package com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ReflectionToStringBuilder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.metapossum.utils.scanner.reflect.ClassesInPackageScanner; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import org.apache.commons.lang.reflect.ConstructorUtils; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.annotation.Blueprint; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.annotation.Default; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.annotation.Mapped; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.annotation.MappedList; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.annotation.MappedSet; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.annotation.NotSet; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.annotation.Nullable; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.erector.Command; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.policy.BlueprintPolicy; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.policy.FieldPolicy; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.policy.Policy; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.policy.PolicyException; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.template.BlueprintTemplate; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.template.BlueprintTemplateException; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.template.JavaBeanTemplate; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.callback.AfterCreateCallback; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.callback.Callback; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.callback.ConstructorCallback; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.callback.internal.Constructable; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.callback.internal.Getable; import com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.field.*; /** * ModelFactory for generating Models. A Model's Blueprint is registered * with the ModelFactory. Then a Model can be generated with {@link #createModel(Class)} * or {@link #createModel(Object)} */ public class ModelFactory { private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); private List<Object> blueprints; private Map<Class, Erector> erectors = new HashMap<Class, Erector>(); private Map<Class, List<FieldPolicy>> fieldPolicies = new HashMap<Class, List<FieldPolicy>>(); private Map<Class, List<BlueprintPolicy>> blueprintPolicies = new HashMap<Class, List<BlueprintPolicy>>(); /** * Create new instance */ public ModelFactory() { blueprints = new ArrayList<Object>(); erectors = new HashMap<Class, Erector>(); } /** * Add Policy to ModelFactory * * @param policy FieldPolicy or BlueprintPolicy * @throws PolicyException failed to apply policy */ public void addPolicy(Policy policy) throws PolicyException { // Add BlueprintPolicy if (policy instanceof BlueprintPolicy) { if (erectors.get(policy.getTarget()) == null) { throw new PolicyException("Blueprint does not exist for BlueprintPolicy target: " + policy.getTarget()); } List<BlueprintPolicy> policies = blueprintPolicies.get(policy.getTarget()); if (policies == null) { policies = new ArrayList<BlueprintPolicy>(); } policies.add((BlueprintPolicy) policy);"Setting BlueprintPolicy {} for {}", policy, policy.getTarget()); blueprintPolicies.put(policy.getTarget(), policies); // Add FieldPolicy } else if (policy instanceof FieldPolicy) { // XXX: force FieldPolicy's to be mapped to a blueprint? Limits their scope, but enables validation if (erectors.get(policy.getTarget()) == null) { throw new PolicyException("Blueprint does not exist for FieldPolicy target: " + policy.getTarget()); } List<FieldPolicy> policies = fieldPolicies.get(policy.getTarget()); if (policies == null) { policies = new ArrayList<FieldPolicy>(); } policies.add((FieldPolicy) policy);"Setting FieldPolicy {} for {}", policy, policy.getTarget()); fieldPolicies.put(policy.getTarget(), policies); } } /** * Register all Blueprint in package. * * @param _package String package to scan * @throws RegisterBlueprintException failed to register blueprint */ public void setRegisterBlueprintsByPackage(String _package) throws RegisterBlueprintException { Set<Class<?