package; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import java.util.*; import*; import*; import static org.apache.http.Consts.UTF_8; /** * Created by xue on 12/19/16. * TODO 寻找适合的 url 解析以及请求类 * TODO 实现map 细节再思考 * TODO 同时考虑 client, netty and quasar fiber 写法 * 暂时用手写解析 */ public class Url implements ArrayAccessBase{ private String url; private URI aURI; private UrlQuery query; public Url(String url) throws UrlException{ this.url = url; try { aURI = new URI(url); List<NameValuePair> list = URLEncodedUtils.parse(aURI, "UTF-8"); HashMap<String, String> parsedParameters = new HashMap<>(); for (NameValuePair pair:list) { parsedParameters.put(pair.getName(), pair.getValue()); } //System.out.println(list); query = new UrlQuery(aURI.getQuery(), parsedParameters); }catch(Exception ex) { throw new UrlException(ex); } } /** * 包含 * query return query; * url return url; * queryString URI getQuery * path URI getPath * host URI getHost * scheme URI getScheme * port URI getPort * hash|fragment 兼容(hash) * user * pass * portWithDefaultValue */ // implements interface TODO public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return true; } // user & pass 暂时不实现 hash 即 fragment public Object get(Object key) { switch ((String)key) { case "url": return url; case "query": return query; case "queryString": return aURI.getQuery(); case "path": return aURI.getPath(); case "host": return aURI.getHost(); case "scheme": return aURI.getScheme(); case "port": return aURI.getPort(); case "fragment": return aURI.getFragment(); case "hash": return aURI.getFragment(); case "userInfo": return aURI.getUserInfo(); } return null; } /** * @param parameters hashmap<String, String> queryparameters to merge * @param reserveOriginalParameters Boolean whether to reserve original params * @return A new Url Object; */ public Url mergeQueryParameters(HashMap<String, String> parameters, boolean reserveOriginalParameters) throws UrlException{ HashMap<String, String> originParameters = query.getParameters(); HashMap<String, String> map3 = new HashMap<>(); if (reserveOriginalParameters) { map3.putAll(parameters); map3.putAll(originParameters); } else { map3.putAll(originParameters); map3.putAll(parameters); } try { String urlStr = regenerateUrlStringWithParametersStr(map3); return new Url(urlStr); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { throw new UrlException(ex); } } protected String regenerateUrlStringWithParametersStr(HashMap<String, String> map) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{ String queryString = aURI.toString().split("\\?")[0]; List<NameValuePair> queryList = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); for (String key:map.keySet()) { queryList.add(new BasicNameValuePair(key, map.get(key))); } return queryString + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(queryList, UTF_8); } /** * get related path * @param urlPrefix * @return * @throws UrlException */ public String getRelatedPath(String urlPrefix) throws UrlException{ Url prefix = new Url(urlPrefix); if (!prefix.get("host").equals(this.get("host"))) { throw new UrlException("UrlException: failed to get related path: unmatched host. prefix["+ urlPrefix + "]; URL:[" + getUrl() + "]"); } if (!prefix.getPortWithDefaultValue().equals(this.getPortWithDefaultValue())) { throw new UrlException("UrlException: failed to get related path: unmatched port. prefix["+ urlPrefix + "]; URL:[" + getUrl() + "]"); } String sourcePath = (String)this.get("path"); String prefixPath = (String)prefix.get("path"); if ("".equals(prefixPath)) { return sourcePath; } if (sourcePath.indexOf(prefixPath) != 0) { throw new UrlException("UrlException: fail to get related path. unmatched path: PREFIX[" + urlPrefix + "]; URL[" + url + "]"); } return sourcePath.substring(prefixPath.length()); } /** * default port; * if defined, return defined; * else if has default, return default; * else return -1; * @return default port integer */ protected Integer getPortWithDefaultValue() { Integer port = (Integer) get("port"); if (!port.equals(-1)) return port; if (get("scheme").equals("http")) return 80; if (get("scheme").equals("https")) return 443; return -1; } public UrlQuery getQuery() { return query; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public URI getaURI() { return aURI; } }