package org.springframework.issues.beans; import java.util.Collection; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisher; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component public class Security { private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager; @Autowired public Security(AuthenticationManager authenticationManager) { this.authenticationManager = authenticationManager; } @Autowired ApplicationEventPublisher _eventPublisher; public Authentication authenticate(String username, String password) { UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken token = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken( username, password); SecurityContextHolder.setStrategyName( SecurityContextHolder.MODE_GLOBAL ); Authentication auth = authenticationManager.authenticate(token); if (null != auth) { SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(auth); _eventPublisher .publishEvent(new InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent( auth, this.getClass())); return auth; } throw new BadCredentialsException("null authentication"); } public final boolean hasRole(String role) { boolean hasRole = false; UserDetails userDetails = getUserDetails(); if (userDetails != null) { Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities = userDetails.getAuthorities(); if (isRolePresent(authorities, role)) { hasRole = true; } } return hasRole; } /** * Get info about currently logged in user * @return UserDetails if found in the context, null otherwise */ protected UserDetails getUserDetails() { Object principal = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal(); UserDetails userDetails = null; if (principal instanceof UserDetails) { userDetails = (UserDetails) principal; } return userDetails; } /** * Check if a role is present in the authorities of current user * @param authorities all authorities assigned to current user * @param role required authority * @return true if role is present in list of authorities assigned to current user, false otherwise */ private boolean isRolePresent(Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities, String role) { boolean isRolePresent = false; for (GrantedAuthority grantedAuthority : authorities) { isRolePresent = grantedAuthority.getAuthority().equals(role); if (isRolePresent) break; } return isRolePresent; } }