/** * Copyright 2009-2015 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.ibatis.builder.xml.dynamic; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.ibatis.BaseDataTest; import org.apache.ibatis.io.Resources; import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.BoundSql; import org.apache.ibatis.scripting.xmltags.ChooseSqlNode; import org.apache.ibatis.scripting.xmltags.DynamicSqlSource; import org.apache.ibatis.scripting.xmltags.ForEachSqlNode; import org.apache.ibatis.scripting.xmltags.IfSqlNode; import org.apache.ibatis.scripting.xmltags.MixedSqlNode; import org.apache.ibatis.scripting.xmltags.SetSqlNode; import org.apache.ibatis.scripting.xmltags.SqlNode; import org.apache.ibatis.scripting.xmltags.TextSqlNode; import org.apache.ibatis.scripting.xmltags.WhereSqlNode; import org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration; import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory; import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactoryBuilder; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; public class DynamicSqlSourceTest extends BaseDataTest { @Test public void shouldDemonstrateSimpleExpectedTextWithNoLoopsOrConditionals() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG"; final MixedSqlNode sqlNode = mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(expected)); DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource(sqlNode); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldDemonstrateMultipartExpectedTextWithNoLoopsOrConditionals() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE ID = ?"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new TextSqlNode("WHERE ID = ?")); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldConditionallyIncludeWhere() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE ID = ?"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode("WHERE ID = ?")), "true" )); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldConditionallyExcludeWhere() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode("WHERE ID = ?")), "false" )); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldConditionallyDefault() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE CATEGORY = 'DEFAULT'"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new ChooseSqlNode(new ArrayList<SqlNode>() {{ add(new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode("WHERE CATEGORY = ?")), "false" )); add(new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode("WHERE CATEGORY = 'NONE'")), "false" )); }}, mixedContents(new TextSqlNode("WHERE CATEGORY = 'DEFAULT'")))); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldConditionallyChooseFirst() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE CATEGORY = ?"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new ChooseSqlNode(new ArrayList<SqlNode>() {{ add(new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode("WHERE CATEGORY = ?")), "true" )); add(new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode("WHERE CATEGORY = 'NONE'")), "false" )); }}, mixedContents(new TextSqlNode("WHERE CATEGORY = 'DEFAULT'")))); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldConditionallyChooseSecond() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE CATEGORY = 'NONE'"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new ChooseSqlNode(new ArrayList<SqlNode>() {{ add(new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode("WHERE CATEGORY = ?")), "false" )); add(new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode("WHERE CATEGORY = 'NONE'")), "true" )); }}, mixedContents(new TextSqlNode("WHERE CATEGORY = 'DEFAULT'")))); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldTrimWHEREInsteadOfANDForFirstCondition() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE ID = ?"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new WhereSqlNode(new Configuration(),mixedContents( new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(" and ID = ? ")), "true" ), new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(" or NAME = ? ")), "false" ) ))); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldTrimWHEREANDWithLFForFirstCondition() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE \n ID = ?"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new WhereSqlNode(new Configuration(),mixedContents( new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(" and\n ID = ? ")), "true" ) ))); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldTrimWHEREANDWithCRLFForFirstCondition() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE \r\n ID = ?"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new WhereSqlNode(new Configuration(),mixedContents( new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(" and\r\n ID = ? ")), "true" ) ))); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldTrimWHEREANDWithTABForFirstCondition() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE \t ID = ?"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new WhereSqlNode(new Configuration(),mixedContents( new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(" and\t ID = ? ")), "true" ) ))); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldTrimWHEREORWithLFForFirstCondition() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE \n ID = ?"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new WhereSqlNode(new Configuration(),mixedContents( new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(" or\n ID = ? ")), "true" ) ))); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldTrimWHEREORWithCRLFForFirstCondition() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE \r\n ID = ?"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new WhereSqlNode(new Configuration(),mixedContents( new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(" or\r\n ID = ? ")), "true" ) ))); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldTrimWHEREORWithTABForFirstCondition() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE \t ID = ?"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new WhereSqlNode(new Configuration(),mixedContents( new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(" or\t ID = ? ")), "true" ) ))); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldTrimWHEREInsteadOfORForSecondCondition() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE NAME = ?"