package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import roboguice.util.temp.Ln; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * An {@link ObjectPersister} that saves/loads data in a file. * @author sni * @param <T> * the class of the data to load/save. */ public abstract class InFileObjectPersister<T> extends ObjectPersister<T> { // ---------------------------------- // CONSTANTS // ---------------------------------- /* package private */ static final String CACHE_PREFIX_END = "_"; /* package private */ static final String DEFAULT_ROOT_CACHE_DIR = "robospice-cache"; // ---------------------------------- // ATTRIBUTES // ---------------------------------- private KeySanitizer keySanitizer; private File cacheFolder; private String factoryCachePrefix = ""; // ---------------------------------- // CONSTRUCTOR // ---------------------------------- public InFileObjectPersister(Application application, Class<T> clazz) throws CacheCreationException { super(application, clazz); setCacheFolder(null); } public InFileObjectPersister(Application application, Class<T> clazz, File cacheFolder) throws CacheCreationException { super(application, clazz); setCacheFolder(cacheFolder); } // ---------------------------------- // PUBLIC API // ---------------------------------- /** * Set the cacheFolder to use. * @param cacheFolder * the new cache folder to use. Can be null, will then default to * {@link #DEFAULT_ROOT_CACHE_DIR} sub folder in the application * cache dir. * @throws CacheCreationException * if the cache folder doesn't exist or can't be created. */ public void setCacheFolder(File cacheFolder) throws CacheCreationException { if (cacheFolder == null) { cacheFolder = new File(getApplication().getCacheDir(), DEFAULT_ROOT_CACHE_DIR); } synchronized (cacheFolder.getAbsolutePath().intern()) { if (!cacheFolder.exists() && !cacheFolder.mkdirs()) { throw new CacheCreationException("The cache folder " + cacheFolder.getAbsolutePath() + " could not be created."); } } this.cacheFolder = cacheFolder; } public final File getCacheFolder() { return cacheFolder; } @Override public long getCreationDateInCache(Object cacheKey) throws CacheLoadingException { File cacheFile = getCacheFile(cacheKey); if (cacheFile.exists()) { return cacheFile.lastModified(); } else { throw new CacheLoadingException( "Data could not be found in cache for cacheKey=" + cacheKey); } } @Override public List<Object> getAllCacheKeys() { final String prefix = getCachePrefix(); int prefixLength = prefix.length(); String[] cacheFileNameList = getCacheFolder().list(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String filename) { // patch from florianmski return filename.startsWith(prefix); } }); if (cacheFileNameList == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>(cacheFileNameList.length); for (String cacheFileName : cacheFileNameList) { String cacheKey = cacheFileName.substring(prefixLength); result.add(fromKey(cacheKey)); } return result; } @Override public List<T> loadAllDataFromCache() throws CacheLoadingException { List<Object> allCacheKeys = getAllCacheKeys(); List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(allCacheKeys.size()); for (Object key : allCacheKeys) { result.add(loadDataFromCache(key, DurationInMillis.ALWAYS_RETURNED)); } return result; } @Override public boolean removeDataFromCache(Object cacheKey) { return getCacheFile(cacheKey).delete(); } @Override public void removeAllDataFromCache() { File cacheFolder = getCacheFolder(); File[] cacheFileList = cacheFolder.listFiles(new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File file) { return file.getName().startsWith(getCachePrefix()); } }); boolean allDeleted = true; for (File cacheFile : cacheFileList) { allDeleted = cacheFile.delete() && allDeleted; } if (allDeleted || cacheFileList.length == 0) { Ln.d("Some file could not be deleted from cache."); } } @Override public T loadDataFromCache(Object cacheKey, long maxTimeInCache) throws CacheLoadingException { File file = getCacheFile(cacheKey); if (isCachedAndNotExpired(file, maxTimeInCache)) { return readCacheDataFromFile(file); } return null; } @Override public boolean isDataInCache(Object cacheKey, long maxTimeInCacheBeforeExpiry) { File file = getCacheFile(cacheKey); return isCachedAndNotExpired(file, maxTimeInCacheBeforeExpiry); } /** * @return Whether or not this {@link InFileObjectPersister} uses a * {@link KeySanitizer}. */ public boolean isUsingKeySanitizer() { return keySanitizer != null; } /** * @param keySanitizer * the new key sanitizer to be used by this * {@link InFileObjectPersister}. May be null, in that case no * key sanitation will be used default). If key sanitation fails * on a given cache key (by throwing a * {@link KeySanitationExcepion}, original (unsanitized) cache * keys will be used directly. */ public void setKeySanitizer(KeySanitizer keySanitizer) { this.keySanitizer = keySanitizer; } /** * @return the key sanitizer used by this {@link InFileObjectPersister}. May * be null, in that case no key sanitation will be used default). */ public KeySanitizer getKeySanitizer() { return keySanitizer; } public final File getCacheFile(Object cacheKey) { return new File(getCacheFolder(), getCachePrefix() + toKey(cacheKey.toString())); } // ---------------------------------- // PROTECTED METHODS // ---------------------------------- /* package-private */ void setFactoryCachePrefix(String factoryCachePrefix) { this.factoryCachePrefix = factoryCachePrefix; } /** * Get a key that may be sanitized if a {@link KeySanitizer} is used. * @param cacheKey * a non-sanitized cacheKey. * @return a key that will be sanitized if a {@link KeySanitizer} is used. */ protected final String toKey(String cacheKey) { if (isUsingKeySanitizer()) { try { return (String) keySanitizer.sanitizeKey(cacheKey); } catch (KeySanitationExcepion e) { Ln.e(e, "Key could not be sanitized, falling back on original key."); return cacheKey; } } else { return cacheKey; } } /** * Get a cache key that may be de-sanitized if a {@link KeySanitizer} is * used. * @param cacheKey * a possibly sanitized cacheKey. * @return a key that will be de-sanitized if a {@link KeySanitizer} is * used. */ protected final String fromKey(String cacheKey) { if (isUsingKeySanitizer()) { try { return (String) keySanitizer.desanitizeKey(cacheKey); } catch (KeySanitationExcepion e) { Ln.e(e, "Key could not be desanitized, falling back on original key."); return cacheKey; } } else { return cacheKey; } } protected abstract T readCacheDataFromFile(File file) throws CacheLoadingException; protected final String getCachePrefix() { return factoryCachePrefix + getClass().getSimpleName() + CACHE_PREFIX_END + getHandledClass().getSimpleName() + CACHE_PREFIX_END; } protected boolean isCachedAndNotExpired(Object cacheKey, long maxTimeInCacheBeforeExpiry) { File cacheFile = getCacheFile(cacheKey); return isCachedAndNotExpired(cacheFile, maxTimeInCacheBeforeExpiry); } protected boolean isCachedAndNotExpired(File cacheFile, long maxTimeInCacheBeforeExpiry) { if (cacheFile.exists()) { long timeInCache = System.currentTimeMillis() - cacheFile.lastModified(); if (maxTimeInCacheBeforeExpiry == DurationInMillis.ALWAYS_RETURNED || timeInCache <= maxTimeInCacheBeforeExpiry) { return true; } } return false; } }