/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * Copyright (C) 2010 Texas Instruments Israel Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.settings.bluetooth; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothClass; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice; import com.ti.bluetooth.BluetoothOpp; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothUuid; /* TI_CHANGE_E [Merged by younghyun.kwon@lge.com] 2010-02-13 */ import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.ParcelUuid; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.view.ContextMenu; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import com.android.settings.R; import com.android.settings.bluetooth.LocalBluetoothProfileManager.Profile; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /* TI HID port - start */ import android.os.SystemProperties; /* TI HID port - end */ /** * CachedBluetoothDevice represents a remote Bluetooth device. It contains * attributes of the device (such as the address, name, RSSI, etc.) and * functionality that can be performed on the device (connect, pair, disconnect, * etc.). */ public class CachedBluetoothDevice implements Comparable<CachedBluetoothDevice> { private static final String TAG = "CachedBluetoothDevice"; private static final boolean D = LocalBluetoothManager.D; private static final boolean V = LocalBluetoothManager.V; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final int CONTEXT_ITEM_CONNECT = Menu.FIRST + 1; private static final int CONTEXT_ITEM_DISCONNECT = Menu.FIRST + 2; private static final int CONTEXT_ITEM_UNPAIR = Menu.FIRST + 3; /* BT_SettingsUI_CHANGE [gu.bosung@lge.com] 2010-02-23 START*/ // private static final int CONTEXT_ITEM_PULL_DEFAULT_VCARD = Menu.FIRST + 4; // private static final int CONTEXT_ITEM_GET_MONITORING_IMAGE = Menu.FIRST + 5; // private static final int CONTEXT_ITEM_GET_IMAGE_LIST = Menu.FIRST + 6; /* BT_SettingsUI_CHANGE [gu.bosung@lge.com] 2010-02-23 END*/ private static final int CONTEXT_ITEM_CONNECT_ADVANCED = Menu.FIRST + 4; //Feature - Set Nickname - BEGIN // private static final int CONTEXT_ITEM_SET_AS_AUTHORIZED = Menu.FIRST + 8;//Trust Added /* BT_SettingsUI_CHANGE [gu.bosung@lge.com] 2010-02-23*/ private static final int CONTEXT_ITEM_UNAUTHORIZE = Menu.FIRST + 5; private static final int CONTEXT_ITEM_SET_NICKNAME = Menu.FIRST + 6; private static final int CONTEXT_ITEM_EDIT_NICKNAME = Menu.FIRST + 7; private static final int CONTEXT_ITEM_REMOVE_NICKNAME = Menu.FIRST + 8; //Feature Set Nickname - End private static final int CONTEXT_ITEM_PAIR = Menu.FIRST + 9; /* BT_SettingsUI_CHANGE [gu.bosung@lge.com] 2010-02-23*/ public static final String OPP_RECEIVER_PACKAGE_NAME = "com.android.bluetooth"; public static final String OPP_RECEIVER_CLASS_NAME = "com.android.bluetooth.opp.BluetoothOppReceiver"; /* TI_CHANGE_E [Merged by younghyun.kwon@lge.com] 2010-02-13 */ private final BluetoothDevice mDevice; private String mName; private short mRssi; private BluetoothClass mBtClass; private List<Profile> mProfiles = new ArrayList<Profile>(); private boolean mVisible; private boolean mIsAuthorized = false; //Trust Added /* TI_CHANGE [Merged by younghyun.kwon@lge.com] 2010-02-13 */ private final LocalBluetoothManager mLocalManager; private List<Callback> mCallbacks = new ArrayList<Callback>(); /** * When we connect to multiple profiles, we only want to display a single * error even if they all fail. This tracks that state. */ private boolean mIsConnectingErrorPossible; /** * Last time a bt profile auto-connect was attempted. * If an ACTION_UUID intent comes in within * MAX_UUID_DELAY_FOR_AUTO_CONNECT milliseconds, we will try auto-connect * again with the new UUIDs */ private long mConnectAttempted; // See mConnectAttempted private static final long MAX_UUID_DELAY_FOR_AUTO_CONNECT = 5000; // Max time to hold the work queue if we don't get or missed a response // from the bt framework. private