package oneapi.util; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Contains helper methods for transforming integer values to to specific enumeration constants.<br> * * */ public final class EnumUtil implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Enumeration which are to be handled using EnumUtil methods must implement this interface. * * @author mzagar * */ public interface IEnumIntValue { int getValue(); } /** * Returns integer value for specified enumeration element.<br> * <br> * This method is implement for convenience only - same value can be acquired directly from enumeration constant * using {@link IEnumIntValue#getValue()}. * * @param <T> enumeration class which must implement {@link IEnumIntValue} * @param enumValue enumeration constant for which to get associated integer value * @return integer value associated with enumeration constant */ public static <T extends IEnumIntValue> int valueFor(T enumValue) { return enumValue.getValue(); } /** * Returns enumeration constant which is associated with specified integer value.<br> * <br> * Complexity of this method is O(n). * * @param <T> Type of enumeration * @param enumClass enumeration class * @param i value associated to enumeration constant * @return first enumeration constant found which is associated with specified integer value * @throws IllegalArgumentException if specified class is not enumeration class */ public static <T extends IEnumIntValue> T enumFor(Class<T> enumClass, int i) throws IllegalArgumentException { T[] enums = getEnumConstants(enumClass); for (T en : enums) { if (en.getValue() == i) { return en; } } return null; } /** * Returns enumerations constants defined in specified enumeration class.<br> * * @param <T> type of enumeration * @param enumClass enumeration class * @return enumeration constants * @throws IllegalArgumentException if specified class is not enumeration class */ protected static <T extends IEnumIntValue> T[] getEnumConstants(Class<T> enumClass) throws IllegalArgumentException { T[] enums = enumClass.getEnumConstants(); if ( enums == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("enum class must be specified"); } return enums; } /** * Returns fast enumeration constant mapper object associated with specific enumeration.<br> * <br> * If enumeration contains lots of enumeration constants, {@link #enumFor(Class, int)} can become a performance issue.<br> * To get O(1) performace {@link EnumMapper} should be used which can return enumeration constant for specified value in constant time. * <br> * */ public static <T extends IEnumIntValue> EnumMapper<T> enumMapper(Class<T> enumClass) { return new EnumMapper<T>(enumClass); } /** * Helper class for getting enumeration constants based on integer value.<br> * <br> * Uses map for mapping enumeration constants to specified integer value which results in O(1) complexity.<br> * * @author mzagar * * @param <T> enumeration type - must implement {@link IEnumIntValue} */ public static class EnumMapper<T extends IEnumIntValue> { private Map<Integer, T> valueToEnumMap = new HashMap<Integer, T>(); /** * Fills int-to-enum map with values.<br> * <br> * If multiple enumeration constants have identical integer values associated, enumeration constant with * lower ordinal number is stored in the map - latter enumeration constants are ignored. * * @param enumClass enumeration class */ private EnumMapper(Class<T> enumClass) { for( T en : getEnumConstants(enumClass) ) { int enumValue = en.getValue(); T enumInMap = valueToEnumMap.get(enumValue); if ( enumInMap == null ) { valueToEnumMap.put(enumValue, en); } } } public List<T> getList() { return new LinkedList<T>(valueToEnumMap.values()); } /** * Looks up enumeration constant for specified value. * * @param value for which to return enumeration constant * @return enum constant : which has specified value associated - if multiple constants have same value, * constant with lower ordinal is returned * null : if no int value is associated with specified enumeration constant */ public T enumFor(int value) { return valueToEnumMap.get(value); } /** * Convenience method - returns int value associated with specified enumeration constant.<br> * <br> * Returns same value as {@link IEnumIntValue#getValue()}. * * @param enumValue for which to return associated integer value * @return integer value associated with specified enumeration constant */ public int valueFor(T enumValue) { return enumValue.getValue(); } } }