Copyright 2006 Jerry Huxtable
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* This file was semi-automatically converted from the public-domain USGS PROJ source.
* Bernhard Jenny, 17 September 2010:
* Changed base class to ConicProjection
package com.jhlabs.map.proj;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import com.jhlabs.map.*;
public class AlbersProjection extends ConicProjection {
private final static double EPS10 = 1.e-10;
private final static double TOL7 = 1.e-7;
private double ec;
private double n;
private double c;
private double dd;
private double n2;
private double rho0;
private double phi1;
private double phi2;
private double[] en;
private final static int N_ITER = 15;
private final static double EPSILON = 1.0e-7;
private final static double TOL = 1.0e-10;
public AlbersProjection() {
minLatitude = Math.toRadians(0);
maxLatitude = Math.toRadians(80);
projectionLatitude1 = MapMath.degToRad(45.5);
projectionLatitude2 = MapMath.degToRad(29.5);
private static double phi1_(double qs, double Te, double Tone_es) {
int i;
double Phi, sinpi, cospi, con, com, dphi;
Phi = Math.asin (.5 * qs);
if (Te < EPSILON)
return( Phi );
i = N_ITER;
do {
sinpi = Math.sin (Phi);
cospi = Math.cos (Phi);
con = Te * sinpi;
com = 1. - con * con;
dphi = .5 * com * com / cospi * (qs / Tone_es -
sinpi / com + .5 / Te * Math.log ((1. - con) /
(1. + con)));
Phi += dphi;
} while (Math.abs(dphi) > TOL && --i != 0);
return( i != 0 ? Phi : Double.MAX_VALUE );
public Point2D.Double project(double lplam, double lpphi, Point2D.Double out) {
double rho;
if ((rho = c - (!spherical ? n * MapMath.qsfn(Math.sin(lpphi), e, one_es) : n2 * Math.sin(lpphi))) < 0.)
throw new ProjectionException("F");
rho = dd * Math.sqrt(rho);
out.x = rho * Math.sin( lplam *= n );
out.y = rho0 - rho * Math.cos(lplam);
return out;
public Point2D.Double projectInverse(double xyx, double xyy, Point2D.Double out) {
double rho;
if ((rho = MapMath.distance(xyx, xyy = rho0 - xyy)) != 0) {
double lpphi, lplam;
if (n < 0.) {
rho = -rho;
xyx = -xyx;
xyy = -xyy;
lpphi = rho / dd;
if (!spherical) {
lpphi = (c - lpphi * lpphi) / n;
if (Math.abs(ec - Math.abs(lpphi)) > TOL7) {
if ((lpphi = phi1_(lpphi, e, one_es)) == Double.MAX_VALUE)
throw new ProjectionException("I");
} else
lpphi = lpphi < 0. ? -MapMath.HALFPI : MapMath.HALFPI;
} else if (Math.abs(lpphi = (c - lpphi * lpphi) / n2) <= 1.)
lpphi = Math.asin(lpphi);
lpphi = lpphi < 0. ? -MapMath.HALFPI : MapMath.HALFPI;
lplam = Math.atan2(xyx, xyy) / n;
out.x = lplam;
out.y = lpphi;
} else {
out.x = 0.;
out.y = n > 0. ? MapMath.HALFPI : - MapMath.HALFPI;
return out;
public void initialize() {
double cosphi, sinphi;
boolean secant;
phi1 = projectionLatitude1;
phi2 = projectionLatitude2;
if (Math.abs(phi1 + phi2) < EPS10)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("-21");
n = sinphi = Math.sin(phi1);
cosphi = Math.cos(phi1);
secant = Math.abs(phi1 - phi2) >= EPS10;
spherical = es <= 0.0;
if (!spherical) {
double ml1, m1;
if ((en = MapMath.enfn(es)) == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("0");
m1 = MapMath.msfn(sinphi, cosphi, es);
ml1 = MapMath.qsfn(sinphi, e, one_es);
if (secant) { /* secant cone */
double ml2, m2;
sinphi = Math.sin(phi2);
cosphi = Math.cos(phi2);
m2 = MapMath.msfn(sinphi, cosphi, es);
ml2 = MapMath.qsfn(sinphi, e, one_es);
n = (m1 * m1 - m2 * m2) / (ml2 - ml1);
ec = 1. - .5 * one_es * Math.log((1. - e) /
(1. + e)) / e;
c = m1 * m1 + n * ml1;
dd = 1. / n;
rho0 = dd * Math.sqrt(c - n * MapMath.qsfn(Math.sin(projectionLatitude),
e, one_es));
} else {
if (secant) n = .5 * (n + Math.sin(phi2));
n2 = n + n;
c = cosphi * cosphi + n2 * sinphi;
dd = 1. / n;
rho0 = dd * Math.sqrt(c - n2 * Math.sin(projectionLatitude));
* Returns true if this projection is equal area
public boolean isEqualArea() {
return true;
public boolean hasInverse() {
return true;
* Returns the ESPG code for this projection, or 0 if unknown.
public int getEPSGCode() {
return 9822;
public String toString() {
return "Albers Equal Area";
public String toString() {
return "Lambert Equal Area Conic";