>> annotated = null; try { annotated = new ClassesInPackageScanner().findAnnotatedClasses(_package, Blueprint.class); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException(e); }"Scanned {} and found {}", _package, annotated); this.setRegisterBlueprints(annotated); } /** * Register a List of Blueprint, Class, or String * class names of Blueprint * * @param blueprints List * @throws RegisterBlueprintException failed to register blueprint */ public void setRegisterBlueprints(Collection blueprints) throws RegisterBlueprintException { for (Object blueprint : blueprints) { if (blueprint instanceof Class) { registerBlueprint((Class) blueprint); } else if (blueprint instanceof String) { registerBlueprint((String) blueprint); } else if (blueprint instanceof String) { registerBlueprint(blueprint); } else { throw new RegisterBlueprintException("Only supports List comprised of Class<Blueprint>, Blueprint, or String className"); } } } /** * Register a Blueprint from a String Class name * * @param className String */ public void registerBlueprint(String className) throws RegisterBlueprintException { try { registerBlueprint(Class.forName(className)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException(e); } } /** * Register a Blueprint from Class * * @param clazz Blueprint class * @throws RegisterBlueprintException failed to register blueprint */ public void registerBlueprint(Class clazz) throws RegisterBlueprintException { Object blueprint = null; try { blueprint = clazz.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException(e); } registerBlueprint(blueprint); } /** * Register Blueprint from instance. * * @param blueprint Blueprint * @throws RegisterBlueprintException failed to register blueprint */ public void registerBlueprint(Object blueprint) throws RegisterBlueprintException { Blueprint blueprintAnnotation = blueprint.getClass().getAnnotation(Blueprint.class); if (blueprintAnnotation == null) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException("Blueprint class not annotated by @Blueprint: " + blueprint); } Class target = blueprintAnnotation.value(); List<ModelField> modelFields = new ArrayList<ModelField>(); logger.debug("Registering {} blueprint for {}", blueprint.getClass(), target); Constructable newInstance = null; List<Callback> afterCreateCallbacks = new ArrayList<Callback>(); // Get all fields for the blueprint target class Collection<Field> fields = getAllFields(blueprint.getClass()).values(); for (Field field : fields) { field.setAccessible(true); // Register ConstructorCallback field if ( field.getType().equals(ConstructorCallback.class) || field.getType().equals(com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.callback.ConstructorCallback.class)) { Object fieldVal = null; try { fieldVal = field.get(blueprint); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException(e); } if (fieldVal instanceof Constructable) { logger.debug("Registering ConstructorCallback for {}", blueprint.getClass()); newInstance = (Constructable) fieldVal; } else { throw new RegisterBlueprintException("Blueprint " + blueprint.getClass().getSimpleName() + " Field class for " + field.getName() + " is invalid ConstructorCallback"); } // ConstructorCallback is only used to create new instance. continue; } // Register AfterCreateCallback field if ( field.getType().equals(AfterCreateCallback.class) ) { Object fieldVal = null; try { fieldVal = field.get(blueprint); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException(e); } if (fieldVal instanceof AfterCreateCallback) { logger.debug("Registering AfterCreateCallback for {}", blueprint.getClass()); afterCreateCallbacks.add((AfterCreateCallback)fieldVal); } else { throw new RegisterBlueprintException("Blueprint " + blueprint.getClass().getSimpleName() + " Field class for " + field.getName() + " is invalid AfterCreateCallback"); } // AfterCreateCallback is only used in callbacks continue; } // Process @Default Default defaultAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(Default.class); if (defaultAnnotation != null) { DefaultField defaultField = new DefaultField(); defaultField.setName(field.getName()); defaultField.setForce(defaultAnnotation.force()); try { defaultField.setValue(field.get(blueprint)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException(e); } defaultField.setTarget(field.getType()); defaultField.setFieldClass(field.getType()); modelFields.add(defaultField); logger.trace(" Setting default for {} to {} and forced {}", new Object[]{defaultField.getName(), defaultField.getValue(), defaultField.isForce()}); } // Process @Mapped Mapped mapped = field.getAnnotation(Mapped.class); if (mapped != null) { MappedField mappedField = new MappedField(); mappedField.setName(field.getName()); if (field.getAnnotation(Nullable.class) != null) { mappedField.setNullable(true); } // If @Mapped(target) not set, use Field's class if (NotSet.class.equals( { mappedField.setTarget(field.getType()); // Use @Mapped(target) for MappedField#target } else { mappedField.setTarget(; } mappedField.setFieldClass(field.getType()); modelFields.add(mappedField); logger.trace(" Setting mapped for {} to {}", mappedField.getName(), mappedField.getTarget()); } // Process @MappedList MappedList mappedCollection = field.getAnnotation(MappedList.class); if (mappedCollection != null) { MappedListField listField = new MappedListField(); listField.setName(field.getName()); listField.setFieldClass(field.getType()); listField.setSize(mappedCollection.size()); listField.setIgnoreEmpty(mappedCollection.ignoreEmpty()); listField.setForce(mappedCollection.force()); // If @MappedList(target) not set, use Field's class if (NotSet.class.equals( { listField.setTarget(field.getType()); // Use @MappedList(target) for MappedListField#target } else { listField.setTarget(; } // If @MappedList(targetList) not set, use ArrayList if (NotSet.class.equals(mappedCollection.targetList())) { listField.setTargetList(ArrayList.class); } else { // Ensure that the targetList implements List boolean implementsList = false; for (Class interf : mappedCollection.targetList().getInterfaces()) { if (List.class.equals(interf)) { implementsList = true; break; } } if (!implementsList) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException("@MappedList targetList must implement List for field " + field.getName()); } listField.setTargetList(mappedCollection.targetList()); } modelFields.add(listField); logger.trace(" Setting mapped list for {} to {} as <{}> and forced {}", new Object[]{listField.getName(), listField.getFieldClass(), listField.getTarget(), listField.isForce()}); } // Process @MappedSet MappedSet mappedSet = field.getAnnotation(MappedSet.class); if (mappedSet != null) { MappedSetField setField = new MappedSetField(); setField.setName(field.getName()); setField.setFieldClass(field.getType()); setField.setSize(mappedSet.size()); setField.setIgnoreEmpty(mappedSet.ignoreEmpty()); setField.setForce(mappedSet.force()); // XXX: @MappedSet( target ) is required // If @MappedSet(target) not set if (NotSet.class.equals( { // XXX: incorrect, should use generic defined by Set, luckily annotation forces target to be set setField.setTarget(field.getType()); // Use @MappedSet(target) for MappedSet#target } else { setField.setTarget(; } // If @MappedSet(targetSet) not set, use HashSet if (NotSet.class.equals(mappedSet.targetSet())) { setField.setTargetSet(HashSet.class); } else { // Ensure that the targetSet implements Set boolean implementsSet = false; for (Class interf : mappedSet.targetSet().getInterfaces()) { if (Set.class.equals(interf)) { implementsSet = true; break; } } if (!implementsSet) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException("@MappedSet targetSet must implement Set for field " + field.getName()); } setField.setTargetSet(mappedSet.targetSet()); } modelFields.add(setField); logger.trace(" Setting mapped set for {} to {} as <{}> and is forced {}", new Object[]{setField.getName(), setField.getFieldClass(), setField.getTarget(), setField.isForce()}); } } blueprints.add(blueprint); Class templateClass = blueprintAnnotation.template(); BlueprintTemplate template = null; try { template = (BlueprintTemplate)ConstructorUtils.invokeConstructor( templateClass, null ); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException( e ); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException( e ); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException( e ); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new RegisterBlueprintException( e ); } // Create Erector for this Blueprint Erector erector = new Erector(); erector.setTemplate(template); erector.setBlueprint(blueprint); erector.setModelFields(modelFields); erector.setTarget(target); erector.setNewInstance(newInstance); erector.setCallbacks("afterCreate", afterCreateCallbacks); erectors.put(target, erector); } /** * Create a Model for a registered Blueprint * * @param <T> model Class * @param clazz Model class * @return Model * @throws CreateModelException model failed to create */ public <T> T createModel(Class<T> clazz) throws CreateModelException { return createModel(clazz, true); } /** * Create a Model for a registered Blueprint * * @param <T> model Class * @param clazz Model class * @param withPolicies boolean if Policies should be applied to the create * @return Model * @throws CreateModelException model failed to create */ public <T> T createModel(Class<T> clazz, boolean withPolicies) throws CreateModelException { Erector erector = erectors.get(clazz); if (erector == null) { throw new CreateModelException("Unregistered class: " + clazz); } return createModel(erector, null, withPolicies); } /** * Create a Model for a registered Blueprint. Values set in the * model will not be overridden by defaults in the Blueprint. * * @param <T> model Class * @param referenceModel Object * @return Model * @throws CreateModelException model failed to create */ public <T> T createModel(T referenceModel) throws CreateModelException { return createModel(referenceModel, true); } /** * Create a Model for a registered Blueprint. Values set in the * model will not be overridden by defaults in the Blueprint. * * @param <T> model Class * @param referenceModel Object * @param withPolicies boolean if Policies should be applied to the create * @return Model * @throws CreateModelException model failed to create */ @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public <T> T createModel(T referenceModel, boolean withPolicies) throws CreateModelException { Erector erector = erectors.get(referenceModel.getClass()); if (erector == null) { throw new CreateModelException("Unregistered class: " + referenceModel.getClass()); } return createModel(erector, referenceModel, withPolicies); } /** * Create a Model for a registered Blueprint using Erector. * Values set in the model will not be overridden by defaults in the * Blueprint. * * @param <T> model class * @param erector Erector * @param referenceModel T the reference model instance, or null * @param withPolicies boolean if Policies should be applied to the create * @return T new Model * @throws CreateModelException model failed to create */ public <T> T createModel(Erector erector, T referenceModel, boolean withPolicies) throws CreateModelException { erector.clearCommands(); T createdModel; try { createdModel = (T) createNewInstance(erector); } catch (BlueprintTemplateException e) { throw new CreateModelException(e); } logger.trace("Created model {} from {} based on {}", new Object[] { createdModel, erector, referenceModel }); final T nonNullReferenceModel = referenceModel == null ? createdModel : referenceModel; erector.setReference(nonNullReferenceModel); if (withPolicies) { List<BlueprintPolicy> blueprintPolicies = this.getBlueprintPolicies().get(erector.getTarget()); if (blueprintPolicies != null) { logger.debug(" Running Blueprint policies"); for (BlueprintPolicy policy : blueprintPolicies) { Map<ModelField, Set<Command>> modelFieldCommands = null; try {" processing {}", policy); modelFieldCommands = policy.process(this, erector, createdModel); } catch (PolicyException e) { throw new CreateModelException(e); } for (ModelField modelField : modelFieldCommands.keySet()) { erector.addCommands(modelField, modelFieldCommands.get(modelField)); } } } } for (ModelField modelField : erector.getModelFields()) { logger.trace("ModelField {}", ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(modelField)); Object value = null; if (withPolicies) { List<FieldPolicy> policiesForSingleField = this.getFieldPolicies().get(modelField.getTarget()); if (policiesForSingleField != null) { logger.debug(" Running Field policies"); for (FieldPolicy policy : policiesForSingleField) { try {" processing {} for {}", policy, modelField.getTarget()); Command command = policy.process(this, erector, modelField, createdModel); if (command != null) { erector.addCommand(modelField, command); } } catch (PolicyException e) { new CreateModelException(e); } } } } if (erector.getCommands(modelField).size() > 0) { logger.debug(" ModelField commands: {}", erector.getCommands(modelField)); } if (!erector.getCommands(modelField).contains(Command.SKIP_INJECTION)) { // Process DefaultField if (modelField instanceof DefaultField) { DefaultField defaultField = (DefaultField) modelField; if (!erector.getCommands(modelField).contains(Command.SKIP_REFERENCE_INJECTION)) { try { value = erector.getTemplate().get(nonNullReferenceModel, defaultField.getName()); } catch (BlueprintTemplateException e) { throw new CreateModelException(e); } } // If null or the field forces, use value set in blueprint, otherwise // use the value of the reference model if (!erector.getCommands(modelField).contains(Command.SKIP_BLUEPRINT_INJECTION) && (value == null || defaultField.isForce())) { value = defaultField.getValue(); } // If value is an instance of FieldCallBack, eval the callback and use the value if (value != null && value instanceof Getable) { Getable callBack = (Getable)value; value = callBack.get(nonNullReferenceModel); } try { createdModel = erector.getTemplate().set(createdModel, defaultField.getName(), value); } catch (BlueprintTemplateException e) { throw new CreateModelException(e); } // Process MappedField } else if (modelField instanceof MappedField) { MappedField mappedField = (MappedField) modelField; if (!erector.getCommands(modelField).contains(Command.SKIP_REFERENCE_INJECTION)) { try { value = erector.getTemplate().get(nonNullReferenceModel, mappedField.getName()); } catch (BlueprintTemplateException e) { throw