package org.zalando.riptide; import; import; import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders; import org.springframework.http.HttpMessage; import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity; import org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpResponse; import org.zalando.fauxpas.ThrowingConsumer; import org.zalando.fauxpas.ThrowingFunction; import org.zalando.fauxpas.ThrowingRunnable; import; import; import java.util.List; import static; import static org.zalando.fauxpas.TryWith.tryWith; @FunctionalInterface public interface Route { void execute(final ClientHttpResponse response, final MessageReader reader) throws Exception; static Route call(final ThrowingRunnable<? extends Exception> runnable) { return (response, reader) -> tryWith(response, (ClientHttpResponse _) -> runnable.tryRun()); } static Route call(final ThrowingConsumer<ClientHttpResponse, ? extends Exception> consumer) { return (response, reader) -> tryWith(response, consumer); } static <I> Route call(final Class<I> type, final ThrowingConsumer<I, ? extends Exception> consumer) { return call(TypeToken.of(type), consumer); } static <I> Route call(final TypeToken<I> type, final ThrowingConsumer<I, ? extends Exception> consumer) { return (response, reader) -> { final I body =, response); consumer.tryAccept(body); }; } static <T> TypeToken<List<T>> listOf(final Class<T> entityType) { return listOf(TypeToken.of(entityType)); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") static <T> TypeToken<List<T>> listOf(final TypeToken<T> entityType) { final TypeToken<List<T>> listType = new TypeToken<List<T>>() { // nothing to implement! }; final TypeParameter<T> elementType = new TypeParameter<T>() { // nothing to implement! }; return listType.where(elementType, entityType); } static <T> TypeToken<ResponseEntity<T>> responseEntityOf(final Class<T> entityType) { return responseEntityOf(TypeToken.of(entityType)); } static <T> TypeToken<ResponseEntity<T>> responseEntityOf(final TypeToken<T> entityType) { final TypeToken<ResponseEntity<T>> responseEntityType = new TypeToken<ResponseEntity<T>>() { // nothing to implement! }; final TypeParameter<T> elementType = new TypeParameter<T>() { // nothing to implement! }; return responseEntityType.where(elementType, entityType); } static ThrowingConsumer<ClientHttpResponse, RuntimeException> pass() { return response -> { // nothing to do! }; } static ThrowingFunction<ClientHttpResponse, HttpHeaders, IOException> headers() { return HttpMessage::getHeaders; } static ThrowingFunction<ClientHttpResponse, URI, IOException> location() { return response -> response.getHeaders().getLocation(); } static ThrowingConsumer<ClientHttpResponse, IOException> noRoute() { return response -> { throw new NoRouteException(response); }; } static <X extends Exception> ThrowingConsumer<X, IOException> propagate() { return entity -> { propagateIfPossible(entity, IOException.class); throw new IOException(entity); }; } static <T> Adapter<ClientHttpResponse, T> to( final ThrowingFunction<ClientHttpResponse, T, ? extends Exception> function) { return consumer -> response -> consumer.tryAccept(function.tryApply(response)); } @FunctionalInterface interface Adapter<T, R> { ThrowingConsumer<T, Exception> andThen(final ThrowingConsumer<R, ? extends Exception> consumer); } }