package; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.ColorStateList; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import android.text.Layout; import android.text.StaticLayout; import android.text.TextPaint; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.SoundEffectConstants; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.view.ViewParent; import android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator; import android.widget.CompoundButton; import; /** * SwitchButton * * @author kyleduo * @since 2014-09-24 */ public class SwitchButton extends CompoundButton { public static final float DEFAULT_BACK_MEASURE_RATIO = 1.8f; public static final int DEFAULT_THUMB_SIZE_DP = 20; public static final int DEFAULT_THUMB_MARGIN_DP = 2; public static final int DEFAULT_TEXT_MARGIN_DP = 2; public static final int DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DURATION = 250; public static final int DEFAULT_TINT_COLOR = 0x327FC2; private static int[] CHECKED_PRESSED_STATE = new int[] {android.R.attr.state_checked, android.R.attr.state_enabled, android.R.attr.state_pressed}; private static int[] UNCHECKED_PRESSED_STATE = new int[] { -android.R.attr.state_checked, android.R.attr.state_enabled, android.R.attr.state_pressed}; private Drawable mThumbDrawable, mBackDrawable; private ColorStateList mBackColor, mThumbColor; private float mThumbRadius, mBackRadius; private RectF mThumbMargin; private float mBackMeasureRatio; private long mAnimationDuration; // fade back drawable or color when dragging or animating private boolean mFadeBack; private int mTintColor; private PointF mThumbSizeF; private int mCurrThumbColor, mCurrBackColor, mNextBackColor, mOnTextColor, mOffTextColor; private Drawable mCurrentBackDrawable, mNextBackDrawable; private RectF mThumbRectF, mBackRectF, mSafeRectF, mTextOnRectF, mTextOffRectF; private Paint mPaint; // whether using Drawable for thumb or back private boolean mIsThumbUseDrawable, mIsBackUseDrawable; private boolean mDrawDebugRect = false; private ObjectAnimator mProcessAnimator; // animation control private float mProcess; // temp position of thumb when dragging or animating private RectF mPresentThumbRectF; private float mStartX, mStartY, mLastX; private int mTouchSlop; private int mClickTimeout; private Paint mRectPaint; private CharSequence mTextOn; private CharSequence mTextOff; private TextPaint mTextPaint; private Layout mOnLayout; private Layout mOffLayout; private float mTextWidth; private float mTextHeight; private float mTextMarginH; public SwitchButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); init(attrs); } public SwitchButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); init(attrs); } public SwitchButton(Context context) { super(context); init(null); } private void init(AttributeSet attrs) { mTouchSlop = ViewConfiguration.get(getContext()).getScaledTouchSlop(); mClickTimeout = ViewConfiguration.getPressedStateDuration() + ViewConfiguration.getTapTimeout(); mPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); mRectPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); mRectPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); mRectPaint.setStrokeWidth(getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density); mTextPaint = getPaint(); mThumbRectF = new RectF(); mBackRectF = new RectF(); mSafeRectF = new RectF(); mThumbSizeF = new PointF(); mThumbMargin = new RectF(); mTextOnRectF = new RectF(); mTextOffRectF = new RectF(); mProcessAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "process", 0, 0).setDuration(DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DURATION); mProcessAnimator.setInterpolator(new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator()); mPresentThumbRectF = new RectF(); Resources res = getResources(); float density = res.getDisplayMetrics().density; Drawable thumbDrawable = null; ColorStateList thumbColor = null; float margin = density * DEFAULT_THUMB_MARGIN_DP; float marginLeft = 0; float marginRight = 0; float marginTop = 0; float marginBottom = 0; float thumbWidth = density * DEFAULT_THUMB_SIZE_DP; float thumbHeight = density * DEFAULT_THUMB_SIZE_DP; float thumbRadius = density * DEFAULT_THUMB_SIZE_DP / 2; float backRadius = thumbRadius; Drawable