using hasNext to prime the next call to next(). This works because in practice // any call to next() is preceeded by at least one call to hasNext(). // We need to actually read the record here because hasNext() should return false // if there's any incomplete data at the end of the file. try { if (file.length() <= nextPosition) { // End of file. return false; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not get file position", e); } if (nextRecord == null) { // Read the next record try { file.seek(nextPosition); TransformedWaveletDelta transformed = readTransformedDeltaFromRecord(); nextRecord = Pair.of(Pair.of(transformed.getAppliedAtVersion(), transformed.size()), nextPosition); nextPosition = file.getFilePointer(); } catch (IOException e) { // The next entry is invalid. There was probably a write error / crash. LOG.severe("Error reading delta file for " + waveletName + " starting at " + nextPosition, e); return false; } } return true; } }; } }; } @VisibleForTesting static final File deltasFile(String basePath, WaveletName waveletName) { String waveletPathPrefix = FileUtils.waveletNameToPathSegment(waveletName); return new File(basePath, waveletPathPrefix + DELTAS_FILE_SUFFIX); } @VisibleForTesting static final File indexFile(String basePath, WaveletName waveletName) { String waveletPathPrefix = FileUtils.waveletNameToPathSegment(waveletName); return new File(basePath, waveletPathPrefix + INDEX_FILE_SUFFIX); } /** * Checks that a file has a valid deltas header, adding the header if the * file is shorter than the header. */ private static void setOrCheckFileHeader(RandomAccessFile file) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(file); file.seek(0); if (file.length() < FILE_HEADER_LENGTH) { // The file is new. Insert a header. file.write(FILE_MAGIC_BYTES); file.writeInt(FILE_PROTOCOL_VERSION); } else { byte[] magic = new byte[4]; file.readFully(magic); if (!Arrays.equals(FILE_MAGIC_BYTES, magic)) { throw new IOException("Delta file magic bytes are incorrect"); } int version = file.readInt(); if (version != FILE_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { throw new IOException(String.format("File protocol version mismatch - expected %d got %d", FILE_PROTOCOL_VERSION, version)); } } } private void checkIsOpen() { Preconditions.checkState(isOpen, "Delta collection closed"); } /** * Seek to the start of a delta record. Returns false if the record doesn't exist. */ private boolean seekToRecord(long version) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkArgument(version >= 0, "Version can't be negative"); long offset = index.getOffsetForVersion(version); return seekTo(offset); } /** * Seek to the start of a delta record given its end version. * Returns false if the record doesn't exist. */ private boolean seekToEndRecord(long version) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkArgument(version >= 0, "Version can't be negative"); long offset = index.getOffsetForEndVersion(version); return seekTo(offset); } private boolean seekTo(long offset) throws IOException { if (offset == DeltaIndex.NO_RECORD_FOR_VERSION) { // There's no record for the specified version. return false; } else { file.seek(offset); return true; } } /** * Read a record and return it. */ private WaveletDeltaRecord readRecord() throws IOException { DeltaHeader header = readDeltaHeader(); ByteStringMessage<ProtocolAppliedWaveletDelta> appliedDelta = readAppliedDelta(header.appliedDeltaLength); TransformedWaveletDelta transformedDelta = readTransformedWaveletDelta( header.transformedDeltaLength); return new WaveletDeltaRecord(AppliedDeltaUtil.getHashedVersionAppliedAt(appliedDelta), appliedDelta, transformedDelta); } /** * Reads a record, and only parses & returns the applied data field. */ private ByteStringMessage<ProtocolAppliedWaveletDelta> readAppliedDeltaFromRecord() throws IOException { DeltaHeader header = readDeltaHeader(); ByteStringMessage<ProtocolAppliedWaveletDelta> appliedDelta = readAppliedDelta(header.appliedDeltaLength); file.skipBytes(header.transformedDeltaLength); return appliedDelta; } /** * Reads a record, and only parses & returns the transformed data field. */ private TransformedWaveletDelta readTransformedDeltaFromRecord() throws IOException { DeltaHeader header = readDeltaHeader(); file.skipBytes(header.appliedDeltaLength); TransformedWaveletDelta transformedDelta = readTransformedWaveletDelta( header.transformedDeltaLength); return transformedDelta; } // *** Low level data reading methods /** Read a header from the file. Does not move the file pointer before