/* * Copyright 2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.restassured.path.json; import io.restassured.path.json.config.JsonPathConfig; import io.restassured.path.json.exception.JsonPathException; import io.restassured.path.json.support.Book; import org.junit.Test; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; public class JsonPathTest { private final String JSON = "{ \"store\": {\n" + " \"book\": [ \n" + " { \"category\": \"reference\",\n" + " \"author\": \"Nigel Rees\",\n" + " \"title\": \"Sayings of the Century\",\n" + " \"price\": 8.95\n" + " },\n" + " { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" + " \"author\": \"Evelyn Waugh\",\n" + " \"title\": \"Sword of Honour\",\n" + " \"price\": 12\n" + " },\n" + " { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" + " \"author\": \"Herman Melville\",\n" + " \"title\": \"Moby Dick\",\n" + " \"isbn\": \"0-553-21311-3\",\n" + " \"price\": 8.99\n" + " },\n" + " { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" + " \"author\": \"J. R. R. Tolkien\",\n" + " \"title\": \"The Lord of the Rings\",\n" + " \"isbn\": \"0-395-19395-8\",\n" + " \"price\": 22.99\n" + " }\n" + " ],\n" + " \"bicycle\": {\n" + " \"color\": \"red\",\n" + " \"price\": 19.95,\n" + " \"atoms\": " + Long.MAX_VALUE + ",\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"; private final String JSON2 = "[{\"email\":\"name1@mail.com\",\"alias\":\"name one\",\"phone\":\"3456789\"},\n" + "{\"email\":\"name2@mail.com\",\"alias\":\"name two\",\"phone\":\"1234567\"},\n" + "{\"email\":\"name3@mail.com\",\"alias\":\"name three\",\"phone\":\"2345678\"}]"; private final String JSON3 = "{\"id\":\"db24eeeb-7fe5-41d3-8f06-986b793ecc91\"}"; private final String JSON_MAP = "{ \"price1\" : 12.3,\n" + " \"price2\": 15.0 }"; private final String JSON_PATH_STARTING_WITH_NUMBER = "{ \"0\" : 12.3,\n" + " \"1\": 15.0 }"; private final String JSON_PATH_WITH_NUMBER = "{ \"map\" : { \"0\" : 12.3,\n" + " \"1\": 15.0 } }"; private final String JSON_PATH_WITH_SIZE = "{ \"map\" : { \"size\" : 12.3,\n" + " \"1\": 15.0 } }"; private final String JSON_PATH_WITH_BOOLEAN = "{ \"map\" : { \"true\" : 12.3,\n" + " \"false\": 15.0 } }"; private final String MALFORMED_JSON = "{\n" + " \"a\": 123456\n" + " \"b\":\"string\"\n" + "}"; @Test public void getList() throws Exception { final List<String> categories = new JsonPath(JSON).get("store.book.category"); assertThat(categories.size(), equalTo(4)); assertThat(categories, hasItems("reference", "fiction")); } @Test public void firstBookCategory() throws Exception { final String category = JsonPath.with(JSON).get("store.book[0].category"); assertThat(category, equalTo("reference")); } @Test public void lastBookTitle() throws Exception { final String title = JsonPath.with(JSON).get("store.book[-1].title"); assertThat(title, equalTo("The Lord of the Rings")); } @Test public void booksWithArgAuthor() throws Exception { String author = "Herman Melville"; final List<Map<String, ?>> books = JsonPath.with(JSON) .param("author", author) .get("store.book.findAll { book -> book.author == author }"); assertThat(books.size(), equalTo(1)); final String authorActual = (String) books.get(0).get("author"); assertThat(authorActual, equalTo(author)); } @Test public void booksBetween5And15() throws Exception { final List<Map<String, ?>> books = JsonPath.with(JSON).get("store.book.findAll { book -> book.price >= 5 && book.price <= 15 }"); assertThat(books.size(), equalTo(3)); final String author = (String) books.get(0).get("author"); assertThat(author, equalTo("Nigel Rees")); final int price = (Integer) books.get(1).get("price"); assertThat(price, equalTo(12)); } @Test public void sizeInPath() throws Exception { final Integer size = JsonPath.with(JSON).get("store.book.size()"); assertThat(size, equalTo(4)); } @Test public void getRootObjectAsMap() throws Exception { final Map<String, Map> store = JsonPath.given(JSON).get("store"); assertThat(store.size(), equalTo(2)); final Map<String, Object> bicycle = store.get("bicycle"); final String color = (String) bicycle.get("color"); final float price = (Float) bicycle.get("price"); assertThat(color, equalTo("red")); assertThat(price, equalTo(19.95f)); } @Test public void getFloatAndDoublesAsBigDecimal() throws Exception { final JsonPath using = JsonPath.with(JSON).using(new JsonPathConfig(JsonPathConfig.NumberReturnType.BIG_DECIMAL)); assertThat(using.