/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of OpenNMS(R). * * Copyright (C) 2011 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * OpenNMS(R) is Copyright (C) 1999-2011 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is a registered trademark of The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * OpenNMS(R) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenNMS(R). If not, see: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * * For more information contact: * OpenNMS(R) Licensing <license@opennms.org> * http://www.opennms.org/ * http://www.opennms.com/ *******************************************************************************/ package org.opennms.netmgt.linkd; import static org.opennms.core.utils.InetAddressUtils.str; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.opennms.core.utils.DBUtils; import org.opennms.core.utils.InetAddressUtils; import org.opennms.core.utils.LogUtils; import org.opennms.netmgt.capsd.snmp.SnmpStore; import org.opennms.netmgt.dao.AtInterfaceDao; import org.opennms.netmgt.dao.IpInterfaceDao; import org.opennms.netmgt.dao.NodeDao; import org.opennms.netmgt.linkd.snmp.CdpCacheTableEntry; import org.opennms.netmgt.linkd.snmp.Dot1dBaseGroup; import org.opennms.netmgt.linkd.snmp.Dot1dBasePortTableEntry; import org.opennms.netmgt.linkd.snmp.Dot1dStpGroup; import org.opennms.netmgt.linkd.snmp.Dot1dStpPortTableEntry; import org.opennms.netmgt.linkd.snmp.Dot1dTpFdbTableEntry; import org.opennms.netmgt.linkd.snmp.IpNetToMediaTableEntry; import org.opennms.netmgt.linkd.snmp.IpRouteCollectorEntry; import org.opennms.netmgt.linkd.snmp.QBridgeDot1dTpFdbTableEntry; import org.opennms.netmgt.linkd.snmp.VlanCollectorEntry; import org.opennms.netmgt.model.OnmsAtInterface; import org.opennms.netmgt.model.OnmsIpRouteInterface; import org.opennms.netmgt.model.OnmsNode; import org.opennms.netmgt.model.OnmsStpInterface; import org.opennms.netmgt.model.OnmsStpNode; import org.opennms.netmgt.model.OnmsVlan; public abstract class AbstractQueryManager implements QueryManager { protected Linkd m_linkd; @Override public void setLinkd(final Linkd linkd) { m_linkd = linkd; } @Override public Linkd getLinkd() { return m_linkd; } protected void sendNewSuspectEvent(final InetAddress ipaddress, final InetAddress ipowner, final String name) { getLinkd().sendNewSuspectEvent(ipaddress, ipowner, name); } public abstract NodeDao getNodeDao(); public abstract IpInterfaceDao getIpInterfaceDao(); public abstract AtInterfaceDao getAtInterfaceDao(); protected abstract int getIfIndexByName(Connection dbConn, int targetCdpNodeId, String cdpTargetDevicePort) throws SQLException; protected abstract int getNodeidFromIp(Connection dbConn, InetAddress cdpTargetIpAddr) throws SQLException; protected abstract RouterInterface getNodeidMaskFromIp(Connection dbConn, InetAddress nexthop) throws SQLException; protected abstract RouterInterface getNodeFromIp(Connection dbConn, InetAddress nexthop) throws SQLException; protected abstract int getSnmpIfType(Connection dbConn, int nodeId, Integer ifindex) throws SQLException; protected abstract void saveIpRouteInterface(final Connection dbConn, OnmsIpRouteInterface ipRouteInterface) throws SQLException; protected abstract void saveVlan(final Connection dbConn, final OnmsVlan vlan) throws SQLException; protected abstract void saveStpNode(Connection dbConn, final OnmsStpNode stpNode) throws SQLException; protected abstract void saveStpInterface(final Connection dbConn, final OnmsStpInterface stpInterface) throws SQLException; protected abstract List<String> getPhysAddrs(final int nodeId, final DBUtils d, final Connection dbConn) throws SQLException; protected abstract void markOldDataInactive(final Connection dbConn, final Timestamp now, final int nodeid) throws SQLException; protected OnmsNode getNode(Integer nodeId) throws SQLException { return getNodeDao().get(nodeId); } protected void processIpNetToMediaTable(final LinkableNode