backDrawable = null; ColorStateList backColor = null; float backMeasureRatio = DEFAULT_BACK_MEASURE_RATIO; int animationDuration = DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DURATION; boolean fadeBack = true; int tintColor = Integer.MIN_VALUE; String textOn = null; String textOff = null; float textMarginH = density * DEFAULT_TEXT_MARGIN_DP; TypedArray ta = attrs == null ? null : getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.SwitchButton); if (ta != null) { thumbDrawable = ta.getDrawable(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswThumbDrawable); thumbColor = ta.getColorStateList(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswThumbColor); margin = ta.getDimension(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswThumbMargin, margin); marginLeft = ta.getDimension(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswThumbMarginLeft, margin); marginRight = ta.getDimension(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswThumbMarginRight, margin); marginTop = ta.getDimension(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswThumbMarginTop, margin); marginBottom = ta.getDimension(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswThumbMarginBottom, margin); thumbWidth = ta.getDimension(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswThumbWidth, thumbWidth); thumbHeight = ta.getDimension(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswThumbHeight, thumbHeight); thumbRadius = ta.getDimension(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswThumbRadius, Math.min(thumbWidth, thumbHeight) / 2.f); backRadius = ta.getDimension(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswBackRadius, thumbRadius + density * 2f); backDrawable = ta.getDrawable(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswBackDrawable); backColor = ta.getColorStateList(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswBackColor); backMeasureRatio = ta.getFloat(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswBackMeasureRatio, backMeasureRatio); animationDuration = ta.getInteger(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswAnimationDuration, animationDuration); fadeBack = ta.getBoolean(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswFadeBack, true); tintColor = ta.getColor(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswTintColor, tintColor); textOn = ta.getString(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswTextOn); textOff = ta.getString(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswTextOff); textMarginH = ta.getDimension(R.styleable.SwitchButton_kswTextMarginH, textMarginH); ta.recycle(); } // text mTextOn = textOn; mTextOff = textOff; mTextMarginH = textMarginH; // thumb drawable and color mThumbDrawable = thumbDrawable; mThumbColor = thumbColor; mIsThumbUseDrawable = mThumbDrawable != null; mTintColor = tintColor; if (mTintColor == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { mTintColor = DEFAULT_TINT_COLOR; } if (!mIsThumbUseDrawable && mThumbColor == null) { mThumbColor = ColorUtils.generateThumbColorWithTintColor(mTintColor); mCurrThumbColor = mThumbColor.getDefaultColor(); } if (mIsThumbUseDrawable) { thumbWidth = Math.max(thumbWidth, mThumbDrawable.getMinimumWidth()); thumbHeight = Math.max(thumbHeight, mThumbDrawable.getMinimumHeight()); } mThumbSizeF.set(thumbWidth, thumbHeight); // back drawable and color mBackDrawable = backDrawable; mBackColor = backColor; mIsBackUseDrawable = mBackDrawable != null; if (!mIsBackUseDrawable && mBackColor == null) { mBackColor = ColorUtils.generateBackColorWithTintColor(mTintColor); mCurrBackColor = mBackColor.getDefaultColor(); mNextBackColor = mBackColor.getColorForState(CHECKED_PRESSED_STATE, mCurrBackColor); } // margin mThumbMargin.set(marginLeft, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom); // size & measure params must larger than 1 mBackMeasureRatio = mThumbMargin.width() >= 0 ? Math.max(backMeasureRatio, 1) : backMeasureRatio; mThumbRadius = thumbRadius; mBackRadius = backRadius; mAnimationDuration = animationDuration; mFadeBack = fadeBack; mProcessAnimator.setDuration(mAnimationDuration); setFocusable(true); setClickable(true); // sync checked status if (isChecked()) { setProcess(1); } } private