* Copyright (c) 2014, 2017 by Ericsson and others. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
* and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package org.opendaylight.sfc.ofrenderer.utils;
import java.util.List;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.common.rev151017.SfName;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.common.rev151017.SffDataPlaneLocatorName;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.common.rev151017.SffName;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sf.rev140701.service.function.base.SfDataPlaneLocator;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sf.rev140701.service.functions.ServiceFunction;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sff.ovs.rev140701.SffOvsBridgeAugmentation;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sff.rev140701.service.function.forwarder.base.SffDataPlaneLocator;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sff.rev140701.service.function.forwarders.ServiceFunctionForwarder;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sff.rev140701.service.function.forwarders.service.function.forwarder.ServiceFunctionDictionary;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sff.rev140701.service.function.forwarders.service.function.forwarder.service.function.dictionary.SffSfDataPlaneLocator;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sfg.rev150214.service.function.groups.ServiceFunctionGroup;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sft.rev140701.service.function.types.ServiceFunctionType;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sl.rev140701.MacAddressLocator;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sl.rev140701.data.plane.locator.LocatorType;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sl.rev140701.data.plane.locator.locator.type.Mac;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sff.logical.rev160620.DpnIdType;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sff.logical.rev160620.service.functions.service.function.sf.data.plane.locator.locator.type.LogicalInterface;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sff.ofs.rev150408.SffDataPlaneLocator1;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sff.ofs.rev150408.port.details.OfsPort;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev130715.MacAddress;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.flow.types.rev131026.OutputPortValues;
import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataContainer;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* This Abstract Base class allows us to completely isolate the
* SfcOfRspProcessor and SfcOfSfgDataListener from the sfc-provider-api
* and the controller data store, which makes it much easier to Unit
* Test both classes.
* @author Brady Johnson
public abstract class SfcOfBaseProviderUtils {
protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SfcOfBaseProviderUtils.class);
public abstract void addRsp(long rspId);
public abstract void removeRsp(long rspId);
public abstract ServiceFunction getServiceFunction(SfName sfName, long rspId);
public abstract ServiceFunctionType getServiceFunctionType(SfName sfName, long rspId);
public abstract ServiceFunctionForwarder getServiceFunctionForwarder(SffName sffName, long rspId);
public abstract ServiceFunctionGroup getServiceFunctionGroup(String sfgName, long rspId);
public abstract Long getPortNumberFromName(String bridgeName, String portName, long rspId);
// Get the SFF DPLs that are not used by SFs. Useful when there are multiple
// DPL types: one for the SFs and another for the SFF trunk.
public abstract List<SffDataPlaneLocator> getSffNonSfDataPlaneLocators(ServiceFunctionForwarder sff);
* Return a named SffDataPlaneLocator on a SFF.
* @param sff
* - The SFF to search in
* @param dplName
* - The name of the DPL to look for
* @return SffDataPlaneLocator or null if not found
public SffDataPlaneLocator getSffDataPlaneLocator(ServiceFunctionForwarder sff, SffDataPlaneLocatorName dplName) {
SffDataPlaneLocator sffDpl = null;
if (dplName == null || dplName.getValue() == null) {
return null;
List<SffDataPlaneLocator> sffDataPlanelocatorList = sff.getSffDataPlaneLocator();
for (SffDataPlaneLocator sffDataPlanelocator : sffDataPlanelocatorList) {
if (sffDataPlanelocator.getName() != null) {
if (sffDataPlanelocator.getName().getValue().equals(dplName.getValue())) {
sffDpl = sffDataPlanelocator;
return sffDpl;
* Return the SfDataPlaneLocator on the SF that connects to the named SFF.