<Map<String, Map>>get("store").size(), equalTo(2)); final Map<String, Object> bicycle = using.<Map<String, Map>>get("store").get("bicycle"); final String color = (String) bicycle.get("color"); final BigDecimal price = (BigDecimal) bicycle.get("price"); assertThat(color, equalTo("red")); assertThat(price, equalTo(new BigDecimal("19.95"))); } @Test public void getFloatAndDoublesAsBigDecimalUsingStaticConfiguration() throws Exception { JsonPath.config = new JsonPathConfig().numberReturnType(JsonPathConfig.NumberReturnType.BIG_DECIMAL); try { final Map<String, Map> store = JsonPath.with(JSON).get("store"); assertThat(store.size(), equalTo(2)); final Map<String, Object> bicycle = store.get("bicycle"); final String color = (String) bicycle.get("color"); final BigDecimal price = (BigDecimal) bicycle.get("price"); assertThat(color, equalTo("red")); assertThat(price, equalTo(new BigDecimal("19.95"))); } finally { JsonPath.config = null; } } @Test public void nonStaticJsonPathConfigHasPrecedenceOverStaticConfiguration() throws Exception { JsonPath.config = new JsonPathConfig().numberReturnType(JsonPathConfig.NumberReturnType.FLOAT_AND_DOUBLE); try { final Map<String, Map> store = JsonPath.with(JSON).using(new JsonPathConfig(JsonPathConfig.NumberReturnType.BIG_DECIMAL)).get("store"); assertThat(store.size(), equalTo(2)); final Map<String, Object> bicycle = store.get("bicycle"); final String color = (String) bicycle.get("color"); final BigDecimal price = (BigDecimal) bicycle.get("price"); assertThat(color, equalTo("red")); assertThat(price, equalTo(new BigDecimal("19.95"))); } finally { JsonPath.config = null; } } @Test public void getRootObjectAsMap2() throws Exception { final Map<String, Object> store = JsonPath.from(JSON).get("store.book[0]"); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> stringObjectEntry : store.entrySet()) { System.out.println(stringObjectEntry.getKey() + " = " + stringObjectEntry.getValue()); } } @Test public void rootPath() throws Exception { final JsonPath jsonPath = new JsonPath(JSON).setRoot("store.book"); assertThat(jsonPath.getInt("size()"), equalTo(4)); assertThat(jsonPath.getList("author", String.class), hasItem("J. R. R. Tolkien")); } @Test public void rootPathFollowedByArrayIndexing() throws Exception { final JsonPath jsonPath = new JsonPath(JSON).setRoot("store.book"); assertThat(jsonPath.getString("[0].author"), equalTo("Nigel Rees")); } @Test public void supportsGettingEntireObjectGraphUsingEmptyString() throws Exception { final List<Map<String, String>> object = JsonPath.from(JSON2).get(""); assertThat(object.get(0).get("email"), equalTo("name1@mail.com")); } @Test public void supportsGettingEntireObjectGraphUsing$() throws Exception { final List<Map<String, String>> object = JsonPath.from(JSON2).get("$"); assertThat(object.get(0).get("email"), equalTo("name1@mail.com")); } @Test public void supportsGettingEntireObjectGraphUsingNoArgumentGet() throws Exception { final List<Map<String, String>> object = JsonPath.from(JSON2).get(); assertThat(object.get(0).get("email"), equalTo("name1@mail.com")); } @Test public void getValueFromUnnamedRootObject() throws Exception { final Map<String, String> object = JsonPath.from(JSON2).get("get(0)"); assertThat(object.get("email"), equalTo("name1@mail.com")); } @Test public void getValueFromUnnamedRootObjectUsingBrackets() throws Exception { final Map<String, String> object = JsonPath.from(JSON2).get("[0]"); assertThat(object.get("email"), equalTo("name1@mail.com")); } @Test public void getSubValueFromUnnamedRootObjectUsingBrackets() throws Exception { final String object = JsonPath.from(JSON2).getString("[0].email"); assertThat(object, equalTo("name1@mail.com")); } @Test public void getNumericalValues() { assertThat(JsonPath.with(JSON).getDouble("store.book[0].price"), equalTo(8.95D)); assertThat(JsonPath.with(JSON).getFloat("store.book[0].price"), equalTo(8.95F)); // The price is stored as an integer assertThat(JsonPath.with(JSON).getByte("store.book[1].price"), equalTo((byte) 12)); assertThat(JsonPath.with(JSON).getShort("store.book[1].price"), equalTo((short) 12)); assertThat(JsonPath.with(JSON).getInt("store.book[1].price"), equalTo(12)); assertThat(JsonPath.with(JSON).getLong("store.book[1].price"), equalTo(12L)); // The atoms is stored as a long assertThat(JsonPath.with(JSON).getByte("store.bicycle.atoms"), equalTo((byte) Long.MAX_VALUE)); assertThat(JsonPath.with(JSON).getShort("store.bicycle.atoms"), equalTo((short) Long.MAX_VALUE)); assertThat(JsonPath.with(JSON).getInt("store.bicycle.atoms"), equalTo((int) Long.MAX_VALUE)); assertThat(JsonPath.with(JSON).getLong("store.bicycle.atoms"), equalTo(Long.MAX_VALUE)); } @Test public void convertsValueToStringWhenExplicitlyRequested() throws Exception { String phoneNumber = JsonPath.from(JSON2).getString("phone[0]"); assertThat(phoneNumber, equalTo("3456789")); } @Test public void convertsValueToIntWhenExplicitlyRequested() throws Exception { int phoneNumber = JsonPath.from(JSON2).getInt("phone[0]"); assertThat(phoneNumber, equalTo(3456789)); } @Test public void convertsValueToDoubleWhenExplicitlyRequested() throws Exception { double phoneNumber = JsonPath.from(JSON2).getDouble("phone[0]"); assertThat(phoneNumber, equalTo(3456789d)); } @Test public void convertsValueToFloatWhenExplicitlyRequested() throws Exception { float phoneNumber = JsonPath.from(JSON2).getFloat("phone[0]"); assertThat(phoneNumber, equalTo(3456789f)); } @Test public void convertsValueToUUIDWhenExplicitlyRequested() throws Exception { UUID uuid = JsonPath.from(JSON3).getUUID("id"); assertThat(uuid, equalTo(UUID.fromString("db24eeeb-7fe5-41d3-8f06-986b793ecc91"))); } @Test public void convertsListMembersToDefinedTypeIfPossible() throws Exception { final List<Integer> phoneNumbers = JsonPath.with(JSON2).getList("phone", int.class); assertThat(phoneNumbers, hasItems(3456789, 1234567, 2345678)); } @Test public void getMapWithGenericType() throws Exception { final Map<String, String> map = JsonPath.with(JSON_MAP).getMap("$", String.class, String.class); assertThat(map, allOf(hasEntry("price1", "12.3"), hasEntry("price2", "15.0"))); } @Test public void getMapWithAnotherGenericType() throws Exception { final Map<String, Float> map = JsonPath.with(JSON_MAP).getMap("$", String.class, float.class); assertThat(map, allOf(hasEntry("price1", 12.3f), hasEntry("price2", 15.0f))); } @Test public void getStringConvertsTheResultToAString() throws Exception { final String priceAsString = JsonPath.with(JSON).getString("store.book.price[0]"); assertThat(priceAsString, is("8.95")); } @Test(expected = JsonPathException.class) public void malformedJson() throws Exception { JsonPath.from(MALFORMED_JSON).get("a"); } @Test public void getObjectWorksWhenPathPointsToAJsonObject() throws Exception { final Book book = JsonPath.from(JSON).getObject("store.book[2]", Book.class); assertThat(book, equalTo(new Book("fiction", "Herman Melville", "Moby Dick", "0-553-21311-3", 8.99f))); } @Test public void getObjectWorksWhenPathPointsToAJsonObject2() throws Exception { final List<Book> books = JsonPath.from(JSON).getList("store.book", Book.class); assertThat(books, hasSize(4)); assertThat(books.get(0).getAuthor(), equalTo("Nigel Rees")); } @Test public void getObjectAsMapWorksWhenPathPointsToAJsonObject() throws Exception { final Map<String, String> book = JsonPath.from(JSON).getObject("store.book[2]", Map.class); assertThat(book, hasEntry("category", "fiction")); assertThat(book, hasEntry("author", "Herman Melville")); } @Test public void getObjectWorksWhenPathPointsToAList() throws Exception { final List<String> categories = JsonPath.from(JSON).getObject("store.book.category", List.class); assertThat(categories, hasItems("reference", "fiction")); } @Test public void getObjectAsFloatWorksWhenPathPointsToAFloat() throws Exception { final Float price = JsonPath.from(JSON).getObject("store.book.price[0]", Float.class); assertThat(price, equalTo(8.95f)); } @Test public void getObjectAsStringWorksWhenPathPointsToAString() throws Exception { final String category = JsonPath.from(JSON).getObject("store.book.category[0]", String.class); assertThat(category, equalTo("reference")); } @Test public void jsonPathSupportsPrettifiyingJson() throws Exception { final String prettyJson = JsonPath.with(JSON2).prettify(); assertThat(prettyJson, equalTo("[\n {\n \"phone\": \"3456789\",\n \"alias\": \"name one\",\n \"email\": \"name1@mail.com\"\n },\n {\n \"phone\": \"1234567\",\n \"alias\": \"name two\",\n \"email\": \"name2@mail.com\"\n },\n {\n \"phone\": \"2345678\",\n \"alias\": \"name three\",\n \"email\": \"name3@mail.com\"\n }\n]")); } @Test public void jsonPathSupportsPrettyPrintingJson() throws Exception { final String prettyJson = JsonPath.with(JSON2).prettyPrint(); assertThat(prettyJson, equalTo("[\n {\n \"phone\": \"3456789\",\n \"alias\": \"name one\",\n \"email\": \"name1@mail.com\"\n },\n {\n \"phone\": \"1234567\",\n \"alias\": \"name two\",\n \"email\": \"name2@mail.com\"\n },\n {\n \"phone\": \"2345678\",\n \"alias\": \"name three\",\n \"email\": \"name3@mail.com\"\n }\n]")); } @Test public void jsonPathSupportsPrettyPeekingJson() throws Exception { final String phone = JsonPath.with(JSON2).prettyPeek().getString("phone[0]"); assertThat(phone, equalTo("3456789")); } @Test public void jsonPathSupportsPeekingAtTheJson() throws Exception { final String phone = JsonPath.with(JSON2).peek().getString("phone[0]"); assertThat(phone, equalTo("3456789")); } @Test public void canParseJsonDocumentWhenFirstKeyIsIntegerUsingManualEscaping() throws Exception { final float number = JsonPath.from(JSON_PATH_STARTING_WITH_NUMBER).getFloat("'0'"); assertThat(number, equalTo(12.3f)); } @Test public void canParseJsonDocumentWhenFirstKeyThatIsAIntegerUsingNoEscaping() throws Exception { final float number = JsonPath.from(JSON_PATH_STARTING_WITH_NUMBER).getFloat("0"); assertThat(number, equalTo(12.3f)); } @Test public void canParseJsonDocumentWhenPathIncludesKeyThatIsAIntegerUsingNoEscaping() throws Exception { final float number = JsonPath.from(JSON_PATH_WITH_NUMBER).getFloat("map.0"); assertThat(number, equalTo(12.3f)); } @Test public void canParseJsonDocumentWhenPathIncludesKeyThatIsABooleanUsingEscaping() throws Exception { final float number = JsonPath.from(JSON_PATH_WITH_BOOLEAN).getFloat("map.'false'"); assertThat(number, equalTo(15.0f)); } @Test public void canParseJsonDocumentWhenPathIncludesKeyThatIsABooleanUsingNoEscaping() throws Exception { final float number = JsonPath.from(JSON_PATH_WITH_BOOLEAN).getFloat("map.true"); assertThat(number, equalTo(12.3f)); } @Test public void canParseJsonDocumentWhenPathIncludesMinusInsideEscaped() throws Exception { JsonPath path = new JsonPath("{ \"a-b\" : \"minus\" , \"a.b\" : \"dot\" , \"a.b-c\" : \"both\" }"); assertThat(path.getString("'a.b-c'"), equalTo("both")); } /** * Verifies that issue 195 is resolved. */ @Test public void canParseJsonDocumentWithMultipleConsecutiveIntegersInsidePath() throws Exception { String json = "{\n" + " \"foo.bar.baz\": {\n" + " \"0.2.0\": \"test\"\n" + " }\n" + "}"; final String string = JsonPath.from(json).getString("'foo.bar.baz'.'0.2.0'"); assertThat(string, equalTo("test")); } @Test public void can_parse_multiple_values() { // Given final JsonPath jsonPath = new JsonPath(JSON); // When