package com.scottyab.rootbeer; import android.content.Context; import; import com.scottyab.rootbeer.util.QLog; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Scanner; /** * A simple root checker that gives an *indication* if the device is rooted or not. * Disclaimer: **root==god**, so there's no 100% way to check for root. */ public class RootBeer { private final Context mContext; private boolean loggingEnabled = true; public RootBeer(Context context) { mContext = context; } /** * Run all the checks. * To run the same check but without looking for the busybox binary to avoid a false positive for certain devices please * see {@link #isRootedWithoutBusyBoxCheck() isRootedWithoutBusyBoxCheck} * * @return true, we think there's a good *indication* of root | false good *indication* of no root (could still be cloaked) */ public boolean isRooted() { return detectRootManagementApps() || detectPotentiallyDangerousApps() || checkForBinary("su") || checkForBinary("busybox") || checkForDangerousProps() || checkForRWPaths() || detectTestKeys() || checkSuExists() || checkForRootNative(); } /** * Run all the checks apart from checking for the busybox binary. This is because it can sometimes be a false positive * as some manufacturers leave the binary in production builds. * @return true, we think there's a good *indication* of root | false good *indication* of no root (could still be cloaked) */ public boolean isRootedWithoutBusyBoxCheck() { return detectRootManagementApps() || detectPotentiallyDangerousApps() || checkForBinary("su") || checkForDangerousProps() || checkForRWPaths() || detectTestKeys() || checkSuExists() || checkForRootNative(); } /** * Release-Keys and Test-Keys has to do with how the kernel is signed when it is compiled. * Test-Keys means it was signed with a custom key generated by a third-party developer. * @return true if signed with Test-keys */ public boolean detectTestKeys() { String buildTags = android.os.Build.TAGS; return buildTags != null && buildTags.contains("test-keys"); } /** * Using the PackageManager, check for a list of well known root apps. @link {Const.knownRootAppsPackages} * @return true if one of the apps it's installed */ public boolean detectRootManagementApps() { return detectRootManagementApps(null); } /** * Using the PackageManager, check for a list of well known root apps. @link {Const.knownRootAppsPackages} * @param additionalRootManagementApps - array of additional packagenames to search for * @return true if one of the apps it's installed */ public boolean detectRootManagementApps(String[] additionalRootManagementApps) { // Create a list of package names to iterate over from constants any others provided ArrayList<String> packages = new ArrayList<>(); packages.addAll(Arrays.asList(Const.knownRootAppsPackages)); if (additionalRootManagementApps!=null && additionalRootManagementApps.length>0){ packages.addAll(Arrays.asList(additionalRootManagementApps)); } return isAnyPackageFromListInstalled(packages); } /** * Using the PackageManager, check for a list of well known apps that require root. @link {Const.knownRootAppsPackages} * @return true if one of the apps it's installed */ public boolean detectPotentiallyDangerousApps() { return detectPotentiallyDangerousApps(null); } /** * Using the PackageManager, check for a list of well known apps that require root. @link {Const.knownRootAppsPackages} * @param additionalDangerousApps - array of additional packagenames to search for * @return true if one of the apps it's installed */ public boolean detectPotentiallyDangerousApps(String[] additionalDangerousApps) { // Create a list of package names to iterate over from constants any others provided ArrayList<String> packages = new ArrayList<>(); packages.addAll(Arrays.asList(Const.knownDangerousAppsPackages)); if (additionalDangerousApps!=null && additionalDangerousApps.length>0){ packages.addAll(Arrays.asList(additionalDangerousApps)); } return isAnyPackageFromListInstalled(packages); } /** * Using the PackageManager, check for a list of well known root cloak apps. @link {Const.knownRootAppsPackages} * and checks for native library read access * @return true if one of the apps it's installed */ public boolean detectRootCloakingApps() { return detectRootCloakingApps(null) || canLoadNativeLibrary() && !checkForNativeLibraryReadAccess(); } /** * Using the PackageManager, check for a list of well known root cloak apps. @link {Const.knownRootAppsPackages} * @param additionalRootCloakingApps - array of additional packagenames to search for * @return true if one of the apps it's installed */ public boolean detectRootCloakingApps(String[] additionalRootCloakingApps) { // Create a list of package names to iterate over from constants any others provided ArrayList<String> packages = new ArrayList<>(); packages.addAll(Arrays.asList(Const.knownRootCloakingPackages)); if (additionalRootCloakingApps!