/* * Android Wheel Control. * https://code.google.com/p/android-wheel/ * * Copyright 2011 Yuri Kanivets * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package kankan.wheel.widget; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import kankan.wheel.R; import kankan.wheel.widget.adapters.WheelViewAdapter; import android.content.Context; import android.database.DataSetObserver; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.graphics.drawable.GradientDrawable; import android.graphics.drawable.GradientDrawable.Orientation; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; import android.view.animation.Interpolator; import android.widget.LinearLayout; /** * Numeric wheel view. * * @author Yuri Kanivets */ public class WheelView extends View { /** Top and bottom shadows colors */ private int[] SHADOWS_COLORS = new int[] { 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff }; /** Top and bottom items offset (to hide that) */ private static final int ITEM_OFFSET_PERCENT = 0; /** Left and right padding value */ private static final int PADDING = 10; /** Default count of visible items */ private static final int DEF_VISIBLE_ITEMS = 5; // Wheel Values private int currentItem = 0; // Count of visible items private int visibleItems = DEF_VISIBLE_ITEMS; // Item height private int itemHeight = 0; // Center Line private Drawable centerDrawable; // Wheel drawables private int wheelBackground = R.drawable.wheel_bg; private int wheelForeground = R.drawable.wheel_val; // Shadows drawables private GradientDrawable topShadow; private GradientDrawable bottomShadow; // Draw Shadows private boolean drawShadows = true; // Scrolling private WheelScroller scroller; private boolean isScrollingPerformed; private int scrollingOffset; // Cyclic boolean isCyclic = false; // Items layout private LinearLayout itemsLayout; // The number of first item in layout private int firstItem; // View adapter private WheelViewAdapter viewAdapter; // Recycle private WheelRecycle recycle = new WheelRecycle(this); // Listeners private List<OnWheelChangedListener> changingListeners = new LinkedList<OnWheelChangedListener>(); private List<OnWheelScrollListener> scrollingListeners = new LinkedList<OnWheelScrollListener>(); private List<OnWheelClickedListener> clickingListeners = new LinkedList<OnWheelClickedListener>(); /** * Constructor */ public WheelView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); initData(context); } /** * Constructor */ public WheelView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); initData(context); } /** * Constructor */ public WheelView(Context context) { super(context); initData(context); } /** * Initializes class data * @param context the context */ private void initData(Context context) { scroller = new WheelScroller(getContext(), scrollingListener); } // Scrolling listener WheelScroller.ScrollingListener scrollingListener = new WheelScroller.ScrollingListener() { @Override public void onStarted() { isScrollingPerformed = true; notifyScrollingListenersAboutStart(); } @Override public void onScroll(int distance) { doScroll(distance); int height = getHeight(); if (scrollingOffset > height) { scrollingOffset = height; scroller.stopScrolling(); } else if (scrollingOffset < -height) { scrollingOffset = -height; scroller.stopScrolling(); } } @Override public void onFinished() { if (isScrollingPerformed) { notifyScrollingListenersAboutEnd(); isScrollingPerformed = false; } scrollingOffset = 0; invalidate(); } @Override public void onJustify() { if (Math.abs(scrollingOffset) > WheelScroller.MIN_DELTA_FOR_SCROLLING) { scroller.scroll(scrollingOffset, 0); } } }; /** * Set the the specified scrolling interpolator * @param interpolator the interpolator */ public void setInterpolator(Interpolator interpolator) { scroller.setInterpolator(interpolator); } /** * Gets count of visible items * * @return the count of visible items */ public int getVisibleItems() { return visibleItems; } /** * Sets the desired count of visible items. * Actual amount of visible items depends on wheel layout parameters. * To apply changes and rebuild view call measure(). * * @param count the desired count for visible items */ public void setVisibleItems(int count) { visibleItems = count; } /** * Gets view adapter * @return the view adapter */ public WheelViewAdapter getViewAdapter() { return viewAdapter; } // Adapter listener private DataSetObserver dataObserver = new DataSetObserver() { @Override public void onChanged() { invalidateWheel(false); } @Override public void onInvalidated() { invalidateWheel(true); } }; /** * Sets view adapter. Usually new adapters contain different views, so * it needs to rebuild view by calling measure(). * * @param viewAdapter the view adapter */ public void setViewAdapter(WheelViewAdapter viewAdapter) { if (this.viewAdapter != null) { this.viewAdapter.unregisterDataSetObserver(dataObserver); } this.viewAdapter = viewAdapter; if (this.viewAdapter != null) { this.viewAdapter.registerDataSetObserver(dataObserver); } invalidateWheel(true); } /** * Adds