Layout makeLayout(CharSequence text) { return new StaticLayout(text, mTextPaint, (int) Math.ceil(Layout.getDesiredWidth(text, mTextPaint)), Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1.f, 0, false); } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { if (mOnLayout == null && mTextOn != null) { mOnLayout = makeLayout(mTextOn); } if (mOffLayout == null && mTextOff != null) { mOffLayout = makeLayout(mTextOff); } setMeasuredDimension(measureWidth(widthMeasureSpec), measureHeight(heightMeasureSpec)); } private int measureWidth(int widthMeasureSpec) { int widthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec); int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec); int measuredWidth; int minWidth = (int) (mThumbSizeF.x * mBackMeasureRatio); if (mIsBackUseDrawable) { minWidth = Math.max(minWidth, mBackDrawable.getMinimumWidth()); } float onWidth = mOnLayout != null ? mOnLayout.getWidth() : 0; float offWidth = mOffLayout != null ? mOffLayout.getWidth() : 0; if (onWidth != 0 || offWidth != 0) { mTextWidth = Math.max(onWidth, offWidth) + mTextMarginH * 2; float left = minWidth - mThumbSizeF.x; if (left < mTextWidth) { minWidth += mTextWidth - left; } } minWidth = Math.max(minWidth, (int) (minWidth + mThumbMargin.left + mThumbMargin.right)); minWidth = Math.max(minWidth, minWidth + getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight()); minWidth = Math.max(minWidth, getSuggestedMinimumWidth()); if (widthMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) { measuredWidth = Math.max(minWidth, widthSize); } else { measuredWidth = minWidth; if (widthMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) { measuredWidth = Math.min(measuredWidth, widthSize); } } return measuredWidth; } private int measureHeight(int heightMeasureSpec) { int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec); int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec); int measuredHeight; int minHeight = (int) Math.max(mThumbSizeF.y, mThumbSizeF.y + + mThumbMargin.right); float onHeight = mOnLayout != null ? mOnLayout.getHeight() : 0; float offHeight = mOffLayout != null ? mOffLayout.getHeight() : 0; if (onHeight != 0 || offHeight != 0) { mTextHeight = Math.max(onHeight, offHeight); minHeight = (int) Math.max(minHeight, mTextHeight); } minHeight = Math.max(minHeight, getSuggestedMinimumHeight()); minHeight = Math.max(minHeight, minHeight + getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom()); if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) { measuredHeight = Math.max(minHeight, heightSize); } else { measuredHeight = minHeight; if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) { measuredHeight = Math.min(measuredHeight, heightSize); } } return measuredHeight; } @Override protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); if (w != oldw || h != oldh) { setup(); } } /** * set up the rect of back and thumb */ private void setup() { float thumbTop = getPaddingTop() + Math.max(0,; float thumbLeft = getPaddingLeft() + Math.max(0, mThumbMargin.left); if (mOnLayout != null && mOffLayout != null) { if ( + mThumbMargin.bottom > 0) { // back is higher than thumb float addition = (getMeasuredHeight() - getPaddingBottom() - getPaddingTop() - mThumbSizeF.y - - mThumbMargin.bottom) / 2; thumbTop += addition; } } if (mIsThumbUseDrawable) { mThumbSizeF.x = Math.max(mThumbSizeF.x, mThumbDrawable.getMinimumWidth()); mThumbSizeF.y = Math.max(mThumbSizeF.y, mThumbDrawable.getMinimumHeight()); } mThumbRectF.set(thumbLeft, thumbTop, thumbLeft + mThumbSizeF.x, thumbTop + mThumbSizeF.y); float backLeft = mThumbRectF.left - mThumbMargin.left; float textDiffWidth = Math.min(0, (Math.max(mThumbSizeF.x * mBackMeasureRatio, mThumbSizeF.x + mTextWidth) - mThumbRectF.width() - mTextWidth) / 2); float textDiffHeight = Math.min(0, (mThumbRectF.height() + + mThumbMargin.bottom - mTextHeight) / 2); mBackRectF.set(backLeft + textDiffWidth, - + textDiffHeight, backLeft + mThumbMargin.left + Math.max(mThumbSizeF.x * mBackMeasureRatio, mThumbSizeF.x + mTextWidth) + mThumbMargin.right - textDiffWidth, mThumbRectF.bottom + mThumbMargin.bottom - textDiffHeight); mSafeRectF.set(mThumbRectF.left, 0, mBackRectF.right - mThumbMargin.right - mThumbRectF.width(), 0); float minBackRadius = Math.min(mBackRectF.width(), mBackRectF.height()) / 2.f; mBackRadius = Math.min(minBackRadius, mBackRadius); if (mBackDrawable != null) { mBackDrawable.setBounds((int) mBackRectF.left, (int), (int) mBackRectF.right, (int) mBackRectF.bottom); } if (mOnLayout != null) { float marginOnX = mBackRectF.left + (mBackRectF.width() - mThumbRectF.width() - mOnLayout.getWidth()) / 2 - mThumbMargin.left + mTextMarginH * (mThumbMargin.left > 0 ? 