package; import; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.mockserver.echo.http.EchoServer; import org.mockserver.proxy.Proxy; import org.mockserver.proxy.ProxyBuilder; import org.mockserver.socket.PortFactory; import org.mockserver.streams.IOStreamUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import static org.mockserver.test.Assert.assertContains; /** * @author jamesdbloom */ public class NettyDirectProxyIntegrationTest { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NettyDirectProxyIntegrationTest.class); private final static Integer SERVER_HTTP_PORT = PortFactory.findFreePort(); private final static Integer PROXY_DIRECT_PORT = PortFactory.findFreePort(); private static EchoServer echoServer; private static Proxy httpProxy; @BeforeClass public static void setupFixture() throws Exception { logger.debug("SERVER_HTTP_PORT = " + SERVER_HTTP_PORT); logger.debug("PROXY_DIRECT_PORT = " + PROXY_DIRECT_PORT); // start echo server echoServer = new EchoServer(SERVER_HTTP_PORT, false); // start proxy httpProxy = new ProxyBuilder() .withLocalPort(PROXY_DIRECT_PORT) .withDirect("", SERVER_HTTP_PORT) .build(); } @AfterClass public static void shutdownFixture() { // stop echo server echoServer.stop(); // stop proxy httpProxy.stop(); } @Test public void shouldForwardRequestsUsingSocketDirectlyHeadersOnly() throws Exception { Socket socket = null; try { socket = new Socket("localhost", PROXY_DIRECT_PORT); // given OutputStream output = socket.getOutputStream(); // when // - send GET request for headers only output.write(("" + "GET /test_headers_only HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: localhost:" + SERVER_HTTP_PORT + "\r\n" + "X-Test: test_headers_only\r\n" + "\r\n" ).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); output.flush(); // then assertContains(IOStreamUtils.readInputStreamToString(socket), "X-Test: test_headers_only"); } finally { if (socket != null) { socket.close(); } } } @Test public void shouldForwardRequestsUsingSocketDirectlyHeadersAndBody() throws Exception { Socket socket = null; try { socket = new Socket("localhost", PROXY_DIRECT_PORT); // given OutputStream output = socket.getOutputStream(); // - send GET request for headers and body output.write(("" + "GET /test_headers_and_body HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: localhost:" + SERVER_HTTP_PORT + "\r\n" + "X-Test: test_headers_and_body\r\n" + "Content-Length:" + "an_example_body".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8).length + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + "an_example_body" + "\r\n" ).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); output.flush(); // then String response = IOStreamUtils.readInputStreamToString(socket); assertContains(response, "X-Test: test_headers_and_body"); assertContains(response, "an_example_body"); } finally { if (socket != null) { socket.close(); } } } @Test public void shouldForwardRequestsUsingSocketDirectlyNotFound() throws Exception { Socket socket = null; try { socket = new Socket("localhost", PROXY_DIRECT_PORT); // given OutputStream output = socket.getOutputStream(); // - send GET request for headers and body output.write(("" + "GET /not_found HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: localhost:" + SERVER_HTTP_PORT + "\r\n" + "\r\n" ).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); output.flush(); // then assertContains(IOStreamUtils.readInputStreamToString(socket), "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); } finally { if (socket != null) { socket.close(); } } } }