reading. */ private DeltaHeader readDeltaHeader() throws IOException { int version = file.readInt(); if (version != DELTA_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { throw new IOException("Delta header invalid"); } int appliedDeltaLength = file.readInt(); int transformedDeltaLength = file.readInt(); DeltaHeader deltaHeader = new DeltaHeader(version, appliedDeltaLength, transformedDeltaLength); deltaHeader.checkVersion(); // Verify the file size. long remaining = file.length() - file.getFilePointer(); long missing = (appliedDeltaLength + transformedDeltaLength) - remaining; if (missing > 0) { throw new IOException("File is corrupted, missing " + missing + " bytes"); } return deltaHeader; } /** * Write a header to the current location in the file */ private void writeDeltaHeader(DeltaHeader header) throws IOException { file.writeInt(header.protoVersion); file.writeInt(header.appliedDeltaLength); file.writeInt(header.transformedDeltaLength); } /** * Read the applied delta at the current file position. After method call, * file position is directly after applied delta field. */ private ByteStringMessage<ProtocolAppliedWaveletDelta> readAppliedDelta(int length) throws IOException { if (length == 0) { return null; } byte[] bytes = new byte[length]; file.readFully(bytes); try { return ByteStringMessage.parseProtocolAppliedWaveletDelta(ByteString.copyFrom(bytes)); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } /** * Write an applied delta to the current position in the file. Returns number of bytes written. */ private int writeAppliedDelta(ByteStringMessage<ProtocolAppliedWaveletDelta> delta) throws IOException { if (delta != null) { byte[] bytes = delta.getByteArray(); file.write(bytes); return bytes.length; } else { return 0; } } /** * Read a {@link TransformedWaveletDelta} from the current location in the file. */ private TransformedWaveletDelta readTransformedWaveletDelta(int transformedDeltaLength) throws IOException { if(transformedDeltaLength < 0) { throw new IOException("Invalid delta length"); } byte[] bytes = new byte[transformedDeltaLength]; file.readFully(bytes); ProtoTransformedWaveletDelta delta; try { delta = ProtoTransformedWaveletDelta.parseFrom(bytes); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw new IOException(e); } return ProtoDeltaStoreDataSerializer.deserialize(delta); } /** * Write a {@link TransformedWaveletDelta} to the file at the current location. * @return length of written data */ private int writeTransformedWaveletDelta(TransformedWaveletDelta delta) throws IOException { long startingPosition = file.getFilePointer(); ProtoTransformedWaveletDelta protoDelta = ProtoDeltaStoreDataSerializer.serialize(delta); OutputStream stream = Channels.newOutputStream(file.getChannel()); protoDelta.writeTo(stream); return (int) (file.getFilePointer() - startingPosition); } /** * Read a delta to the file. Does not move the file pointer before writing. Returns number of * bytes written. */ private long writeDelta(WaveletDeltaRecord delta) throws IOException { // We'll write zeros in place of the header and come back & write it at the end. long headerPointer = file.getFilePointer(); file.write(new byte[DeltaHeader.HEADER_LENGTH]); int appliedLength = writeAppliedDelta(delta.getAppliedDelta()); int transformedLength = writeTransformedWaveletDelta(delta.getTransformedDelta()); long endPointer = file.getFilePointer(); file.seek(headerPointer); writeDeltaHeader(new DeltaHeader(DELTA_PROTOCOL_VERSION, appliedLength, transformedLength)); file.seek(endPointer); return endPointer - headerPointer; } /** * Reads the last complete record in the deltas file and truncates any trailing junk. */ private void initializeEndVersionAndTruncateTrailingJunk() throws IOException { long numRecords = index.length(); if (numRecords >= 1) { endVersion = getDeltaByEndVersion(numRecords).getResultingVersion(); } else { endVersion = null; } // The file's position should be at the end. Truncate any // trailing junk such as from a partially completed write. file.setLength(file.getFilePointer()); } @Override public long getAllDeltas(Receiver<WaveletDeltaRecord> receiver) throws IOException { return getDeltasInRange(0, endVersion.getVersion(), receiver); } @Override public Snapshot loadSnapshot() throws PersistenceException { // Not supported! return null; } @Override public void storeSnapshot(WaveletData waveletData) throws PersistenceException { // No-op } @Override public WaveletDeltaRecord getLastDelta() throws IOException { return getDeltaByEndVersion(endVersion.getVersion()); } }