package net.sf.openrocket.rocketcomponent; import java.util.List; import net.sf.openrocket.l10n.Translator; import net.sf.openrocket.material.Material; import net.sf.openrocket.preset.ComponentPreset; import net.sf.openrocket.startup.Application; import net.sf.openrocket.unit.UnitGroup; /** * Class of components with well-defined physical appearance and which have an effect on * aerodynamic simulation. They have material defined for them, and the mass of the component * is calculated using the component's volume. * * @author Sampo Niskanen <> */ public abstract class ExternalComponent extends RocketComponent { public enum Finish { //// Rough ROUGH("ExternalComponent.Rough", 500e-6), //// Unfinished UNFINISHED("ExternalComponent.Unfinished", 150e-6), //// Regular paint NORMAL("ExternalComponent.Regularpaint", 60e-6), //// Smooth paint SMOOTH("ExternalComponent.Smoothpaint", 20e-6), //// Polished POLISHED("ExternalComponent.Polished", 2e-6); private static final Translator trans = Application.getTranslator(); private final String name; private final double roughnessSize; Finish(String name, double roughness) { = name; this.roughnessSize = roughness; } public double getRoughnessSize() { return roughnessSize; } @Override public String toString() { return trans.get(name) + " (" + UnitGroup.UNITS_ROUGHNESS.toStringUnit(roughnessSize) + ")"; } } /** * The material of the component. */ protected Material material = null; protected Finish finish = Finish.NORMAL; /** * Constructor that sets the relative position of the component. */ public ExternalComponent(RocketComponent.Position relativePosition) { super(relativePosition); this.material = Application.getPreferences().getDefaultComponentMaterial(this.getClass(), Material.Type.BULK); } /** * Returns the volume of the component. This value is used in calculating the mass * of the object. */ public abstract double getComponentVolume(); /** * Calculates the mass of the component as the product of the volume and interior density. */ @Override public double getComponentMass() { return material.getDensity() * getComponentVolume(); } /** * ExternalComponent has aerodynamic effect, so return true. */ @Override public boolean isAerodynamic() { return true; } /** * ExternalComponent has effect on the mass, so return true. */ @Override public boolean isMassive() { return true; } public Material getMaterial() { return material; } public void setMaterial(Material mat) { if (mat.getType() != Material.Type.BULK) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ExternalComponent requires a bulk material" + " type=" + mat.getType()); } if (material.equals(mat)) return; material = mat; clearPreset(); fireComponentChangeEvent(ComponentChangeEvent.MASS_CHANGE); } public Finish getFinish() { return finish; } public void setFinish(Finish finish) { if (this.finish == finish) return; this.finish = finish; fireComponentChangeEvent(ComponentChangeEvent.AERODYNAMIC_CHANGE); } @Override protected void loadFromPreset(ComponentPreset preset) { super.loadFromPreset(preset); // Surface finish is left unchanged if ( preset.has(ComponentPreset.MATERIAL ) ) { Material mat = preset.get(ComponentPreset.MATERIAL); if ( mat != null ) { material = mat; } /* TODO - else if (c.isMassOverridden()) { double mass = c.getOverrideMass(); double volume = getComponentVolume(); double density; if (volume > 0.00001) { density = mass / volume; } else { density = 1000; } mat = Material.newMaterial(Type.BULK, mat.getName(), density, true); setMaterial(mat); } */ } } @Override protected List<RocketComponent> copyFrom(RocketComponent c) { ExternalComponent src = (ExternalComponent) c; this.finish = src.finish; this.material = src.material; return super.copyFrom(c); } }