1 : -1); float marginOnY = + (mBackRectF.height() - mOnLayout.getHeight()) / 2; mTextOnRectF.set(marginOnX, marginOnY, marginOnX + mOnLayout.getWidth(), marginOnY + mOnLayout.getHeight()); } if (mOffLayout != null) { float marginOffX = mBackRectF.right - (mBackRectF.width() - mThumbRectF.width() - mOffLayout.getWidth()) / 2 + mThumbMargin.right - mOffLayout.getWidth() - mTextMarginH * (mThumbMargin.right > 0 ? 1 : -1); float marginOffY = + (mBackRectF.height() - mOffLayout.getHeight()) / 2; mTextOffRectF.set(marginOffX, marginOffY, marginOffX + mOffLayout.getWidth(), marginOffY + mOffLayout.getHeight()); } } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); // fade back if (mIsBackUseDrawable) { if (mFadeBack && mCurrentBackDrawable != null && mNextBackDrawable != null) { int alpha = (int) (255 * (isChecked() ? getProcess() : (1 - getProcess()))); mCurrentBackDrawable.setAlpha(alpha); mCurrentBackDrawable.draw(canvas); alpha = 255 - alpha; mNextBackDrawable.setAlpha(alpha); mNextBackDrawable.draw(canvas); } else { mBackDrawable.setAlpha(255); mBackDrawable.draw(canvas); } } else { if (mFadeBack) { int alpha; int colorAlpha; // curr back alpha = (int) (255 * (isChecked() ? getProcess() : (1 - getProcess()))); colorAlpha = Color.alpha(mCurrBackColor); colorAlpha = colorAlpha * alpha / 255; mPaint.setARGB(colorAlpha,,,; canvas.drawRoundRect(mBackRectF, mBackRadius, mBackRadius, mPaint); // next back alpha = 255 - alpha; colorAlpha = Color.alpha(mNextBackColor); colorAlpha = colorAlpha * alpha / 255; mPaint.setARGB(colorAlpha,,,; canvas.drawRoundRect(mBackRectF, mBackRadius, mBackRadius, mPaint); mPaint.setAlpha(255); } else { mPaint.setColor(mCurrBackColor); canvas.drawRoundRect(mBackRectF, mBackRadius, mBackRadius, mPaint); } } // text Layout switchText = getProcess() > 0.5 ? mOnLayout : mOffLayout; RectF textRectF = getProcess() > 0.5 ? mTextOnRectF : mTextOffRectF; if (switchText != null && textRectF != null) { int alpha = (int) (255 * (getProcess() >= 0.75 ? getProcess() * 4 - 3 : (getProcess() < 0.25 ? 1 - getProcess() * 4 : 0))); int textColor = getProcess() > 0.5 ? mOnTextColor : mOffTextColor; int colorAlpha = Color.alpha(textColor); colorAlpha = colorAlpha * alpha / 255; switchText.getPaint().setARGB(colorAlpha,,,;; canvas.translate(textRectF.left,; switchText.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } // thumb mPresentThumbRectF.set(mThumbRectF); mPresentThumbRectF.offset(mProcess * mSafeRectF.width(), 0); if (mIsThumbUseDrawable) { mThumbDrawable.setBounds((int) mPresentThumbRectF.left, (int), (int) mPresentThumbRectF.right, (int) mPresentThumbRectF.bottom); mThumbDrawable.draw(canvas); } else { mPaint.setColor(mCurrThumbColor); canvas.drawRoundRect(mPresentThumbRectF, mThumbRadius, mThumbRadius, mPaint); } if (mDrawDebugRect) { mRectPaint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#AA0000")); canvas.drawRect(mBackRectF, mRectPaint); mRectPaint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#0000FF")); canvas.drawRect(mPresentThumbRectF, mRectPaint); mRectPaint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#00CC00")); canvas.drawRect(getProcess() > 0.5 ? mTextOnRectF : mTextOffRectF, mRectPaint); } } @Override protected void drawableStateChanged() { super.drawableStateChanged(); if (!mIsThumbUseDrawable && mThumbColor != null) { mCurrThumbColor = mThumbColor.getColorForState(getDrawableState(), mCurrThumbColor); } else { setDrawableState(mThumbDrawable); } int[] nextState = isChecked() ? UNCHECKED_PRESSED_STATE : CHECKED_PRESSED_STATE; ColorStateList textColors = getTextColors(); if (textColors != null) { int defaultTextColor = textColors.getDefaultColor(); mOnTextColor = textColors.getColorForState(CHECKED_PRESSED_STATE, defaultTextColor); mOffTextColor = textColors.getColorForState(UNCHECKED_PRESSED_STATE, defaultTextColor); } if (!mIsBackUseDrawable && mBackColor != null) { mCurrBackColor = mBackColor.getColorForState(getDrawableState(), mCurrBackColor); mNextBackColor = mBackColor.getColorForState(nextState, mCurrBackColor); } else { if (mBackDrawable instanceof StateListDrawable && mFadeBack) { mBackDrawable.setState(nextState); mNextBackDrawable = mBackDrawable.getCurrent().mutate(); } else { mNextBackDrawable = null; } setDrawableState(mBackDrawable); if (mBackDrawable != null) { mCurrentBackDrawable = mBackDrawable.getCurrent().mutate(); } } } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (!isEnabled() || !isClickable()) { return false; } int action = event.getAction(); float deltaX = event.getX() - mStartX; float deltaY = event.getY() - mStartY; // status the view going to change to when finger released boolean nextStatus; switch (action) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: catchView(); mStartX = event.getX(); mStartY = event.getY(); mLastX = mStartX; setPressed(true); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: float x = event.getX(); setProcess(getProcess() + (x - mLastX) / mSafeRectF.width()); mLastX = x; break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: setPressed(false); nextStatus = getStatusBasedOnPos(); float time = event.getEventTime() - event.getDownTime(); if (deltaX < mTouchSlop && deltaY < mTouchSlop && time < mClickTimeout) { performClick(); } else { if (nextStatus != isChecked()) { playSoundEffect(SoundEffectConstants.CLICK); setChecked(nextStatus); } else { animateToState(nextStatus); } } break; default: break; } return true; } /** * return the status based on position of thumb * * @return */ private boolean getStatusBasedOnPos() { return getProcess() > 0.5f; } public final float getProcess() { return mProcess; } public final void setProcess(final float process) { float tp = process; if (tp > 1) { tp = 1; } else if (tp < 0) { tp = 0; } this.mProcess = tp; invalidate(); } @Override public boolean performClick() { return super.performClick(); } /** * processing animation * * @param checked checked or unChecked */ protected void animateToState(boolean checked) { if (mProcessAnimator == null) { return; } if (mProcessAnimator.isRunning()) { mProcessAnimator.cancel(); } mProcessAnimator.setDuration(mAnimationDuration); if (checked) { mProcessAnimator.setFloatValues(mProcess, 1f); } else { mProcessAnimator.setFloatValues(mProcess, 0); } mProcessAnimator.start(); } private void catchView() { ViewParent parent = getParent(); if (parent != null) { parent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true); } } @Override public void setChecked(final boolean checked) { // animate before super.setChecked() become user may call setChecked again in OnCheckedChangedListener if (isChecked() != checked) { animateToState(checked); } super.setChecked(checked); } public void setCheckedImmediately(boolean checked) { super.setChecked(checked); if (mProcessAnimator != null && mProcessAnimator.isRunning()) { mProcessAnimator.cancel(); } setProcess(checked ? 1 : 0); invalidate(); } public void toggleImmediately() { setCheckedImmediately(!isChecked()); } private void setDrawableState(Drawable drawable) { if (drawable != null) { int[] myDrawableState = getDrawableState(); drawable.setState(myDrawableState); invalidate(); } } public boolean isDrawDebugRect() { return mDrawDebugRect; } public void setDrawDebugRect(boolean drawDebugRect) { mDrawDebugRect = drawDebugRect; invalidate(); } public long getAnimationDuration() { return mAnimationDuration; } public void setAnimationDuration(long animationDuration) { mAnimationDuration = animationDuration; } public Drawable getThumbDrawable() { return mThumbDrawable; } public void setThumbDrawable(Drawable thumbDrawable) { mThumbDrawable = thumbDrawable; mIsThumbUseDrawable = mThumbDrawable != null; setup(); refreshDrawableState(); requestLayout(); invalidate(); } public void setThumbDrawableRes(int thumbDrawableRes) { setThumbDrawable(ContextCompat.getDrawable(getContext(), thumbDrawableRes)); } public Drawable getBackDrawable() { return mBackDrawable; } public void setBackDrawable(Drawable backDrawable) { mBackDrawable = backDrawable; mIsBackUseDrawable = mBackDrawable != null; setup(); refreshDrawableState(); requestLayout(); invalidate(); } public void setBackDrawableRes(int backDrawableRes) { setBackDrawable(ContextCompat.getDrawable(getContext(), backDrawableRes)); } public ColorStateList getBackColor() { return mBackColor; } public void setBackColor(ColorStateList backColor) { mBackColor = backColor; if (mBackColor != null) { setBackDrawable(null); } invalidate(); } public void setBackColorRes(int backColorRes) { // setBackColor(ContextCompat.getColorStateList(getContext(), backColorRes)); } public ColorStateList getThumbColor() { return mThumbColor; } public void setThumbColor(ColorStateList thumbColor) { mThumbColor = thumbColor; if (mThumbColor != null) { setThumbDrawable(null); } } public void setThumbColorRes(int thumbColorRes) { // setThumbColor(ContextCompat.getColorStateList(getContext(), thumbColorRes)); } public float getBackMeasureRatio() { return mBackMeasureRatio; } public void setBackMeasureRatio(float backMeasureRatio) { mBackMeasureRatio = backMeasureRatio; requestLayout(); } public RectF getThumbMargin() { return mThumbMargin; } public void setThumbMargin(RectF thumbMargin) { if (thumbMargin == null) { setThumbMargin(0, 0, 0, 0); } else { setThumbMargin(thumbMargin.left,, thumbMargin.right, thumbMargin.bottom); } } public void setThumbMargin(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) { mThumbMargin.set(left, top, right, bottom); requestLayout(); } public void setThumbSize(float width, float height) { mThumbSizeF.set(width, height); setup(); requestLayout(); } public float getThumbWidth() { return mThumbSizeF.x; } public float getThumbHeight() { return mThumbSizeF.y; } public void setThumbSize(PointF size) { if (size == null) { float defaultSize = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density * DEFAULT_THUMB_SIZE_DP; setThumbSize(defaultSize, defaultSize); } else { setThumbSize(size.x, size.y); } } public PointF getThumbSizeF() { return mThumbSizeF; } public float getThumbRadius() { return mThumbRadius; } public void setThumbRadius(float thumbRadius) { mThumbRadius = thumbRadius; if (!mIsThumbUseDrawable) { invalidate(); } } public PointF getBackSizeF() { return new PointF(mBackRectF.width(), mBackRectF.height()); } public float getBackRadius() { return mBackRadius; } public void setBackRadius(float backRadius) { mBackRadius = backRadius; if (!mIsBackUseDrawable) { invalidate(); } } public boolean isFadeBack() { return mFadeBack; } public void setFadeBack(boolean fadeBack) { mFadeBack = fadeBack; } public int getTintColor() { return mTintColor; } public void setTintColor(int tintColor) { mTintColor = tintColor; mThumbColor = ColorUtils.generateThumbColorWithTintColor(mTintColor); mBackColor = ColorUtils.generateBackColorWithTintColor(mTintColor); mIsBackUseDrawable = false; mIsThumbUseDrawable = false; // call this method to refresh color states refreshDrawableState(); invalidate(); } public void setText(CharSequence onText, CharSequence offText) { mTextOn = onText; mTextOff = offText; mOnLayout = null; mOffLayout = null; requestLayout(); } @Override public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() { Parcelable superState = super.onSaveInstanceState(); SavedState ss = new SavedState(superState); ss.onText = mTextOn; ss.offText = mTextOff; return ss; } @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) { SavedState ss = (SavedState) state; setText(ss.onText, ss.offText); super.onRestoreInstanceState(ss.getSuperState()); } static class SavedState extends BaseSavedState { CharSequence onText; CharSequence offText; SavedState(Parcelable superState) { super(superState); } private SavedState(Parcel in) { super(in); onText = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in); offText = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in); } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) { super.writeToParcel(out, flags); TextUtils.writeToParcel(onText, out, flags); TextUtils.writeToParcel(offText, out, flags); } public static final Creator<SavedState> CREATOR = new Creator<SavedState>() { public SavedState createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new SavedState(in); } public SavedState[] newArray(int size) { return new SavedState[size]; } }; } }