node, final SnmpCollection snmpcoll, final Connection dbConn, final Timestamp scanTime) throws SQLException { if (LogUtils.isDebugEnabled(this)) { if (snmpcoll.getIpNetToMediaTable().size() > 0) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processIpNetToMediaTable: Starting ipNetToMedia table processing for %d/%s", node.getNodeId(), str(node.getSnmpPrimaryIpAddr())); } else { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processIpNetToMediaTable: Zero ipNetToMedia table entries for %d/%s", node.getNodeId(), str(node.getSnmpPrimaryIpAddr())); } } // the AtInterfaces used by LinkableNode where to save info final List<OnmsAtInterface> atInterfaces = new ArrayList<OnmsAtInterface>(); for (final IpNetToMediaTableEntry ent : snmpcoll.getIpNetToMediaTable()) { final int ifindex = ent.getIpNetToMediaIfIndex(); if (ifindex < 0) { LogUtils.warnf(this, "processIpNetToMediaTable: invalid ifindex %s", ifindex); continue; } final InetAddress ipaddress = ent.getIpNetToMediaNetAddress(); final String hostAddress = InetAddressUtils.str(ipaddress); if (ipaddress == null || ipaddress.isLoopbackAddress() || hostAddress.equals("")) { LogUtils.warnf(this, "processIpNetToMediaTable: invalid IP: %s", hostAddress); continue; } final String physAddr = ent.getIpNetToMediaPhysAddress(); if (physAddr == null || physAddr.equals("000000000000") || physAddr.equalsIgnoreCase("ffffffffffff")) { LogUtils.warnf(this, "processIpNetToMediaTable: invalid MAC address %s for IP %s", physAddr, hostAddress); continue; } LogUtils.debugf(this, "processIpNetToMediaTable: trying save ipNetToMedia info: IP address %s, MAC address %s, ifIndex %d", hostAddress, physAddr, ifindex); // get an AtInterface but without setting MAC address final OnmsAtInterface at = getAtInterfaceDao().getAtInterfaceForAddress(dbConn, ipaddress); if (at == null) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processIpNetToMediaTable: no node found for IP address %s.", hostAddress); sendNewSuspectEvent(ipaddress, snmpcoll.getTarget(), snmpcoll.getPackageName()); continue; } at.setSourceNodeId(node.getNodeId()); if (at.getMacAddress() != null && !at.getMacAddress().equals(physAddr)) { LogUtils.infof(this, "processIpNetToMediaTable: Setting OnmsAtInterface MAC address to %s but it used to be '%s' (IP Address = %s, ifIndex = %d)", physAddr, at.getMacAddress(), hostAddress, ifindex); } at.setMacAddress(physAddr); if (at.getIfIndex() != null && !at.getIfIndex().equals(ifindex)) { LogUtils.infof(this, "processIpNetToMediaTable: Setting OnmsAtInterface ifIndex to %d but it used to be '%s' (IP Address = %s, MAC = %s)", ifindex, at.getIfIndex(), hostAddress, physAddr); } at.setIfIndex(ifindex); at.setLastPollTime(scanTime); at.setStatus(DbAtInterfaceEntry.STATUS_ACTIVE); // add AtInterface to list of valid interfaces atInterfaces.add(at); getAtInterfaceDao().saveAtInterface(dbConn, at); } // set AtInterfaces in LinkableNode node.setAtInterfaces(atInterfaces); } protected void processCdpCacheTable(final LinkableNode node, final SnmpCollection snmpcoll, final Connection dbConn, final Timestamp scanTime) throws SQLException { if (LogUtils.isDebugEnabled(this)) { if (snmpcoll.getCdpCacheTable().size() > 0) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processCdpCacheTable: Starting CDP cache table processing for %d/%s", node.getNodeId(), str(node.getSnmpPrimaryIpAddr())); } else { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processCdpCacheTable: Zero CDP cache table entries for %d/%s", node.getNodeId(), str(node.getSnmpPrimaryIpAddr())); } } List<CdpInterface> cdpInterfaces = new ArrayList<CdpInterface>(); for (final CdpCacheTableEntry cdpEntry : snmpcoll.getCdpCacheTable()) { final int cdpAddrType = cdpEntry.getCdpCacheAddressType(); if (cdpAddrType != CDP_ADDRESS_TYPE_IP_ADDRESS) { LogUtils.warnf(this, "processCdpCacheTable: CDP address type not valid: %d", cdpAddrType); continue; } final InetAddress cdpTargetIpAddr = cdpEntry.getCdpCacheAddress(); final