* @param sf
* the ServiceFunction to search through
* @param sffName
* the SFF name to search for
* @return SfDataPlaneLocator or null if not found
public SfDataPlaneLocator getSfDataPlaneLocator(ServiceFunction sf, final SffName sffName) {
List<SfDataPlaneLocator> sfDataPlanelocatorList = sf.getSfDataPlaneLocator();
for (SfDataPlaneLocator sfDpl : sfDataPlanelocatorList) {
if (sfDpl.getServiceFunctionForwarder().equals(sffName)) {
return sfDpl;
return null;
* Given a ServiceFunction get the SF DPL name from the
* SffSfDataPlaneLocator and return the SF DPL.
* @param sf
* the ServiceFunction to search through
* @param sffSfDpl
* The SffSf DPL to compare against
* @return SfDataPlaneLocator if found, else null
public SfDataPlaneLocator getSfDataPlaneLocator(ServiceFunction sf, SffSfDataPlaneLocator sffSfDpl) {
List<SfDataPlaneLocator> sfDataPlanelocatorList = sf.getSfDataPlaneLocator();
for (SfDataPlaneLocator sfDpl : sfDataPlanelocatorList) {
if (sfDpl.getName().getValue().equals(sffSfDpl.getSfDplName().getValue())) {
return sfDpl;
return null;
* Return the named SF ServiceFunctionDictionary SffSfDataPlaneLocator from
* the sff sf-dictionary list.
* @param sff
* - The SFF to search in
* @param sfName
* - The name of the DPL to look for
* @return SffSfDataPlaneLocator or null if not found
public SffSfDataPlaneLocator getSffSfDataPlaneLocator(ServiceFunctionForwarder sff, SfName sfName) {
SffSfDataPlaneLocator sffSfDpl = null;
ServiceFunctionDictionary sffSfDict = getSffSfDictionary(sff, sfName);
if (sffSfDict != null) {
sffSfDpl = sffSfDict.getSffSfDataPlaneLocator();
return sffSfDpl;
* Return the named SF ServiceFunctionDictionary element from the sff
* sf-dictionary list.
* @param sff
* the SFF to search through
* @param sfName
* the SF name to look for
* @return A ServiceFunctionDictionary entry or null if not found
public ServiceFunctionDictionary getSffSfDictionary(ServiceFunctionForwarder sff, SfName sfName) {
ServiceFunctionDictionary sffSfDict = null;
List<ServiceFunctionDictionary> sffSfDictList = sff.getServiceFunctionDictionary();
if (sffSfDictList != null) {
for (ServiceFunctionDictionary dict : sffSfDictList) {
if (dict.getName().getValue().equals(sfName.getValue())) {
sffSfDict = dict;
return sffSfDict;
* Return the mac address from a SF DPL, only if its a MAC DPL.
* @param sfDpl
* the SF DPL to process
* @return macAddress string or null if its not a MAC DPL
public String getSfDplMac(SfDataPlaneLocator sfDpl) {
String sfMac = null;
LocatorType sffLocatorType = sfDpl.getLocatorType();
Class<? extends DataContainer> implementedInterface = sffLocatorType.getImplementedInterface();
// Mac/IP and possibly VLAN
if (implementedInterface.equals(Mac.class)) {
if (((MacAddressLocator) sffLocatorType).getMac() != null) {
sfMac = ((MacAddressLocator) sffLocatorType).getMac().getValue();
return sfMac;
* Return the mac address from a SFF DPL, only if its a MAC DPL.
* @param sfDpl the SFF DPL to process
* @return macAddress string or null if its not a MAC DPL
public String getSffDplMac(SffDataPlaneLocator sfDpl) {
String sffMac = null;
LocatorType sffLocatorType = sfDpl.getDataPlaneLocator().getLocatorType();
Class<? extends DataContainer> implementedInterface = sffLocatorType.getImplementedInterface();
// Mac/IP and possibly VLAN
if (implementedInterface.equals(Mac.class)) {
if (((MacAddressLocator) sffLocatorType).getMac() != null) {
sffMac = ((MacAddressLocator) sffLocatorType).getMac().getValue();
return sffMac;
* Given an SFF object and SFF-SF dictionary entry, return the switch port
* string. Looks for the SFF DPL name in the SFF-SF dictionary, then looks
* up that DPL name on the SFF.