wheel changing listener * @param listener the listener */ public void addChangingListener(OnWheelChangedListener listener) { changingListeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes wheel changing listener * @param listener the listener */ public void removeChangingListener(OnWheelChangedListener listener) { changingListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Notifies changing listeners * @param oldValue the old wheel value * @param newValue the new wheel value */ protected void notifyChangingListeners(int oldValue, int newValue) { for (OnWheelChangedListener listener : changingListeners) { listener.onChanged(this, oldValue, newValue); } } /** * Adds wheel scrolling listener * @param listener the listener */ public void addScrollingListener(OnWheelScrollListener listener) { scrollingListeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes wheel scrolling listener * @param listener the listener */ public void removeScrollingListener(OnWheelScrollListener listener) { scrollingListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Notifies listeners about starting scrolling */ protected void notifyScrollingListenersAboutStart() { for (OnWheelScrollListener listener : scrollingListeners) { listener.onScrollingStarted(this); } } /** * Notifies listeners about ending scrolling */ protected void notifyScrollingListenersAboutEnd() { for (OnWheelScrollListener listener : scrollingListeners) { listener.onScrollingFinished(this); } } /** * Adds wheel clicking listener * @param listener the listener */ public void addClickingListener(OnWheelClickedListener listener) { clickingListeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes wheel clicking listener * @param listener the listener */ public void removeClickingListener(OnWheelClickedListener listener) { clickingListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Notifies listeners about clicking */ protected void notifyClickListenersAboutClick(int item) { for (OnWheelClickedListener listener : clickingListeners) { listener.onItemClicked(this, item); } } /** * Gets current value * * @return the current value */ public int getCurrentItem() { return currentItem; } /** * Sets the current item. Does nothing when index is wrong. * * @param index the item index * @param animated the animation flag */ public void setCurrentItem(int index, boolean animated) { if (viewAdapter == null || viewAdapter.getItemsCount() == 0) { return; // throw? } int itemCount = viewAdapter.getItemsCount(); if (index < 0 || index >= itemCount) { if (isCyclic) { while (index < 0) { index += itemCount; } index %= itemCount; } else{ return; // throw? } } if (index != currentItem) { if (animated) { int itemsToScroll = index - currentItem; if (isCyclic) { int scroll = itemCount + Math.min(index, currentItem) - Math.max(index, currentItem); if (scroll < Math.abs(itemsToScroll)) { itemsToScroll = itemsToScroll < 0 ? scroll : -scroll; } } scroll(itemsToScroll, 0); } else { scrollingOffset = 0; int old = currentItem; currentItem = index; notifyChangingListeners(old, currentItem); invalidate(); } } } /** * Sets the current item w/o animation. Does nothing when index is wrong. * * @param index the item index */ public void setCurrentItem(int index) { setCurrentItem(index, false); } /** * Tests if wheel is cyclic. That means before the 1st item there is shown the last one * @return true if wheel is cyclic */ public boolean isCyclic() { return isCyclic; } /** * Set wheel cyclic flag * @param isCyclic the flag to set */ public void setCyclic(boolean isCyclic) { this.isCyclic = isCyclic; invalidateWheel(false); } /** * Determine whether shadows are drawn * @return true is shadows are drawn */ public boolean drawShadows() { return drawShadows; } /** * Set whether shadows should be drawn * @param drawShadows flag as true or false */ public void setDrawShadows(boolean drawShadows) { this.drawShadows = drawShadows; } /** * Set the shadow gradient color * @param start * @param middle * @param end */ public void setShadowColor(int start, int middle, int end) { SHADOWS_COLORS = new int[] {start, middle, end}; } /** * Sets the drawable for the wheel background * @param resource */ public void setWheelBackground(int resource) { wheelBackground = resource; setBackgroundResource(wheelBackground); } /** * Sets the drawable for the wheel foreground * @param resource */ public void setWheelForeground(int resource) { wheelForeground = resource; centerDrawable = getContext().getResources().getDrawable(wheelForeground); } /** * Invalidates wheel * @param clearCaches if true then cached views will be clear */ public void invalidateWheel(boolean clearCaches) { if (clearCaches) { recycle.clearAll(); if (itemsLayout != null) { itemsLayout.removeAllViews(); } scrollingOffset = 0; } else if (itemsLayout != null) { // cache all items recycle.recycleItems(itemsLayout, firstItem, new ItemsRange()); } invalidate(); } /** * Initializes resources */ private void initResourcesIfNecessary() { if (centerDrawable == null) { centerDrawable = getContext().getResources().getDrawable(wheelForeground); } if (topShadow == null) { topShadow = new GradientDrawable(Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM, SHADOWS_COLORS); } if (bottomShadow == null) { bottomShadow = new GradientDrawable(Orientation.BOTTOM_TOP, SHADOWS_COLORS); } setBackgroundResource(wheelBackground); } /** * Calculates desired height for layout * * @param layout * the source layout * @return the desired layout height */ private int getDesiredHeight(LinearLayout layout) { if (layout != null && layout.getChildAt(0) != null) { itemHeight = layout.getChildAt(0).getMeasuredHeight(); } int desired = itemHeight * visibleItems - itemHeight * ITEM_OFFSET_PERCENT / 50; return Math.max(desired, getSuggestedMinimumHeight()); } /** * Returns height of wheel item * @return the item height */ private int getItemHeight() { if (itemHeight != 0) { return itemHeight; } if (itemsLayout != null && itemsLayout.getChildAt(0) != null) { itemHeight = itemsLayout.getChildAt(0).getHeight(); return itemHeight; } return getHeight() / visibleItems; } /** * Calculates control width and creates text layouts * @param widthSize the input layout width * @param mode the layout mode * @return the calculated control width */ private int calculateLayoutWidth(int widthSize, int mode) { initResourcesIfNecessary(); // TODO: make it static itemsLayout.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); itemsLayout.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(widthSize, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED)); int width = itemsLayout.getMeasuredWidth(); if (mode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) { width = widthSize; } else { width += 2 * PADDING; // Check against our minimum width width = Math.max(width, getSuggestedMinimumWidth()); if (mode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST && widthSize < width) { width = widthSize; } } itemsLayout.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(width - 2 * PADDING, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED)); return width; } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec); int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec); int widthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec); int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec); buildViewForMeasuring(); int width = calculateLayoutWidth(widthSize, widthMode); int height; if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) { height = heightSize; } else { height = getDesiredHeight(itemsLayout); if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) { height = Math.min(height, heightSize); } } setMeasuredDimension(width, height); } @Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) { layout(r - l, b - t); } /** * Sets layouts width and height * @param width the layout width * @param height the layout height */ private void layout(int width, int height) { int itemsWidth = width - 2 * PADDING; itemsLayout.layout(0, 0, itemsWidth, height); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); if (viewAdapter != null && viewAdapter.getItemsCount() > 0) { updateView(); drawItems(canvas); drawCenterRect(canvas); } if (drawShadows) drawShadows(canvas); } /** * Draws shadows on top and bottom of control * @param canvas the canvas for drawing */ private void drawShadows(Canvas canvas) { int height = (int)(1.5 * getItemHeight()); topShadow.setBounds(0, 0, getWidth(), height); topShadow.draw(canvas); bottomShadow.setBounds(0, getHeight() - height, getWidth(), getHeight()); bottomShadow.draw(canvas); } /** * Draws items * @param canvas the canvas for drawing */ private void drawItems(Canvas canvas) { canvas.save(); int top = (currentItem - firstItem) * getItemHeight() + (getItemHeight() - getHeight()) / 2; canvas.translate(PADDING, - top + scrollingOffset); itemsLayout.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } /** * Draws rect for current value * @param canvas the canvas for drawing */ private void drawCenterRect(Canvas canvas) { int center = getHeight() / 2; int offset = (int) (getItemHeight() / 2 * 1.2); centerDrawable.setBounds(0, center - offset, getWidth(), center + offset); centerDrawable.draw(canvas); } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (!isEnabled() || getViewAdapter() == null) { return true; } switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: if (getParent() != null) { getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true); } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: if (!isScrollingPerformed) { int distance = (int) event.getY() - getHeight() / 2; if (distance > 0) { distance += getItemHeight() / 2; } else { distance -= getItemHeight() / 2; } int items = distance / getItemHeight(); if (items != 0 && isValidItemIndex(currentItem + items)) { notifyClickListenersAboutClick(currentItem + items); } } break; } return scroller.onTouchEvent(event); } /** * Scrolls the wheel * @param delta the scrolling value */ private void doScroll(int delta) { scrollingOffset += delta; int itemHeight = getItemHeight(); int count = scrollingOffset / itemHeight; int pos = currentItem - count; int itemCount = viewAdapter.getItemsCount(); int fixPos = scrollingOffset % itemHeight; if (Math.abs(fixPos) <= itemHeight / 2) { fixPos = 0; } if (isCyclic && itemCount > 0) { if (fixPos > 0) { pos--; count++; } else if (fixPos < 0) { pos++; count--; } // fix position by rotating while (pos < 0) { pos += itemCount; } pos %= itemCount; } else { // if (pos < 0) { count = currentItem; pos = 0; } else if (pos >= itemCount) { count = currentItem - itemCount + 1; pos = itemCount - 1; } else if (pos > 0 && fixPos > 0) { pos--; count++; } else if (pos < itemCount - 1 && fixPos < 0) { pos++; count--; } } int offset = scrollingOffset; if (pos != currentItem) { setCurrentItem(pos, false); } else { invalidate(); } // update offset scrollingOffset = offset - count * itemHeight; if (scrollingOffset > getHeight()) { scrollingOffset = scrollingOffset % getHeight() + getHeight(); } } /** * Scroll the wheel * @param itemsToSkip items to scroll * @param time scrolling duration */ public void scroll(int itemsToScroll, int time) { int distance = itemsToScroll * getItemHeight() - scrollingOffset; scroller.scroll(distance, time); } /** * Calculates range for wheel items * @return the items range */ private ItemsRange getItemsRange() { if (getItemHeight() == 0) { return null; } int first = currentItem; int count = 1; while (count * getItemHeight() < getHeight()) { first--; count += 2; // top + bottom items } if (scrollingOffset != 0) { if (scrollingOffset > 0) { first--; } count++; // process empty items above the first or below the second int emptyItems = scrollingOffset / getItemHeight(); first -= emptyItems; count += Math.asin(emptyItems); } return new ItemsRange(first, count); } /** * Rebuilds wheel items if necessary. Caches all unused items. * * @return true if items are rebuilt */ private boolean rebuildItems() { boolean updated = false; ItemsRange range = getItemsRange(); if (itemsLayout != null) { int first = recycle.recycleItems(itemsLayout, firstItem, range); updated = firstItem != first; firstItem = first; } else { createItemsLayout(); updated = true; } if (!updated) { updated = firstItem != range.getFirst() || itemsLayout.getChildCount() != range.getCount(); } if (firstItem > range.getFirst() && firstItem <= range.getLast()) { for (int i = firstItem - 1; i >= range.getFirst(); i--) { if (!addViewItem(i, true)) { break; } firstItem = i; } } else { firstItem = range.getFirst(); } int first = firstItem; for (int i = itemsLayout.getChildCount(); i < range.getCount(); i++) { if (!addViewItem(firstItem + i, false) && itemsLayout.getChildCount() == 0) { first++; } } firstItem = first; return updated; } /** * Updates view. Rebuilds items and label if necessary, recalculate items sizes. */ private void updateView() { if (rebuildItems()) { calculateLayoutWidth(getWidth(), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY); layout(getWidth(), getHeight()); } } /** * Creates item layouts if necessary */ private void createItemsLayout() { if (itemsLayout == null) { itemsLayout = new LinearLayout(getContext()); itemsLayout.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); } } /** * Builds view for measuring */ private void buildViewForMeasuring() { // clear all items if (itemsLayout != null) { recycle.recycleItems(itemsLayout, firstItem, new ItemsRange()); } else { createItemsLayout(); } // add views int addItems = visibleItems / 2; for (int i = currentItem + addItems; i >= currentItem - addItems; i--) { if (addViewItem(i, true)) { firstItem = i; } } } /** * Adds view for item to items layout * @param index the item index * @param first the flag indicates if view should be first * @return true if corresponding item exists and is added */ private boolean addViewItem(int index, boolean first) { View view = getItemView(index); if (view != null) { if (first) { itemsLayout.addView(view, 0); } else { itemsLayout.addView(view); } return true; } return false; } /** * Checks whether intem index is valid * @param index the item index * @return true if item index is not out of bounds or the wheel is cyclic */ private boolean isValidItemIndex(int index) { return viewAdapter != null && viewAdapter.getItemsCount() > 0 && (isCyclic || index >= 0 && index < viewAdapter.getItemsCount()); } /** * Returns view for specified item * @param index the item index * @return item view or empty view if index is out of bounds */ private View getItemView(int index) { if (viewAdapter == null || viewAdapter.getItemsCount() == 0) { return null; } int count = viewAdapter.getItemsCount(); if (!isValidItemIndex(index)) { return viewAdapter.getEmptyItem(recycle.getEmptyItem(), itemsLayout); } else { while (index < 0) { index = count + index; } } index %= count; return viewAdapter.getItem(index, recycle.getItem(), itemsLayout); } /** * Stops scrolling */ public void stopScrolling() { scroller.stopScrolling(); } }