=null && additionalRootCloakingApps.length>0){ packages.addAll(Arrays.asList(additionalRootCloakingApps)); } return isAnyPackageFromListInstalled(packages); } /** * Checks various (Const.suPaths) common locations for the SU binary * @return true if found */ public boolean checkForSuBinary(){ return checkForBinary("su"); } /** * Checks various (Const.suPaths) common locations for the busybox binary (a well know root level program) * @return true if found */ public boolean checkForBusyBoxBinary(){ return checkForBinary("busybox"); } /** * * @param filename - check for this existence of this file * @return true if found */ public boolean checkForBinary(String filename) { String[] pathsArray = Const.suPaths; boolean result = false; for (String path : pathsArray) { String completePath = path + filename; File f = new File(completePath); boolean fileExists = f.exists(); if (fileExists) { QLog.v(completePath + " binary detected!"); result = true; } } return result; } /** * * @param logging - set to true for logging */ public void setLogging(boolean logging) { loggingEnabled = logging; QLog.LOGGING_LEVEL = logging ? QLog.ALL : QLog.NONE; } private String[] propsReader() { InputStream inputstream = null; try { inputstream = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("getprop").getInputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String propval = ""; try { propval = new Scanner(inputstream).useDelimiter("\\A").next(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { QLog.e("Error getprop, NoSuchElementException: " +e.getMessage(), e); } return propval.split("\n"); } private String[] mountReader() { InputStream inputstream = null; try { inputstream = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("mount").getInputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // If input steam is null, we can't read the file, so return null if (inputstream == null) return null; String propval = ""; try { propval = new Scanner(inputstream).useDelimiter("\\A").next(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return propval.split("\n"); } /** * Check if any package in the list is installed * @param packages - list of packages to search for * @return true if any of the packages are installed */ private boolean isAnyPackageFromListInstalled(List<String> packages){ boolean result = false; PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager(); for (String packageName : packages) { try { // Root app detected pm.getPackageInfo(packageName, 0); QLog.e(packageName + " ROOT management app detected!"); result = true; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { // Exception thrown, package is not installed into the system } } return result; } /** * Checks for several system properties for * @return - true if dangerous props are found */ public boolean checkForDangerousProps() { final Map<String, String> dangerousProps = new HashMap<>(); dangerousProps.put("ro.debuggable", "1"); dangerousProps.put("", "0"); boolean result = false; String[] lines = propsReader(); for (String line : lines) { for (String key : dangerousProps.keySet()) { if (line.contains(key)) { String badValue = dangerousProps.get(key); badValue = "[" + badValue + "]"; if (line.contains(badValue)) { QLog.v(key + " = " + badValue + " detected!"); result = true; } } } } return result; } /** * When you're root you can change the permissions on common system directories, this method checks if any of these patha Const.pathsThatShouldNotBeWrtiable are writable. * @return true if one of the dir is writable */ public boolean checkForRWPaths() { boolean result = false; String[] lines = mountReader(); for (String line : lines) { // Split lines into parts String[] args = line.split(" "); if (args.length < 4){ // If we don't have enough options per line, skip this and log an error QLog.e("Error formatting mount line: "+line); continue; } String mountPoint = args[1]; String mountOptions = args[3]; for(String pathToCheck: Const.pathsThatShouldNotBeWrtiable) { if (mountPoint.equalsIgnoreCase(pathToCheck)) { // Split options out and compare against "rw" to avoid false positives for (String option : mountOptions.split(",")){ if (option.equalsIgnoreCase("rw")){ QLog.v(pathToCheck+" path is mounted with rw permissions! "+line); result = true; break; } } } } } return result; } /** * A variation on the checking for SU, this attempts a 'which su' * @return true if su found */ public boolean checkSuExists() { Process process = null; try { process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { "which", "su" }); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); return in.readLine() != null; } catch (Throwable t) { return false; } finally { if (process != null) process.destroy(); } } /** * Checks if device has ReadAccess to the Native Library * Precondition: canLoadNativeLibrary() ran before this and returned true * @returm true if device has Read Access | false if UnsatisfiedLinkError Occurs * * Description: RootCloak automatically blocks read access to the Native Libraries, however * allows for them to be loaded into memory. This check is an indication that RootCloak is * installed onto the device. * * */ public boolean checkForNativeLibraryReadAccess() { RootBeerNative rootBeerNative = new RootBeerNative(); try { rootBeerNative.setLogDebugMessages(loggingEnabled); return true; } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { return false; } } /** * Checks if it is possible to load our native library * @return true if we can | false if not */ public boolean canLoadNativeLibrary(){ return new RootBeerNative().wasNativeLibraryLoaded(); } /** * Native checks are often harder to cloak/trick so here we call through to our native root checker * @return true if we found su | false if not, or the native library could not be loaded / accessed */ public boolean checkForRootNative() { if (!canLoadNativeLibrary()){ QLog.e("We could not load the native library to test for root"); return false; } String binaryName = "su"; String[] paths = new String[Const.suPaths.length]; for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { paths[i] = Const.suPaths[i]+binaryName; } RootBeerNative rootBeerNative = new RootBeerNative(); try { rootBeerNative.setLogDebugMessages(loggingEnabled); return rootBeerNative.checkForRoot(paths) > 0; } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { return false; } } }