static final long MAX_WAIT_TIME_FOR_FRAMEWORK = 25 * 1000; private enum BluetoothCommand { CONNECT, DISCONNECT, } static class BluetoothJob { final BluetoothCommand command; // CONNECT, DISCONNECT final CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice; final Profile profile; // HEADSET, A2DP, etc // 0 means this command was not been sent to the bt framework. long timeSent; public BluetoothJob(BluetoothCommand command, CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice, Profile profile) { this.command = command; this.cachedDevice = cachedDevice; this.profile = profile; this.timeSent = 0; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(command.name()); sb.append(" Address:").append(cachedDevice.mDevice); sb.append(" Profile:").append(profile.name()); sb.append(" TimeSent:"); if (timeSent == 0) { sb.append("not yet"); } else { sb.append(DateFormat.getTimeInstance().format(new Date(timeSent))); } return sb.toString(); } } /** * We want to serialize connect and disconnect calls. http://b/170538 * This are some headsets that may have L2CAP resource limitation. We want * to limit the bt bandwidth usage. * * A queue to keep track of asynchronous calls to the bt framework. The * first item, if exist, should be in progress i.e. went to the bt framework * already, waiting for a notification to come back. The second item and * beyond have not been sent to the bt framework yet. */ private static LinkedList<BluetoothJob> workQueue = new LinkedList<BluetoothJob>(); private void queueCommand(BluetoothJob job) { if (D) { Log.d(TAG, workQueue.toString()); } synchronized (workQueue) { boolean processNow = pruneQueue(job); // Add job to queue if (D) { Log.d(TAG, "Adding: " + job.toString()); } workQueue.add(job); // if there's nothing pending from before, send the command to bt // framework immediately. if (workQueue.size() == 1 || processNow) { // If the failed to process, just drop it from the queue. // There will be no callback to remove this from the queue. processCommands(); } } } private boolean pruneQueue(BluetoothJob job) { boolean removedStaleItems = false; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Iterator<BluetoothJob> it = workQueue.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BluetoothJob existingJob = it.next(); // Remove any pending CONNECTS when we receive a DISCONNECT if (job != null && job.command == BluetoothCommand.DISCONNECT) { if (existingJob.timeSent == 0 && existingJob.command == BluetoothCommand.CONNECT && existingJob.cachedDevice.mDevice.equals(job.cachedDevice.mDevice) && existingJob.profile == job.profile) { if (D) { Log.d(TAG, "Removed because of a pending disconnect. " + existingJob); } it.remove(); continue; } } // Defensive Code: Remove any job that older than a preset time. // We never got a call back. It is better to have overlapping // calls than to get stuck. if (existingJob.timeSent != 0 && (now - existingJob.timeSent) >= MAX_WAIT_TIME_FOR_FRAMEWORK) { Log.w(TAG, "Timeout. Removing Job:" + existingJob.toString()); it.remove(); removedStaleItems = true; continue; } } return removedStaleItems; } private boolean processCommand(BluetoothJob job) { boolean successful = false; if (job.timeSent == 0) { job.timeSent = System.currentTimeMillis(); switch (job.command) { case CONNECT: successful = connectInt(job.cachedDevice, job.profile); break; case DISCONNECT: successful = disconnectInt(job.cachedDevice, job.profile); break; } if (successful) { if (D) { Log.d(TAG, "Command sent successfully:" + job.toString()); } } else if (V) { Log.v(TAG, "Framework rejected command immediately:" + job.toString()); } } else if (D) { Log.d(TAG, "Job already has a sent time. Skip. " + job.toString()); } return successful; } public void onProfileStateChanged(Profile profile, int newProfileState) { if (D) { Log.d(TAG, "onProfileStateChanged:" + workQueue.toString()); } int newState = LocalBluetoothProfileManager.getProfileManager(mLocalManager, profile).convertState(newProfileState); if (newState == SettingsBtStatus.CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED) { if (!mProfiles.contains(profile)) { mProfiles.add(profile); Log.d(TAG, "onProfileStateChanged: added profile " + profile.toString()); } } /* Ignore the transient states e.g. connecting, disconnecting */ if (newState == SettingsBtStatus.CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED || newState == SettingsBtStatus.CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED) { BluetoothJob job = workQueue.peek(); if (job == null) { return; } else if (!job.cachedDevice.mDevice.equals(mDevice)) { // This can happen in 2 cases: 1) BT device initiated pairing and // 2) disconnects of one headset that's triggered by connects of // another. if (D) { Log.d(TAG, "mDevice:" + mDevice + " != head:" + job.toString()); } // Check to see if we need to remove the stale items from the queue if (!pruneQueue(null)) { // nothing in the queue was modify. Just ignore the notification and return. return; } } else { // Remove the first item and process the next one workQueue.poll(); } processCommands(); } } /* * This method is called in 2 places: * 1) queryCommand() - when someone or something want to connect or * disconnect * 2) onProfileStateChanged() - when the framework sends an intent * notification when it finishes processing a command */ private void processCommands() { if (D) { Log.d(TAG, "processCommands:" + workQueue.toString()); } Iterator<BluetoothJob> it = workQueue.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BluetoothJob job = it.next(); if (processCommand(job)) { // Sent to bt framework. Done for now. Will remove this job // from queue when we get an event return; } else { /* * If the command failed immediately, there will be no event * callbacks. So delete the job immediately and move on to the * next one */ it.remove(); } } } CachedBluetoothDevice(Context context, BluetoothDevice device) { mLocalManager = LocalBluetoothManager.getInstance(context); if (mLocalManager == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot use CachedBluetoothDevice without Bluetooth hardware"); } mDevice = device; fillData(); } public void onClicked() { int bondState = getBondState(); if (isConnected()) { askDisconnect(); } else if (bondState == BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED) { connect(); } else if (bondState == BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE) { pair(); } } public void disconnect() { for (Profile profile : mProfiles) { disconnect(profile); } } public void disconnect(Profile profile) { queueCommand(new BluetoothJob(BluetoothCommand.DISCONNECT, this, profile)); } private boolean disconnectInt(CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice, Profile profile) { LocalBluetoothProfileManager profileManager = LocalBluetoothProfileManager.getProfileManager(mLocalManager, profile); int status = profileManager.getConnectionStatus(cachedDevice.mDevice); if (SettingsBtStatus.isConnectionStatusConnected(status)) { if (profileManager.disconnect(cachedDevice.mDevice)) { return true; } } return false; } public void askDisconnect() { Context context = mLocalManager.getForegroundActivity(); if (context == null) { // Cannot ask, since we need an activity context disconnect(); return; } Resources res = context.getResources(); String name = getName(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) { name = res.getString(R.string.bluetooth_device); } String message = res.getString(R.string.bluetooth_disconnect_blank, name); DialogInterface.OnClickListener disconnectListener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { disconnect(); } }; new AlertDialog.Builder(context) .setTitle(getName()) .setMessage(message) .