final String category1 = jsonPath.getString("store.book.category[0]"); final String category2 = jsonPath.getString("store.book.category[1]"); // Then assertThat(category1, equalTo("reference")); assertThat(category2, equalTo("fiction")); } @Test public void pretty_printing_works() { // Given String json = "{\"data\": [{" + " \"uid\": 10,\n" + " \"name\": \"abc\"\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + "}"; // When final JsonPath jsonPath = new JsonPath(json); // Then final String string = jsonPath.prettyPrint(); assertThat(string, equalTo("{\n" + " \"data\": [\n" + " {\n" + " \"uid\": 10,\n" + " \"name\": \"abc\"\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + "}")); } @Test public void parses_json_document_with_attribute_name_equal_to_properties() { // Given final String jsonWithPropertyAttribute = "[{\"properties\":\"test\"}]"; // properties is a reserved word in Groovy // When final String value = new JsonPath(jsonWithPropertyAttribute).getString("[0].properties"); // Then assertThat(value, equalTo("test")); } @Test public void parses_json_document_with_attribute_name_equal_to_size() { // When final float anInt = new JsonPath(JSON_PATH_WITH_SIZE).getFloat("map.size"); // Then assertThat(anInt, is(12.3f)); } @Test public void can_find_if_a_key_exists_in_json_object() { // Given String json = "{\n" + "\"status\": \"success\",\n" + "\"fund_code\":\"00200\",\n" + "\"fund_name\":\"My Fund Name\",\n" + "\"models\": [\n" + " {\n" + " \"model_id\": 639506,\n" + " \"model_name\": \"New Validated Model\",\n" + " \"model_type\": null,\n" + " \"portfolios\": null,\n" + " \"created_date\": 1390978800000,\n" + " \"display_create_date\": \"01/29/2014\",\n" + " \"updated_date\": 1392274800000,\n" + " \"display_update_date\": \"02/13/2014\",\n" + " \"number_of_clients\": 1,\n" + " \"risk\": \"N/A\",\n" + " \"time_frame\": \"N/A\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"model_id\": 639507,\n" + " \"model_name\": \"My Validated Model\",\n" + " \"model_type\": null,\n" + " \"portfolios\": null,\n" + " \"created_date\": 1390978800000,\n" + " \"display_create_date\": \"01/29/2014\",\n" + " \"updated_date\": 1392274800000,\n" + " \"display_update_date\": \"02/13/2014\",\n" + " \"number_of_clients\": 1,\n" + " \"risk\": \"N/A\",\n" + " \"time_frame\": \"N/A\"\n" + " }\n" + "]\n" + "}"; // When JsonPath jsonPath = new JsonPath(json); // Then assertThat(jsonPath.getBoolean("any { it.key == 'fund_code' }"), is(true)); assertThat(jsonPath.getBoolean("models.any { it.containsKey('number_of_clients') }"), is(true)); } @Test public void can_parse_json_attributes_starting_with_a_number() { // Given String json = "{\n" + " \"6269f15a0bb9b1b7d86ae718e84cddcd\" : {\n" + " \"attr1\":\"val1\",\n" + " \"attr2\":\"val2\",\n" + " \"attrx\":\"valx\"\n" + " }\n" + "}"; // When JsonPath jsonPath = new JsonPath(json); // Then assertThat(jsonPath.getString("6269f15a0bb9b1b7d86ae718e84cddcd.attr1"), equalTo("val1")); } @Test public void automatically_escapes_json_attributes_whose_name_equals_properties() { // Given String json = "{\n" + " \"features\":[\n" + " {\n" + " \"type\":\"Feature\",\n" + " \"geometry\":{\n" + " \"type\":\"GeometryCollection\",\n" + " \"geometries\":[\n" + " {\n" + " \"type\":\"Point\",\n" + " \"coordinates\":[\n" + " 19.883992823270653,\n" + " 50.02026203045478\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + " },\n" + " \"properties\":{\n" + " \"gridId\":6\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"type\":\"Feature\",\n" + " \"geometry\":{\n" + " \"type\":\"GeometryCollection\",\n" + " \"geometries\":[\n" + " {\n" + " \"type\":\"Point\",\n" + " \"coordinates\":[\n" + " 19.901266347582094,\n" + " 50.07074684071764\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + " },\n" + " \"properties\":{\n" + " \"gridId\":7\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + "}"; // When JsonPath jsonPath = new