/** * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, * v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can * obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. OpenMRS is also distributed under * the terms of the Healthcare Disclaimer located at http://openmrs.org/license. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS Inc. OpenMRS is a registered trademark and the OpenMRS * graphic logo is a trademark of OpenMRS Inc. */ package org.openmrs.web; public class WebConstants { public static final String INIT_REQ_UNIQUE_ID = "__INIT_REQ_UNIQUE_ID__"; public static final String OPENMRS_CONTEXT_HTTPSESSION_ATTR = "__openmrs_context"; public static final String OPENMRS_USER_CONTEXT_HTTPSESSION_ATTR = "__openmrs_user_context"; public static final String OPENMRS_CLIENT_IP_HTTPSESSION_ATTR = "__openmrs_client_ip"; public static final String OPENMRS_LOGIN_REDIRECT_HTTPSESSION_ATTR = "__openmrs_login_redirect"; public static final String OPENMRS_MSG_ATTR = "openmrs_msg"; public static final String OPENMRS_MSG_ARGS = "openmrs_msg_arguments"; public static final String OPENMRS_ERROR_ATTR = "openmrs_error"; public static final String OPENMRS_ERROR_ARGS = "openmrs_error_arguments"; public static final String OPENMRS_ADDR_TMPL = "openmrs_address_template"; public static final String OPENMRS_LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME = "__openmrs_language"; public static final String OPENMRS_USER_OVERRIDE_PARAM = "__openmrs_user_over_id"; public static final String OPENMRS_ANALYSIS_IN_PROGRESS_ATTR = "__openmrs_analysis_in_progress"; public static final String OPENMRS_DYNAMIC_FORM_IN_PROGRESS_ATTR = "__openmrs_dynamic_form_in_progress"; public static final String OPENMRS_PATIENT_SET_ATTR = "__openmrs_patient_set"; public static final Integer OPENMRS_PATIENTSET_PAGE_SIZE = 25; public static final String OPENMRS_DYNAMIC_FORM_KEEPALIVE = "__openmrs_dynamic_form_keepalive"; public static final String OPENMRS_HEADER_USE_MINIMAL = "__openmrs_use_minimal_header"; public static final String OPENMRS_PORTLET_MODEL_NAME = "model"; public static final String OPENMRS_PORTLET_LAST_REQ_ID = "__openmrs_portlet_last_req_id"; public static final String OPENMRS_PORTLET_CACHED_MODEL = "__openmrs_portlet_cached_model"; // these vars filled in by org.openmrs.web.Listener at webapp start time public static String BUILD_TIMESTAMP = ""; public static String WEBAPP_NAME = "openmrs"; /** * Page in the webapp used for initial setup of the database connection if no valid one exists */ public static final String SETUP_PAGE_URL = "initialsetup"; /** * The url of the module repository. This is filled in at startup by the value in web.xml */ public static String MODULE_REPOSITORY_URL = ""; /** * Global property name for the number of times one IP can fail at logging in before being * locked out. A value of 0 for this property means no IP lockout checks. * * @see org.openmrs.web.servlet.LoginServlet */ public static String GP_ALLOWED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_PER_IP = "security.loginAttemptsAllowedPerIP"; /** * User names of the logged-in users are stored in this map (session id -> user name) in the * ServletContext under this key */ public static final String CURRENT_USERS = "CURRENT_USERS"; /** * Session attribute name that specifies if there are any privilege checks the currently * authenticated user failed */ public static final String INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES = "insufficient_privileges"; /** * Session attribute name for the url of the page the user was trying to access when they failed * a privilege check */ public static final String DENIED_PAGE = "denied_page"; /** * Session attribute name for the privileges the user didn't have */ public static final String REQUIRED_PRIVILEGES = "required_privileges"; /** * Session attribute name for the uncaught exception message */ public static final String UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = "uncaught_exception_message"; /** * Session attribute name for the referer url */ public static final String REFERER_URL = "referer_url"; }