package; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisher; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisherAware; import; import; import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder; /** * Configuration commands responsible for changing the settings of the session. * * @author Jon Brisbin */ @Component public class ConfigurationCommands implements CommandMarker, ApplicationEventPublisherAware { @Autowired private ContextCommands contextCmds; private URI baseUri = URI.create("http://localhost:8080"); private ApplicationEventPublisher ctx = null; private HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); private ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); { mapper.configure(SerializationConfig.Feature.INDENT_OUTPUT, true); } @Override public void setApplicationEventPublisher(ApplicationEventPublisher applicationEventPublisher) { this.ctx = applicationEventPublisher; } /** * Get the current baseUri property. * * @return */ public URI getBaseUri() { return baseUri; } /** * Get the current set of HTTP headers. * * @return */ public HttpHeaders getHeaders() { return headers; } @CliAvailabilityIndicator({"baseUri", "headers list", "headers set", "headers clear"}) public boolean isBaseUriAvailable() { return true; } /** * Set the session's baseUri to use from this point forward. * * @param baseUri * Base URI to use for future relative URI calculations. * * @return * * @throws URISyntaxException */ @CliCommand(value = "baseUri", help = "Set the base URI to use from this point forward.") public String setBaseUri( @CliOption(key = "", mandatory = true, help = "The base URI to use from this point forward.", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "http://localhost:8080") String baseUri) throws URISyntaxException { if(baseUri.contains("#{")) { baseUri = contextCmds.evalAsString(baseUri); } if(baseUri.endsWith("/")) { baseUri = baseUri.substring(0, baseUri.length() - 1); } // Check whether absolute or relative URI if(baseUri.startsWith("http")) { // Absolute this.baseUri = URI.create(baseUri); } else if("/".equals(this.baseUri.getPath())) { // Relative to the root this.baseUri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(this.baseUri) .path(baseUri) .build() .toUri(); } else { // Relative this.baseUri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(this.baseUri) .pathSegment(baseUri) .build() .toUri(); } ctx.publishEvent(new BaseUriChangedEvent(this.baseUri)); return "Base URI set to '" + this.baseUri + "'"; } /** * Print out the current HTTP headers. * * @return * * @throws IOException */ @CliCommand(value = "headers list", help = "Print all HTTP headers in use this session.") public String headers() throws IOException { return mapper.writeValueAsString(headers.toSingleValueMap()); } /** * Set an HTTP header to use from this point forward in the session. * * @param name * Name of the HTTP header. * @param value * Value of this header. * * @return * * @throws IOException */ @CliCommand(value = "headers set", help = "Set an HTTP header for use this session.") public String setHeader( @CliOption(key = "name", mandatory = true, help = "The name of the HTTP header.") String name, @CliOption(key = "value", mandatory = true, help = "The value of the HTTP header.") String value) throws IOException { if(value.contains("#{")) { value = contextCmds.evalAsString(value); } headers.set(name, value); ctx.publishEvent(new HeaderSetEvent(name, headers)); return mapper.writeValueAsString(headers.toSingleValueMap()); } /** * Clear the HTTP headers for this session. * * @return */ @CliCommand(value = "headers clear", help = "Clear the current HTTP headers.") public String clearHeaders() { headers.clear(); return "HTTP headers cleared..."; } }