package io.swagger.transform; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.github.fge.jackson.JacksonUtils; import; import; import; import io.swagger.transform.migrate.SwaggerMigrator; import io.swagger.transform.util.SwaggerMigrationException; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import static; @Test public abstract class SwaggerMigratorTest { private static final ObjectMapper MAPPER = JacksonUtils.newMapper(); private static final TypeReference<List<MigrationTestData>> TESTDATA_TYPEREF = new TypeReference<List<MigrationTestData>>() { }; private static final TypeReference<List<MigrationErrorData>> ERRDATA_TYPEREF = new TypeReference<List<MigrationErrorData>>() { }; private final List<MigrationTestData> testData; private final List<MigrationErrorData> errorData; private final SwaggerMigrator migrator; protected SwaggerMigratorTest(final String resource, final SwaggerMigrator migrator) throws IOException { this.migrator = migrator; try ( final InputStream in = SwaggerMigratorTest.class .getResourceAsStream("/transform/" + resource + ".json"); final InputStream in2 = SwaggerMigratorTest.class .getResourceAsStream("/transform/" + resource + "-errs.json"); ) { testData = MAPPER.readValue(in, TESTDATA_TYPEREF); if (in2 == null) { errorData = ImmutableList.of(); } else { errorData = MAPPER.readValue(in2, ERRDATA_TYPEREF); } } } private static String errmsg(final JsonNode actual, final JsonNode expected) { return new StringBuilder("migrator did not produce expected results!") .append("\nproduced:\n") .append(JacksonUtils.prettyPrint(actual)) .append("\nexpected:\n") .append(JacksonUtils.prettyPrint(expected)) .toString(); } private static <T> Function<T, Object[]> toObject() { return new Function<T, Object[]>() { @Nullable @Override public Object[] apply(@Nullable final T input) { return new Object[]{input}; } }; } @DataProvider protected Iterator<Object[]> getTestData() { return Lists.transform(testData, toObject()).iterator(); } @Test(dataProvider = "getTestData") public void migratorWorksAsExpected(final MigrationTestData data) throws SwaggerMigrationException { /* * Unfortunately we cannot use assertEquals() directly :/ JsonNode * implements Iterable, as a result the default assertEquals() will * try and compare element by element, botching the test output. * * Use assertTrue() instead with a relevant failure message... */ final JsonNode original = data.getOriginal(); final JsonNode expected = data.getMigrated(); final JsonNode actual = migrator.migrate(original); assertTrue(actual.equals(expected), errmsg(actual, expected)); } @DataProvider protected Iterator<Object[]> getErrorData() { return Lists.transform(errorData, toObject()).iterator(); } @Test(dataProvider = "getErrorData") public void errorsAreCorrectlyIdentifiedAndReported( final MigrationErrorData data) { final JsonNode node = data.getOriginal(); final String errmsg = data.getErrorMessage(); try { migrator.migrate(node); fail("No exception thrown!!"); } catch (SwaggerMigrationException e) { assertEquals(e.getMessage(), errmsg, "error message differs from expectations"); } } }