/***************************************************************************** * MediaPlayer.java ***************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2015 VLC authors and VideoLAN * * Authors Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb@videolan.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ package org.videolan.libvlc; @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class MediaPlayer extends VLCObject<MediaPlayer.Event> { public static class Event extends VLCEvent { //public static final int MediaChanged = 0x100; //public static final int NothingSpecial = 0x101; public static final int Opening = 0x102; //public static final int Buffering = 0x103; public static final int Playing = 0x104; public static final int Paused = 0x105; public static final int Stopped = 0x106; //public static final int Forward = 0x107; //public static final int Backward = 0x108; public static final int EndReached = 0x109; public static final int EncounteredError = 0x10a; public static final int TimeChanged = 0x10b; public static final int PositionChanged = 0x10c; //public static final int SeekableChanged = 0x10d; //public static final int PausableChanged = 0x10e; //public static final int TitleChanged = 0x10f; //public static final int SnapshotTaken = 0x110; //public static final int LengthChanged = 0x111; public static final int Vout = 0x112; //public static final int ScrambledChanged = 0x113; public static final int ESAdded = 0x114; public static final int ESDeleted = 0x115; //public static final int ESSelected = 0x116; private final long arg1; private final float arg2; protected Event(int type) { super(type); this.arg1 = 0; this.arg2 = 0; } protected Event(int type, long arg1) { super(type); this.arg1 = arg1; this.arg2 = 0; } protected Event(int type, float arg2) { super(type); this.arg1 = 0; this.arg2 = arg2; } public long getTimeChanged() { return arg1; } public float getPositionChanged() { return arg2; } public int getVoutCount() { return (int) arg1; } public int getEsChangedType() { return (int) arg1; } } public interface EventListener extends VLCEvent.Listener<MediaPlayer.Event> {} public static class Position { public static final int Disable = -1; public static final int Center = 0; public static final int Left = 1; public static final int Right = 2; public static final int Top = 3; public static final int TopLeft = 4; public static final int TopRight = 5; public static final int Bottom = 6; public static final int BottomLeft = 7; public static final int BottomRight = 8; } public static class Navigate { public static final int Activate = 0; public static final int Up = 1; public static final int Down = 2; public static final int Left = 3; public static final int Right = 4; } public static class Title { /** * duration in milliseconds */ public final long duration; /** * title name */ public final String name; /** * true if the title is a menu */ public final boolean menu; public Title(long duration, String name, boolean menu) { this.duration = duration; this.name = name; this.menu = menu; } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") /* Used from JNI */ private static Title createTitleFromNative(long duration, String name, boolean menu) { return new Title(duration, name, menu); } public static class Chapter { /** * time-offset of the chapter in milliseconds */ public final long timeOffset; /** * duration of the chapter in milliseconds */ public final long duration; /** * chapter name */ public final String name; private Chapter(long timeOffset, long duration, String name) { this.timeOffset = timeOffset; this.duration = duration; this.name = name; } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") /* Used from JNI */ private static Chapter createChapterFromNative(long timeOffset, long duration, String name) { return new Chapter(timeOffset, duration, name); } public static class TrackDescription { public final int id; public final String name; private TrackDescription(int id, String name) { this.id = id; this.name = name; } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") /* Used from JNI */ private static TrackDescription createTrackDescriptionFromNative(int id, String name) { return new TrackDescription(id, name); } public static class Equalizer { @SuppressWarnings("unused") /* Used from JNI */ private long mInstance; private Equalizer() { nativeNew(); } private Equalizer(int index) { nativeNewFromPreset(index); } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { nativeRelease(); } finally { super.finalize(); } } /** * Create a new default equalizer, with all frequency values zeroed. * The new equalizer can subsequently be applied to a media player by invoking * {@link MediaPlayer#setEqualizer}. */ public static Equalizer create() { return new Equalizer(); } /** * Create a new equalizer, with initial frequency values copied from an existing * preset. * The new equalizer can subsequently be applied to a media player by invoking * {@link MediaPlayer#setEqualizer}. */ public static