String hostAddress = InetAddressUtils.str(cdpTargetIpAddr); if (cdpTargetIpAddr == null || cdpTargetIpAddr.isLoopbackAddress() || hostAddress.equals("")) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processCdpCacheTable: IP address is not valid: %s", hostAddress); continue; } LogUtils.debugf(this, "processCdpCacheTable: IP address found: %s", hostAddress); final int cdpIfIndex = cdpEntry.getCdpCacheIfIndex(); if (cdpIfIndex < 0) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processCdpCacheTable: ifIndex not valid: %d", cdpIfIndex); continue; } LogUtils.debugf(this, "processCdpCacheTable: ifIndex found: %d", cdpIfIndex); final String cdpTargetDevicePort = cdpEntry.getCdpCacheDevicePort(); if (cdpTargetDevicePort == null) { LogUtils.warnf(this, "processCdpCacheTable: Target device port not found. Skipping."); continue; } LogUtils.debugf(this, "processCdpCacheTable: Target device port name found: %s", cdpTargetDevicePort); int targetCdpNodeId = -1; if (!cdpTargetIpAddr.isLoopbackAddress() && hostAddress.equals("")) { targetCdpNodeId = getNodeidFromIp(dbConn, cdpTargetIpAddr); } if (targetCdpNodeId == -1) { LogUtils.infof(this, "processCdpCacheTable: No node ID found: interface %s not added to linkable SNMP node. Skipping.", hostAddress); sendNewSuspectEvent(cdpTargetIpAddr, snmpcoll.getTarget(), snmpcoll.getPackageName()); continue; } final int cdpTargetIfindex = getIfIndexByName(dbConn, targetCdpNodeId, cdpTargetDevicePort); if (cdpTargetIfindex == -1) { LogUtils.infof(this, "processCdpCacheTable: No valid target ifIndex found: interface not added to linkable SNMP node. Skipping."); continue; } final CdpInterface cdpIface = new CdpInterface(cdpIfIndex); cdpIface.setCdpTargetNodeId(targetCdpNodeId); cdpIface.setCdpTargetIpAddr(cdpTargetIpAddr); cdpIface.setCdpTargetIfIndex(cdpTargetIfindex); LogUtils.debugf(this, "processCdpCacheTable: Adding interface to linkable SNMP node: %s", cdpIface); cdpInterfaces.add(cdpIface); } node.setCdpInterfaces(cdpInterfaces); } protected void processRouteTable(final LinkableNode node, final SnmpCollection snmpcoll, final Connection dbConn, final Timestamp scanTime) throws SQLException { if (LogUtils.isDebugEnabled(this)) { if (snmpcoll.getIpRouteTable().size() > 0) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processRouteTable: Starting route table processing for %d/%s", node.getNodeId(), str(node.getSnmpPrimaryIpAddr())); } else { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processRouteTable: Zero route table entries for %d/%s", node.getNodeId(), str(node.getSnmpPrimaryIpAddr())); } } List<RouterInterface> routeInterfaces = new ArrayList<RouterInterface>(); for (final SnmpStore ent : snmpcoll.getIpRouteTable()) { Integer ifindex = ent.getInt32(IpRouteCollectorEntry.IP_ROUTE_IFINDEX); final InetAddress nexthop = ent.getIPAddress(IpRouteCollectorEntry.IP_ROUTE_NXTHOP); if (nexthop == null) { LogUtils.warnf(this, "processRouteTable: next hop not found on node %d. Skipping.", node.getNodeId()); continue; } final InetAddress routedest = ent.getIPAddress(IpRouteCollectorEntry.IP_ROUTE_DEST); if (routedest == null) { LogUtils.warnf(this, "processRouteTable: route destination not found on node %d. Skipping.", node.getNodeId()); continue; } final InetAddress routemask = ent.getIPAddress(IpRouteCollectorEntry.IP_ROUTE_MASK); if (routemask == null) { LogUtils.warnf(this, "processRouteTable: route mask not found on node %d. Skipping.", node.getNodeId()); continue; } if (ifindex == null || ifindex < 0) { LogUtils.warnf(this, "processRouteTable: Invalid ifIndex %d on node %d. Skipping.", ifindex, node.getNodeId()); continue; } else if (ifindex == 0) { // According to the RFC, if the ifindex is zero (0) then this indicates that no // particular interface was specified. We need to figure out the ifindex in that case. /* inetCidrRouteIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value that identifies the local interface