new CreateModelException(e); } } if (!erector.getCommands(modelField).contains(Command.SKIP_BLUEPRINT_INJECTION) && value == null && !mappedField.isNullable()) { value = this.createModel(mappedField.getTarget()); } try { createdModel = erector.getTemplate().set(createdModel, mappedField.getName(), value); } catch (BlueprintTemplateException e) { throw new CreateModelException(e); } // Process MappedListField } else if (modelField instanceof MappedListField) { MappedListField listField = (MappedListField) modelField; List modelList = null; try { value = (List) erector.getTemplate().construct(listField.getTargetList()); } catch (BlueprintTemplateException e) { throw new CreateModelException(e); } if (!erector.getCommands(modelField).contains(Command.SKIP_INJECTION)) { try { modelList = (List) erector.getTemplate().get(nonNullReferenceModel, listField.getName()); } catch (BlueprintTemplateException e) { throw new CreateModelException(e); } } if (!erector.getCommands(modelField).contains(Command.SKIP_BLUEPRINT_INJECTION)) { // Inject models into List If list is null or force is true or it is an empty list that is ignored if ((modelList == null || listField.isForce()) || (modelList.size() == 0 && !listField.isIgnoreEmpty())) { for (int x = 0; x < listField.getSize(); x++) { ((List) value).add(this.createModel(listField.getTarget())); } } else { for (Object object : modelList) { ((List) value).add(this.createModel(object)); } } } try { createdModel = erector.getTemplate().set(createdModel, listField.getName(), value); } catch (BlueprintTemplateException e) { throw new CreateModelException(e); } // Process MappedSetField } else if (modelField instanceof MappedSetField) { MappedSetField setField = (MappedSetField) modelField; try { value = erector.getTemplate().construct(setField.getTargetSet()); } catch (BlueprintTemplateException e) { throw new CreateModelException(e); } Set referenceModelSet = null; if (!erector.getCommands(modelField).contains(Command.SKIP_INJECTION)) { try { referenceModelSet = (Set) erector.getTemplate().get(nonNullReferenceModel, setField.getName()); } catch (BlueprintTemplateException e) { throw new CreateModelException(e); } } if (!erector.getCommands(modelField).contains(Command.SKIP_BLUEPRINT_INJECTION)) { // Inject models into Set If list is null or force is true or it is an empty set that is ignored if ((referenceModelSet == null || setField.isForce()) || (referenceModelSet.size() == 0 && !setField.isIgnoreEmpty())) { for (int x = 0; x < setField.getSize(); x++) { ((Set) value).add(this.createModel(setField.getTarget())); } } else { for (Object object : referenceModelSet) { ((Set) value).add(this.createModel(object)); } } } try { createdModel = erector.getTemplate().set(createdModel, setField.getName(), value); } catch (BlueprintTemplateException e) { throw new CreateModelException(e); } } } } List<Callback> afterCreateCallbacks = erector.getCallbacks("afterCreate"); if ( afterCreateCallbacks != null ) { for (Callback callback : afterCreateCallbacks ) { if ( callback instanceof AfterCreateCallback ) { createdModel = ((AfterCreateCallback<T>)callback).afterCreate(createdModel); } else { // XXX: should this toss an exception? logger.error("Invalid AfterCreateCallback registered for {}", referenceModel.getClass() ); } } } return createdModel; } protected Object createNewInstance(Erector erector) throws BlueprintTemplateException { return erector.createNewInstance(); } /** * Registered Blueprints * * @return List */ public List<Object> getBlueprints() { return blueprints; } /** * Map of Class to their Erector. * * @return Map */ public Map<Class, Erector> getErectors() { return erectors; } public Map<Class, List<BlueprintPolicy>> getBlueprintPolicies() { return blueprintPolicies; } public Map<Class, List<FieldPolicy>> getFieldPolicies() { return fieldPolicies; } /** * Get complete inherited list of Field for Class, with the exception * that ConstructorCallback fields are not inherited. * * @param clazz Class * @return Map */ private Map<String,Field> getAllFields(Class clazz) { return this.getAllFields(clazz, false); } private Map<String,Field> getAllFields(Class clazz, boolean isParent) { Map<String,Field> fieldsMap = new HashMap<String,Field>(); Class superClazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); if(superClazz != null){ fieldsMap.putAll( getAllFields(superClazz, true) ); } for ( Field field: clazz.getDeclaredFields() ) { field.setAccessible(true); if (isParent) { // ConstructorCallbacks are not inherited if (!field.getType().equals( ConstructorCallback.class ) ) { fieldsMap.put( field.getName(), field ); } } else { fieldsMap.put( field.getName(), field ); } } return fieldsMap; } }