Equalizer createFromPreset(int index) { return new Equalizer(index); } /** * Get the number of equalizer presets. */ public static int getPresetCount() { return nativeGetPresetCount(); } /** * Get the name of a particular equalizer preset. * This name can be used, for example, to prepare a preset label or menu in a user * interface. * * @param index index of the preset, counting from zero. * @return preset name, or NULL if there is no such preset */ public static String getPresetName(int index) { return nativeGetPresetName(index); } /** * Get the number of distinct frequency bands for an equalizer. */ public static int getBandCount() { return nativeGetBandCount(); } /** * Get a particular equalizer band frequency. * This value can be used, for example, to create a label for an equalizer band control * in a user interface. * * @param index index of the band, counting from zero. * @return equalizer band frequency (Hz), or -1 if there is no such band */ public static float getBandFrequency(int index) { return nativeGetBandFrequency(index); } /** * Get the current pre-amplification value from an equalizer. * * @return preamp value (Hz) */ public float getPreAmp() { return nativeGetPreAmp(); } /** * Set a new pre-amplification value for an equalizer. * The new equalizer settings are subsequently applied to a media player by invoking * {@link MediaPlayer#setEqualizer}. * The supplied amplification value will be clamped to the -20.0 to +20.0 range. * * @param preamp value (-20.0 to 20.0 Hz) * @return true on success. */ public boolean setPreAmp(float preamp) { return nativeSetPreAmp(preamp); } /** * Get the amplification value for a particular equalizer frequency band. * * @param index counting from zero, of the frequency band to get. * @return amplification value (Hz); NaN if there is no such frequency band. */ public float getAmp(int index) { return nativeGetAmp(index); } /** * Set a new amplification value for a particular equalizer frequency band. * The new equalizer settings are subsequently applied to a media player by invoking * {@link MediaPlayer#setEqualizer}. * The supplied amplification value will be clamped to the -20.0 to +20.0 range. * * @param index counting from zero, of the frequency band to set. * @param amp amplification value (-20.0 to 20.0 Hz). * \return true on success. */ public boolean setAmp(int index, float amp) { return nativeSetAmp(index, amp); } private static native int nativeGetPresetCount(); private static native String nativeGetPresetName(int index); private static native int nativeGetBandCount(); private static native float nativeGetBandFrequency(int index); private native void nativeNew(); private native void nativeNewFromPreset(int index); private native void nativeRelease(); private native float nativeGetPreAmp(); private native boolean nativeSetPreAmp(float preamp); private native float nativeGetAmp(int index); private native boolean nativeSetAmp(int index, float amp); } private Media mMedia = null; private boolean mPlaying = false; private boolean mPlayRequested = false; private int mVoutCount = 0; private boolean mAudioReset = false; private String mAudioOutput = null; private String mAudioOutputDevice = null; private final AWindow mWindow = new AWindow(new AWindow.SurfaceCallback() { @Override public void onSurfacesCreated(AWindow vout) { boolean play = false; boolean enableVideo = false; synchronized (MediaPlayer.this) { if (!mPlaying && mPlayRequested) play = true; else if (mVoutCount == 0) enableVideo = true; } if (play) play(); else if (enableVideo) setVideoTrackEnabled(true); } @Override public void onSurfacesDestroyed(AWindow vout) { boolean disableVideo = false; synchronized (MediaPlayer.this) { if (mVoutCount > 0) disableVideo = true; } if (disableVideo) setVideoTrackEnabled(false); synchronized (MediaPlayer.this) { /* Wait for Vout destruction (mVoutCount = 0) in order to be sure that the surface is not * used after leaving this callback. This shouldn't be needed when using MediaCodec or * AndroidWindow (i.e. after Android 2.3) since the surface is ref-counted */ while (mVoutCount > 0) { try { MediaPlayer.this.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } } } } }); /** * Create an empty MediaPlayer * * @param libVLC a valid libVLC */ public MediaPlayer(LibVLC libVLC) { nativeNewFromLibVlc(libVLC, mWindow); } /** * Create a MediaPlayer from a Media * * @param media a valid Media object */ public MediaPlayer(Media media) { if (media == null || media.isReleased()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Media is null or released"); mMedia = media; mMedia.retain(); nativeNewFromMedia(mMedia, mWindow); } /** * Get the IVLCVout helper. */ public IVLCVout getVLCVout() { return mWindow; } /** * Set a Media * * @param media a valid Media object */ public void setMedia(Media media) { if (media != null) { if (media.isReleased()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Media is released"); media.setDefaultMediaPlayerOptions(); } nativeSetMedia(media); synchronized (this) { if (mMedia != null) { mMedia.release(); } if (media != null) media.retain(); mMedia = media; } } /** * Get the Media used by this MediaPlayer. This Media should be released with {@link #release()}. */ public synchronized Media getMedia() { if (mMedia != null) mMedia.retain(); return mMedia; } /** * Play the media * */ public void play() { synchronized (this) { if (!mPlaying) { /* HACK: stop() reset the audio output, so set it again before first play. */ if (mAudioReset) { if (mAudioOutput != null) nativeSetAudioOutput(mAudioOutput); if (mAudioOutputDevice != null) nativeSetAudioOutputDevice(mAudioOutputDevice); mAudioReset = false; } mPlayRequested = true; if (mWindow.areSurfacesWaiting()) return; } mPlaying = true; } nativePlay(); } /** * Stops the playing media * */ public void stop() { synchronized (this) { mPlayRequested = false; mPlaying = false; mAudioReset = true; } nativeStop(); } /** * Set if, and how, the video title will be shown when media is played * * @param position see {@link Position} * @param timeout */ public void setVideoTitleDisplay(int position, int timeout) { nativeSetVideoTitleDisplay(position, timeout); } /** * Selects an audio output module. * Any change will take effect only after playback is stopped and * restarted. Audio output cannot be changed while playing. * * @return true on success. */ public boolean setAudioOutput(String aout) { final boolean ret = nativeSetAudioOutput(aout); if (ret) { synchronized (this) { mAudioOutput = aout; } } return ret; } /** * Configures an explicit audio output device. * Audio output will be moved to the device specified by the device identifier string. * * @return true on success. */ public boolean setAudioOutputDevice(String id) { final boolean ret = nativeSetAudioOutputDevice(id); if (ret) { synchronized (this) { mAudioOutputDevice = id; } } return ret; } /** * Get the full description of available titles. * * @return the list of titles */ public Title[] getTitles() { return nativeGetTitles(); } /** * Get the full description of available chapters. * * @param title index of the title (if -1, use the current title) * @return the list of Chapters for the title */ public Chapter[] getChapters(int title) { return nativeGetChapters(title); } /** * Get the number of available video tracks. */ public int getVideoTracksCount() { return nativeGetVideoTracksCount(); } /** * Get the list of available video tracks. */ public TrackDescription[] getVideoTracks() { return nativeGetVideoTracks(); } /** * Get the current video track. * * @return the video track ID or -1 if no active input */ public int getVideoTrack() { return nativeGetVideoTrack(); } /** * Set the video track. * * @return true on success. */ public boolean setVideoTrack(int index) { return nativeSetVideoTrack(index); } private void setVideoTrackEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (!enabled) { setVideoTrack(-1); } else { final MediaPlayer.TrackDescription tracks[] = getVideoTracks(); if (tracks != null) { for (MediaPlayer.TrackDescription track : tracks) { if (track.id != -1) { setVideoTrack(track.id); break; } } } } } /** * Get the number of available audio tracks. */ public int getAudioTracksCount() { return nativeGetAudioTracksCount(); } /** * Get the list of available audio tracks. */ public TrackDescription[] getAudioTracks() { return nativeGetAudioTracks(); } /** * Get the current audio track. * * @return the audio track ID or -1 if no active input */ public int getAudioTrack() { return nativeGetAudioTrack(); } /** * Set the audio track. * * @return true on success. */ public boolean setAudioTrack(int index) { return nativeSetAudioTrack(index); } /** * Get the current audio delay. * * @return delay in microseconds. */ public long getAudioDelay() { return nativeGetAudioDelay(); } /** * Set current audio delay. The audio delay will be reset to zero each time the media changes. * * @param delay in microseconds. * @return true on success. */ public boolean setAudioDelay(long delay) { return nativeSetAudioDelay(delay); } /** * Get the number of available spu (subtitle) tracks. */ public int getSpuTracksCount() { return nativeGetSpuTracksCount(); } /** * Get the list of available spu (subtitle) tracks. */ public TrackDescription[] getSpuTracks() { return nativeGetSpuTracks(); } /** * Get the current spu (subtitle) track. * * @return the spu (subtitle) track ID or -1 if no active input */ public int getSpuTrack() { return nativeGetSpuTrack(); } /** * Set the spu (subtitle) track. * * @return true on success. */ public boolean setSpuTrack(int index) { return nativeSetSpuTrack(index); } /** * Get the current spu (subtitle) delay. * * @return delay in microseconds. */ public long getSpuDelay() { return nativeGetSpuDelay(); } /** * Set current spu (subtitle) delay. The spu delay will be reset to zero each time the media changes. * * @param delay in microseconds. * @return true on success. */ public boolean setSpuDelay(long delay) { return nativeSetSpuDelay(delay); } /** * Apply new equalizer