package org.zalando.problem.spring.web.advice.validation; import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity; import org.springframework.web.context.request.NativeWebRequest; import org.zalando.problem.Problem; import org.zalando.problem.spring.web.advice.AdviceTrait; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import static java.util.Comparator.comparing; import static; import static; interface BaseValidationAdviceTrait extends AdviceTrait { default URI defaultConstraintViolationType() { return ConstraintViolationProblem.TYPE; } default StatusType defaultConstraintViolationStatus() { return BAD_REQUEST; } /** * Format the name of a violating field (e.g. lower camel to snake case) * * @param fieldName the field name to format * @return the formatted field name, defaults to the parameter, i.e. doesn't apply any transformation */ default String formatFieldName(final String fieldName) { return fieldName; } default ResponseEntity<Problem> newConstraintViolationProblem(final Throwable throwable, final Collection<Violation> stream, final NativeWebRequest request) { final URI type = defaultConstraintViolationType(); final StatusType status = defaultConstraintViolationStatus(); final List<Violation> violations = // sorting to make tests deterministic .sorted(comparing(Violation::getField).thenComparing(Violation::getMessage)) .collect(toList()); final Problem problem = new ConstraintViolationProblem(type, status, violations); return create(throwable, problem, request); } }