package org.dsa.iot.dslink.serializer; import org.dsa.iot.dslink.node.*; import org.dsa.iot.dslink.provider.*; import org.dsa.iot.dslink.util.*; import org.dsa.iot.dslink.util.json.*; import org.slf4j.*; import*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; import javax.crypto.*; import javax.crypto.spec.*; /** * Handles automatic serialization and deserialization. * * @author Samuel Grenier */ public class SerializationManager { private static final Logger LOGGER; private final File file; private final File backup; private final Deserializer deserializer; private final Serializer serializer; private ScheduledFuture<?> future; private SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec; private static final String PASSWORD_PREFIX = "\u001Bpw:"; static final String PASSWORD_TOKEN = "assword"; private final AtomicBoolean changed = new AtomicBoolean(false); /** * Handles serialization based on the file path. * * @param file Path that holds the data * @param manager Manager to deserialize/serialize */ public SerializationManager(File file, NodeManager manager) { this.file = file; this.backup = new File(file.getPath() + ".bak"); this.deserializer = new Deserializer(this, manager); this.serializer = new Serializer(this, manager); } public void markChanged() { changed.set(true); } public void markChangedOverride(boolean bool) { changed.set(bool); } public synchronized void start() { stop(); future = LoopProvider.getProvider().schedulePeriodic(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { boolean c = changed.getAndSet(false); if (c) { serialize(); } } }, 5, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } public synchronized void stop() { if (future != null) { future.cancel(false); future = null; } } /** * Serializes the data from the node manager into the file based on the * path. Manually calling this is redundant as a timer will automatically * handle serialization. */ public void serialize() { try { JsonObject json = serializer.serialize(); //Save the config db to a temp file. If we can't do that, then we don't //want to do anything else. File tmp = new File(file.getParent(), file.getName() + ".tmp"); if (tmp.exists()) { if (!tmp.delete()) { throw new IOException("Could not delete " + tmp.getName()); } } FileUtils.write(tmp, json.encodePrettily()); if (!tmp.exists()) { throw new IOException( tmp.getName() + " weirdly did not exist after writing to it"); } if (tmp.length() == 0) { throw new IOException(tmp.getName() + " serialized to a file size of 0"); } //Now backup the last version if (file.exists()) { if (backup.exists()) { if (!backup.delete()) { throw new IOException( "Could not delete old " + backup.getName()); } } LOGGER.debug("Making backup"); if (!file.renameTo(backup)) { FileUtils.copy(file, backup); //try really hard } if (!backup.exists()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unable to make backup " + backup.getName()); } if (file.exists()) { if (!file.delete()) { throw new IOException("Could not delete old " + file.getName()); } } } //Move the new tmp database into position. if (!tmp.renameTo(file)) { FileUtils.copy(tmp, file); //try really hard } if (!file.exists()) { //This will keep the tmp file in place, although the next serialization //attempt will probably delete it throw new IOException( "Failed to move " + tmp.getName() + " to " + file.getName()); } if (tmp.exists()) { if (!tmp.delete()) { LOGGER.warn("Unable to delete old tmp file " + tmp.getName()); } } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Backup complete"); } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to save configuration database", e); } } /** * Deserializes the data into the node manager based on the path. * * @throws Exception An error has occurred deserializing the nodes. */ public void deserialize() throws Exception { if (file.exists()) { try { handle(FileUtils.readAllBytes(file)); LOGGER.debug("Restored " + file.getName()); return; } catch (Exception x) { LOGGER.error("Could not deserialize " + file.getName(), x); } } //There was a problem with the primary db. if (backup.exists()) { try { handle(FileUtils.readAllBytes(backup)); LOGGER.warn("Restored backup " + backup.getName()); if (file.exists()) { //Try delete the primary db so it won't overwrite the //good backup during the next serialization if (!file.delete()) { LOGGER.warn("Unable to delete corrupt " + file.getName()); } } return; } catch (Exception x) { LOGGER.error("Could not delete " + file.getName(), x); } } //We've got nothing to lose, try the tmp serialization file File tmp = new File(file.getParent(), file.getName() + ".tmp"); if (tmp.exists()) { try { handle(FileUtils.readAllBytes(tmp)); LOGGER.warn("Restored " + tmp.getName()); return; } catch (Exception x) { LOGGER.error("Could not deserialize " + tmp.getName(), x); } } LOGGER.warn("Unable to deserialize a configuration database"); } private void handle(byte[] bytes) throws Exception { String in = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(in); deserializer.deserialize(obj); } /** * Decrypts passwords that were encrypted by the encrypt method. This is backwards * compatible with older unencrypted passwords. * * @param pass Base64 encoding of the password to decrypt, can be encrypted or * unencrypted. * @return An unencrypted password. */ synchronized String decrypt(Node node, String pass) { try { if (pass.startsWith(PASSWORD_PREFIX)) { byte[] bytes = UrlBase64.decode(pass.substring(PASSWORD_PREFIX.length())); bytes = applyCipher(bytes, node, Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE); pass = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); } } catch (Exception x) { throw new RuntimeException(x); } return pass; } /** * Encrypts passwords using characters from the private key of the link as * the secret key. * * @param pass Unencrypted password. * @return Base64 encoding of the encrypted password. */ synchronized String encrypt(Node node, String pass) { try { byte[] bytes = pass.getBytes("UTF-8"); bytes = applyCipher(bytes, node, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE); return PASSWORD_PREFIX + UrlBase64.encode(bytes); } catch (Exception x) { throw new RuntimeException(x); } } /** * Encrypts or decrypts the given password. * * @param password The password to encrypt or decrypt. * @param node Used to get the private key of the link. * @param cipherMode Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE or Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE * @return The transformed password. */ private byte[] applyCipher(byte[] password, Node node, int cipherMode) throws Exception { final String ALGO = "AES"; if (secretKeySpec == null) { byte[] privateKey = node.getLink().getHandler() .getConfig().getKeys().getPrivateKey().getEncoded(); final int KEY_LEN = 16; byte[] key = new byte[KEY_LEN]; System.arraycopy(privateKey, privateKey.length - KEY_LEN, key, 0, KEY_LEN); secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, ALGO); } Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(ALGO); cipher.init(cipherMode, secretKeySpec); return cipher.doFinal(password); } static { LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SerializationManager.class); } }