/* * Copyright 2002-2013 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configurers; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.security.access.AccessDecisionVoter; import org.springframework.security.access.ConfigAttribute; import org.springframework.security.access.SecurityConfig; import org.springframework.security.access.expression.SecurityExpressionHandler; import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.HttpSecurityBuilder; import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.builders.HttpSecurity; import org.springframework.security.web.FilterInvocation; import org.springframework.security.web.access.expression.DefaultWebSecurityExpressionHandler; import org.springframework.security.web.access.expression.ExpressionBasedFilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource; import org.springframework.security.web.access.expression.WebExpressionVoter; import org.springframework.security.web.util.RequestMatcher; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; /** * Adds URL based authorization based upon SpEL expressions to an application. At least one * {@link org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping} needs to be mapped to {@link ConfigAttribute}'s for * this {@link SecurityContextConfigurer} to have meaning. * <h2>Security Filters</h2> * * The following Filters are populated * * <ul> * <li>{@link org.springframework.security.web.access.intercept.FilterSecurityInterceptor}</li> * </ul> * * <h2>Shared Objects Created</h2> * * The following shared objects are populated to allow other {@link org.springframework.security.config.annotation.SecurityConfigurer}'s to customize: * <ul> * <li>{@link org.springframework.security.web.access.intercept.FilterSecurityInterceptor}</li> * </ul> * * <h2>Shared Objects Used</h2> * * The following shared objects are used: * * <ul> * <li>{@link org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.builders.HttpSecurity#getAuthenticationManager()}</li> * </ul> * * @param <H> the type of {@link HttpSecurityBuilder} that is being configured * * @author Rob Winch * @since 3.2 * @see {@link org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.builders.HttpSecurity#authorizeUrls()} */ public final class ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<H extends HttpSecurityBuilder<H>> extends AbstractInterceptUrlConfigurer<H,ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<H>,ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<H>.AuthorizedUrl> { static final String permitAll = "permitAll"; private static final String denyAll = "denyAll"; private static final String anonymous = "anonymous"; private static final String authenticated = "authenticated"; private static final String fullyAuthenticated = "fullyAuthenticated"; private static final String rememberMe = "rememberMe"; private SecurityExpressionHandler<FilterInvocation> expressionHandler = new DefaultWebSecurityExpressionHandler(); /** * Creates a new instance * @see HttpSecurity#authorizeUrls() */ public ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer() { } /** * Allows customization of the {@link SecurityExpressionHandler} to be used. The default is {@link DefaultWebSecurityExpressionHandler} * * @param expressionHandler the {@link SecurityExpressionHandler} to be used * @return the {@link ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer} for further customization. */ public ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<H> expressionHandler(SecurityExpressionHandler<FilterInvocation> expressionHandler) { this.expressionHandler = expressionHandler; return this; } @Override protected final AuthorizedUrl chainRequestMatchersInternal(List<RequestMatcher> requestMatchers) { return new AuthorizedUrl(requestMatchers); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final List<AccessDecisionVoter> getDecisionVoters() { List<AccessDecisionVoter> decisionVoters = new ArrayList<AccessDecisionVoter>(); WebExpressionVoter expressionVoter = new WebExpressionVoter(); expressionVoter.setExpressionHandler(expressionHandler); decisionVoters.add(expressionVoter); return decisionVoters; } @Override final ExpressionBasedFilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource createMetadataSource() { LinkedHashMap<RequestMatcher, Collection<ConfigAttribute>> requestMap = createRequestMap(); if(requestMap.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("At least one mapping is required (i.e. authorizeUrls().anyRequest.authenticated())"); } return new ExpressionBasedFilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource(requestMap, expressionHandler); } /** * Allows registering multiple {@link RequestMatcher} instances to a collection of {@link ConfigAttribute} instances * * @param requestMatchers the {@link RequestMatcher} instances to register to the {@link ConfigAttribute} instances * @param configAttributes the {@link ConfigAttribute} to be mapped by the {@link RequestMatcher} instances * @return the {@link ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer} for further customization. */ private ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<H> interceptUrl(Iterable<? extends RequestMatcher> requestMatchers, Collection<ConfigAttribute> configAttributes) { for(RequestMatcher requestMatcher : requestMatchers) { addMapping(new UrlMapping(requestMatcher, configAttributes)); } return this; } private static String hasRole(String role) { Assert.notNull(role, "role cannot be null"); if (role.startsWith("ROLE_")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("role should not start with 'ROLE_' since it is automatically inserted. Got '" + role + "'"); } return "hasRole('ROLE_" + role + "')"; } private static String hasAuthority(String authority) { return "hasAuthority('" + authority + "')"; } private static String hasAnyAuthority(String... authorities) { String anyAuthorities = StringUtils.arrayToDelimitedString(authorities, "','"); return "hasAnyAuthority('" + anyAuthorities + "')"; } private static String hasIpAddress(String ipAddressExpression) { return "hasIpAddress('" + ipAddressExpression + "')"; } public final class AuthorizedUrl { private List<RequestMatcher> requestMatchers; private boolean not; /** * Creates a new instance * * @param requestMatchers the {@link RequestMatcher} instances to map */ private AuthorizedUrl(List<RequestMatcher> requestMatchers) { this.requestMatchers = requestMatchers; } /** * Negates the following expression. * * @param role the role to require (i.e. USER, ADMIN, etc). Note, it should not start with "ROLE_" as * this is automatically inserted. * @return the {@link ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer} for further customization */ public AuthorizedUrl not() { this.not = true; return this; } /** * Shortcut for specifying URLs require a particular role. If you do not want to have "ROLE_" automatically * inserted see {@link #hasAuthority(String)}. * * @param role the role to require (i.e. USER, ADMIN, etc). Note, it should not start with "ROLE_" as * this is automatically inserted. * @return the {@link ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer} for further customization */ public ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<H> hasRole(String role) { return access(ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer.hasRole(role)); } /** * Specify that URLs require a particular authority. * * @param authority the authority to require (i.e. ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN, etc). * @return the {@link ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer} for further customization */ public ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<H> hasAuthority(String authority) { return access(ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer.hasAuthority(authority)); } /** * Specify that URLs requires any of a number authorities. * * @param authorities the requests require at least one of the authorities (i.e. "ROLE_USER","ROLE_ADMIN" would * mean either "ROLE_USER" or "ROLE_ADMIN" is required). * @return the {@link ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer} for further customization */ public ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<H> hasAnyAuthority(String... authorities) { return access(ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer.hasAnyAuthority(authorities)); } /** * Specify that URLs requires a specific IP Address or * <a href="http://forum.springsource.org/showthread.php?102783-How-to-use-hasIpAddress&p=343971#post343971">subnet</a>. * * @param ipaddressExpression the ipaddress (i.e. or local subnet (i.e. 192.168.0/24) * @return the {@link ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer} for further customization */ public ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<H> hasIpAddress(String ipaddressExpression) { return access(ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer.hasIpAddress(ipaddressExpression)); } /** * Specify that URLs are allowed by anyone. * * @return the {@link ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer} for further customization */ public ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<H> permitAll() { return access(permitAll); } /** * Specify that URLs are allowed by anonymous users. * * @return the {@link ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer} for further customization */ public ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<H> anonymous() { return access(anonymous); } /** * Specify that URLs are allowed by users that have been remembered. * * @return the {@link ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer} for further customization * @see {@link RememberMeConfigurer} */ public ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<H> rememberMe() { return access(rememberMe); } /** * Specify that URLs are not allowed by anyone. * * @return the {@link ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer} for further customization */ public ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<H> denyAll() { return access(denyAll); } /** * Specify that URLs are allowed by any authenticated user. * * @return the {@link ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer} for further customization */ public ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<H> authenticated() { return access(authenticated); } /** * Specify that URLs are allowed by users who have authenticated and were not "remembered". * * @return the {@link ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer} for further customization * @see {@link RememberMeConfigurer} */ public ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<H> fullyAuthenticated() { return access(fullyAuthenticated); } /** * Allows specifying that URLs are secured by an arbitrary expression * * @param attribute the expression to secure the URLs (i.e. "hasRole('ROLE_USER') and hasRole('ROLE_SUPER')") * @return the {@link ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer} for further customization */ public ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<H> access(String attribute) { if(not) { attribute = "!" + attribute; } interceptUrl(requestMatchers, SecurityConfig.createList(attribute)); return ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer.this; } } }