/** * Copyright 2012 Netflix, Inc. * <p> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * <p> * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * <p> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.mpush.tools.common; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * A number which can be used to track counters (increment) or set values over time. * <p> * It is "rolling" in the sense that a 'timeInMilliseconds' is given that you want to track (such as 10 seconds) and then that is broken into buckets (defaults to 10) so that the 10 second window * doesn't empty out and restart every 10 seconds, but instead every 1 second you have a new bucket added and one dropped so that 9 of the buckets remain and only the newest starts from scratch. * <p> * This is done so that the statistics are gathered over a rolling 10 second window with data being added/dropped in 1 second intervals (or whatever granularity is defined by the arguments) rather * than each 10 second window starting at 0 again. * <p> * Performance-wise this class is optimized for writes, not reads. This is done because it expects far higher write volume (thousands/second) than reads (a few per second). * <p> * For example, on each read to getSum/getCount it will iterate buckets to sum the data so that on writes we don't need to maintain the overall sum and pay the synchronization cost at each write to * ensure the sum is up-to-date when the read can easily iterate each bucket to get the sum when it needs it. * <p> * See UnitTest for usage and expected behavior examples. * */ public class RollingNumber { private static final Time ACTUAL_TIME = new ActualTime(); private final Time time; final int timeInMilliseconds; final int numberOfBuckets; final int bucketSizeInMillseconds; final BucketCircularArray buckets; private final CumulativeSum cumulativeSum = new CumulativeSum(); public RollingNumber(int timeInMilliseconds, int numberOfBuckets) { this(ACTUAL_TIME, timeInMilliseconds, numberOfBuckets); } /* package for testing */ RollingNumber(Time time, int timeInMilliseconds, int numberOfBuckets) { this.time = time; this.timeInMilliseconds = timeInMilliseconds; this.numberOfBuckets = numberOfBuckets; if (timeInMilliseconds % numberOfBuckets != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The timeInMilliseconds must divide equally into numberOfBuckets. For example 1000/10 is ok, 1000/11 is not."); } this.bucketSizeInMillseconds = timeInMilliseconds / numberOfBuckets; buckets = new BucketCircularArray(numberOfBuckets); } /** * Increment the counter in the current bucket by one for the given {@link Event} type. * <p> * The {@link Event} must be a "counter" type <code>HystrixRollingNumberEvent.isCounter() == true</code>. * * @param type * HystrixRollingNumberEvent defining which counter to increment */ public void increment(Event type) { getCurrentBucket().getAdder(type).increment(); } /** * Add to the counter in the current bucket for the given {@link Event} type. * <p> * The {@link Event} must be a "counter" type <code>HystrixRollingNumberEvent.isCounter() == true</code>. * * @param type * HystrixRollingNumberEvent defining which counter to add to * @param value * long value to be added to the current bucket */ public void add(Event type, long value) { getCurrentBucket().getAdder(type).add(value); } /** * Force a reset of all rolling counters (clear all buckets) so that statistics start being gathered from scratch. * <p> * This does NOT reset the CumulativeSum values. */ public void reset() { // if we are resetting, that means the lastBucket won't have a chance to be captured in CumulativeSum, so let's do it here Bucket lastBucket = buckets.peekLast(); if (lastBucket != null) { cumulativeSum.addBucket(lastBucket); } // clear buckets so we start over again buckets.clear(); } /** * Get the cumulative sum of all buckets ever since the JVM started without rolling for the given {@link Event} type. * <p> * See {@link #getRollingSum(Event)} for the rolling sum. * <p> * The {@link Event} must be a "counter" type <code>HystrixRollingNumberEvent.isCounter() == true</code>. * * @param type HystrixRollingNumberEvent defining which counter to retrieve values from * @return cumulative sum of all increments and adds for the given {@link Event} counter type */ public long getCumulativeSum(Event type) { // this isn't 100% atomic since multiple threads can be affecting latestBucket & cumulativeSum independently // but that's okay since the count is