settings to a media player. * * The equalizer is first created by invoking {@link Equalizer#create()} or * {@link Equalizer#createFromPreset(int)}}. * * It is possible to apply new equalizer settings to a media player whether the media * player is currently playing media or not. * * Invoking this method will immediately apply the new equalizer settings to the audio * output of the currently playing media if there is any. * * If there is no currently playing media, the new equalizer settings will be applied * later if and when new media is played. * * Equalizer settings will automatically be applied to subsequently played media. * * To disable the equalizer for a media player invoke this method passing null. * * @return true on success. */ public boolean setEqualizer(Equalizer equalizer) { return nativeSetEqualizer(equalizer); } /** * Set a new video subtitle file. * * @param path local path. * @return true on success. */ public boolean setSubtitleFile(String path) { return nativeSetSubtitleFile(path); } /** * Sets the speed of playback (1 being normal speed, 2 being twice as fast) * * @param rate */ public native void setRate(float rate); /** * Get the current playback speed */ public native float getRate(); /** * Returns true if any media is playing */ public native boolean isPlaying(); /** * Returns true if any media is seekable */ public native boolean isSeekable(); /** * Pauses any playing media */ public native void pause(); /** * Get player state. */ public native int getPlayerState(); /** * Gets volume as integer */ public native int getVolume(); /** * Sets volume as integer * @param volume: Volume level passed as integer */ public native int setVolume(int volume); /** * Gets the current movie time (in ms). * @return the movie time (in ms), or -1 if there is no media. */ public native long getTime(); /** * Sets the movie time (in ms), if any media is being played. * @param time: Time in ms. * @return the movie time (in ms), or -1 if there is no media. */ public native long setTime(long time); /** * Gets the movie position. * @return the movie position, or -1 for any error. */ public native float getPosition(); /** * Sets the movie position. * @param pos: movie position. */ public native void setPosition(float pos); /** * Gets current movie's length in ms. * @return the movie length (in ms), or -1 if there is no media. */ public native long getLength(); public native int getTitle(); public native void setTitle(int title); public native int getChapter(); public native int previousChapter(); public native int nextChapter(); public native void setChapter(int chapter); public native void navigate(int navigate); public synchronized void setEventListener(EventListener listener) { super.setEventListener(listener); } @Override protected synchronized Event onEventNative(int eventType, long arg1, float arg2) { switch (eventType) { case Event.Stopped: case Event.EndReached: case Event.EncounteredError: mVoutCount = 0; notify(); case Event.Opening: case Event.Playing: case Event.Paused: return new Event(eventType); case Event.TimeChanged: return new Event(eventType, arg1); case Event.PositionChanged: return new Event(eventType, arg2); case Event.Vout: mVoutCount = (int) arg1; notify(); return new Event(eventType, arg1); case Event.ESAdded: case Event.ESDeleted: return new Event(eventType, arg1); } return null; } @Override protected void onReleaseNative() { if (mMedia != null) mMedia.release(); nativeRelease(); } /* JNI */ private native void nativeNewFromLibVlc(LibVLC libVLC, IAWindowNativeHandler window); private native void nativeNewFromMedia(Media media, IAWindowNativeHandler window); private native void nativeRelease(); private native void nativeSetMedia(Media media); private native void nativePlay(); private native void nativeStop(); private native void nativeSetVideoTitleDisplay(int position, int timeout); private native boolean nativeSetAudioOutput(String aout); private native boolean nativeSetAudioOutputDevice(String id); private native Title[] nativeGetTitles(); private native Chapter[] nativeGetChapters(int title); private native int nativeGetVideoTracksCount(); private native TrackDescription[] nativeGetVideoTracks(); private native int nativeGetVideoTrack(); private native boolean nativeSetVideoTrack(int index); private native int nativeGetAudioTracksCount(); private native TrackDescription[] nativeGetAudioTracks(); private native int nativeGetAudioTrack(); private native boolean nativeSetAudioTrack(int index); private native long nativeGetAudioDelay(); private native boolean nativeSetAudioDelay(long delay); private native int nativeGetSpuTracksCount(); private native TrackDescription[] nativeGetSpuTracks(); private native int nativeGetSpuTrack(); private native boolean nativeSetSpuTrack(int index); private native long nativeGetSpuDelay(); private native boolean nativeSetSpuDelay(long delay); private native boolean nativeSetSubtitleFile(String path); private native boolean nativeSetEqualizer(Equalizer equalizer); }