package com.pennapps.labs.pennmobile.classes; import; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.IllegalInstantException; import org.joda.time.Interval; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; /** * Interval for venues with meal name and Joda Intervals * Created by Adel on 7/13/15. */ public class VenueInterval { public String date; @SerializedName("meal") public List<MealInterval> meals; /** * Get all the open hour time intervals for this dining hall in a given date * @return HashMap of meal name (lunch, dinner) to open hours expressed as a Joda Interval */ public HashMap<String, Interval> getIntervals() { HashMap<String, Interval> openHours = new HashMap<>(); for (MealInterval mI : meals) { Interval mealOpenInterval = mI.getInterval(date); openHours.put(mI.type, mealOpenInterval); } return openHours; } public static class MealInterval { public String open; public String close; public String type; /** * Date format used by dining API. * Example: "2015-08-10 15:00:00" */ static final DateTimeFormatter DATEFORMAT = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); /** * Put together the date given with the hours to create a POJO for the time interval in * which the dining hall is open. * Any time before 6:00am is assumed to be from the next day rather than the given date. * @param date Date string in yyyy-MM-dd format * @return Time interval in which meal is open represented as a Joda Interval */ public Interval getInterval(String date) { String openTime = date + " " + open; String closeTime = date + " " + close; // Avoid midnight hour confusion as API returns both 00:00 and 24:00 // Switch it to more comprehensible 23:59 / 11:59PM if (close.equals("00:00:00") || close.equals("24:00:00")) { closeTime = date + " " + "23:59:59"; } DateTime openInstant = DateTime.parse(openTime, DATEFORMAT); DateTime closeInstant; try { closeInstant = DateTime.parse(closeTime, DATEFORMAT); } catch (IllegalInstantException e) { closeTime = date + " " + "01:00:00"; closeInstant = DateTime.parse(closeTime, DATEFORMAT); } // Close hours sometimes given in AM hours of next day // Cutoff for "early morning" hours was decided to be 6AM if (closeInstant.getHourOfDay() < 6) { closeInstant = closeInstant.plusDays(1); } return new Interval(openInstant, closeInstant); } public String getFormattedHour(String hours) { String newHours = hours.substring(0, 5); int hour = Integer.parseInt(hours.substring(0, 2)); if (hour > 12) { newHours = "" + (hour - 12) + hours.substring(2, 5); } if (hour >= 12) { newHours += "pm"; } else { newHours += "am"; } return newHours; } } }