always a moving target and we're accepting a "point in time" best attempt // we are however putting 'getValueOfLatestBucket' first since it can have side-affects on cumulativeSum whereas the inverse is not true return getValueOfLatestBucket(type) + cumulativeSum.get(type); } /** * Get the sum of all buckets in the rolling counter for the given {@link Event} type. * <p> * The {@link Event} must be a "counter" type <code>HystrixRollingNumberEvent.isCounter() == true</code>. * * @param type * HystrixRollingNumberEvent defining which counter to retrieve values from * @return * value from the given {@link Event} counter type */ public long getRollingSum(Event type) { Bucket lastBucket = getCurrentBucket(); if (lastBucket == null) return 0; long sum = 0; for (Bucket b : buckets) { sum += b.getAdder(type).sum(); } return sum; } /** * Get the value of the latest (current) bucket in the rolling counter for the given {@link Event} type. * <p> * The {@link Event} must be a "counter" type <code>HystrixRollingNumberEvent.isCounter() == true</code>. * * @param type * HystrixRollingNumberEvent defining which counter to retrieve value from * @return * value from latest bucket for given {@link Event} counter type */ public long getValueOfLatestBucket(Event type) { Bucket lastBucket = getCurrentBucket(); if (lastBucket == null) return 0; // we have bucket data so we'll return the lastBucket return lastBucket.get(type); } /** * Get an array of values for all buckets in the rolling counter for the given {@link Event} type. * <p> * Index 0 is the oldest bucket. * <p> * The {@link Event} must be a "counter" type <code>HystrixRollingNumberEvent.isCounter() == true</code>. * * @param type * HystrixRollingNumberEvent defining which counter to retrieve values from * @return array of values from each of the rolling buckets for given {@link Event} counter type */ public long[] getValues(Event type) { Bucket lastBucket = getCurrentBucket(); if (lastBucket == null) return new long[0]; // get buckets as an array (which is a copy of the current state at this point in time) Bucket[] bucketArray = buckets.getArray(); // we have bucket data so we'll return an array of values for all buckets long values[] = new long[bucketArray.length]; int i = 0; for (Bucket bucket : bucketArray) { if (type.isCounter()) { values[i++] = bucket.getAdder(type).sum(); } } return values; } /** * Get the max value of values in all buckets for the given {@link Event} type. * <p> * The {@link Event} must be a "max updater" type <code>HystrixRollingNumberEvent.isMaxUpdater() == true</code>. * * @param type * HystrixRollingNumberEvent defining which "max updater" to retrieve values from * @return max value for given {@link Event} type during rolling window */ public long getRollingMaxValue(Event type) { long values[] = getValues(type); if (values.length == 0) { return 0; } else { Arrays.sort(values); return values[values.length - 1]; } } private ReentrantLock newBucketLock = new ReentrantLock(); /* package for testing */Bucket getCurrentBucket() { long currentTime = time.getCurrentTimeInMillis(); /* a shortcut to try and get the most common result of immediately finding the current bucket */ /** * Retrieve the latest bucket if the given time is BEFORE the end of the bucket window, otherwise it returns NULL. * * NOTE: This is thread-safe because it's accessing 'buckets' which is a LinkedBlockingDeque */ Bucket currentBucket = buckets.peekLast(); if (currentBucket != null && currentTime < currentBucket.windowStart + this.bucketSizeInMillseconds) { // if we're within the bucket 'window of time' return the current one // NOTE: We do not worry if we are BEFORE the window in a weird case of where thread scheduling causes that to occur, // we'll just use the latest as long as we're not AFTER the window return currentBucket; } /* if we didn't find the current bucket above, then we have to create one */ /** * The following needs to be synchronized/locked even with a synchronized/thread-safe data structure such as LinkedBlockingDeque because * the logic involves multiple steps to check existence, create an object then insert the object. The 'check' or 'insertion' themselves * are thread-safe by themselves but not the aggregate algorithm, thus we put this entire block of logic inside synchronized. * * I am using a tryLock if/then (http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/locks/Lock.html#tryLock()) * so that a single thread will get the lock and as soon as