package dk.silverbullet.telemed.device.andweightscale.packet.input; import dk.silverbullet.telemed.device.UnexpectedPacketFormatException; import dk.silverbullet.telemed.device.andweightscale.Weight; import dk.silverbullet.telemed.device.andweightscale.Weight.Unit; import dk.silverbullet.telemed.device.continua.packet.input.ConfirmedMeasurementDataPacket; import dk.silverbullet.telemed.device.continua.packet.input.OrderedByteReader; import; public class AndWeightScaleConfirmedMeasurementDataPacket extends ConfirmedMeasurementDataPacket { private static final int NUMBER_OF_DECIMALS_1 = 0xFF00; private static final int NUMBER_OF_DECIMALS_2 = 0xFE00; private static final int MDC_DIM_KILO_G = 0x06C3; private static final int MDC_DIM_LB = 0x06E0; private static final long NO_TIME = -1; private long newestTimestamp; private Weight newestWeight; public AndWeightScaleConfirmedMeasurementDataPacket(byte[] contents) throws IOException { super(contents); } protected void readObjects(int eventType, OrderedByteReader in) throws IOException { if (eventType != MDC_NOTI_SCAN_REPORT_VAR) { throw new UnexpectedPacketFormatException("Unexpected event-type 0x" + Integer.toString(eventType, 16) + " (expected 0x0D1E)"); } newestTimestamp = NO_TIME; int numberOfMeasurements = in.readShort(); // ScanReportInfoFixed.obs-scan-fixed.count in.readShort(); // ScanReportInfoFixed.obs-scan-fixed.length for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMeasurements; i++) { checkShort(in, "obj-handle", 0x0001); checkShort(in, "Number of attributes?", 0x0003); checkShort(in, "Length of measurement", 0x001A); checkShort(in, "??", 0x0A56); float weight = readWeight(in); long timestamp = readTimestamp(in); Unit unit = readUnit(in); if (timestamp > newestTimestamp) { newestWeight = new Weight(weight, unit); newestTimestamp = timestamp; } } } private float readWeight(OrderedByteReader in) throws IOException { checkShort(in, "Length of nu-observed-value", 0x0004); float divisionFactor = readDivisionFactor(in); int weightInSomeUnit = in.readShort() & 0xFFFF /* Make unsigned */; return weightInSomeUnit / divisionFactor; } private float readDivisionFactor(OrderedByteReader in) throws IOException { int baseCode = in.readShort(); if (baseCode == NUMBER_OF_DECIMALS_1) { return 10; } if (baseCode == NUMBER_OF_DECIMALS_2) { return 100; } throw new UnexpectedPacketFormatException("Unexpected base code 0x" + Integer.toString(baseCode, 16) + "(expected 0xFF00 or 0xFE00)"); } private long readTimestamp(OrderedByteReader in) throws IOException { checkShort(in, "MDC_ATTR_TIME_STAMP_ABS", 0x0990); checkShort(in, "Length of timestamp", 0x0008); return in.readLong(); } private Unit readUnit(OrderedByteReader in) throws IOException { checkShort(in, "MDC_ATTR_UNIT_CODE", 0x0996); checkShort(in, "Length of unit code", 0x0002); int unitCode = in.readShort(); if (unitCode == MDC_DIM_KILO_G) { return Unit.KG; } if (unitCode == MDC_DIM_LB) { return Unit.LBS; } throw new UnexpectedPacketFormatException("Unexpected unit code 0x" + Integer.toString(unitCode, 16) + "(expected 0x06C3 or 0x06E0)"); } public Weight getWeight() { return newestWeight; } public long getTimestamp() { return newestTimestamp; } @Override public String toString() { return "AndWeightScaleConfirmedMeasurementDataPacket [newestTimestamp=0x" + Long.toString(newestTimestamp, 16) + ", newestWeight=" + newestWeight + "]"; } }