package; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.openmrs.module.reporting.common.DateUtil; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; public class MapConverterTest { @Test public void convert_shouldHandleKeyValueProperty() throws Exception { MapConverter c = new MapConverter(" = ", null, null, null); checkVal(c, "Key1 = Value1", "Key1", "Value1"); } @Test public void convert_shouldHandleEntryProperty() throws Exception { MapConverter c = new MapConverter(": ", " | ", null, null); checkVal(c, "Key1: Value1 | Key2: Value2", "Key1", "Value1", "Key2", "Value2"); } @Test public void convert_shouldHandleKeyConverter() throws Exception { BooleanConverter bc = new BooleanConverter("oui", "non", "?"); MapConverter c = new MapConverter(" = ", " and ", bc, null); checkVal(c, "oui = yes and non = no", Boolean.TRUE, "yes", Boolean.FALSE, "no"); } @Test public void convert_shouldHandleValueConverter() throws Exception { BooleanConverter bc = new BooleanConverter("oui", "non", "?"); MapConverter c = new MapConverter(null, null, null, bc); checkVal(c, "A1:oui,A2:non", "A1", Boolean.TRUE, "A2", Boolean.FALSE); } @Test public void convert_shouldHandleNulls() throws Exception { MapConverter c = new MapConverter(); checkVal(c, "Key1:Value1", "Key1", "Value1", "Key2", null); c.setIncludeNullValues(true); checkVal(c, "Key1:Value1,Key2:null", "Key1", "Value1", "Key2", null); c.setIncludeNullValues(false); c.setValueConverter(new ExistenceConverter("Here", "Not here")); checkVal(c, "Key1:Here,Key2:Not here", "Key1", "Value1", "Key2", null); } private void checkVal(MapConverter converter, String expected, Object...keyVals) { Map<Object, Object> m = new LinkedHashMap<Object, Object>(); for (int i=0; i< keyVals.length; i+=2) { m.put(keyVals[i], keyVals[i+1]); } Object val = converter.convert(m); Assert.assertEquals(expected, val); } }