one thread gets the lock all others will go the 'else' block * and just return the currentBucket until the newBucket is created. This should allow the throughput to be far higher * and only slow down 1 thread instead of blocking all of them in each cycle of creating a new bucket based on some testing * (and it makes sense that it should as well). * * This means the timing won't be exact to the millisecond as to what data ends up in a bucket, but that's acceptable. * It's not critical to have exact precision to the millisecond, as long as it's rolling, if we can instead reduce the impact synchronization. * * More importantly though it means that the 'if' block within the lock needs to be careful about what it changes that can still * be accessed concurrently in the 'else' block since we're not completely synchronizing access. * * For example, we can't have a multi-step process to add a bucket, remove a bucket, then update the sum since the 'else' block of code * can retrieve the sum while this is all happening. The trade-off is that we don't maintain the rolling sum and let readers just iterate * bucket to calculate the sum themselves. This is an example of favoring write-performance instead of read-performance and how the tryLock * versus a synchronized block needs to be accommodated. */ if (newBucketLock.tryLock()) { try { if (buckets.peekLast() == null) { // the list is empty so create the first bucket Bucket newBucket = new Bucket(currentTime); buckets.addLast(newBucket); return newBucket; } else { // We go into a loop so that it will create as many buckets as needed to catch up to the current time // as we want the buckets complete even if we don't have transactions during a period of time. for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBuckets; i++) { // we have at least 1 bucket so retrieve it Bucket lastBucket = buckets.peekLast(); if (currentTime < lastBucket.windowStart + this.bucketSizeInMillseconds) { // if we're within the bucket 'window of time' return the current one // NOTE: We do not worry if we are BEFORE the window in a weird case of where thread scheduling causes that to occur, // we'll just use the latest as long as we're not AFTER the window return lastBucket; } else if (currentTime - (lastBucket.windowStart + this.bucketSizeInMillseconds) > timeInMilliseconds) { // the time passed is greater than the entire rolling counter so we want to clear it all and start from scratch reset(); // recursively call getCurrentBucket which will create a new bucket and return it return getCurrentBucket(); } else { // we're past the window so we need to create a new bucket // create a new bucket and add it as the new 'last' buckets.addLast(new Bucket(lastBucket.windowStart + this.bucketSizeInMillseconds)); // add the lastBucket values to the cumulativeSum cumulativeSum.addBucket(lastBucket); } } // we have finished the for-loop and created all of the buckets, so return the lastBucket now return buckets.peekLast(); } } finally { newBucketLock.unlock(); } } else { currentBucket = buckets.peekLast(); if (currentBucket != null) { // we didn't get the lock so just return the latest bucket while another thread creates the next one return currentBucket; } else { // the rare scenario where multiple threads raced to create the very first bucket // wait slightly and then use recursion while the other thread finishes creating a bucket try { Thread.sleep(5); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } return getCurrentBucket(); } } } /* package */static interface Time { public long getCurrentTimeInMillis(); } private static class ActualTime implements Time { @Override public long getCurrentTimeInMillis() { return System.currentTimeMillis(); } } /** * Counters for a given 'bucket' of time. */ /* package */static class Bucket { final long windowStart; final LongAdder[] adderForCounterType; Bucket(long startTime) { this.windowStart = startTime; /* * We support both LongAdder and LongMaxUpdater in a bucket but don't want the memory allocation * of all types for each so we only allocate the objects if the HystrixRollingNumberEvent matches * the correct type - though we still have the allocation of empty arrays to the given length * as we want to keep using the type.ordinal() value for fast random access. */ // initialize the array of LongAdders adderForCounterType = new LongAdder[Event.values().length]; for (Event type : Event.values()) { if (type.isCounter()) { adderForCounterType[type.ordinal()] = new