* Copyright 2014, Tuplejump Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.tuplejump.stargate.cassandra;
import com.tuplejump.stargate.util.CQLUnitD;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService;
import org.junit.Test;
* User: satya
public class VariousQueriesTest extends IndexTestBase {
String keyspace = "dummyksLang";
public VariousQueriesTest() {
cassandraCQLUnit = CQLUnitD.getCQLUnit(null);
public void shouldIndexPerRow() throws Exception {
//hack to always create new Index during testing
try {
countResults("sample_table", "magic = '" + funWithFilter(gFun("otherName", "otherName-values", "values", true, "joindate"), "searchName", "/.*?AT.*/") + "'", true);
Assert.assertEquals(4, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND uid > 4 AND magic='" + q("searchName", "/.*?AT.*/") + "' ALLOW FILTERING", true));
Assert.assertEquals(1, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND uid < 4 AND magic='" + q("searchName", "/.*?AT.*/") + "' ALLOW FILTERING", true));
Assert.assertEquals(5, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND magic = '" + q("searchName", "/.*?CT.*/") + "'", true));
Assert.assertEquals(5, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND magic = '" + pfq("searchName", "ca") + "'", true));
Assert.assertEquals(5, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND magic = '" + mq("searchName", "CATV") + "'", true));
Assert.assertEquals(5, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND magic = '" + fq(1, "searchName", "CATA") + "'", true));
Assert.assertEquals(0, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND magic = '" + fq(0, "searchName", "CCTA") + "'", true));
Assert.assertEquals(10, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND magic = '" + fq(1, "searchName", "CZTV") + "'", true));
Assert.assertEquals(10, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND magic = '" + q("searchName", "CATV CCTV") + "'", true));
Assert.assertEquals(1, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND magic = '" + phq(0, "searchName", "aaaa", "BBBB") + "'", true));
Assert.assertEquals(6, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND magic = '" + gtq("searchName", "CATV") + "'", true));
Assert.assertEquals(3, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND magic = '" + gtq("otherid", "9") + "'", true));
Assert.assertEquals(4, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND magic = '" + gtq("joindate", "2013-03-01") + "'", true));
Assert.assertEquals(8, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND magic = '" + ltEq("joindate", "2013-03-01") + "'", true));
Assert.assertEquals(4, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND magic = '" + gtq("joindate", "2013-03-01T00:00:00", "dateHourMinuteSecond") + "'", true));
//Assert.assertEquals(8, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND magic = '" + ltq("joindate", "2013-03-01T00:00:00", "dateHourMinuteSecond") + "'", true));
getSession().execute("DELETE FROM sample_table where part=0");
Assert.assertEquals(0, countResults("sample_table", "part=0", true));
//this should write things from memory to SStable.
StorageService.instance.forceKeyspaceFlush(keyspace.toLowerCase(), "sample_table");
StorageService.instance.forceKeyspaceCleanup(keyspace.toLowerCase(), "sample_table");
StorageService.instance.forceKeyspaceCompaction(keyspace.toLowerCase(), "sample_table");
Assert.assertEquals(0, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND magic = '" + fq(1, "searchName", "CZTV") + "'", true));
Assert.assertEquals(0, countResults("sample_table", "part=0 AND magic = '" + q("searchName", "CATV CCTV") + "'", true));
} finally {
private void createTableAndIndexForRow() {
//add idx options with DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS for phrase queries.
String options = "{\n" +
"\t\"metaColumn\":true,\n" +
"\t\"fields\":{\n" +
"\t\t\"searchName\":{\"indexOptions\":\"DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS\"},\n" +
"\t\t\"otherName\":{},\n" +
"\t\t\"joindate\":{},\n" +
"\t\t\"otherid\":{}\n" +
"\t}\n" +
getSession().execute("USE " + keyspace + ";");
getSession().execute("CREATE TABLE sample_table (part int,uid int,otherid int,othername varchar,searchName varchar,joindate timestamp,magic text,PRIMARY KEY (part, uid,otherid,searchName));");
getSession().execute("CREATE CUSTOM INDEX sample_table_searchName_key ON sample_table(magic) USING 'com.tuplejump.stargate.RowIndex' WITH options ={'sg_options':'" + options + "'}");
getSession().execute("INSERT INTO sample_table (joindate,part, uid, otherid,othername, searchName) VALUES ('2013-02-01',0, 1, 1, 'CCTV', 'CCTV')");
getSession().execute("INSERT INTO sample_table (joindate,part, uid, otherid,othername, searchName) VALUES ('2013-02-02',0, 2, 2, 'CCTV', 'CCTV')");
getSession().execute("INSERT INTO sample_table (joindate,part, uid, otherid,othername, searchName) VALUES ('2013-02-03',0, 4, 4, 'CCTV', 'CCTV')");
getSession().execute("INSERT INTO sample_table (joindate,part, uid, otherid,othername, searchName) VALUES ('2013-02-04',0, 5, 5, 'CCTV', 'CCTV')");
getSession().execute("INSERT INTO sample_table (joindate,part, uid, otherid,othername, searchName) VALUES ('2013-02-05',0, 8, 8, 'CCTV', 'CCTV')");
getSession().execute("INSERT INTO sample_table (joindate,part, uid, otherid,othername, searchName) VALUES ('2013-02-06',0, 3, 3, 'CATV', 'CATV')");
getSession().execute("INSERT INTO sample_table (joindate,part, uid, otherid,othername, searchName) VALUES ('2013-03-01',0, 6, 6, 'CATV', 'CATV')");
getSession().execute("INSERT INTO sample_table (joindate,part, uid, otherid,othername, searchName) VALUES ('2013-03-01',0, 9, 9, 'CATV', 'CATV')");
getSession().execute("INSERT INTO sample_table (joindate,part, uid, otherid,othername, searchName) VALUES ('2013-03-02',0, 7, 7, 'CATV', 'CATV')");
getSession().execute("INSERT INTO sample_table (joindate,part, uid, otherid,othername, searchName) VALUES ('2013-03-03',0, 10, 10, 'CATV', 'CATV')");
getSession().execute("INSERT INTO sample_table (joindate,part, uid, otherid,othername, searchName) VALUES ('2013-03-04',0, 11, 11, 'AAAA ', 'AAAA aaaa cccc BBBB')");
getSession().execute("INSERT INTO sample_table (joindate,part, uid, otherid,othername, searchName) VALUES ('2013-03-05',0, 12, 12, 'AAAA ', 'AAAA bbbb aaaa AAAA BBBB')");