through which the next hop of this route should be reached. A value of 0 is valid and represents the scenario where no interface is specified." ::= { inetCidrRouteEntry 7 } */ ifindex = getIfIndexFromRouteTableEntries(nexthop, snmpcoll.getIpRouteTable()); if (ifindex < 1) { LogUtils.warnf(this, "processRouteTable: Invalid ifIndex %d on node %d. Skipping.", ifindex, node.getNodeId()); continue; } } LogUtils.debugf(this, "processRouteTable: parsing routeDest/routeMask/nextHop: %s/%s/%s - ifIndex = %d", str(routedest), str(routemask), str(nexthop), ifindex); final Integer routemetric1 = ent.getInt32(IpRouteCollectorEntry.IP_ROUTE_METRIC1); /** * FIXME: send routedest to discoverylink remember that * now nexthop is not parsed, anyway we should analyze * this case in link discovery so here is the place where you can * have this info saved for now is discarded. See DiscoveryLink * for more details...... */ // the routerinterface constructor set nodeid, ifindex, netmask for nexthop address // try to find on snmpinterface table RouterInterface routeIface = getNodeidMaskFromIp(dbConn, nexthop); // if target node is not snmp node always try to find info // on ipinterface table if (routeIface == null) { routeIface = getNodeFromIp(dbConn, nexthop); } if (routeIface == null) { LogUtils.infof(this, "processRouteTable: No node ID found for next hop IP address %s. Not adding the IP route interface to the linkable SNMP node.", str(nexthop)); // try to find it in ipinterface sendNewSuspectEvent(nexthop, snmpcoll.getTarget(), snmpcoll.getPackageName()); } else { int snmpiftype = -2; if (ifindex >= 0) snmpiftype = getSnmpIfType(dbConn, node.getNodeId(), ifindex); if (snmpiftype == -1) { LogUtils.warnf(this, "processRouteTable: interface has an invalid ifType (%d). Skipping.", snmpiftype); } else if (nexthop.isLoopbackAddress()) { LogUtils.infof(this, "processRouteTable: next hop is a loopback address. Skipping."); } else if (InetAddressUtils.str(nexthop).equals("")) { LogUtils.infof(this, "processRouteTable: next hop is a broadcast address. Skipping."); } else if (nexthop.isMulticastAddress()) { LogUtils.infof(this, "processRouteTable: next hop is a multicast address. Skipping."); } else if (routemetric1 == null || routemetric1 < 0) { LogUtils.infof(this, "processRouteTable: Route metric is invalid. Skipping."); } else { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processRouteTable: Interface has a valid ifType (%d). Adding.", snmpiftype); routeIface.setRouteDest(routedest); routeIface.setRoutemask(routemask); routeIface.setSnmpiftype(snmpiftype); routeIface.setIfindex(ifindex); routeIface.setMetric(routemetric1); routeIface.setNextHop(nexthop); routeInterfaces.add(routeIface); } } final Integer routemetric2 = ent.getInt32(IpRouteCollectorEntry.IP_ROUTE_METRIC2); final Integer routemetric3 = ent.getInt32(IpRouteCollectorEntry.IP_ROUTE_METRIC3); final Integer routemetric4 = ent.getInt32(IpRouteCollectorEntry.IP_ROUTE_METRIC4); final Integer routemetric5 = ent.getInt32(IpRouteCollectorEntry.IP_ROUTE_METRIC5); final Integer routetype = ent.getInt32(IpRouteCollectorEntry.IP_ROUTE_TYPE); final Integer routeproto = ent.getInt32(IpRouteCollectorEntry.IP_ROUTE_PROTO); // always save info to DB if (snmpcoll.getSaveIpRouteTable()) { final OnmsNode onmsNode = getNode(node.getNodeId()); final OnmsIpRouteInterface ipRouteInterface = new OnmsIpRouteInterface(); ipRouteInterface.setLastPollTime(scanTime); ipRouteInterface.setNode(onmsNode); ipRouteInterface.setRouteDest(str(routedest)); ipRouteInterface.setRouteIfIndex(ifindex); ipRouteInterface.setRouteMask(str(routemask)); ipRouteInterface.setRouteMetric1(routemetric1); ipRouteInterface.setRouteMetric2(routemetric2); ipRouteInterface.setRouteMetric3(routemetric3); ipRouteInterface.setRouteMetric4(routemetric4); ipRouteInterface.setRouteMetric5(routemetric5); ipRouteInterface.setRouteNextHop(str(nexthop)); ipRouteInterface.setRouteProto(routeproto); ipRouteInterface.setRouteType(routetype); ipRouteInterface.setStatus(DbAtInterfaceEntry.STATUS_ACTIVE); saveIpRouteInterface(dbConn, ipRouteInterface); } } node.setRouteInterfaces(routeInterfaces); } private