JsonPath(json); // Then assertThat(jsonPath.getList("features.properties.gridId", Integer.class), hasItems(7)); } @Test public void can_manually_escape_class_property() { // Given String json = "{\n" + " \"semester\": \"Fall 2015\",\n" + " \"groups\": [\n" + " {\n" + " \"siteUrl\": \"http://cphbusinessjb.cloudapp.net/CA2/\",\n" + " \"error\": \"NO AUTHOR/CLASS-INFO\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"siteUrl\": \"http://ca2-ebski.rhcloud.com/CA2New/\",\n" + " \"authors\": \"Ebbe, Kasper, Christoffer\",\n" + " \"class\": \"A klassen\",\n" + " \"group\": \"Gruppe: Johns Llama Herders A/S\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"siteUrl\": \"http://ca2-chrislind.rhcloud.com/CA2Final/\",\n" + " \"error\": \"NO AUTHOR/CLASS-INFO\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"siteUrl\": \"http://ca2-pernille.rhcloud.com/NYCA2/\",\n" + " \"authors\": \"Marta, Jeanette, Pernille\",\n" + " \"class\": \"DAT A\",\n" + " \"group\": \"Group: MJP\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"siteUrl\": \"https://ca2-afn.rhcloud.com:8443/company.jsp\",\n" + " \"error\": \"NO AUTHOR/CLASS-INFO\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"siteUrl\": \"http://ca-smcphbusiness.rhcloud.com/ca2/index.jsp\",\n" + " \"authors\": \"Mikkel, Steffen, B Andersen\",\n" + " \"class\": \"A Class Computer Science\",\n" + " \"group\": \"1\"\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + "}"; // When JsonPath jsonPath = new JsonPath(json); // Then assertThat(jsonPath.getList("groups.getAt('class')", String.class), hasItems("A klassen")); } @Test public void automatically_escapes_class_property() { // Given String json = "{\n" + " \"semester\": \"Fall 2015\",\n" + " \"groups\": [\n" + " {\n" + " \"siteUrl\": \"http://cphbusinessjb.cloudapp.net/CA2/\",\n" + " \"error\": \"NO AUTHOR/CLASS-INFO\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"siteUrl\": \"http://ca2-ebski.rhcloud.com/CA2New/\",\n" + " \"authors\": \"Ebbe, Kasper, Christoffer\",\n" + " \"class\": \"A klassen\",\n" + " \"group\": \"Gruppe: Johns Llama Herders A/S\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"siteUrl\": \"http://ca2-chrislind.rhcloud.com/CA2Final/\",\n" + " \"error\": \"NO AUTHOR/CLASS-INFO\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"siteUrl\": \"http://ca2-pernille.rhcloud.com/NYCA2/\",\n" + " \"authors\": \"Marta, Jeanette, Pernille\",\n" + " \"class\": \"DAT A\",\n" + " \"group\": \"Group: MJP\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"siteUrl\": \"https://ca2-afn.rhcloud.com:8443/company.jsp\",\n" + " \"error\": \"NO AUTHOR/CLASS-INFO\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"siteUrl\": \"http://ca-smcphbusiness.rhcloud.com/ca2/index.jsp\",\n" + " \"authors\": \"Mikkel, Steffen, B Andersen\",\n" + " \"class\": \"A Class Computer Science\",\n" + " \"group\": \"1\"\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + "}"; // When JsonPath jsonPath = new JsonPath(json); // Then assertThat(jsonPath.getList("groups.class", String.class), hasItems("A klassen")); } /** * Asserts that https://github.com/jayway/rest-assured/issues/556 is resolved */ @Test public void unicode_json_values_are_pretty_printed_without_unicode_escaping() { final String prettyJson = JsonPath.with("{\"some\":\"ŘÍŠŽŤČÝŮŇÚĚĎÁÉÓ\"}").prettyPrint(); assertThat(prettyJson, equalTo("{\n \"some\": \"ŘÍŠŽŤČÝŮŇÚĚĎÁÉÓ\"\n}")); } @Test public void need_to_escape_lists_with_hyphen_and_brackets() { // Given String json = "{ \"some-list[0]\" : [ \"one\", \"two\" ] }"; // When JsonPath jsonPath = JsonPath.from(json); // Then assertThat(jsonPath.getString("'some-list[0]'[0]"), equalTo("one")); } @Test public void doesnt_need_to_escape_lists_with_hyphen_without_brackets() { // Given String json = "{ \"some-list\" : [ \"one\", \"two\" ] }"; // When JsonPath jsonPath = JsonPath.from(json); // Then assertThat(jsonPath.getString("some-list[0]"), equalTo("one")); } }