* @param sff
* the SFF to process
* @param dict
* used to get the SFF DPL name
* @return switch port string, INPORT if not augmented, INPORT if not found
public String getDictPortInfoPort(final ServiceFunctionForwarder sff, final ServiceFunctionDictionary dict) {
SffDataPlaneLocator sffDpl = getSffDataPlaneLocator(sff, dict.getSffSfDataPlaneLocator().getSffDplName());
OfsPort ofsPort = getSffPortInfoFromDpl(sffDpl);
if (ofsPort == null) {
// This case is most likely because the sff-of augmentation wasnt
// used
// assuming the packet should just be sent on the same port it was
// received on
return OutputPortValues.INPORT.toString();
return ofsPort.getPortId();
* Given a possibly augmented SFF DPL, return the augmented OfsPort object.
* @param sffDpl
* The SFF DPL to process
* @return OfsPort, null if not augmented, null if not found
public OfsPort getSffPortInfoFromDpl(final SffDataPlaneLocator sffDpl) {
if (sffDpl == null) {
return null;
SffDataPlaneLocator1 ofsDpl = sffDpl.getAugmentation(SffDataPlaneLocator1.class);
if (ofsDpl == null) {
LOG.debug("No OFS DPL available for dpl [{}]", sffDpl.getName().getValue());
return null;
return ofsDpl.getOfsPort();
* Given a possibly augmented SFF DPL, return the DPL switch port. The
* augmentation will be a OfsPort object.
* @param dpl
* the SFF DPL to process
* @return switch port string, INPORT if not augmented, INPORT if not found
public String getDplPortInfoPort(final SffDataPlaneLocator dpl) {
OfsPort ofsPort = getSffPortInfoFromDpl(dpl);
if (ofsPort == null) {
// This case is most likely because the sff-of augmentation wasnt
// used
// assuming the packet should just be sent on the same port it was
// received on
return OutputPortValues.INPORT.toString();
return ofsPort.getPortId();
* Given a possibly augmented SFF DPL, return the DPL mac address. The
* augmentation will be a OfsPort object.
* @param dpl
* the SFF DPL to process
* @return mac address string, null if not augmented, null if not found
public String getDplPortInfoMac(final SffDataPlaneLocator dpl) {
if (dpl == null) {
return null;
String macStr = null;
OfsPort ofsPort = getSffPortInfoFromDpl(dpl);
if (ofsPort != null) {
if (ofsPort.getMacAddress() != null) {
macStr = ofsPort.getMacAddress().getValue();
if (macStr == null) {
if (dpl.getDataPlaneLocator().getTransport()
.equals(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sl.rev140701.Mac.class)) {
MacAddress mac = ((MacAddressLocator) dpl.getDataPlaneLocator().getLocatorType()).getMac();
if (mac != null) {
macStr = mac.getValue();
return macStr;
* Given an SFF object and SFF-SF dictionary entry, return the SFF Mac.
* Looks for the SFF DPL name in the SFF-SF dictionary, then looks up that
* DPL name on the SFF.
* @param sff
* The SFF to process
* @param dict
* contains the SFF DPL name to process
* @return MAC Address string, null if the DPL is not mac, null if not found
public String getDictPortInfoMac(final ServiceFunctionForwarder sff, final ServiceFunctionDictionary dict) {
SffDataPlaneLocator sffDpl = getSffDataPlaneLocator(sff, dict.getSffSfDataPlaneLocator().getSffDplName());
String macStr = getDplPortInfoMac(sffDpl);
// If the SFF DPL wasnt augmented, check if the DPL is of type mac, and
// return that mac address
if (macStr == null) {
if (sffDpl.getDataPlaneLocator().getTransport()
.equals(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.sfc.sl.rev140701.Mac.class)) {
MacAddress mac = ((MacAddressLocator) sffDpl.getDataPlaneLocator().getLocatorType()).getMac();
if (mac != null) {
macStr = mac.getValue();
return macStr;
* Given an SFF name, return the augmented OpenFlow NodeName.