static Integer getIfIndexFromRouteTableEntries(InetAddress nexthop, Collection<SnmpStore> entries) { for (SnmpStore entry : entries) { final InetAddress routedest = entry.getIPAddress(IpRouteCollectorEntry.IP_ROUTE_DEST); if (routedest == null) { continue; } final InetAddress routemask = entry.getIPAddress(IpRouteCollectorEntry.IP_ROUTE_MASK); if (routemask == null) { continue; } // Use a binary AND to determine if the next hop is in the subnet for this entry if (InetAddressUtils.toInteger(routemask).and(InetAddressUtils.toInteger(nexthop)).equals(InetAddressUtils.toInteger(routedest))) { Integer retval = entry.getInt32(IpRouteCollectorEntry.IP_ROUTE_IFINDEX); LogUtils.debugf(AbstractQueryManager.class, "processRouteTable: found ifindex based on subnet mask: %d", retval); return retval; } } return -1; } protected void processVlanTable(final LinkableNode node, final SnmpCollection snmpcoll, final Connection dbConn, final Timestamp scanTime) throws SQLException { if (LogUtils.isDebugEnabled(this)) { if (snmpcoll.getVlanTable().size() > 0) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processVlanTable: Starting VLAN table processing for %d/%s", node.getNodeId(), str(node.getSnmpPrimaryIpAddr())); } else { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processVlanTable: Zero VLAN table entries for %d/%s", node.getNodeId(), str(node.getSnmpPrimaryIpAddr())); } } final List<OnmsVlan> vlans = new ArrayList<OnmsVlan>(); for (final SnmpStore ent : snmpcoll.getVlanTable()) { final Integer vlanIndex = ent.getInt32(VlanCollectorEntry.VLAN_INDEX); if (vlanIndex == null || vlanIndex < 0) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processVlanTable: VLAN ifIndex was invalid (%d). Skipping.", vlanIndex); continue; } String vlanName = ent.getDisplayString(VlanCollectorEntry.VLAN_NAME); if (vlanName == null) { vlanName = "default-" + vlanIndex; LogUtils.debugf(this, "processVlanTable: No VLAN name found. Setting to '%s'.", vlanName); } Integer vlanType = ent.getInt32(VlanCollectorEntry.VLAN_TYPE); if (vlanType == null) { vlanType = DbVlanEntry.VLAN_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } Integer vlanStatus = ent.getInt32(VlanCollectorEntry.VLAN_STATUS); if (vlanStatus == null) { vlanStatus = DbVlanEntry.VLAN_STATUS_UNKNOWN; } final OnmsNode onmsNode = getNode(node.getNodeId()); final OnmsVlan vlan = new OnmsVlan(vlanIndex, vlanName, vlanStatus, vlanType); vlan.setLastPollTime(scanTime); vlan.setNode(onmsNode); vlan.setStatus(DbVlanEntry.STATUS_ACTIVE); vlans.add(vlan); LogUtils.debugf(this, "processVlanTable: Saving VLAN entry: %s", vlan); saveVlan(dbConn, vlan); } node.setVlans(vlans); } protected void processDot1DBase(final LinkableNode node, final SnmpCollection snmpcoll, final DBUtils d, final Connection dbConn, final Timestamp scanTime, final OnmsVlan vlan, final SnmpVlanCollection snmpVlanColl) throws SQLException { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processDot1DBase: Starting dot1dBase processing."); final Dot1dBaseGroup dod1db = snmpVlanColl.getDot1dBase(); final String baseBridgeAddress = dod1db.getBridgeAddress(); if (baseBridgeAddress == null || baseBridgeAddress == "000000000000") { LogUtils.infof(this, "processDot1DBase: Invalid base bridge address (%s) on node %d", baseBridgeAddress, node.getNodeId()); return; } processStpNode(node, snmpcoll, dbConn, scanTime, vlan, snmpVlanColl); if (snmpVlanColl.hasDot1dBasePortTable()) { processDot1DBasePortTable(node, snmpcoll, dbConn, scanTime, vlan, snmpVlanColl); } if (snmpVlanColl.hasDot1dStpPortTable()) { processDot1StpPortTable(node, snmpcoll, dbConn, scanTime, vlan, snmpVlanColl); } if (snmpVlanColl.hasDot1dTpFdbTable()) { processDot1DTpFdbTable(node, vlan, snmpVlanColl, scanTime); } if (snmpVlanColl.hasQBridgeDot1dTpFdbTable()) { processQBridgeDot1dTpFdbTable(node, vlan, snmpVlanColl); } for (final String physaddr : getPhysAddrs(node.getNodeId(), d, dbConn)) { node.addBridgeIdentifier(physaddr); } } protected void processQBridgeDot1dTpFdbTable(final LinkableNode node, final OnmsVlan vlan, final SnmpVlanCollection snmpVlanColl) { if (LogUtils.isDebugEnabled(this)) { if (snmpVlanColl.getQBridgeDot1dFdbTable().size() > 0) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processQBridgeDot1dTpFdbTable: Starting Q-BRIDGE-MIB dot1dTpFdb table processing for %d/%s", node.getNodeId(), str(node.getSnmpPrimaryIpAddr())); } else { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processQBridgeDot1dTpFdbTable: Zero Q-BRIDGE-MIB dot1dTpFdb table entries for %d/%s", node.getNodeId(), str(node.getSnmpPrimaryIpAddr())); } } for (final QBridgeDot1dTpFdbTableEntry dot1dfdbentry : snmpVlanColl.getQBridgeDot1dFdbTable()) { final String curMacAddress = dot1dfdbentry.getQBridgeDot1dTpFdbAddress(); if (curMacAddress == null || curMacAddress.equals("000000000000")) { LogUtils.infof(this, "processQBridgeDot1DTpFdbTable: Invalid MAC addres %s on node %d. Skipping.", curMacAddress, node.getNodeId()); continue; } LogUtils.debugf(this, "processQBridgeDot1DTpFdbTable: Found MAC address %s on node %d", curMacAddress, node.getNodeId()); final int fdbport = dot1dfdbentry.getQBridgeDot1dTpFdbPort(); if (fdbport == 0 || fdbport == -1) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processQBridgeDot1DTpFdbTable: Invalid FDB port (%d) for MAC address %s on node %d. Skipping.", fdbport, curMacAddress, node.getNodeId()); continue; } LogUtils.debugf(this, "processQBridgeDot1DTpFdbTable: Found bridge port %d on node %d.", fdbport, node.getNodeId()); final int curfdbstatus = dot1dfdbentry.getQBridgeDot1dTpFdbStatus(); if (curfdbstatus == SNMP_DOT1D_FDB_STATUS_LEARNED) { node.addMacAddress(fdbport, curMacAddress, Integer.toString((int) vlan.getVlanId())); LogUtils.debugf(this, "processQBridgeDot1DTpFdbTable: Found learned status on bridge port."); } else if (curfdbstatus == SNMP_DOT1D_FDB_STATUS_SELF) { node.addBridgeIdentifier(curMacAddress); LogUtils.debugf(this, "processQBridgeDot1DTpFdbTable: MAC address (%s) is used as bridge identifier.", curMacAddress); } else if (curfdbstatus == SNMP_DOT1D_FDB_STATUS_INVALID) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processQBridgeDot1DTpFdbTable: Found 'INVALID' status. Skipping."); } else if (curfdbstatus == SNMP_DOT1D_FDB_STATUS_MGMT) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processQBridgeDot1DTpFdbTable: Found 'MGMT' status. Skipping."); } else if (curfdbstatus == SNMP_DOT1D_FDB_STATUS_OTHER) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processQBridgeDot1DTpFdbTable: Found 'OTHER' status. Skipping."); } else if (curfdbstatus == -1) { LogUtils.warnf(this, "processQBridgeDot1DTpFdbTable: Unable to determine status. Skipping."); } } } protected void processDot1DTpFdbTable(LinkableNode node, final OnmsVlan vlan, final SnmpVlanCollection snmpVlanColl, Timestamp scanTime) { if (LogUtils.isDebugEnabled(this)) { if (snmpVlanColl.getDot1dFdbTable().size() > 0) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processDot1DTpFdbTable: Starting dot1dTpFdb table processing for %d/%s", node.getNodeId(), str(node.getSnmpPrimaryIpAddr())); } else { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processDot1DTpFdbTable: Zero dot1dTpFdb table entries for %d/%s", node.getNodeId(), str(node.getSnmpPrimaryIpAddr())); } } for (final Dot1dTpFdbTableEntry dot1dfdbentry : snmpVlanColl.getDot1dFdbTable()) { final String curMacAddress = dot1dfdbentry.getDot1dTpFdbAddress(); final int fdbport = dot1dfdbentry.getDot1dTpFdbPort(); final int curfdbstatus = dot1dfdbentry.getDot1dTpFdbStatus(); if (curMacAddress == null || curMacAddress.equals("000000000000")) { LogUtils.infof(this, "processDot1DTpFdbTable: Invalid MAC address %s on node %d. Skipping.", curMacAddress, node.getNodeId()); continue; } LogUtils.debugf(this, "processDot1DTpFdbTable: Found valid MAC address %s on node %d", curMacAddress, node.getNodeId()); if (fdbport == 0 || fdbport == -1) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processDot1DTpFdbTable: Invalid FDB port (%d) for MAC address %s on node %d. Skipping.", fdbport, curMacAddress, node.getNodeId()); continue; } LogUtils.debugf(this, "processDot1DTpFdbTable: MAC address (%s) found on bridge port %d on node %d", curMacAddress, fdbport, node.getNodeId()); if (curfdbstatus == SNMP_DOT1D_FDB_STATUS_LEARNED && vlan.getVlanId() != null) { node.addMacAddress(fdbport, curMacAddress, vlan.getVlanId().toString()); LogUtils.debugf(this, "processDot1DTpFdbTable: Found learned status on bridge port."); } else if (curfdbstatus == SNMP_DOT1D_FDB_STATUS_SELF) { node.addBridgeIdentifier(curMacAddress); LogUtils.debugf(this, "processDot1DTpFdbTable: MAC address (%s) is used as bridge identifier.", curMacAddress); } else if (curfdbstatus == SNMP_DOT1D_FDB_STATUS_INVALID) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processDot1DTpFdbTable: Found 'INVALID' status. Skipping."); } else if (curfdbstatus == SNMP_DOT1D_FDB_STATUS_MGMT) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processDot1DTpFdbTable: Found 'MGMT' status. Skipping."); } else if (curfdbstatus == SNMP_DOT1D_FDB_STATUS_OTHER) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processDot1DTpFdbTable: Found 'OTHER' status. Skipping."); } else if (curfdbstatus == -1) { LogUtils.warnf(this, "processDot1DTpFdbTable: Unable to determine status. Skipping."); } } } protected void processDot1StpPortTable(final LinkableNode node, final SnmpCollection snmpcoll, final Connection dbConn, final Timestamp scanTime, final OnmsVlan vlan, final SnmpVlanCollection snmpVlanColl) throws SQLException { if (LogUtils.isDebugEnabled(this)) { if (snmpVlanColl.getDot1dStpPortTable().size() > 0) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processDot1StpPortTable: Starting dot1StpPort table processing for %d/%s", node.getNodeId(), str(node.getSnmpPrimaryIpAddr())); } else { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processDot1StpPortTable: Zero dot1StpPort table entries for %d/%s", node.getNodeId(), str(node.getSnmpPrimaryIpAddr())); } } for (final Dot1dStpPortTableEntry dot1dstpptentry : snmpVlanColl.getDot1dStpPortTable()) { final int stpport = dot1dstpptentry.getDot1dStpPort(); if (stpport == -1) { LogUtils.infof(this, "processDot1StpPortTable: Found invalid STP port. Skipping."); continue; } final OnmsNode onmsNode = getNode(node.getNodeId()); if (onmsNode == null) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "no node found!"); continue; } final OnmsStpInterface stpInterface = new OnmsStpInterface(onmsNode, stpport, vlan.getVlanId()); stpInterface.setStatus(DbStpNodeEntry.STATUS_ACTIVE); stpInterface.setLastPollTime(scanTime); String stpPortDesignatedBridge = dot1dstpptentry.getDot1dStpPortDesignatedBridge(); String stpPortDesignatedPort = dot1dstpptentry.getDot1dStpPortDesignatedPort(); if (stpPortDesignatedBridge == null || stpPortDesignatedBridge.equals("0000000000000000")) { LogUtils.infof(this, "processDot1StpPortTable: Designated bridge (%s) is invalid on node %d. Skipping.", stpPortDesignatedBridge, node.getNodeId()); stpPortDesignatedBridge = "0000000000000000"; } else if (stpPortDesignatedPort == null || stpPortDesignatedPort.equals("0000")) { LogUtils.infof(this, "processDot1StpPortTable: Designated port (%s) is invalid on node %d. Skipping.", stpPortDesignatedPort, node.getNodeId()); stpPortDesignatedPort = "0000"; } else { stpInterface.setStpPortState(dot1dstpptentry.getDot1dStpPortState()); stpInterface.setStpPortPathCost(dot1dstpptentry.getDot1dStpPortPathCost()); stpInterface.setStpPortDesignatedBridge(stpPortDesignatedBridge); stpInterface.setStpPortDesignatedRoot(dot1dstpptentry.getDot1dStpPortDesignatedRoot()); stpInterface.setStpPortDesignatedCost(dot1dstpptentry.getDot1dStpPortDesignatedCost()); stpInterface.setStpPortDesignatedPort(stpPortDesignatedPort); node.addStpInterface(stpInterface); } if (snmpcoll.getSaveStpInterfaceTable()) { saveStpInterface(dbConn, stpInterface); } } } protected void processDot1DBasePortTable(final LinkableNode node, final SnmpCollection snmpcoll, final Connection dbConn, final Timestamp scanTime, final OnmsVlan vlan, final SnmpVlanCollection snmpVlanColl) throws SQLException { if (LogUtils.isDebugEnabled(this)) { if (snmpVlanColl.getDot1dBasePortTable().size() > 0) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processDot1DBasePortTable: Starting dot1BasePort table processing for %d/%s", node.getNodeId(), str(node.getSnmpPrimaryIpAddr())); } else { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processDot1DBasePortTable: Zero dot1BasePort table entries for %d/%s", node.getNodeId(), str(node.getSnmpPrimaryIpAddr())); } } for (final Dot1dBasePortTableEntry dot1dbaseptentry : snmpVlanColl.getDot1dBasePortTable()) { int baseport = dot1dbaseptentry.getBaseBridgePort(); int ifindex = dot1dbaseptentry.getBaseBridgePortIfindex(); if (baseport == -1 || ifindex == -1) { LogUtils.infof(this, "processDot1DBasePortTable: Invalid base port (%d) or ifIndex (%d). Skipping.", baseport, ifindex); continue; } node.setIfIndexBridgePort(ifindex, baseport); if (snmpcoll.getSaveStpInterfaceTable()) { final OnmsNode onmsNode = getNode(node.getNodeId()); if (onmsNode == null) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "no node found!"); continue; } final OnmsStpInterface stpInterface = new OnmsStpInterface(onmsNode, baseport, vlan.getVlanId()); stpInterface.setBridgePort(baseport); stpInterface.setVlan(vlan.getVlanId()); stpInterface.setIfIndex(ifindex); stpInterface.setStatus(DbStpNodeEntry.STATUS_ACTIVE); stpInterface.setLastPollTime(scanTime); saveStpInterface(dbConn, stpInterface); } } } protected void processStpNode(final LinkableNode node, final SnmpCollection snmpcoll, final Connection dbConn, final Timestamp scanTime, final OnmsVlan vlan, final SnmpVlanCollection snmpVlanColl) throws SQLException { LogUtils.debugf(this, "processStpNode: Starting STP node processing."); final Dot1dBaseGroup dod1db = snmpVlanColl.getDot1dBase(); final String baseBridgeAddress = dod1db.getBridgeAddress(); if (vlan.getVlanId() != null) { node.addBridgeIdentifier(baseBridgeAddress, vlan.getVlanId().toString()); } final OnmsNode onmsNode = getNode(node.getNodeId()); final OnmsStpNode stpNode = new OnmsStpNode(onmsNode, vlan.getVlanId()); stpNode.setLastPollTime(scanTime); stpNode.setStatus(DbStpNodeEntry.STATUS_ACTIVE); if (snmpcoll.getSaveStpNodeTable()) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "baseBridgeAddress = %s", baseBridgeAddress); stpNode.setBaseBridgeAddress(baseBridgeAddress); stpNode.setBaseNumPorts(dod1db.getNumberOfPorts()); stpNode.setBaseType(dod1db.getBridgeType()); stpNode.setBaseVlanName(vlan.getVlanName()); } if (snmpVlanColl.hasDot1dStp()) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "store: adding Dot1dStpGroup in stpnode table"); final Dot1dStpGroup dod1stp = snmpVlanColl.getDot1dStp(); stpNode.setStpProtocolSpecification(dod1stp.getStpProtocolSpecification()); stpNode.setStpPriority(dod1stp.getStpPriority()); stpNode.setStpRootCost(dod1stp.getStpRootCost()); stpNode.setStpRootPort(dod1stp.getStpRootPort()); String stpDesignatedRoot = dod1stp.getStpDesignatedRoot(); if (stpDesignatedRoot == null || stpDesignatedRoot == "0000000000000000") { LogUtils.debugf(this, "store: Dot1dStpGroup found stpDesignatedRoot " + stpDesignatedRoot + ", not adding to Linkable node"); stpDesignatedRoot = "0000000000000000"; } else { if (stpNode.getBaseVlan() != null) { node.setVlanStpRoot(vlan.getVlanId().toString(), stpDesignatedRoot); } } stpNode.setStpDesignatedRoot(stpDesignatedRoot); } // store object in database if (snmpcoll.getSaveStpNodeTable()) { saveStpNode(dbConn, stpNode); } } }