LongAdder(); } } } long get(Event type) { if (type.isCounter()) { return adderForCounterType[type.ordinal()].sum(); } throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown type of event: " + type.name()); } LongAdder getAdder(Event type) { if (!type.isCounter()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Type is not a Counter: " + type.name()); } return adderForCounterType[type.ordinal()]; } } /** * Cumulative counters (from start of JVM) from each Type */ /* package */static class CumulativeSum { final LongAdder[] adderForCounterType; CumulativeSum() { /* * We support both LongAdder and LongMaxUpdater in a bucket but don't want the memory allocation * of all types for each so we only allocate the objects if the HystrixRollingNumberEvent matches * the correct type - though we still have the allocation of empty arrays to the given length * as we want to keep using the type.ordinal() value for fast random access. */ // initialize the array of LongAdders adderForCounterType = new LongAdder[Event.values().length]; for (Event type : Event.values()) { if (type.isCounter()) { adderForCounterType[type.ordinal()] = new LongAdder(); } } } public void addBucket(Bucket lastBucket) { for (Event type : Event.values()) { if (type.isCounter()) { getAdder(type).add(lastBucket.getAdder(type).sum()); } } } long get(Event type) { if (type.isCounter()) { return adderForCounterType[type.ordinal()].sum(); } throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown type of event: " + type.name()); } LongAdder getAdder(Event type) { if (!type.isCounter()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Type is not a Counter: " + type.name()); } return adderForCounterType[type.ordinal()]; } } /** * This is a circular array acting as a FIFO queue. * <p> * It purposefully does NOT implement Deque or some other Collection interface as it only implements functionality necessary for this RollingNumber use case. * <p> * Important Thread-Safety Note: This is ONLY thread-safe within the context of RollingNumber and the protection it gives in the <code>getCurrentBucket</code> method. It uses AtomicReference * objects to ensure anything done outside of <code>getCurrentBucket</code> is thread-safe, and to ensure visibility of changes across threads (ie. volatility) but the addLast and removeFirst * methods are NOT thread-safe for external access they depend upon the lock.tryLock() protection in <code>getCurrentBucket</code> which ensures only a single thread will access them at at time. * <p> * benjchristensen => This implementation was chosen based on performance testing I did and documented at: http://benjchristensen.com/2011/10/08/atomiccirculararray/ */ /* package */static class BucketCircularArray implements Iterable<Bucket> { private final AtomicReference<ListState> state; private final int dataLength; // we don't resize, we always stay the same, so remember this private final int numBuckets; /** * Immutable object that is atomically set every time the state of the BucketCircularArray changes * <p> * This handles the compound operations */ private class ListState { /* * this is an AtomicReferenceArray and not a normal Array because we're copying the reference * between ListState objects and multiple threads could maintain references across these * compound operations so I want the visibility/concurrency guarantees */ private final AtomicReferenceArray<Bucket> data; private final int size; private final int tail; private final int head; private ListState(AtomicReferenceArray<Bucket> data, int head, int tail) { this.head = head; this.tail = tail; if (head == 0 && tail == 0) { size = 0; } else { this.size = (tail + dataLength - head) % dataLength; } this.data = data; } public Bucket tail() { if (size == 0) { return null; } else { // we want to get the last item, so size()-1 return data.get(convert(size - 1)); } } private Bucket[] getArray() { /* * this isn't technically thread-safe since it requires multiple reads on something that can change * but since we never clear the data directly, only increment/decrement head/tail we would never get a NULL * just potentially return stale data which we are okay with doing */ ArrayList<Bucket> array = new ArrayList<Bucket>(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { array.add(data.get(convert(i))); } return array.toArray(new Bucket[array.size()]); } private ListState incrementTail() { /* if incrementing results in growing larger than 'length' which is the max