package; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner; /** * Base class for test cases acting as samples for our Mongo API. They set up * two {@link Album}s and populate them with {@link Track}s. * * @author Oliver Gierke */ @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration public abstract class AbstractIntegrationTest { static final String COLLECTION = "album"; @Autowired MongoOperations operations; Album bigWhiskey; Album thePursuit; List<Album> albums; @Before public void setUp() { operations.dropCollection(COLLECTION); albums = new ArrayList<Album>(); bigWhiskey = new Album("Big Whiskey and the Groo Grux King", "Dave Matthews Band"); bigWhiskey.add(new Track(0, "Grux")); bigWhiskey.add(new Track(1, "Shake me lika a monkey")); bigWhiskey.add(new Track(2, "Funny the way it is")); bigWhiskey.add(new Track(3, "Lying in the hands of God")); bigWhiskey.add(new Track(4, "Why I am")); bigWhiskey.add(new Track(5, "Dive in")); bigWhiskey.add(new Track(6, "Spaceman")); bigWhiskey.add(new Track(7, "Squirm")); bigWhiskey.add(new Track(8, "Alligator pie")); bigWhiskey.add(new Track(9, "Seven")); bigWhiskey.add(new Track(10, "Time bomb")); bigWhiskey.add(new Track(11, "My baby blue")); bigWhiskey.add(new Track(12, "You and me")); albums.add(bigWhiskey); thePursuit = new Album("The Pursuit", "Jamie Cullum"); thePursuit.add(new Track(0, "Just one of those things")); thePursuit.add(new Track(1, "I'm all over it")); thePursuit.add(new Track(2, "Wheels")); thePursuit.add(new Track(3, "If I ruled the world")); thePursuit.add(new Track(4, "You and me are gone")); thePursuit.add(new Track(5, "Don't stop the music")); thePursuit.add(new Track(6, "Love ain't gonna let you down")); thePursuit.add(new Track(7, "Mixtape")); thePursuit.add(new Track(8, "I think, I love")); thePursuit.add(new Track(9, "We run things")); thePursuit.add(new Track(10, "Not while I am around")); thePursuit.add(new Track(11, "Music is through")); thePursuit.add(new Track(12, "Grand Torino")); thePursuit.add(new Track(13, "Grace is gone")); albums.add(thePursuit); } /** * Asserts the given query returns the Groo Grux {@link Album} and only * that. * * @param query */ protected void assertSingleGruxAlbum(Query query) { List<Album> result = operations.find(query, Album.class, COLLECTION); assertThat(result, is(notNullValue())); assertThat(result.size(), is(1)); assertSingleGruxAlbum(result.get(0)); } /** * Asserts the given {@link Album} is the Groo Grux album. * * @param album */ protected void assertSingleGruxAlbum(Album album) { assertThat(album, is(notNullValue())); assertThat(album.getId(), is(bigWhiskey.getId())); assertThat(album.getTitle(), is("Big Whiskey and the Groo Grux King")); assertThat(album.getArtist(), is("Dave Matthews Band")); assertThat(album.trackCount(), is(13)); } /** * Asserts the given query returns the Pursuit {@link Album} and only that * one. * * @param query */ protected void assertSinglePursuitAlbum(Query query) { List<Album> result = operations.find(query, Album.class, COLLECTION); assertThat(result, is(notNullValue())); assertThat(result.size(), is(1)); assertSinglePursuitAlbum(result.get(0)); } /** * Asserts the given {@link Album} is the Pursuit {@link Album}. * * @param album */ protected void assertSinglePursuitAlbum(Album album) { assertThat(album, is(notNullValue())); assertThat(album.getId(), is(thePursuit.getId())); assertThat(album.getTitle(), is("The Pursuit")); assertThat(album.getArtist(), is("Jamie Cullum")); assertThat(album.trackCount(), is(14)); } /** * Asserts that the given {@link List} of {@link Album} contains 2 * {@link Album}s, Groo Grux and The Pursuit. * * @param albums */ protected void assertBothAlbums(List<Album> albums) { assertThat(albums, is(notNullValue())); assertThat(albums.size(), is(2)); for (Album album : albums) { if (album.getId().equals(bigWhiskey.getId())) { assertSingleGruxAlbum(album); } else if (album.getId().equals(thePursuit.getId())) { assertSinglePursuitAlbum(album); } else {"Album is neither Grux or Pursuit! "); } } } }