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, disconnectListener) .setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, null) .show(); } public void connect() { if (!ensurePaired()) return; mConnectAttempted = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); Log.d(TAG, "connect: mConnectAttempted = " + mConnectAttempted); connectWithoutResettingTimer(); } //BugFix Eclair 2.1 Modification /*package*/ void onBondingDockConnect() { // Don't connect just set the timer. // TODO(): Fix the actual problem mConnectAttempted = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); } //BugFix Eclair 2.1 Modification private void connectWithoutResettingTimer() { // Try to initialize the profiles if there were not. if (mProfiles.size() == 0) { if (!updateProfiles()) { // If UUIDs are not available yet, connect will be happen // upon arrival of the ACTION_UUID intent. if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "No profiles. Maybe we will connect later"); return; } } // Reset the only-show-one-error-dialog tracking variable mIsConnectingErrorPossible = true; int preferredProfiles = 0; for (Profile profile : mProfiles) { Log.d(TAG, "connectWithoutResettingTimer: " + profile.toString()); if (isConnectableProfile(profile)) { LocalBluetoothProfileManager profileManager = LocalBluetoothProfileManager .getProfileManager(mLocalManager, profile); if (profileManager.isPreferred(mDevice)) { ++preferredProfiles; disconnectConnected(profile); queueCommand(new BluetoothJob(BluetoothCommand.CONNECT, this, profile)); } } } if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Preferred profiles = " + preferredProfiles); if (preferredProfiles == 0) { connectAllProfiles(); } } private void connectAllProfiles() { if (!ensurePaired()) return; // Reset the only-show-one-error-dialog tracking variable mIsConnectingErrorPossible = true; for (Profile profile : mProfiles) { Log.d(TAG, "connectAllProfiles: " + profile.toString()); if (isConnectableProfile(profile)) { LocalBluetoothProfileManager profileManager = LocalBluetoothProfileManager .getProfileManager(mLocalManager, profile); profileManager.setPreferred(mDevice, false); disconnectConnected(profile); queueCommand(new BluetoothJob(BluetoothCommand.CONNECT, this, profile)); } } } public void connect(Profile profile) { Log.d(TAG, "connect: " + profile.toString()); mConnectAttempted = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); // Reset the only-show-one-error-dialog tracking variable mIsConnectingErrorPossible = true; disconnectConnected(profile); queueCommand(new BluetoothJob(BluetoothCommand.CONNECT, this, profile)); } private void disconnectConnected(Profile profile) { LocalBluetoothProfileManager profileManager = LocalBluetoothProfileManager.getProfileManager(mLocalManager, profile); CachedBluetoothDeviceManager cachedDeviceManager = mLocalManager.getCachedDeviceManager(); Set<BluetoothDevice> devices = profileManager.getConnectedDevices(); if (devices == null) return; for (BluetoothDevice device : devices) { CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice = cachedDeviceManager.findDevice(device); if (cachedDevice != null) { queueCommand(new BluetoothJob(BluetoothCommand.DISCONNECT, cachedDevice, profile)); } } } private boolean connectInt(CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice, Profile profile) { if (!cachedDevice.ensurePaired()) return false; LocalBluetoothProfileManager profileManager = LocalBluetoothProfileManager.getProfileManager(mLocalManager, profile); int status = profileManager.getConnectionStatus(cachedDevice.mDevice); if (!SettingsBtStatus.isConnectionStatusConnected(status)) { if (profileManager.connect(cachedDevice.mDevice)) { return true; } Log.i(TAG, "Failed to connect " + profile.toString() + " to " + cachedDevice.mName); } else { Log.i(TAG, "Already connected"); } return false; } public void showConnectingError() { if (!mIsConnectingErrorPossible) return; mIsConnectingErrorPossible = false; mLocalManager.showError(mDevice, R.string.bluetooth_error_title, R.string.bluetooth_connecting_error_message); } private boolean ensurePaired() { if (getBondState() == BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE) { pair(); return false; } else { return true; } } public void pair() { BluetoothAdapter adapter = mLocalManager.getBluetoothAdapter(); // Pairing is unreliable while scanning, so cancel discovery if (adapter.isDiscovering()) { adapter.cancelDiscovery(); } if (!mDevice.createBond()) { mLocalManager.showError(mDevice, R.string.bluetooth_error_title, R.string.bluetooth_pairing_error_message); } } public void unpair() { synchronized (workQueue) { // Remove any pending commands for this device boolean processNow = false; Iterator<BluetoothJob> it = workQueue.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BluetoothJob job = it.next(); if (job.cachedDevice.mDevice.equals(this.mDevice)) { it.remove(); if (job.timeSent != 0) { processNow = true; } } } if (processNow) { processCommands(); } } switch (getBondState()) { case BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED: mDevice.removeBond(); break; case BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDING: mDevice.cancelBondProcess(); break; } } private void fillData() { fetchName(); fetchBtClass(); updateProfiles(); mVisible = false; mIsAuthorized = mDevice.getTrustState();//TI_Feature - Set Trusted /* TI_CHANGE [Merged by younghyun.kwon@lge.com] 2010-02-13 */ dispatchAttributesChanged(); } public BluetoothDevice getDevice() { return mDevice; } public String getName() { return mName; } public void setName(String name) { if (!mName.equals(name)) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) { mName = mDevice.getAddress(); } else { mName = name; } dispatchAttributesChanged(); } } public void refreshName() { fetchName(); dispatchAttributesChanged(); } private void fetchName() { mName = mDevice.getName(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mName)) { mName = mDevice.getAddress(); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Default to address. Device has no name (yet) " + mName); } } public void refresh() { dispatchAttributesChanged(); } public boolean isVisible() { return mVisible; } void setVisible(boolean visible) { if (mVisible != visible) { mVisible = visible; dispatchAttributesChanged(); } } public int getBondState() { return mDevice.getBondState(); } void setRssi(short rssi) { if (mRssi != rssi) { mRssi = rssi; dispatchAttributesChanged(); } } /** * Checks whether we are connected to this device (any profile counts). * * @return Whether it is connected. */ public boolean isConnected() { for (Profile profile : mProfiles) { int status = LocalBluetoothProfileManager.getProfileManager(mLocalManager, profile) .getConnectionStatus(mDevice); if (SettingsBtStatus.isConnectionStatusConnected(status)) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isBusy() { for (Profile profile : mProfiles) { int status = LocalBluetoothProfileManager.getProfileManager(mLocalManager, profile) .getConnectionStatus(mDevice); if (SettingsBtStatus.isConnectionStatusBusy(status)) { return true; } } if (getBondState() == BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDING) { return true; } return false; } /* BT_SettingsUI_CHANGE [gu.bosung@lge.com] 2010-02-23 START*/ public boolean isBond() { if (getBondState() == BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED) { return true; } return false; } /* BT_SettingsUI_CHANGE [gu.bosung@lge.com] 2010-02-23 END*/ public int getBtClassDrawable() { if (mBtClass != null) { /* BT_SettingsUI_CHANGE [gu.bosung@lge.com] 2010-04-15 START*/ int devClass = mBtClass.getDeviceClass(); switch (mBtClass.getMajorDeviceClass()) { case BluetoothClass.Device.Major.COMPUTER: if(isConnected()){ return R.drawable.ic_bt_laptop; }else{ return R.drawable.ic_bt_laptop_dis; } case BluetoothClass.Device.Major.PHONE: if(isConnected()){ return R.drawable.ic_bt_cellphone; } else{ return R.drawable.ic_bt_cellphone_dis; } case BluetoothClass.Device.Major.AUDIO_VIDEO: if(isConnected()){ if( devClass==BluetoothClass.Device.AUDIO_VIDEO_HANDSFREE || devClass==BluetoothClass.Device.AUDIO_VIDEO_CAR_AUDIO ) return R.drawable.ic_bt_headset_hfp; else return R.drawable.ic_bt_headphones_a2dp; } else{ if( devClass==BluetoothClass.Device.AUDIO_VIDEO_HANDSFREE || devClass==BluetoothClass.Device.AUDIO_VIDEO_CAR_AUDIO ) return R.drawable.ic_bt_headset_hfp_dis; else return R.drawable.ic_bt_headphones_a2dp_dis; } case BluetoothClass.Device.Major.PERIPHERAL: if(isConnected()){ return R.drawable.ic_bt_device; } else{ return R.drawable.ic_bt_device_dis; } case BluetoothClass.Device.Major.IMAGING: if(isConnected()){ return R.drawable.ic_bt_printer; } else{ return R.drawable.ic_bt_printer_dis; } default: if(isConnected()){ return R.drawable.ic_bt_device; } else{ return R.drawable.ic_bt_device_dis; } } } else { Log.w(TAG, "mBtClass is null"); if (mProfiles.size() > 0) { if (mProfiles.contains(Profile.A2DP)) { if(isConnected()){ return R.drawable.ic_bt_headphones_a2dp; }else{ return R.drawable.ic_bt_headphones_a2dp_dis; } } else if (mProfiles.contains(Profile.HEADSET)) { if(isConnected()){ return R.drawable.ic_bt_headset_hfp; } else{ return R.drawable.ic_bt_headset_hfp_dis; } } } else if (mBtClass != null) { if (mBtClass.doesClassMatch(BluetoothClass.PROFILE_A2DP)) { if(isConnected()){ return R.drawable.ic_bt_headphones_a2dp; }else{ return R.drawable.ic_bt_headphones_a2dp_dis; } } if (mBtClass.doesClassMatch(BluetoothClass.PROFILE_HEADSET)) { if(isConnected()){ return R.drawable.ic_bt_headset_hfp; } else{ return R.drawable.ic_bt_headset_hfp_dis; } } }else{ if(isConnected()){ return R.drawable.ic_bt_device; } else{ return R.drawable.ic_bt_device_dis; } } } /* BT_SettingsUI_CHANGE [gu.bosung@lge.com] 2010-04-15 END*/ return 0; } /** * Fetches a new value for the cached BT class. */ private void fetchBtClass() { mBtClass = mDevice.getBluetoothClass(); } private boolean updateProfiles() { ParcelUuid[] uuids = mDevice.getUuids(); if (uuids == null) return false; LocalBluetoothProfileManager.updateProfiles(uuids, mProfiles); /* TI_CHANGE_S [Merged by younghyun.kwon@lge.com] 2010-02-13 */ for (Profile profile : mProfiles) { Log.d(TAG, "updateProfiles: setPreferred " + profile.toString()); if (isConnectableProfile(profile)) { LocalBluetoothProfileManager profileManager = LocalBluetoothProfileManager .getProfileManager(mLocalManager, profile); profileManager.setPreferred(mDevice, true); } } /* TI_CHANGE_E [Merged by younghyun.kwon@lge.com] 2010-02-13 */ if (DEBUG) { Log.e(TAG, "updating profiles for " + mDevice.getName()); boolean printUuids = true; BluetoothClass bluetoothClass = mDevice.getBluetoothClass(); if (bluetoothClass != null) { if (bluetoothClass.doesClassMatch(BluetoothClass.PROFILE_HEADSET) != mProfiles.contains(Profile.HEADSET)) { Log.v(TAG, "headset classbits != uuid"); printUuids = true; } if (bluetoothClass.doesClassMatch(BluetoothClass.PROFILE_A2DP) != mProfiles.contains(Profile.A2DP)) { Log.v(TAG, "a2dp classbits != uuid"); printUuids = true; } if (bluetoothClass.doesClassMatch(BluetoothClass.PROFILE_OPP) != mProfiles.contains(Profile.OPP)) { Log.v(TAG, "opp classbits != uuid"); printUuids = true; } /* TI HID port - start */ if (SystemProperties.OMAP_ENHANCEMENT && ((bluetoothClass.doesClassMatch(BluetoothClass.PROFILE_HID) != mProfiles.contains(Profile.HID)))) { Log.v(TAG, "HID classbits != uuid"); printUuids = true; } /* TI HID port - end */ } if (printUuids) { if (bluetoothClass != null) Log.v(TAG, "Class: " + bluetoothClass.toString()); Log.v(TAG, "UUID:"); for (int i = 0; i < uuids.length; i++) { Log.v(TAG, " " + uuids[i]); } } } return true; } /** * Refreshes the UI for the BT class, including fetching the latest value * for the class. */ public void refreshBtClass() { fetchBtClass(); dispatchAttributesChanged(); } /** * Refreshes the UI when framework alerts us of a UUID change. */ public void onUuidChanged() { updateProfiles(); if (DEBUG) { Log.e(TAG, "onUuidChanged: Time since last