package de.dpa.oss.metadata.mapper; import; import com.sampullara.cli.Args; import com.sampullara.cli.Argument; import de.dpa.oss.common.StringCharacterMappingTable; import de.dpa.oss.metadata.mapper.imaging.ConfigStringCharacterMappingBuilder; import de.dpa.oss.metadata.mapper.imaging.ConfigValidationException; import de.dpa.oss.metadata.mapper.imaging.backend.exiftool.ExifToolIntegrationException; import de.dpa.oss.metadata.mapper.imaging.backend.exiftool.ExifToolWrapper; import de.dpa.oss.metadata.mapper.imaging.configuration.generated.CharacterMappingType; import de.dpa.oss.metadata.mapper.imaging.configuration.generated.MappingType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * @author oliver langer */ public class MetadataMapperCmd { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MetadataMapperCmd.class); @Argument(alias = "i", required = false, description = "Filename of input image") protected static String inputImage = null; @Argument(alias = "o", required = false, description = "Filename of resulting image") protected static String outputImage = null; @Argument(alias = "d", required = false, description = "Filename of input G2 document") protected static String g2doc = null; @Argument(alias = "v", required = false, description = "Validate given mappingCustomization file") protected static String validateMapping = null; @Argument(alias = "m", required = false, description = "Mapping Customization file which is used to override and/or enhance the default " + "mappingCustomization. By default it uses dpa mappingCustomization") protected static String mappingCustomization = null; @Argument(alias = "c", required = false, description = "Outputs configured character mappingCustomization table. Does not perform any mappingCustomization. " + "Uses default mappingCustomization file if argument -m is omitted") protected static boolean printCharacterMappingTable = false; @Argument(alias = "t", required = false, description = "Path to exiftool. Alternatively you may set environment variable EXIFTOOL") protected static String exiftoolPath = null; @Argument(alias = "e", required = false, description = "Removes all tags from those tag groups which are used by the mappingCustomization. " + "By default mapped tag values will be merged with existing tags") protected static Boolean emptyTagGroupBeforeMapping = false; @Argument(alias = "r", required = false, description = "Comma separated list of metadata tag groups to clear before mapping. " + "The syntax needs to match the exiftool syntax to specify containers: TAG_GROUP:TAG. For a list of available " + "containers see exiftool. Example: -r IPTC:ALL,XMP:XMP-dc") protected static String removeTagGroups; @Argument(alias = "R", required = false, description = "Removes all metadata from given file before processing") protected static Boolean removeAllTagGroups = false; @Argument(alias = "x", required = false, description = "Experimental feature: Dumps mapping information based on a given " + "document. At present state the output for XMP is not complete") protected static Boolean explainMapping = false; @Argument(alias = "h", required = false) protected static boolean help = false; private static void performMapping() throws Exception { if (!validateArgsForMapping()) { Args.usage(MetadataMapperCmd.class); System.exit(1); }"Mapping metadata taken from \"" + g2doc + "\" into image given by input file \"" + inputImage + "\", writing result to output file \"" + outputImage + "\". "); MetadataMapper metadataMapper = MetadataMapper.modifyImageAt(inputImage); if (mappingCustomization == null) {"Using default mappingCustomization."); metadataMapper.useDefaultMapping(); } else {"Using mappingCustomization file \"" + mappingCustomization + "\"."); metadataMapper.useDefaultMappingOverridenBy(mappingCustomization); } if (emptyTagGroupBeforeMapping) { metadataMapper.emptyTargetTagGroups(); } if (removeAllTagGroups) {"Removing ALL metadata properties before processing"); metadataMapper.removeAllTagGroups(); } else if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(removeTagGroups)) { String[] tagGroups = removeTagGroups.split(","); Map<String, String> tagGroupsToRemove = new HashMap<>(); for (String tagGroup : tagGroups) { String[] tagGroupWithTag = tagGroup.split(":"); if (tagGroupWithTag.length != 2) { System.err.println("** Illegal format for tag group to remove: " + tagGroup + ". Required format looks like IPTC:ALL. Ignoring this entry."); } else { tagGroupsToRemove.put(tagGroupWithTag[0], tagGroupWithTag[1]); } } metadataMapper.tagGroupsToRemoveBeforeMapping(tagGroupsToRemove); } metadataMapper.xmlDocument(g2doc) .executeMapping(outputImage);"Mappingperformed successfully"); } private static void explainMapping() throws Exception { if (!validateArgsForMapping()) { Args.usage(MetadataMapperCmd.class); System.exit(1); } MetadataMapper metadataMapper = MetadataMapper.explainMapping(); if (mappingCustomization == null) { metadataMapper.useDefaultMapping(); } else { metadataMapper.useDefaultMappingOverridenBy(mappingCustomization); } StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); metadataMapper.xmlDocument(g2doc).explainMapping(stringWriter); System.out.println(stringWriter.toString()); } private static boolean validateArgsForMapping() throws