package models; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.StmtIterator; import org.apache.jena.riot.Lang; import org.apache.jena.riot.RDFDataMgr; import org.apache.jena.riot.RiotException; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; /** * Created by fo on 11.02.16. */ public class TripleCommitTest { @Test public void testPlainLiteralLine() { TripleCommit.Diff.fromString( " + <> <> \"That Seventies Show\" ."); } @Test public void testAddLanguageLiteralLine() { TripleCommit.Diff .fromString("+ <> <> \"That Seventies Show\"@en ."); } @Test public void testAddTypedLiteralLine() { TripleCommit.Diff.fromString( "+ <> <> \"1.663E-4\"^^<> ."); } @Test(expected = RiotException.class) public void testInvalidLiteral() { TripleCommit.Diff.fromString( " + <> <> \"That Seventies Show ."); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testInvalidOp() { TripleCommit.Diff.fromString( " | <> <> \"That Seventies Show\" ."); } @Test public void testReadHeader() { TripleCommit.Header header = TripleCommit.Header.fromString( // "Author:\n" // + "Date: " + + "\n"); Assert.assertNotNull(header); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testMissingAuthorHeader() { TripleCommit.Header.fromString("Date: " + + "\n"); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testMissingDateHeader() { TripleCommit.Header.fromString("Author: Foo Bar <>"); } @Test public void testValidCommit() { TripleCommit commit = TripleCommit.fromString( "Author: Foo Bar <>\n" + "Date: 2007-12-03T10:15:30+01:00\n" + "\n" + "+ <urn:uuid:foo> <urn:uuid:bar> <urn:uuid:baz> ."); assertNotNull(commit); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testInvalidCommit() { TripleCommit commit = TripleCommit.fromString( "Author: Foo Bar <>\n" + "Date: 2007-12-03T10:15:30+01:00\n" + "+ <urn:uuid:foo> <urn:uuid:bar> <urn:uuid:baz> ."); assertNotNull(commit); } @Test public void testApplyDiff() { String ntriple = "<info:subject> <info:predicate> <info:object> ."; Model actual = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); TripleCommit.Diff diff = TripleCommit.Diff.fromString("+ ".concat(ntriple)); diff.apply(actual); Model expected = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); ByteArrayInputStream(ntriple.getBytes()), null, Lang.NTRIPLES.getName()); assertTrue(expected.isIsomorphicWith(actual)); } @Test public void testUnapplyDiff() { String ntriple = "<info:subject> <info:predicate> <info:object> ."; Model actual = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); ByteArrayInputStream(ntriple.getBytes()), null, Lang.NTRIPLES.getName()); TripleCommit.Diff diff = TripleCommit.Diff.fromString("+ ".concat(ntriple)); diff.unapply(actual); Model expected = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); assertTrue(expected.isIsomorphicWith(actual)); } @Test public void testReverseDiff() { String ntriple = "<info:subject> <info:predicate> <info:object> ."; TripleCommit.Diff diff = TripleCommit.Diff.fromString("+ ".concat(ntriple)).reverse(); assertEquals(1, diff.getLines().size()); assertFalse(diff.getLines().get(0).add); } @Test public void testNewlinesInLiterals() { String diffline = "+ <urn:uuid:706b2e06-77eb-11e5-9f9f-c48e8ff4ea31> <> \"UNIVERSITI" + " KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA: Motto, Vision, Mission & Philosophy\\r\\n\\r\\nMotto\u2028\\r\\nInspiring futures, " + "nurturing possibilities.\\r\\n\\r\\nPhilosophy\\r\\n\u2028UKM affirms the integration of faith in Allah and " + "constructive knowledge; along with the amalgamation of theory and practice as the core fundamentals in the " + "advancement of knowledge, the building of an educated society and the development of the university" + ".\u2028\u2028\\r\\n\\r\\nVision\u2028\\r\\nUKM is committed to be ahead of society and time in leading the " + "development of a learned, dynamic and moral society.\\r\\n\\r\\nMission\u2028\\r\\n\\r\\nTo be the learning " + "centre of choice that promotes the sovereignty of Bahasa Melayu and internationalises knowledge rooted in " + "the national culture.\\r\\n\"@en ."; TripleCommit.Diff diff = TripleCommit.Diff.fromString(diffline); } @Test public void testBnodeRoundtrip() throws IOException { Model in = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();, "TripleCommitTest/testBnodeRoundtrip.IN.1.nt", Lang.NTRIPLES); StmtIterator it = in.listStatements(); TripleCommit.Diff diff = new TripleCommit.Diff(); while (it.hasNext()) { diff.addStatement(; } // Round trip String diffString = diff.toString(); diff = TripleCommit.Diff.fromString(diffString); Model actual = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); diff.apply(actual); assertTrue(actual.isIsomorphicWith(in)); } }