* @param sffName
* The SFF name to process
* @param rspId
* the rsp the SFF is being processed on
* @return OpenFlow NodeName, null if not augmented, null if not found
public String getSffOpenFlowNodeName(final SffName sffName, long rspId) {
ServiceFunctionForwarder sff = getServiceFunctionForwarder(sffName, rspId);
// TODO return more addressing type - NodeId
return getSffOpenFlowNodeName(sff);
* Given an SFF name, return the augmented OpenFlow NodeName.
* @param sffName
* The SFF name to process
* @param rspId
* the rsp the SFF is being processed on
* @param dpnid
* data plane node identifier for the switch. It is null when it
* is not known; when provided, it is used directly to build the
* openflow node name
* @return OpenFlow NodeName, null if not augmented, null if not found
public String getSffOpenFlowNodeName(final SffName sffName, long rspId, final DpnIdType dpnid) {
if (dpnid != null) {
// part of logical sff: openflow node name = "openflow:dpnid"
return "openflow:" + dpnid.getValue();
return getSffOpenFlowNodeName(sffName, rspId);
* Given an SFF object, return the augmented OpenFlow NodeName.
* @param sff
* The SFF name to process
* @return OpenFlow NodeName or null if augmented or not found
public String getSffOpenFlowNodeName(final ServiceFunctionForwarder sff) {
if (sff == null) {
return null;
// Check if its an service-function-forwarder-ovs augmentation
// if it is, then get the open flow node id there
SffOvsBridgeAugmentation ovsSff = sff.getAugmentation(SffOvsBridgeAugmentation.class);
if (ovsSff != null) {
if (ovsSff.getOvsBridge() != null) {
return ovsSff.getOvsBridge().getOpenflowNodeId();
// it its not an sff-ovs, then just return the ServiceNode
return sff.getServiceNode().getValue();
* Given a SF, retrieve the logical interface name.
* @param sf
* The service function to use
* @return String the logical interface name when the SF is using a logical
* interface; null otherwise
public String getSfLogicalInterfaceName(ServiceFunction sf) {
String interfaceName = null;
LOG.debug("getSfLogicalInterfaceName: called for sf {}", sf.getName());
if (sf.getSfDataPlaneLocator() != null && sf.getSfDataPlaneLocator().get(0) != null) {
SfDataPlaneLocator sfdpl = sf.getSfDataPlaneLocator().get(0);
LOG.debug("getSfLogicalInterfaceName: dpl 0 is not null! it is {}", sfdpl);
if (sfdpl.getLocatorType() != null
&& sfdpl.getLocatorType().getImplementedInterface() == LogicalInterface.class) {
LogicalInterface logicalInterface = (LogicalInterface) sfdpl.getLocatorType();
if (logicalInterface != null && logicalInterface.getInterfaceName() != null) {
LOG.debug("getSfLogicalInterfaceName: hop is using a logical interface [{}]",
interfaceName = logicalInterface.getInterfaceName();
return interfaceName;
public SffDataPlaneLocator getSffSfDict_SffDpl(SfName sfName, SffName sffName, long rspId) {
ServiceFunctionForwarder sff = getServiceFunctionForwarder(sffName, rspId);
for (ServiceFunctionDictionary sffDict : sff.getServiceFunctionDictionary()) {
if (sffDict.getName().equals(sfName)) {
return getSffDataPlaneLocator(sff, sffDict.getSffSfDataPlaneLocator().getSffDplName());
return null;
* Return a named SffDataPlaneLocator on a SFF.
* @param sffName
* The SFF name to search in
* @param rspId
* rendered service path ID
* @return list of SffDataPlaneLocator or null if not found
public List<SffDataPlaneLocator> getSffDataPlaneLocators(SffName sffName, long rspId) {
ServiceFunctionForwarder sff = getServiceFunctionForwarder(sffName, rspId);
if (sff == null || sff.getSffDataPlaneLocator() == null) {
return null;
return sff.getSffDataPlaneLocator();