IOException { boolean checkSuccessful = true; if (explainMapping) { if (g2doc == null) { System.err.println("Explain mode requires an input document (-d)"); checkSuccessful = false; } } else { if (inputImage == null) { System.err.println("* ERROR: input image file not given"); checkSuccessful = false; } else { File fileToCheck = new File(inputImage); if (!fileToCheck.exists() || !fileToCheck.isFile() || !fileToCheck.canRead()) { System.err.println("* ERROR: input image file \"" + inputImage + "\" must exists and must be readable"); checkSuccessful = false; } } if (outputImage == null) { System.err.println("* ERROR: output image (-o) not given"); checkSuccessful = false; } if (g2doc == null) { System.err.println("* ERROR: g2doc file not given"); checkSuccessful = false; } else { File fileToCheck = new File(g2doc); if (!fileToCheck.exists() || !fileToCheck.isFile() || !fileToCheck.canRead()) { System.err.println("* ERROR: g2 document file\"" + g2doc + "\" must exists and must be readable"); checkSuccessful = false; } } } return checkSuccessful; } public static final String FORMATTED_OUTPUT_PREFIX = "<html lang=\"en\" class=\"\"><table class=\"mappingTable\">\n" + "<tbody><tr>\n" + " <th>Source Unicode<br>Codepoint (HEX)</th>\n" + " <th>Source Character</th>\n" + " <th>Mapped Unicode<br>Codepoint (HEX)</th>\n" + " <th>Mapped Character</th>\n" + " </tr>\n"; public static final String FORMATTED_OUTPUT_ENTRY = " <tr class=\"mappingEntry\">\n" + " <td class=\"srcCP\">0x%1$s</td>\n" + " <td class=\"srcChar\">&#x%1$s;</td>\n" + " <td class=\"mappedCP\">0x%3$s</td>\n" + " <td class=\"mappedChar\">&#x%3$s;</td>\n" + " </tr>\n"; public static final String FORMATTED_OUTPUT_SUFFIX = "</tbody></table></html>"; private static void printCharacterMappingTable() throws FileNotFoundException, JAXBException { final MappingType mappingTable; if (mappingCustomization == null) { mappingTable = MetadataMapperConfigReader.getDefaultMapping(); } else { mappingTable = MetadataMapperConfigReader.getDefaultConfigOverridenBy(mappingCustomization); } Map<Integer, String> codepointAlternativeCharacters = new HashMap<>(); if (mappingTable.getConfig() != null) { if (mappingTable.getConfig().getIim().getCharacterMappingRef() != null) { System.out.println("IIM Character Mapping Table\n"); StringCharacterMappingTable stringCharacterMapping = ConfigStringCharacterMappingBuilder.stringCharacterMappingBuilder() .withMappingConfigurartion((CharacterMappingType) mappingTable.getConfig().getIim().getCharacterMappingRef()) .buildTable(); System.out.print(FORMATTED_OUTPUT_PREFIX); System.out.print(stringCharacterMapping.toString(FORMATTED_OUTPUT_ENTRY, codepointAlternativeCharacters)); System.out.println(FORMATTED_OUTPUT_SUFFIX); } if (mappingTable.getConfig().getXmp().getCharacterMappingRef() != null) { System.out.println("XMP Character Mapping Table\n"); StringCharacterMappingTable stringCharacterMapping = ConfigStringCharacterMappingBuilder.stringCharacterMappingBuilder() .withMappingConfigurartion((CharacterMappingType) mappingTable.getConfig().getXmp().getCharacterMappingRef()) .buildTable(); System.out.print(FORMATTED_OUTPUT_PREFIX); System.out.println(stringCharacterMapping.toString(FORMATTED_OUTPUT_ENTRY, codepointAlternativeCharacters)); System.out.println(FORMATTED_OUTPUT_SUFFIX); } } } private static void validateConfig() throws FileNotFoundException, JAXBException, ExifToolIntegrationException, ConfigValidationException { if (validateMapping == null) { System.err.println("* ERROR: No mappingCustomization file to validate"); Args.usage(MetadataMapperCmd.class); System.exit(1); } File file = new File(validateMapping); if (!(file.exists() && file.isFile())) { System.err.println("* ERROR: Unable to read mappingCustomization config: " + validateMapping); } final MappingType mappingToValidate = MetadataMapperConfigReader.getDefaultConfigOverridenBy(validateMapping); try { MetadataMapper.validate(mappingToValidate);"Mapping file \"" + validateMapping + "\" validated successfully."); System.exit(0); } catch (ConfigValidationException ex) { System.err.println("* ERROR: Validation failed for metadata mappingCustomization named \"" + ex.getMetadataMappingName() + "\" using group reference \"" + ex.getConfiguredNamespace() + "\", field \"" + ex.getConfiguredFieldname() + "\""); System.exit(1); } } public static void main(String argv[]) { System.out.println("** MetadataMapper - Copyright (c) 2015 dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH"); try { Args.parse(MetadataMapperCmd.class, argv); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { Args.usage(MetadataMapperCmd.class); System.exit(1); } if (help) { Args.usage(MetadataMapperCmd.class); System.exit(0); } if (exiftoolPath != null) { ExifToolWrapper.setPathToExifTool(exiftoolPath); } try { if (printCharacterMappingTable) { printCharacterMappingTable(); } else { if (validateMapping != null) { validateConfig(); } else if (explainMapping) { explainMapping(); } else { performMapping(); } } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("* ERROR while accessing giving files"); System.exit(1); } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println("* ERROR: Unclassified error during mappingCustomization:" + t); System.exit(1); } System.exit(0); } }