connect" + (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mConnectAttempted)); } /* * If a connect was attempted earlier without any UUID, we will do the * connect now. */ if (mProfiles.size() > 0 && (mConnectAttempted + MAX_UUID_DELAY_FOR_AUTO_CONNECT) > SystemClock .elapsedRealtime()) { connectWithoutResettingTimer(); } dispatchAttributesChanged(); } public void onBondingStateChanged(int bondState) { if (bondState == BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE) { mProfiles.clear(); } refresh(); } public void setBtClass(BluetoothClass btClass) { if (btClass != null && mBtClass != btClass) { mBtClass = btClass; dispatchAttributesChanged(); } } public int getSummary() { // TODO: clean up int oneOffSummary = getOneOffSummary(); if (oneOffSummary != 0) { return oneOffSummary; } for (Profile profile : mProfiles) { LocalBluetoothProfileManager profileManager = LocalBluetoothProfileManager .getProfileManager(mLocalManager, profile); int connectionStatus = profileManager.getConnectionStatus(mDevice); if (SettingsBtStatus.isConnectionStatusConnected(connectionStatus) || connectionStatus == SettingsBtStatus.CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTING || connectionStatus == SettingsBtStatus.CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTING) { return SettingsBtStatus.getConnectionStatusSummary(connectionStatus); } } return SettingsBtStatus.getPairingStatusSummary(getBondState()); } /** * We have special summaries when particular profiles are connected. This * checks for those states and returns an applicable summary. * * @return A one-off summary that is applicable for the current state, or 0. */ private int getOneOffSummary() { boolean isA2dpConnected = false, isHeadsetConnected = false, isConnecting = false,isHidConnected = false; if (mProfiles.contains(Profile.A2DP)) { LocalBluetoothProfileManager profileManager = LocalBluetoothProfileManager .getProfileManager(mLocalManager, Profile.A2DP); isConnecting = profileManager.getConnectionStatus(mDevice) == SettingsBtStatus.CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTING; isA2dpConnected = profileManager.isConnected(mDevice); } if (mProfiles.contains(Profile.HEADSET)) { LocalBluetoothProfileManager profileManager = LocalBluetoothProfileManager .getProfileManager(mLocalManager, Profile.HEADSET); isConnecting |= profileManager.getConnectionStatus(mDevice) == SettingsBtStatus.CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTING; isHeadsetConnected = profileManager.isConnected(mDevice); } /* TI HID port - start */ if (SystemProperties.OMAP_ENHANCEMENT && mProfiles.contains(Profile.HID)) { LocalBluetoothProfileManager profileManager = LocalBluetoothProfileManager .getProfileManager(mLocalManager, Profile.HID); isConnecting |= profileManager.getConnectionStatus(mDevice) == SettingsBtStatus.CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTING; isHidConnected = profileManager.isConnected(mDevice); } /* TI HID port - end */ if (isConnecting) { // If any of these important profiles is connecting, prefer that return SettingsBtStatus.getConnectionStatusSummary( SettingsBtStatus.CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTING); } else if (isA2dpConnected && isHeadsetConnected) { return R.string.bluetooth_summary_connected_to_a2dp_headset; } else if (isA2dpConnected) { return R.string.bluetooth_summary_connected_to_a2dp; } else if (isHeadsetConnected) { return R.string.bluetooth_summary_connected_to_headset; } /* TI HID port - start */ else if(SystemProperties.OMAP_ENHANCEMENT && isHidConnected) { return R.string.bluetooth_summary_connected_to_hid; } /* TI HID port - end */ else { return 0; } } public List<Profile> getConnectableProfiles() { ArrayList<Profile> connectableProfiles = new ArrayList<Profile>(); for (Profile profile : mProfiles) { if (isConnectableProfile(profile)) { connectableProfiles.add(profile); } } return connectableProfiles; } /* TI HID port - added HID support here */ private boolean