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new WhereSqlNode(new Configuration(),mixedContents( new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(" and ID = ? ")), "false" ), new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(" or NAME = ? ")), "true" ) ))); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldTrimWHEREInsteadOfANDForBothConditions() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE ID = ? OR NAME = ?"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new WhereSqlNode(new Configuration(),mixedContents( new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(" and ID = ? ")), "true" ), new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode("OR NAME = ? ")), "true" ) ))); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldTrimNoWhereClause() throws Exception { final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new WhereSqlNode(new Configuration(),mixedContents( new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(" and ID = ? ")), "false" ), new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode("OR NAME = ? ")), "false" ) ))); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldTrimSETInsteadOfCOMMAForBothConditions() throws Exception { final String expected = "UPDATE BLOG SET ID = ?, NAME = ?"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("UPDATE BLOG"), new SetSqlNode(new Configuration(),mixedContents( new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(" ID = ?, ")), "true" ), new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(" NAME = ?, ")), "true" ) ))); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldTrimNoSetClause() throws Exception { final String expected = "UPDATE BLOG"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("UPDATE BLOG"), new SetSqlNode(new Configuration(),mixedContents( new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(" , ID = ? ")), "false" ), new IfSqlNode(mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(", NAME = ? ")), "false" ) ))); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(null); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldIterateOnceForEachItemInCollection() throws Exception { final HashMap<String, String[]> parameterObject = new HashMap<String, String[]>() {{ put("array", new String[]{"one", "two", "three"}); }}; final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE ID in ( one = ? AND two = ? AND three = ? )"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE ID in"), new ForEachSqlNode(new Configuration(),mixedContents(new TextSqlNode("${item} = #{item}")), "array", "index", "item", "(", ")", "AND")); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(parameterObject); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); assertEquals(3, boundSql.getParameterMappings().size()); assertEquals("__frch_item_0", boundSql.getParameterMappings().get(0).getProperty()); assertEquals("__frch_item_1", boundSql.getParameterMappings().get(1).getProperty()); assertEquals("__frch_item_2", boundSql.getParameterMappings().get(2).getProperty()); } @Test public void shouldHandleOgnlExpression() throws Exception { final HashMap<String, String> parameterObject = new HashMap<String, String>() {{ put("name", "Steve"); }}; final String expected = "Expression test: 3 / yes."; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource(new TextSqlNode("Expression test: ${name.indexOf('v')} / ${name in {'Bob', 'Steve'\\} ? 'yes' : 'no'}.")); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(parameterObject); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); } @Test public void shouldSkipForEachWhenCollectionIsEmpty() throws Exception { final HashMap<String, Integer[]> parameterObject = new HashMap<String, Integer[]>() {{ put("array", new Integer[] {}); }}; final String expected = "SELECT * FROM BLOG"; DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource(new TextSqlNode("SELECT * FROM BLOG"), new ForEachSqlNode(new Configuration(), mixedContents( new TextSqlNode("#{item}")), "array", null, "item", "WHERE id in (", ")", ",")); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(parameterObject); assertEquals(expected, boundSql.getSql()); assertEquals(0, boundSql.getParameterMappings().size()); } @Test public void shouldPerformStrictMatchOnForEachVariableSubstitution() throws Exception { final Map<String, Object> param = new HashMap<String, Object>(); final Map<String, String> uuu = new HashMap<String, String>(); uuu.put("u", "xyz"); List<Bean> uuuu = new ArrayList<Bean>(); uuuu.add(new Bean("bean id")); param.put("uuu", uuu); param.put("uuuu", uuuu); DynamicSqlSource source = createDynamicSqlSource( new TextSqlNode("INSERT INTO BLOG (ID, NAME, NOTE, COMMENT) VALUES"), new ForEachSqlNode(new Configuration(),mixedContents( new TextSqlNode("#{uuu.u}, #{u.id}, #{ u,typeHandler=org.apache.ibatis.type.StringTypeHandler}," + " #{u:VARCHAR,typeHandler=org.apache.ibatis.type.StringTypeHandler}")), "uuuu", "uu", "u", "(", ")", ",")); BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(param); assertEquals(4, boundSql.getParameterMappings().size()); assertEquals("uuu.u", boundSql.getParameterMappings().get(0).getProperty()); assertEquals("__frch_u_0.id", boundSql.getParameterMappings().get(1).getProperty()); assertEquals("__frch_u_0", boundSql.getParameterMappings().get(2).getProperty()); assertEquals("__frch_u_0", boundSql.getParameterMappings().get(3).getProperty()); } private DynamicSqlSource createDynamicSqlSource(SqlNode... contents) throws IOException, SQLException { createBlogDataSource(); final String resource = "org/apache/ibatis/builder/MapperConfig.xml"; final Reader reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader(resource); SqlSessionFactory sqlMapper = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(reader); Configuration configuration = sqlMapper.getConfiguration(); MixedSqlNode sqlNode = mixedContents(contents); return new DynamicSqlSource(configuration, sqlNode); } private MixedSqlNode mixedContents(SqlNode... contents) { return new MixedSqlNode(Arrays.asList(contents)); } @Test public void shouldMapNullStringsToEmptyStrings() { final String expected = "id=${id}"; final MixedSqlNode sqlNode = mixedContents(new TextSqlNode(expected)); final DynamicSqlSource source = new DynamicSqlSource(new Configuration(), sqlNode); String sql = source.getBoundSql(new Bean(null)).getSql(); Assert.assertEquals("id=", sql); } public static class Bean { public String id; public Bean(String property) { this.id = property; } public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String property) { this.id = property; } } }