we should be at, then also increment head (equivalent of removeFirst but done atomically) */ if (size == numBuckets) { // increment tail and head return new ListState(data, (head + 1) % dataLength, (tail + 1) % dataLength); } else { // increment only tail return new ListState(data, head, (tail + 1) % dataLength); } } public ListState clear() { return new ListState(new AtomicReferenceArray<Bucket>(dataLength), 0, 0); } public ListState addBucket(Bucket b) { /* * We could in theory have 2 threads addBucket concurrently and this compound operation would interleave. * <p> * This should NOT happen since getCurrentBucket is supposed to be executed by a single thread. * <p> * If it does happen, it's not a huge deal as incrementTail() will be protected by compareAndSet and one of the two addBucket calls will succeed with one of the Buckets. * <p> * In either case, a single Bucket will be returned as "last" and data loss should not occur and everything keeps in sync for head/tail. * <p> * Also, it's fine to set it before incrementTail because nothing else should be referencing that index position until incrementTail occurs. */ data.set(tail, b); return incrementTail(); } // The convert() method takes a logical index (as if head was // always 0) and calculates the index within elementData private int convert(int index) { return (index + head) % dataLength; } } BucketCircularArray(int size) { AtomicReferenceArray<Bucket> _buckets = new AtomicReferenceArray<Bucket>(size + 1); // + 1 as extra room for the add/remove; state = new AtomicReference<ListState>(new ListState(_buckets, 0, 0)); dataLength = _buckets.length(); numBuckets = size; } public void clear() { while (true) { /* * it should be very hard to not succeed the first pass thru since this is typically is only called from * a single thread protected by a tryLock, but there is at least 1 other place (at time of writing this comment) * where reset can be called from (CircuitBreaker.markSuccess after circuit was tripped) so it can * in an edge-case conflict. * * Instead of trying to determine if someone already successfully called clear() and we should skip * we will have both calls reset the circuit, even if that means losing data added in between the two * depending on thread scheduling. * * The rare scenario in which that would occur, we'll accept the possible data loss while clearing it * since the code has stated its desire to clear() anyways. */ ListState current = state.get(); ListState newState = current.clear(); if (state.compareAndSet(current, newState)) { return; } } } /** * Returns an iterator on a copy of the internal array so that the iterator won't fail by buckets being added/removed concurrently. */ public Iterator<Bucket> iterator() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(getArray())).iterator(); } public void addLast(Bucket o) { ListState currentState = state.get(); // create new version of state (what we want it to become) ListState newState = currentState.addBucket(o); /* * use compareAndSet to set in case multiple threads are attempting (which shouldn't be the case because since addLast will ONLY be called by a single thread at a time due to protection * provided in <code>getCurrentBucket</code>) */ if (state.compareAndSet(currentState, newState)) { // we succeeded return; } else { // we failed, someone else was adding or removing // instead of trying again and risking multiple addLast concurrently (which shouldn't be the case) // we'll just return and let the other thread 'win' and if the timing is off the next call to getCurrentBucket will fix things return; } } public Bucket getLast() { return peekLast(); } public int size() { // the size can also be worked out each time as: // return (tail + data.length() - head) % data.length(); return state.get().size; } public Bucket peekLast() { return state.get().tail(); } private Bucket[] getArray() { return state.get().getArray(); } } public enum Event { SUCCESS(1), FAILURE(1), TIMEOUT(1), SHORT_CIRCUITED(1), THREAD_POOL_REJECTED(1), SEMAPHORE_REJECTED(1), BAD_REQUEST(1), FALLBACK_SUCCESS(1), FALLBACK_FAILURE(1), FALLBACK_REJECTION(1), FALLBACK_MISSING(1), EXCEPTION_THROWN(1), EMIT(1), FALLBACK_EMIT(1), THREAD_EXECUTION(1), COLLAPSED(1), RESPONSE_FROM_CACHE(1), COLLAPSER_REQUEST_BATCHED(1), COLLAPSER_BATCH(1); private final int type; private Event(int type) { this.type = type; } public boolean isCounter() { return type == 1; } public boolean isMaxUpdater() { return type == 2; } } }