* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 FoundationDB, LLC
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.foundationdb.util;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Arrays;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public final class StringsTest {
public void testStringToBytes() {
ByteSource actual = Strings.parseHex("0xBEEFCAFE");
int[] expectedInts = { 190, 239, 202, 254 };
byte[] expected = new byte[expectedInts.length];
for (int i=0; i < expected.length; ++i) {
expected[i] = (byte)expectedInts[i];
assertEquals("bytes", new WrappingByteSource(expected), actual);
public void withSpace() {
ByteSource actual = Strings.parseHex("0x BE EFCA FE");
int[] expectedInts = { 190, 239, 202, 254 };
byte[] expected = new byte[expectedInts.length];
for (int i=0; i < expected.length; ++i) {
expected[i] = (byte)expectedInts[i];
assertEquals("bytes", new WrappingByteSource(expected), actual);
public void formatMD5() {
byte[] md5 = {0x01, 0x39, (byte) 0xef, (byte) 0xc1, (byte) 0xe9, (byte) 0x86, 0x22, 0x33, 0x74, 0x3a, 0x75, 0x77, (byte) 0x98, (byte) 0xdd, (byte) 0x9c};
String expected = "0139efc1e9862233743a757798dd9c";
String actual = Strings.formatMD5(md5, true);
assertEquals ("bytes", expected, actual);
public void hex() {
assertEquals("", Strings.hex(new byte[]{}));
assertEquals("00", Strings.hex(new byte[]{ 0 }));
assertEquals("0001", Strings.hex(new byte[]{ 0, 1 }));
assertEquals("00017F80FF", Strings.hex(new byte[]{ 0, 1, 127, (byte)128, (byte)255}));
public void parseQualifiedNameMaxTwo() {
String[][][] cases = {
// Bare
{ { "test.t" }, { "test", "t" } },
{ { "t.test" }, { "t", "test" } },
{ { "t" }, { "", "t" } },
{ { "" }, { "", "" } },
{ { "x.y.z" }, { "x", "y" } },
// Dangling separator
{ { "test." }, { "", "test" } },
// Double quoted
{ { "\"t\"" }, { "", "t" } },
{ { "test.\"t\"" }, { "test", "t" } },
{ { "\"test\".\"t\"" }, { "test", "t" } },
{ { "\"te.st\".\"t\"" }, { "te.st", "t" } },
// Backtick quoted
{ { "`t`" }, { "", "t" } },
{ { "test.`t`" }, { "test", "t" } },
{ { "`test`.`t`" }, { "test", "t" } },
{ { "`te.st`.`t`" }, { "te.st", "t" } },
// Non-quoted gets down-cased
{ { "tEsT.T" }, { "test", "t" } },
{ { "\"tEsT\".\"T\"" }, { "tEsT", "T" } },
// Mixed quote
{ { "`test`.\"t\"" }, { "test", "t" } },
{ { "`test\"`.\"t`\"" }, { "test\"", "t`" } },
// Unclosed quote
{ { "test.\"T" }, { "test", "T" } },
// Single quotes
{ { "'t'" }, { "", "'t'" } },
// Whitespace
{ { " test\t. t " }, { " test\t", " t " } },
for(String[][] c : cases) {
String arg = c[0][0];
String[] actual = Strings.parseQualifiedName(arg, 2);
assertEquals(arg, Arrays.asList(c[1]), Arrays.asList(actual));
public void parseQualifiedNameMaxThree() {
String[][][] cases = {
{ { "test.t.id" }, { "test", "t", "id" } },
{ { "id.t.test" }, { "id", "t", "test" } },
{ { "test.t" }, { "", "test", "t" } },
{ { "t" }, { "", "", "t" } },
{ { "" }, { "", "", "" } },
{ { "x.y.z.w" }, { "x", "y", "z" } },
// Dangling separator
{ { "test.t." }, { "", "test", "t" } },
{ { "test." }, { "", "", "test" } },
// Quoted
{ { "\"a\".\"b\".\"c\"" }, { "a", "b", "c" } },
{ { "a.\"b\".c" }, { "a", "b", "c" } },
for(String[][] c : cases) {
String arg = c[0][0];
String[] actual = Strings.parseQualifiedName(arg, 3);
assertEquals(arg, Arrays.asList(c[1]), Arrays.asList(actual));
public void escapeIdentifier() {
assertEquals("\"a\"", Strings.escapeIdentifier("a"));
assertEquals("\"A\"", Strings.escapeIdentifier("A"));
assertEquals("\"a.b\"", Strings.escapeIdentifier("a.b"));
assertEquals("\"a\"\"b\"", Strings.escapeIdentifier("a\"b"));
public void quoteIdent(){
assertEquals("a", Strings.quotedIdent("a", '`', false) );
assertEquals("`a`", Strings.quotedIdent("a", '`', true) );
assertEquals("\"a\"", Strings.quotedIdent("a", '"', true) );
assertEquals("`3a`", Strings.quotedIdent("3a", '`', false));
assertEquals("\"3a\"", Strings.quotedIdent("3a", '"', false));
assertEquals("a$", Strings.quotedIdent("a$", '`', false));
assertEquals("`a-`", Strings.quotedIdent("a-", '`', false));
assertEquals("\"NUMERIC\"", Strings.quotedIdent("NUMERIC", '"', false));
assertEquals("`sum`", Strings.quotedIdent("sum", '`', false));
assertEquals("`test``quote`", Strings.quotedIdent("test`quote", '`', false));
assertEquals("period", Strings.quotedIdent("period", '.', false));
assertEquals(".pe..rio..d.", Strings.quotedIdent("pe.rio.d", '.', false));