/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package org.sonar.scanner.protocol.output; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import org.sonar.core.util.ContextException; import org.sonar.core.util.Protobuf; public class ScannerReportWriter { private final FileStructure fileStructure; public ScannerReportWriter(File dir) { if (!dir.exists() && !dir.mkdirs()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to create directory: " + dir); } this.fileStructure = new FileStructure(dir); } public FileStructure getFileStructure() { return fileStructure; } public boolean hasComponentData(FileStructure.Domain domain, int componentRef) { File file = fileStructure.fileFor(domain, componentRef); return file.exists() && file.isFile(); } /** * Metadata is mandatory */ public File writeMetadata(ScannerReport.Metadata metadata) { Protobuf.write(metadata, fileStructure.metadataFile()); return fileStructure.metadataFile(); } public File writeActiveRules(Iterable<ScannerReport.ActiveRule> activeRules) { Protobuf.writeStream(activeRules, fileStructure.activeRules(), false); return fileStructure.metadataFile(); } public File writeComponent(ScannerReport.Component component) { File file = fileStructure.fileFor(FileStructure.Domain.COMPONENT, component.getRef()); Protobuf.write(component, file); return file; } public File writeComponentIssues(int componentRef, Iterable<ScannerReport.Issue> issues) { File file = fileStructure.fileFor(FileStructure.Domain.ISSUES, componentRef); Protobuf.writeStream(issues, file, false); return file; } public void appendComponentIssue(int componentRef, ScannerReport.Issue issue) { File file = fileStructure.fileFor(FileStructure.Domain.ISSUES, componentRef); try (OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file, true))) { issue.writeDelimitedTo(out); } catch (Exception e) { throw ContextException.of("Unable to write issue", e).addContext("file", file); } } public File writeComponentMeasures(int componentRef, Iterable<ScannerReport.Measure> measures) { File file = fileStructure.fileFor(FileStructure.Domain.MEASURES, componentRef); Protobuf.writeStream(measures, file, false); return file; } public File writeComponentChangesets(ScannerReport.Changesets changesets) { File file = fileStructure.fileFor(FileStructure.Domain.CHANGESETS, changesets.getComponentRef()); Protobuf.write(changesets, file); return file; } public File writeComponentDuplications(int componentRef, Iterable<ScannerReport.Duplication> duplications) { File file = fileStructure.fileFor(FileStructure.Domain.DUPLICATIONS, componentRef); Protobuf.writeStream(duplications, file, false); return file; } public File writeCpdTextBlocks(int componentRef, Iterable<ScannerReport.CpdTextBlock> blocks) { File file = fileStructure.fileFor(FileStructure.Domain.CPD_TEXT_BLOCKS, componentRef); Protobuf.writeStream(blocks, file, false); return file; } public File writeComponentSymbols(int componentRef, Iterable<ScannerReport.Symbol> symbols) { File file = fileStructure.fileFor(FileStructure.Domain.SYMBOLS, componentRef); Protobuf.writeStream(symbols, file, false); return file; } public File writeComponentSyntaxHighlighting(int componentRef, Iterable<ScannerReport.SyntaxHighlightingRule> syntaxHighlightingRules) { File file = fileStructure.fileFor(FileStructure.Domain.SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTINGS, componentRef); Protobuf.writeStream(syntaxHighlightingRules, file, false); return file; } public File writeComponentCoverage(int componentRef, Iterable<ScannerReport.LineCoverage> coverageList) { File file = fileStructure.fileFor(FileStructure.Domain.COVERAGES, componentRef); Protobuf.writeStream(coverageList, file, false); return file; } public File writeTests(int componentRef, Iterable<ScannerReport.Test> tests) { File file = fileStructure.fileFor(FileStructure.Domain.TESTS, componentRef); Protobuf.writeStream(tests, file, false); return file; } public File writeCoverageDetails(int componentRef, Iterable<ScannerReport.CoverageDetail> tests) { File file = fileStructure.fileFor(FileStructure.Domain.COVERAGE_DETAILS, componentRef); Protobuf.writeStream(tests, file, false); return file; } public File writeContextProperties(Iterable<ScannerReport.ContextProperty> properties) { File file = fileStructure.contextProperties(); Protobuf.writeStream(properties, file, false); return file; } public File getSourceFile(int componentRef) { return fileStructure.fileFor(FileStructure.Domain.SOURCE, componentRef); } }