isConnectableProfile(Profile profile) { return profile.equals(Profile.HEADSET) || profile.equals(Profile.A2DP)|| profile.equals(Profile.HID); } public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu) { // No context menu if it is busy (none of these items are applicable if busy) if (mLocalManager.getBluetoothState() != BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON || isBusy()) { return; } int bondState = getBondState(); boolean isConnected = isConnected(); boolean hasConnectableProfiles = false; for (Profile profile : mProfiles) { if (isConnectableProfile(profile)) { hasConnectableProfiles = true; break; } } menu.setHeaderTitle(getName()); if (bondState == BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE) { // Not paired and not connected menu.add(0, CONTEXT_ITEM_CONNECT, 0, R.string.bluetooth_device_context_pair_connect); } else { // Paired if (isConnected) { // Paired and connected menu.add(0, CONTEXT_ITEM_DISCONNECT, 0, R.string.bluetooth_device_context_disconnect); menu.add(0, CONTEXT_ITEM_UNPAIR, 0, R.string.bluetooth_device_context_disconnect_unpair); } else { // Paired but not connected if (hasConnectableProfiles) { menu.add(0, CONTEXT_ITEM_CONNECT, 0, R.string.bluetooth_device_context_connect); } menu.add(0, CONTEXT_ITEM_UNPAIR, 0, R.string.bluetooth_device_context_unpair); } // Show the connection options item if (hasConnectableProfiles) { menu.add(0, CONTEXT_ITEM_CONNECT_ADVANCED, 0, R.string.bluetooth_device_context_connect_advanced); } } } /** * Called when a context menu item is clicked. * * @param item The item that was clicked. */ public void onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case CONTEXT_ITEM_DISCONNECT: disconnect(); break; case CONTEXT_ITEM_CONNECT: connect(); break; case CONTEXT_ITEM_UNPAIR: unpair(); break; case CONTEXT_ITEM_CONNECT_ADVANCED: Intent intent = new Intent(); // Need an activity context to open this in our task Context context = mLocalManager.getForegroundActivity(); if (context == null) { // Fallback on application context, and open in a new task context = mLocalManager.getContext(); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); } intent.setClass(context, ConnectSpecificProfilesActivity.class); intent.putExtra(ConnectSpecificProfilesActivity.EXTRA_DEVICE, mDevice); context.startActivity(intent); break; } } public void registerCallback(Callback callback) { synchronized (mCallbacks) { mCallbacks.add(callback); } } public void unregisterCallback(Callback callback) { synchronized (mCallbacks) { mCallbacks.remove(callback); } } private void dispatchAttributesChanged() { synchronized (mCallbacks) { for (Callback callback : mCallbacks) { callback.onDeviceAttributesChanged(this); } } } @Override public String toString() { return mDevice.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if ((o == null) || !(o instanceof CachedBluetoothDevice)) { throw new ClassCastException(); } return mDevice.equals(((CachedBluetoothDevice) o).mDevice); } @Override public int hashCode() { return mDevice.getAddress().hashCode(); } public int compareTo(CachedBluetoothDevice another) { int comparison; // Connected above not connected comparison = (another.isConnected() ? 1 : 0) - (isConnected() ? 1 : 0); if (comparison != 0) return comparison; // Paired above not paired comparison = (another.getBondState() == BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED ? 1 : 0) - (getBondState() == BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED ? 1 : 0); if (comparison != 0) return comparison; // Visible above not visible comparison = (another.mVisible ? 1 : 0) - (mVisible ? 1 : 0); if (comparison != 0) return comparison; // Stronger signal above weaker signal comparison = another.mRssi - mRssi; if (comparison != 0) return comparison; // Fallback on name return getName().compareTo(another.getName()); } public interface Callback { void onDeviceAttributesChanged(CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice); } }